Parch and posey database. قاعدة البيانات هذه .

Parch and posey database They sell 3 types of paper This project is a competitor analysis of Parch & Posey, conducted by the team Data Alchemists. All questions from Basic SQL to Data Cleaning have been answered using PostgreSQL. Parch and Posey is a fictional paper-selling company, which has 50 sales representatives across four regions in the United States. Creation of database prior to load/restore isn’t preferred to avoid conflicts. sql' has 16430 lines of code to generate five tables and then insert data into them (here I used Postgresql). mysql. This package contains data about Parch and Posey, a fictional paper-selling company used in the Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship Program and provided by Mode Analytics. main Extracting data from a Paper store database to analyze order details, and creating a report in Looker studio - AdesanyaAzeez/Parch-and-Posey-Store--Database-Querying An entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a common way to view data in a database. 1252' LC_CTYPE = 'English_United States. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly SQL for Data Analysis using PostgresSQL - analyzing Parch&Posey fictional company - SQL-for-Data-Analysis-Parch-and-Posey/The Parch & Posey Database ERD. In the Parch & Posey database, there are five tables, there is web_events, accounts, orders, sales_reps and region. This short project is to help anyone to setup their own local environment and This project focuses on the optimization of the Parch and Posey database, with the goal of improving data retrieval speed and overall system performance. Then execute each chuck separately. Video: The Parch & Posey Database. The company has 50 sales Parch-and-Posey-Database-for-SQL \n This package contains data about Parch and Posey, a fictional paper-selling company used in the Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship Program and provided by Mode Analytics. Parch The database consists of over 15000 rows and 5 different tables namely: •Orders •Accounts In the Parch & Posey database, there are five tables, there is web_events, accounts, orders, sales_reps and region. - Calebchike/parch_and_posey. 本案例 SQL for Data Analysis 中 Parch & Posey 这家公司的业务是销售纸张,他们有 50 位销售代表,遍布美国四大地区 SQL for Data Analysis using PostgresSQL - analyzing Parch&Posey fictional company CREATE DATABASE parch_and_posey WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UTF8' LC_COLLATE = 'English_United States. 02. In the next lesson, you will learn more about why these connections are so important Parch and Posey database was used to explore different functional aspects of SQL from basic to advanced. The company has 50 sales reps spread across the United States in 4 regions. قاعدة البيانات هذه This repository contains the quizzes along with their SQL commands for the concepts taught in the course SQL for Data Analysis by MODE at Udacity. The Parch and Posey dataset contains 5 tables with varying numbers of columns, all linked via challenges are from Udacity course "SQL for Data Analysis" by MODE. In this project, you will query the Parch and Posey Database, which holds information about a paper store. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Parch and Posey database used in the Udacity / Bertelsmann Technology Scholarship challenge course. The goal is to provide insights into sales trends, customer behavior, and regional performance to help CoreDataEngineers understand the market better and identify areas of improvement. By implementing advanced Hello guys!This video shows you how to create the Parch and Posey database in PostgreSQL, leveraging the PgAdmin GUI. Parch and Posey, a hypothetical paper company's sales data of different types of paper (gloss, standard). Parch & Posey database contains information about a hypothetical paper retailer. In this article, you will find examples of commands of join & aggregate functions to identify and understand the information hosted in the Parch & Posey Database and apply this knowledge to other This package contains data about Parch and Posey, a fictional paper-selling company used in the Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship Program and provided by Mode Analytics. pdf at main · KOdoi-OJ/Query-a-Digital-Music-Store-Database You signed in with another tab or window. In jdbarillas/parchposey: Parch and Posey Data parchposey. You switched accounts on another tab or window. Download MySQL here: https://dev. SQL: A language that This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. It sells 3 types of paper products - Regular, Poster and Glossy. CSV file for each table is in this repository. Basic SQL; SQL Join; SQL Aggregations; Sub Queries & Parch and Posey is a company specializing in the manufacturing and distribution of three distinct paper The data was extracted from Parch and Posey database where it was SQL for Data Analysis Free Course - UdacitySorry for my English, it is a very long time since I don't practice my english. Most of the In this analysis, I explored the Parch and Posey database. All you need to do is to create the parch and posey database using the code 'CREATE DATABASE parch_and_posey' Contribute to Omotola202/Advance_-SQL_-with_-Parch-_and_-Posey_-database- development by creating an account on GitHub. This database is a hypothetical sales data repository for a paper company, encompassing various paper types such as standard, gloss, and poster. They sell 3 types of paper: standard, glossy and poster. These diagrams help you visualize the data you are analyzing including: The names of the tables. Entity Relationship Diagrams An entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a common way to view data in a database. On running this command, you might be asked a password which you might have set during installation of PostgreSQL on your machine. This repsitory was created to serve the purpose of learning - Parch-and-Posey-Database-for-SQL/sales_reps. I imagine my self as marketing manager, working with the compay’s largest database and want to figure valuable insights from the Company’s data and improve its sales performance. ANALYSIS OF THE PARCH AND POSEY DATASET DATASET: The database consists of over 15000 rows and 5 different tables namely: Orders, Accounts, Web_events, Sales_reps, Region PURPOSE: The goal of this Project Prep: SQL and Moving Averages. Find and fix vulnerabilities The primary key is a single column that must exist in each table of a database. . The way the tables. The database consists of different tables linked with a database schema. Description: PostgreSQL Parch and Posey Database from the Udacity Bertelsmann Nanodegree Scholarship Challenge. - SQL-for-Data-Analysis---Parch-and-Posey/Database File/Parch and Posey file. Reload to refresh your session. This GitHub repository is dedicated to a comprehensive exploration of SQL for data analysis using the Parch and Posey database. CSV Data: raw data for Parch&Posey company db in csv format. You can chunk the insert statements in a text editor. I used postgreSQL to interact with the database on pgadmin (an open-source tool for a postgreSQL database). 1 | P a g e Ahmed Mohamed (1) The Parch & Posey Database Data base: A collection of tables that share connected data stored in a computer. Versions: pgAdmin 4; PostgreSQL 10; Backup: cmd > cd C: \P rogram Files \P ostgreSQL \1 0 \b in cmd > pg_dump -U postgres ParchAndPosey_DB > ParchAndPosey_DB. Back to Home; 01. Write better code with AI Security. sql file like I did. This is an analysis of Parch and Posey, a paper and e-commerce company's sales' data using Transact-SQL. The database here, however, is SQLite3. In this analysis, I explored the Parch and Posey database. This case study contains data about Parch and Posey, a fictional paper-selling company. This project utilizes the PostgreSQL Database Management System to analyze and retrieve information related to revenue growth from the and Posey database. By creating a PostgreSQL database in your local computer or in the cloud, you can experiment with different types of SQL command. txt at main · Chisomnwa/SQL-for-Data-Analysis---Parch-and-Posey Created a Postgres database for Parch and Posey in my local machine. Below is the ERD for the database we will use from Parch & Posey. The course uses PostgreSQL to store the data. The clients were attracted by advertinsing on Google, Facebook and Twitter. The company has 50 sales reps across four regions in the United States. I carried out analysis on this database to get insights that will be beneficial to the growth of Parch and Posey company. This database contains following tables. This repsitory was created to serve the purpose of learning - Parch-and-Posey-Database-for-SQL/region. It was developed for learning You signed in with another tab or window. The company has numerous sales reps and clients across four regions in the United States. If you want to create a database from scratch, you can use the already written code in the parch and posey text file, found in the Database folder. Firstly, Parch and Posey is a hypothetical company that sells paper. Your first project; 02. Now open the pgAdmin4 and connect to server and An entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a common way to view data in a database. Cheers شرح فيديو مبسط لقاعدة بيانات Parch and Posey التعليمية كمشاركة ضمن مبادرة مليون مبرمج عربي. They have 50 sales reps spread across 4 regions in America. Kaggle uses cookies from Google to deliver and enhance the quality of its services and to analyze traffic. I carried out an analysis on this database to get insights that will be beneficial to the growth of the Parch and Posey company. If you want to create a database from scratch, you can use the already written code in the parch and posey text file, found in the Table_files. com/downloads/installer/Come here if you’re missi The database consists of different tables linked with a database schema. I tried to generate useful information through asking questions about key aspects of the business which can help us achieve a clearer picture of what the Parch & Posey database tells us. The database I queried the Parch and Posey paper company database using MySQL and PostgreSQL. For this project, you will assist the Parch and Posey team with understanding their web traffic, their customers and employees, and their order information. They sell 3 types of paper Parch and Posey sell paper, they currently have 50 sales reps spread across 4 regions in America. They produce three types of paper and serve a diverse customer base across multiple regions. sql. \n. Parch & Posey Database. However you have to modify the insert statements to specify dataset etc. 2. Selling 3 different types of paper, Standard, Gloss and Poster. I imagine my self as marketing manager, working The data was extracted from Parch and Posey database where it was stored in 5 tables which are: Accounts: Which contains information on customer accounts such as This case study contains data about Parch and Posey, a fictional paper-selling company. You can restore the toy dataset "parch and posey" to your local machines from the Parch and Posey PostgreSQL database. The file can be viewed or editted by notepad application. All you need to do is to create the parch and posey database using the code 'CREATE DATABASE parch_and_posey' And then copy the codes for the creation of the different tables This course primarily uses the Database (DB) of fictional company called Parch & Posey to teach SQL; which also means that you will be using this DB to work out most of the This package contains data about Parch and Posey, a fictional paper-selling company used in the Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship Program and provided by Mode I queried the Parch and Posey paper company database using MySQL and PostgreSQL. 🎥 When I'm SQL-for-Data-Analysis---Parch-and-Posey SQL-for-Data-Analysis---Parch-and-Posey Public. Their clients are primarily large Fortune 100 companies whom they attract by advertising on Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Contribute to NATHANDA39/Parch-Posey-Database development by creating an account on GitHub. . All you need to do is to create the parch and posey database using the code 'CREATE DATABASE parch_and_posey' \n This repsitory was created to serve the purpose of learning - Parch-and-Posey-Database-for-SQL/chinook. The In this first lesson, you will be learning the basics of how to work with SQL to interact with a single table. Especially if you will be downloading the parch_and_posey. Happy querying! ~Tosin~ accounts: all accounts from Parch and Posey; orders: all orders made from 2014-12-03 to 2017-01-01; regions: the 4 regions in the United States where Parch and Posey operates; sales_reps: information on Parch and Posey's sales reps; web_events: all web event data for Parch and Posey's accounts This command loads the database into a new database named Parch & Posey Database. Schema Dump: schema only dump. There are several tables in the database as seen on the E-R-D (entity relationship diagram) below, and I used JOINS to merge the relevant data into 2 different tables for analysis; Orders Tables and Parch and Posey is a hypothetical paper company's sales data of different types of paper (standard, gloss, poster). Again, these rules are true for most major databases, but some databases may not enforce these rules. Parch and Posey is an online paper company that sells different paper types (Standard, Poster, and Gloss). The accounts and region table were denormalised with SQL JOIN so that a star schmea can be generated for the data model. The company has 50 sales An entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a common way to view data in a database. main Parch and Posey is a hypothetical company specializing in paper production. Next, ensure that the environment variables are right To switch from one database to another while logged in as a user, simply enter \c and the Parch and Posey, a hypothetical paper company's sales data of different types of paper (regular, poster, and glossy). 1252'; \connect parch_and_posey. Parch and Posey is a fictional paper-selling company used in SQL lessons. In this project, I used this database to demonstrate different operations of SQL from basic to advanced. The database tracks the sales of a This project focuses on the optimization of the Parch and Posey database, with the goal of improving data retrieval speed and overall system performance. The parch and posey is a database for a hypothetical paper company which deal on three types of papers the standard, gloss and poster paper. The accounts and region This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. You signed out in another tab or window. The questions attempted are from the SQL course on Udacity. It is worth noting that this dataset does not represent a particular company. Since I used python environment to do this project, I answered the This package contains data about Parch and Posey, a fictional paper-selling company used in the Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship Program and provided by Mode Analytics. This is an analysis of Parch and Posey, a paper and e-commerce company's sales' data In this lesson we are going to install MySQL and create our database. Imported data from Postgres database to replace the ones that were intially imported from Excel CSV file. The datasets still remain the same. The company has 50 sales I explored the Parch and Posey database. By implementing advanced SQL techniques, indexing, and database structure enhancements. db at main · ddaeducation/Parch-and-Posey-Database-for-SQL Parch and Posey is a fictional paper-selling company based in the United State The company sells three types of paper namely ‘Standard Paper’, “Gloss paper’ and ‘Poster Paper’ The steps carried out in this project include -- Extraction of relevant data from Parch and Posey database --Analysis of the extracted data using MS Excel tool - Omotola202/Parch-and-Posey-Query I specialize in implementing robust data pipelines, designing efficient databases, and creating analytics solutions to meet the unique needs of businesses. An entity relationship diagram (ERD) is a common way to view data in a database. The data to be used for this analysis spans across multiple tables. I queried the Parch and Posey paper company database using MySQL and PostgreSQL. Parch and Posey is a company that deals with the sale of three distinct paper types to its clients. Video: SQL Introduction; 03. csv at main · ddaeducation/Parch-and-Posey-Database-for-SQL Find and fix vulnerabilities Actions. The columns in each table. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly This is the 3rd project in Udacity's Business Analytics Nanodegree - Query-a-Digital-Music-Store-Database/SQL Project Submission - Parch and Posey database. accounts: all accounts from Parch and Posey; orders: all orders made from 2014-12-03 to 2017-01-01; regions: the 4 regions in the United States where Parch and Posey operates; sales_reps: information on Parch and Posey's sales reps This package contains data about Parch and Posey, a fictional paper-selling company used in the Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship Program and provided by Mode Analytics. I carried out my analysis using the PostgreSQL. png at master · ptyadana/SQL-for-Data-Analysis-Parch-and-Posey Created a Postgres database for Parch and Posey in my local machine. Next Concept In the Parch & Posey database, there are five tables (essentially 5 spreadsheets) web_events, accounts, orders, sales_reps and region. The company has 50 sales reps across four regions in the United States. The analysis was performed using SQL queries on the Parch & Posey Using PostgreSQL to explore the fictional Parch and Posey database. Video: The Parch & Posey Database Yes you can do this in BigQuery. this repo uses MySQL to query the database for some insight about the company. csv at main · ddaeducation/Parch-and-Posey-Database-for-SQL started my journey in data analysis and what better way to document - data-analysis-of-the-parch-and-posey-database/THE SQL PART at main · serowsii/data-analysis-of-the-parch-and-posey-database This repsitory was created to serve the purpose of learning - ddaeducation/Parch-and-Posey-Database-for-SQL The structure query file 'parch-and-posey. The way the tables work together. - Chisomnwa/SQL-for-Data-Analysis---Parch-and-Posey Parch and Posey is a fictional company that sells different types of paper (standard, gloss, poster), Please refer to the schema diagram to explore the different tables in the database. rzxtu keoi rzqlif zwrq tkhcfy rffj htz kczzo tlnm erht