Gsap smooth scroll alternative free

Gsap smooth scroll alternative free. Dec 13, 2019 路 Scrolling up works 100% perfectly (moving to and pausing on each . 1, }); smoother. Jul 20, 2022 路 Nope. When we scroll down it looks perf Jul 14, 2014 路 Warning: Please note. gsap. This demo provides some info about how you should encode your video. Use smaller value for shorter scroll and greater value for longer scroll. 140 (Official Build) (64-bit) Operating System: Windows 11. 馃憢 Check out my latest templates - https://robn. Apr 15, 2021 路 When the browser is resized the 'viewport' of the scroller shrinks. querySelec May 24, 2019 路 Warning: Please note. To use it with ScrollTrigger you should make use of . I partly use data-lag, pinned elements and a smooth effect with 1 second of lag. Feb 8, 2023 路 Definitely avoid animating anything with CSS that you're also animating with GSAP. It would be awesome if you can do this from your busy schedule. Hello Sukru, when you are using some sort of smooth-scrolling either via the smoothScroll () helper function or just about any other library, browser-native smooth scrollTo will not work with it. Oct 22, 2017 路 And then create a smooth scroll instance. png) 2. registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother); // create the smooth scroller FIRST! const smoother = ScrollSmoother. Sorry. If you can disable the scroll jacking and pass in a manual value for it to update to then that could work also. But if you have a question about GSAP or how to use it feel free to ask and we'll do our best to help. import { useEffect } from 'react'; 3. Posted. ) Jul 23, 2020 路 Hi Federica, we went through GSAP only smooth scrolling in another forum thread. 3. The best GSAP alternative is kute. v3. Nov 12, 2020 路 In the homepage if you start to scroll, in the section after the landing section you can see the white text in the red background flickers as you scroll. With my Wappalyzer browser add-on I've found out that many websites that use GSAP have a "delay/smoothing effect" when scrolled down. And if you are looking for a simple and user-friendly solution, Lenis Scroll is the perfect choice. We have to keep our support focused on the GSAP API, but maybe the demo below helps a little. Oct 27, 2020 路 Welcome to the forums @leomaubert With the right logic it sure is possible. Whichever library you choose, the important thing is to select the To tween the content of a div, make sure you've set the overflow: scroll on the div and then: //scroll to 250 pixels down from the top of the content in the div. There's actually no content being scrolled, yet the scroll bar behaves normally, even with touch. Posted July 24, 2019. Are there any suggestions available for creating smooth scrolling effects in React, or are there any suggested implementations Club GSAP. It also manages the smooth scroll which is very simply done with Locomotive Scroll v5. 10/10*500=500. You could for example leverage ScrollTrigger though, to get that smooth-scrolling effect, like @ihatetomatoes showed in these threads here for example. For example, to scroll to 400 pixels from the top and 200 Mar 20, 2020 路 And it's all in the same comfy GSAP ecosystem. GSAP version: 3. Sep 18, 2022 路 It's free. Sep 30, 2020 路 How you encode the video has huge implications on the playback ability of video. duration: 1. gsap-container", Feb 12, 2023 路 I noticed that my notebook obviously has problems displaying scroll smoother smoothly. 4). php page and there is no issue with scrolling if I clicking on the menu then it's targeting the right id. But that doesn't work on resize. 1,652. https://84. create({. Please don't include your whole project. scrollerProxy() method can help it be hooked up to smooth scrolling libraries with ease. Sep 26, 2020 路 I have used following code for same. js, which is both free and Open Source. var header = $(". When I scroll Up the animation at any point I go on the first image. Jul 15, 2022 路 There are plenty of smooth scrolling libraries out there that are free, but none of them offer what ScrollSmoother does (tight integration with ScrollTrigger/GSAP, native scroll rather than pure scrolljacking, lag/parallax features including "auto" speed, etc. Jun 26, 2020 路 It depends on the implementation of the plugin. Jun 2, 2020 路 Yep. May 9, 2020 路 Hello there, almost 2 years now have not find an answer for this question so frustrated already, i'm trying to achieve smooth page scrolling like this website for example Nov 4, 2020 路 Pls share here. Aug 11, 2023 路 However - The animation performance isn't just down to the action of pinning and smooth scrolling, that's very base level. scrollTrigger. slide). 1 with regard to ScrollTrigger's snapping, that might be removed later on. Ultra high-performance, professional-grade animation for the modern web using javascript. 12. Hello, I'm new here and I want to learn about GSAP. Tell Observer which event types to watch and it will collect delta values. 4, but does when using 3. When the website is loaded the smooth scroll works as expected, the scrollbar start at the top of the document (start-picture. css, Popmotion, vov. 2k. The animation is here: const animationTl = gsap. 5: This is the duration (in seconds) of the scrolling effect. Scrub, pin, snap, or just trigger anything scroll-related, even if it has nothing to do with animation. I want same effect of smooth scroll when someone try to scroll website using trackpad on laptop. Now I am on index. May 8, 2021 路 There is a ScrollTrigger-native helper function that you can utililze for smooth-scrolling. I used the count variable just as a quick and dirty way to increment how far to scroll. querySelector("#scroll-container"),// element container to scroll scrollEase:0. I would recommend that you use an existing smooth scrolling library. It's because the tween that makes it look like smooth scrolling is actually moving the container around. init(selector, options);ScrollTrigger Jun 2, 2020 路 Posted June 2, 2020. Feb 14, 2022 路 I have just recently started to use GSAP, and I have run into a problem that I have no idea how to solve. GSAP is an industry standard JavaScript animation library from GreenSock that lets you craft high-performance animations that work in every major browser. 11. All elements move very smoothly. Exclusively for members of Club GreenSock. Mar 30, 2022 路 Cassie Evans joins us to show us the new features that come with GSAP 3. But It should be started from the first images. Now I reset the animation on scroll up. As you can see in the codepen, I have a section where on the left, a sprite animation would be(for simplicity I've only added a mock div here), while on the right there are some sections with text, which need to be "smooth scrolled" (their . Aug 3, 2020 路 ScrollSmoother adds a transform (to smooth the scroll) to a parent of your fixed position item, which causes it to loose its fixed position context. 3 yr ZachSaucier changed the title to Scrub through video smoothly - ScrollTrigger. 1 provides a smooth scroll. defaults( { scroller:". Documentation Try it out. scroll-container height does not update. Look at the demo Jonathan posted above. Quite the opposite. We didn't build ScrollTrigger to do scroll-jacking (which is what smooth scrolling requires), but it's entirely possible to leverage it to create similar effects. You can then combine this with something like Jack shared above to get the horizontal scrolling panel. 4. But since you are using ScrollSmoother (and thus need to be loading ScrollTrigger anyway) you could probably also leverage ScrollTrigger's pinning, to emulate position fixed on elements, as an alternative. Those sites with other smooth scroll plugins (i. Give it a try! I'm sure you'll come to love it. It's hard to explain, but it feels like the scroll behavior is different than with "normal" websites. config ( { nullTargetWarn: false }); // clear console log warnings useEffect ( () => { ScrollSmoother. 1,// scroll speed maxOffset:500}); With maxOffset set to 500, an element with a depth of 10 will move 500px. Nov 24, 2022 路 This is also the case for other popular libraries like locomotive-scroll and smooth-scrollbar. css and Anime. registerPlugin (ScrollTrigger, ScrollSmoother); gsap. js, Gsap ScrollTrigger &amp; some custom Javascript. GSAP works around Aug 14, 2019 路 Hey graphsynergie and welcome to the forums, Neither of your examples seem to make use of GSAP. I think you would have to put a bit more thought into this. You've got mix-blend-mode: difference in your CSS on the mouse follower. scrollTo() is a smooth while it needs to be instant. Sep 8, 2023 路 Hey there, I need to include a booking form in my website, which adds an iframe with dynamic heights. Feb 17, 2023 路 I've been getting some iOS address bar jitters / show/hide when using NormalizeScroll & ScrollSmoother when upgrading from 3. Additional Information: Gulp version: 4. create({ content: "#scrollsmoother-container", smooth: 3, normalizeScroll: true, ignoreMobileResize: true, effects: true, //preventDefault: true, //ease: 'power4. You can do smooth scrolling by using ScrollSmoother, of course, but if you're asking to have ScrollTrigger somehow gradually pin something, no, that isn't logically possible. A longer duration results in a Nov 13, 2020 路 Hey Tee. php. That being said, check out this post and demo from @OSUblake . and it really works great on mouse wheel scroll. I also want to have a smooth scroll effect for the whole page, so I was happy to have found a nice workaround on codepen: gsap. See the most common GSAP mistakes for more info. create Jul 31, 2020 路 Posted July 31, 2020. We provide a few demos that use different smooth scrolling libraries in the scrollerProxy docs . 8. You need to use the ScrollTrigger. Let's suppose If I am on image 5 and I scroll up the screen the animation goes on image 1 and on scroll down it should restart from 1 image again. Apr 1, 2022 路 Smooth Scroller is awesome thank you GSAP! Question: I have a set of 6 boxes that form two rows, and since there are two rows of elements I am trying to figure out if there is a way to control the position effects of smooth scroller when we are scrolling back up. If animation is your top priority, GSAP SmoothScroller is the way to go. The lower the value, the smoother the scrolling. Dec 7, 2015 路 This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. And i would like to switch horizontal<=>vertical on resize. May 12, 2021 路 Another alternative would be to create a setTimeout and wait for the smooth scrollbar to be completely created before creating the scroll trigger instance. Because you're using an alternative scroll method and sticky only works with the default way of scrolling. js and gsap/scrollTrigger. However, consider that scroll-behavior: smooth slows down scrolling significantly. 4 however I have some GSAP based carousels using draggable with 'type: "x"' and this doesn't seem to work when using 3. A depth of 5 will move 250px. GSAP has its own official scroll plugin called ScrollTrigger that has way more features, a sleeker API, and a smaller file size! Its . Aug 26, 2016 路 Sooo, I'm trying to play a little with ScrollTo plugin and ScrollMagic. Explore All Showcases. Here is the final demo. Browser: Chrome Version 121. var scrollDistance = 400; //Distance. toggleActions only applies to ScrollTrigger if 1) an animation is also applied to a ScrollTrigger and 2) a scrub is not applied to the ScrollTrigger. It should be just ease: 'power1' or ease: 'power1. 11 works fine (I tested with the 3. y);" is working on the example but not there, thats what it makes me think that is something that i made in the wrong way with the scrollProxy. It's still jumpy compared to un-normalized scrolling, but is still much better. Nov 29, 2022 路 Solution 1 : don't work, the latest beta have the same issue, runing my code with versions before 3. instance. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment Dec 1, 2016 路 This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. 23. I actually do a lot of that stuff but with my own scroll magic. Its just a very rough proof concept. With that being said, Blake here on the forums has an infamous thread about smooth scrolling that you can check out if you want to learn more about how to implement smooth scrolling with GSAP. You seem to have a lot of mouse/pointer events. I use window. This is a very basic (and ugly) test I put together to create the Locomotive smooth scrolling effect for an entire web page using the new Scroll Trigger plugin. Oct 22, 2017 路 The scenario is, I have a 4 images - I click on one and the rest set to display:none. I scroll a bit down on the document and then I minimize/resize it. Some information, especially the syntax, may be out of date for GSAP 3. We're not prepared to offer any official recommendations in that regard yet. May 13, 2022 路 So then I tried changing my "scroller" parameter in my ScrollTriggers to use the #smooth-content div, closer to what the Scrollbar demo does, but to no avail. Here’s where the magic of GSAP simplifies complexities. Implementing smooth scrolling well is not the most trivial of tasks and is off topic for these forums. matchMedia. Or Zach as you are the master of GSAP. 5. scrollsmoother. /page. Jul 11, 2019 路 Tweenmax smooth scrolling without Rubber-band effect. However, when I manually resize the browser window, the scroll-container height updates and then so does the scroll position below are the event functions Blake defines Jun 22, 2021 路 Create an account or sign in to comment. Feb 18, 2022 路 But I have one more issue. Posted March 1. 1. min(ScrollTrigger. Seems to be pretty solid when using 3. Dec 2, 2023 路 A Simple and Effective Solution. 3D renders from Unsplash. e. Apr 8, 2015 路 This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. $(function() {. pl) didn't get that kind of feedback. // init Smooth Scrollbar with optionslet bodyScrollBar =Scrollbar. We've also discussed smooth scroll at length in these threads. ScrollMagic is telling it one thing while your onScroll function is telling it something else. The RTX2060 graphics card is running at about 50% when I scroll the page. Mar 31, 2022 路 Exclusively for Club Greensock members - ScrollSmoother brings easily configurable smooth scrolling to ScrollTrigger, leveraging native scrolling and integra Jun 25, 2023 路 The page component is the parent of the other 3 components. scrollerProxy (). I have three pages which are menu. header"); Mar 3, 2022 路 Hi, I've been trying to figure out a way to add an active class to my smooth scroll container while scrolling is being done. To better understand what I mean, Nov 19, 2022 路 Hi, I wanted to disable ScrollSmoother in mobile, but I have a problem with the animation of the third image. Dec 3, 2021 路 Get the code for this project at https://timothyricks. See the Pen eYpGLYL by GreenSock ( @GreenSock ) on CodePen Dec 29, 2023 路 A list of steps for someone else to recreate the issue - "Open the demo on mobile in IOS safari and scroll down to the grey container". SmoothScrollbar version: 8. See the Pen PoZLpbp by ihatetomatoes (@ihatetomatoes) on CodePen Jun 30, 2022 路 There are more than 10 alternatives to GSAP for Self-Hosted, JavaScript, Web-based, jQuery and CSS. Club GSAP. page. - If you scroll up again and then try scrolling down it also plays through all slides to the bottom without pausing like it does when scrolling up. I don't know exactly why, but indeed - if the smooth scroll is implemented - "faster" scrolling (which means more scrolled pixels at one time) is just more enjoyable experience. registerPlugin(ScrollTrigger); const container = document. var scroller =new( { target: document. 6167. It'll be far more likely to be affected by the properties you're animating, how much you're animating, the area that's being animated, the device and browser and the duration of the animation. module. You might consider using ScrollTrigger's pin instead of fixed positions, or move any fixed-position elements outside of the ScrollSmoother containers, but that may complicate things as well. I thinks it is the best library for smooth scroll purpose as it provides the perfect balance between regular smooth scroll like asscroll and locomotive. smooth-scroll"}) See the Pen abVxRqm by GreenSock ( @GreenSock) on CodePen. to(myDiv, { duration: 2, scrollTo: 250 }); You can define an x or y value or both (to scroll on both the x and y axis). Once we see an isolated demo, we'll do our best to jump in and help with your GSAP-specific questions. scroll. Thanks for any help GSAP - core. Thanks for the help See the Pen NWzwzMG by umberto (@umberto) on CodePen Nov 15, 2022 路 Manipulating with smooth value didn't help. out', //smoothTouch: 0. . Jaw-dropping scroll-based animations with minimal code. Using Locomotive. Jun 23, 2022 路 So I need to create a ScrollSmoother every new page transition, which is OK, but after every page enter I need to scroll to the top and this needs to be instant, otherwise it uses the scroll position of the previous page. An element is either pinned or not, there's no partial pinning or inbetween state. let smoother = ScrollSmoother. Demo section of the library can explain better what I am saying. Oct 29, 2023 路 I think the main problem is that you haven't signed up for Club GSAP yet, @unni. Making a codepen demo is almost pointless, as it won't reflect the project. ScrollSmoother is a membership benefit of Club GSAP ("Premium" and higher). 10. Below is the code: gsap. A minimal demo - if possible, using no frameworks, with minimal styling, only include the code that's absolutely necessary to show the issue. Other great apps like GSAP are Animate. In this case you can use GSAP's ScrollTo-Plugin . getVelocity(); Previous. scroll down. timeline(); ScrollTrigger. Take your users on a wild scroll ride to wherever they need to go. scrollerProxy () to keep ScrollTrigger and Smooth Scrollbar in sync. it's probably an animation issue. maxScroll(window), smoother. the container added by smooth-scrollbar that is relevant for smooth-scrollbar to work, does not work as usual, since the context for the fixed position changes. The ScrollTrigger-native approach does contain detailed comments in the JS for how to set up things for it to work - if you follow those ( and that includes the HTML markup and Oct 19, 2022 路 In this video we will show how to implement Smooth Scroll from GSAP without any code in Greenshift and Animation addon (premium)Also, there are many predefin Dec 6, 2023 路 The options prop configures the behavior of the smooth scrolling effect: lerp: 0. effects("img", { speed Apr 9, 2024 路 Given that the Smooth Scroll plugin is only available to GSAP club members, I'm looking at alternative ways to achieve a similar smooth scrolling effect in React, ideally using GSAP or another relevant toolkit. 5 actually cancels out the slowing effects of scroll-behavior: smooth. May 29, 2023 路 The attached codepen is just a sample of the type of velocity scrolling we're doing, now we're just looking to implement buttery-smooth snapping like in that blobmixer site. Jun 6, 2018 路 I am using Greensock animation for smooth scroll clicking on the menu. 11 & 3. Here is a simplified code example how it should be done. You might also see these threads for more info about this subject: 2. ScrollTrigger, InertiaPlugin, SplitText, CustomEase. Gonna test scrollerproxy, but never used that. Though if I use the scroll bar, the background images do not move, only the image in the foreground. Here's an example with your code using Locomotive Scroll: Apr 14, 2022 路 I have a bunch of ScrollTrigger animations that work, but when I wrap my content in a smooth-wrapper for ScrollSmoother, the ScrollTrigger animations wont work and I just scroll to the end of the page without the animations working. If you need to do scroll jacking, just hide the scroll bar. link/portfolio Jun 7, 2018 路 GSAP smooth scroll script. 391. css'. 4 to 3. What happens now is that the page transition fires, but then the window. Please see the GSAP 3 migration guide and release notes for more information about how to update the code to GSAP 3's syntax. ScrollMagic is not a GreenSock product. link/templates 馃崏 Portfolio - https://robn. When only 1 image remains, the . Once you sign up, your download zip will contain all those plugins and you'll also get access to a private NPM repository if you prefer to pull them in that way. By 440design July 11, 2019 in GSAP. Sep 22, 2021 路 Well the code you posted above is not from the ScrollTrigger-native smooth-scrolling approach - but trying to use smooth-scrollbar without loading their script. The easiest way to make buttery smooth work of scrolling. When I resize the layout (min-width: 800px) the image disappears. Jan 15, 2018 路 This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. create({}); let nativeScrollVelocity = smoother. Mar 26, 2022 路 In this video, I show you how you can combine the Locomotive Scroll library with GSAP ScrollTrigger to provide a smooth scrolling experience on all browsers Oct 9, 2023 路 Please share the StackBlitz link directly to the file in question (where you've put the GSAP code) so we don't need to hunt through all the files. 6. Jun 16, 2017 路 I'm not against scrolling animations or parallaxing. Infinitely flexible. As you scroll, your mouse goes over lots of stuff, so you're triggering stuff quite a bit (expensive). scrollerProxy() (the last demo on that page). What I wanted to do it replicate the same smooth scrolling that's on the mousewheel, onto the scrollbar on the right hand side. Mar 10, 2022 路 460. 4 and it's perfect). import styles from '. Finally figured out how to do those &quot;fixed&quot; background image scroll thingys, so here&#39;s a smooth scrolled section thing with some randomized letter opacity animations. I have also added a scrolltrigger for each box and all markers are aligned correctly even with the smooth scrolling. Nov 13, 2015 路 I've made a parallax website and added smooth scrolling to it with the mousewheel, and that all works fine. These forums really try to stay focussed on GSAP specific questions and this is more of a general logic thing in combination with how a 3rd party smooth-scrolling library works, but here are some tips: Aug 12, 2020 路 We don't recommend ScrollMagic. Feb 2, 2024 路 The animation should trigger when scrolling with SmoothScrollbar, smoothly animating the elements as defined in the GSAP animation. The solution lies in the initialization of the smooth scroll within a `useLayoutEffect` hook Jan 28, 2020 路 I'm betting that the issue is caused by conflicting positions of the scroll position. We don't really support ScrollMagic here and I'm not familiar with how it works, but I am guessing you'd have to have a method that works more in pair with ScrollTrigger enables anyone to create jaw-dropping scroll-based animations with minimal code. Hi, Smooth Scrollbar can work with ScrollTrigger. Basically need to smoothscroll only on the part/page where I have this design, as using only scrolltrigger seems a bit buggy. com gsap. GSAP is a JavaScript library for building high-performance animations that work in **every** major browser. So I assume the problem don't come from Lenis not returning the good scroll value, since it works fine with older versions of gsap. 0. Mar 7, 2022 路 You can use selector text like "#elementID" or the element itself. Ultimately, I'd like it to scroll down to the gallery (#values) section, pin, and then reveal each of the three images on the right based on the scrub position. notion. php, terms. Feb 10, 2023 路 how to achieve a smooth scroll on this layout? I did cut away scrollsmoother as the layout I am working might had problem and I'd had to change lot of this. Basically if #about, #services, and #contact are not ids on the current page you want to route the user to those ids on index. Mar 1, 2024 路 Administrators. Jan 5, 2023 路 ScrollTrigger will use position: fixed by default for pinning when the body is the scroller element, butposition: fixed on elements inside a container that has transforms apllied, i. Just copy-pasting the const won't get you far for different reasons. **Css**. js. to(smoother,{// don't let it go beyond the maximum scrollable areascrollTop:Math. You'll need two different menu php files or some logic in your one menu. 2. A value of 0. You can find it it the documentation for the . See full list on github. 1k. trigger: ". I would like the horizontal scroll only for min-width > 1024px, and vertical scroll for max-width = 1024px. 10! The new ScrollSmoother plugin makes smooth scrolling easy and accessible, and the Want to customize the animation to that scroll position? Use the offset () method to find the correct position, and feed it to a GSAP tween like: gsap. Happy tweening. site/GSAP-Scrolltrigger-Intro-d5617be5fff54faaa2543f4b5851b167Get the project cloneable at https Jan 28, 2021 路 If you need smooth scrolling I recommend using a more full smooth scrolling library. I'm sure there's something missing on my code, just can't figure out what it is. 0 or later. There are threads about it here, but it's not officially supported. If it does scroll jacking, then it is likely not compatible If it doesn't scroll jack and uses the regular scroll location then it should work great. What I've come up with so far is to add the class with the onUpdate() callback and then remove it using onScrubComplete() Mar 25, 2021 路 I use smooth-scrollbar. ScrollTrigger, Flip. Yippee! Not working: - Automatically plays through each slide to the bottom on window load instead of waiting for the scroll. Jul 24, 2019 路 5. A smooth scrolling addition to ScrollTrigger , leveraging native scrolling and integrating seamlessly with your GSAP animations. Nov 27, 2017 路 You would also need to make sure you can scroll the other way too. out'. Detailed walkthrough. The ScrollTrigger instance that ScrollSmoother created internally to manage the smooth scrolling effect of the page. Jul 31, 2020 路 Here is a suggested solution with the use of smooth-scrollbar (see bottom of this post) @karaulovskin The thing with smooth-scrolling libraries, like smooth-scrollbar (don't know about ASScroll - but from what I have read somewhere in this forum, I think it might be easier to handle) is, that they pretty much change everything about the browser-implemented scrolling. Increases how much I need to scroll but just as choppy. Feb 4, 2021 路 In short: No, there is no GSAP pre-built stand-alone solution for smooth-scrolling. log (locoScroll. Get ahead of the game by also learning about the most common ScrollTrigger mistakes. offset("#box1","top 100px")),duration:1,}); When you set the scroll If you are looking for a flexible and customisable solution, Locomotive-scroll might be the best choice. I know is far from being the react-way, but that would definitely pinpoint the issue to the DOM not being ready when the GSAP code is executed. Posted March 10, 2022. This thread was started before GSAP 3 was released. Animate CSS, SVG, canvas, React, Vue, WebGL, colors, strings, motion paths, generic objectsanything JavaScript can touch! No other library delivers such advanced sequencing, reliability, and tight control while solving real-world problems on millions of sites. I googled for a long time, but did not even find a May 8, 2014 路 Basically, when you scroll down 50px, an animation would play instantly, at the moment i'm adding a class "sticky" to my header, so i can control the position thru css, but i can't get the animation working. 1: This sets the linear interpolation value for the scrolling effect. ScrollTrigger. 2. Participate in the forums Hello! I found a smooth scrolling site. easeOut' is invalid. 'use client'; 2. Nov 28, 2020 路 First a couple of notes about your code: ease: 'Power1. php, index. Feb 24, 2020 路 Using any performant way of doing smooth scrolling, there's not a way to use position:sticky directly as far as I know. It seems that a wheelSpeed value of around 3. 11 (3. May 3, 2021 路 This "console. It's very cool. I'd just set it with the defaults so you don't have to add that to every ScrollTrigger. js my goal is to achieve smooth scroll to the bottom of the footer (that works) and then (after the user scrolls once up on the footer element) go back to the view where top of the footer is right at the bottom of the viewport. And having that class removed as soon as I stop scrolling. Just FYI, it contains a workaround for v3. te wy kk fk ju tw zv fr zy xg