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Rust initialize array with range

Daniel Stone avatar

Rust initialize array with range. Array types. Well I tried to initialize the array using let a = [0i, . (get_part(TABLE[left as usize], left) << 4) + get_part(TABLE[right as May 25, 2017 · In particular, having Default would have been useful here, but it's only implemented for arrays up to 32: let array: [String; 32] = Default::default(); Any number over that will fail to compile because, while Rust 1. Based on this, you can afterwards modify the array: let array = {. The size of the source array is the same as the size of the returned array. end. Creating array with non-constant length. Apr 29, 2024 · Creates an array of type [T; N], where each element T is the returned value from cb using that element’s index. If you had a single value to fill it with, you could use vec![value; count], but that won't rerun the code for each value. Currently I'm using Rust 1. push ('w'); hello. For example, the map function for arrays is already available, and it will become stable in rust 1. Dec 17, 2021 · For arrays with a size not greater than 32 you could use: let array: [Option<Box<u32>>; 32] = Default::default(); For even bigger arrays I would recommend using a crate like this or creating a simple macro. May 16, 2020 · How to use another array's length to initialize an array in Rust? 1. To fix use bit_set::BitSet; type A = [BitSet<usize>; 4]; fn main() { println!("f… Jul 11, 2022 · The Rust documentation says that the type signature of arrays is [ele_type; ele_number], so the compiler does keep track of the length of arrays after creation. const limit:usize = 1000000000; let mut sieve:[bool; limit] = [false]; I expect this to create an array of size limit filled with false, instead. §Safety. I was not able to find a way to initialize it. Jun 28, 2023 · The easiest way is initializing the array with zeros first and then assigning the desired values in a while loop: let mut seq = [0; 20]; let mut i = 0; while i < 20 {. let len = 10; let zero_vec = vec![0; len]; That said, your function worked for me after just a couple syntax fixes: Mar 14, 2021 · The easiest way to deal with this is to just add a bound that forces the array to implement Default, and that way in the future once Default becomes implemented for arrays of all lengths, the code will still work: E: Copy + Default, // require that the array implements Default. map_array_init. Fixed array initialization without implementing Copy or Default trait. 0. // Create an uninitialized array of `MaybeUninit`. Now, that I hopped to Rust for a little while, I wonder if there is a similar facility in place or if I have to create myself such a facility. Jun 3, 2021 · Alternatively, depending on your performance constraints (or the lack thereof) you can create a Vec (or multiple vecs), then try and convert to a fixed size array. let matrix: <Vec<Vec<Example>> = vec![vec![Example ; 10]; 10]; Edit:This is the best way I've come up with. 任意の値で配列・Vecを生成. Secondly, it's actually likely that the compiler will just write 0 all over Histogram without initializing the elements piecemeal. Dec 29, 2017 · In F#, there is a way to init an array with the help of a generator function. I wish to do the same thing without having to explicitly code the Foo elements. 55. template&lt;int FIRST, int LAST&gt; struct Foo { static constexpr int Apr 29, 2024 · Creates an array of type [T; N], where each element T is the returned value from cb using that element’s index. You need either resort to unsafe block that operates directly on uninitialized memory, or use one of the following two initialize-then-mutate strategies: Construct an desired array, then use it to initialize the struct. I'm creating an array of random numbers and was wondering if there is a more idiomatic way then just doing a for loop. Initializing an array with a mix of explicit assignments and range-based assignments. clear(); I think I implied that what I said was based on whether the optimizer can see through something and was unpredictable. , selects) in your formula is much smaller than the actual size of the array. Dog, Cat, } Nov 15, 2014 · How to use another array's length to initialize an array in Rust? 0. すべて同じ値で配列・Vecを初期化. May 2, 2023 · ndarray::Array::<type, _>::range(start, end, step): This function creates an array with values in a range. 3. In Rust, allocating a new vector each time would be pretty unusual. This creates a 4x4 array of u8 values with all elements initialized to 0. enumerate let ys: [i32; 500] = [0; 500]; // Indexing starts at 0. The arrays also get the slice's iterator, which is called std::slice::Iter<'a, T> and has elements of type &'a T: it iterates by reference! Sep 8, 2015 · You do have a few options, though. You can append a char to a String with the push method, and append a &str with the push_str method: let mut hello = String::from ("Hello, "); hello. seq[i] = fib(i as i32); i += 1; seq. cloned(). A vector is heap-allocated, has a dynamic size and capacity that may differ from each other. g. (In addition, an array literal by itself has type [T, . As a commonly employed alternative, you can turn the type alias into a newtype, with which you can isolate array initialization to a single point in the code. 63, or if you need to initialize a static, an alternative approach using an intermediate const initializer works as of Rust 1. Unfortunately, it is not accepted instead of 3 : the compiler complains rather harshly that it expects an expression. The size is a constant expression that evaluates to a usize. What is the simplest form of initializing an array with consecutive integers from 0 to N? I have this code, but I think idiomatic Rust will look much simpler: const NUM: u32 = 8; fn main() {. // safe because the type we are claiming to have initialized here is a. In approximately 20% of cases array literals are used as values (initialization of struct Unit-like structs can be useful when you need to implement a trait on some type but don’t have any data that you want to store in the type itself. The vector can grow as long as the length is smaller than the capacity. I think the problem is that there's no (safe) way to create an array of Vec<usize> on the stack in one operation An array is stack-allocated and has a fixed size and capacity which must be equal. Jul 16, 2022 · array_reverse would not need T: Copy if std::mem::swap() were const, but it isn't yet. This looks like a perfect case for Option. An array of size n and element type T takes up n * size_of::<T>() space (Note: size_of is a function in Rust). 注意点2: 配列はコピーできない型を初期値として指定 Rust by Example: Compound Types - Arrays. May 4, 2016 · One trick is that Ruby and Rust have different handling here, mostly centered around efficiency. Both range and specific initializer are ISO C99 supported, and are not only GNU extension. Use rnd. e. 4]. rs. And thirdly, depending on the caller, it may never actually materialize the struct, and maybe not even materialize the I think that, unless you have very specific memory/performance requirements, you'll want a Vec instead of a stack array. In the case of an array, that duplication can only be done with Copy To convert a range to an array in Rust, you can use the collect() method. For example, in a loop where you clear the vector every iteration: v. Dec 29, 2023 · My tiny chess engine contains a few fixed size arrays where each element is a bitset. GRID_SIZE specifies how many elements are there. NUM {. Dec 1, 2022 · 256,198 downloads per month Used in 500 crates (92 directly). extend(i. Mar 29, 2022 · Adapting your function, and still returning an array, requires specifying the number of elements in the return type i. Arrays in Rust aren't as useful as in other languages. In situations where a thing does not have a known size, you may only do very specific things with it. That looks like the code I'd write to do this. The array-init crate allows you to initialize arrays with an initializer closure that will be called once for each element until the array is filled. I am having difficulty initializing this array. public int do_something(int width, int height){ int[][] nums = new int[height][width]; return 1; } In the code above this isn't a problem and Java will create a 2D array of int values and fill them with zeros. By big, I mean the number of array accesses (i. iter(). gen() directly. There is also a try_init_array function which allows to initialize an array fallibly and Dec 10, 2014 · You can only instantiate arrays in such fashion if the type implements the Copy trait. try_array_init. GRID_SIZE], . ToArray(); takes 9ms, while creating an array int[] array2 = new int[1000000]; and filling it in a for loop took only 3ms. May 2, 2018 · It's a fixed size array. All arrays coerce to slices (type [T]) and the slice methods are available on the array because of this. 38 (released in September 2019): Some of the features of arrays in Rust are as follows: An array can only include elements of the same data type. Examples: // A heap-allocated array, coerced to a slice let boxed_array: Box <[ i32 ]> = Box ::new([ 1, 2, 3 ]); All elements of arrays are always initialized, and access to an Oct 20, 2020 · Using the Extend trait is useful in cases where you're reusing a vector. let mut array = [0; 1024]; array[0] = 7; Jan 11, 2024 · Two ways come to my mind. The type declaration is omitted; Rust will automatically infer the type from the right side of the assignment. Jul 14, 2019 · The answer probably depends on your context, but by far the easiest way is to just use a Vec<Vec<usize>> with 26 elements and initialize it in a loop. 2. One answer to this problem is the array_init crate that provides much more general way of initializing arrays in complicated fashion. F: FnMut(usize) -> T. (Note that rand has a feature called min_const_gen that removes this restriction, but requires Rust 1. fn new_point<const N: usize>(x: i32, y: i32) -> Point<N> {. When you write an array initializer like [x; 20], it effectively expands into code like let copy = x; [copy, copy, copy, copy, 20 times] Because the result of evaluating x is used more than once, you need to be able to duplicate it. Here we define an array of ten integers of the same value; in our case, all spots in the array are filled with number 3. //create a mutable array of 5 elements let mut m_h:[i32;5]=[9,3,2,8,1]; //now since I set it mutable i guess this should work //enumerate() returns a tuple with the (index, value) of each Apr 29, 2021 · The rust code below populates an array with default Foo values, up to N elements. This makes it possible to initialize concisely without needing to specify types or write macros. Nov 11, 2020 · You may want to check out the array-init crate. 注意点1: 配列は要素数を変数で指定できない. You could initialize your byte array with an . Consider the following sample codes that declare and initialize an array literal of i32 type with a size of 4. Apr 9, 2015 · To initialize a vector of zeros (or any other constant value) of a given length, you can use the vec! macro:. init_boxed_array to initialize a heap-allocated fixed-size array. fn generateArray()->[f64; 100]. Rust doesn't implement IntoIterator for arrays at the moment. To create an array in Rust, there's let my_array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]; and I would like to do that with some fn similarly to R, if it exists my_array <- seq(10,50,10) Searches for sequence yielded crates that I don't yet Jul 23, 2019 · I have a struct, which contains the following 2D array: board: [[Option<Rc<dyn Piece>>; SIZE]; SIZE] Incidentally, this is representing a chess board, and Piece is a trait, so if there is a better way to store this data, I would be interested. Feb 22, 2015 · If you need to support Rust versions older than 1. The advantages of going to this effort over using Lazy , as suggested in another answer, are: The constants can be used in situations where the numeric values are actually required to be constants — with Lazy accessing the value is only possible at run time. The step parameter specifies the step size between values. println!("Number of elements in array: {}", xs. gen_range(0, 10)). The array type is a compound type that allows you to store multiple values of the same type next to each other in memory. I need to create an array with all values in a range. In order to change the value behind the reference, this reference has to be mutable, so you need to: accept &mut [i32] as the function argument, not &[i32] pass &mut arr to the function, not &arr: Run. The direct syntax to initialize an array works with Copy types (integers are Copy ): let array = [0; 1024]; initializes an array of 1024 elements with all 0s. let mut int_list: [u32; NUM as usize] = [0; NUM as usize]; for i in 0. Mar 1, 2023 · Performance is essential when creating a fixed-size array from a range and mapping in Rust. b] = 0; where a and b are variables, not constants. Range(). Michael-F-Bryan November 11, 2020, 12:07pm Oct 18, 2020 · MaybeUninit<T> can be used to initialize a large array element-by-element: use std::mem::{self, MaybeUninit}; let data = {. int_list[i as usize] = i; } May 26, 2021 · rust array initialization from range or collect. : let foo = Foo { x: 1, y: 2, . This can be particularly useful when you want to allocate space for an array but aren't ready to assign specific values yet. I'm new to rust andI like to know how to initialize array in rust. I'm aware that std::any::type_name::() can be used to print the type of a variable, but its output isn't const. This should answer both of your questions: indexing is not implemented for u8 type and you need to cast u8 to usize. Both of these can be dereferenced to a &mut [u8]. The `array-init` crate allows you to initialize arrays with an initializer closure that will be called Oct 18, 2023 · We print the contents of the array to the console. to initialize the remaining fields from another struct, e. Dec 1, 2021 · Is there a way in Rust to initialize the first n elements of an array manually, and specify a default value to be used for the rest? Specifically, when initializing structs, we can specify some fields, and use . My current code works fine, but seems more like C than proper Rust: let mut my_array: [u64; 8] = [0; 8]; for i in 0. end <= N. Const array from range. The closest I know of is copy_from_slice. I wanted to do something like this: x[a. Then I tried something similar in rust-. 56, you can use from() to build a Hashmap from an array of key-value pairs. Also, my primary goal is speed so I wish to avoid using vectors. len()); // Arrays are stack allocated. There is also a try_init_array function which allows to initialize an array fallibly and As long as const generics are unavailable, Default will not be implemented for all array types. object_id). Oct 20, 2019 · Rust Internals – 25 Apr 17 Setting slice values to scalar. Rust allows you to initialize an array with default values. This method takes an iterator and collects its elements into a collection. 51, you can write generic code like: fn foo<const N: usize>(array: [u8; N]) -> [u8; N] { unimplemented!() } See Is it possible to control the size of an array using the type parameter of a generic? for further details. LENGTH]. Unfortunately a simple. Creating a fixed-size array on heap in Rust. rustc "expected an array with a fixed size of 1000000000 elements, found one with 1 element". The capacity indicates how much memory is reserved for the vector. I can't set values after creating it, because array must be constexpr. See full list on joshmcguigan. length. For instance, you could do the initialization above with: Aug 11, 2022 · I am from Java, I like using arrays in this manner. let m = HashMap::from([. Like slices, their size is not known at compile time, but they can grow or shrink at any time. This is what I tried. Can't use lazy static integer constant for the size of an array. In Rust, _ is the simple way to ask the compiler to fill in the blanks for you. Do you want to avoid it completely, for some reason (for example, it is more than 3 items and it is verbose)? You can use Default::default() for default values (0 for integers) or array initialization syntax for any other constant value ([[0; 3]; 3]) So naturally, I made a small crate which allows you to initialize arrays itemwise, such that a function is called for every item to compute its value based on its index. Using a for loop is actually faster than using Enumerable. You can also initialize an array to contain the same value for each element by specifying the initial value, followed by a semicolon, and then the length of the array in square brackets, as shown here: #![allow(unused)] fn main() { let a = [3; 5]; } The array named a will contain 5 elements that will all be set to the value 3 initially. Picking the appropriate size for your array or vector is something that is application specific. GRID_SIZE], where the repeat count . my_array. This is maybe not too surprising as arrays are a special-case at the moment: Rust generics do not allow working with non-type generic parameters yet Rust references (denoted by the & sign) are of two kinds: immutable (&T) and mutable (&mut T). Mar 27, 2017 · As of Rust 1. The given function initializes each item based on its index. A slice is a kind of reference, so it does not have ownership. In C++ the immutable part isn't possible so it wasn't a big deal to have code like: int parm = 0; Nov 21, 2014 · First of all, there's no need to Drop the array, because none of its elements require a Drop. How to declare a static array of vectors? 3. MIT/Apache. com ("array[{i}] = {x}"); } // The `array_into_iter` lint suggests this change for future compatibility: for item in array. Oct 18, 2023 · Making an array with from_fn only does one level: from_fn(() -> T) creates a [T; _]. We have to define the size of the array before using it, and we cannot change it after initialization. Therefore, we can create arrays of type i32, String, & str, and even struct. Aug 27, 2014 · In ISO C99 you can give the elements in any order, specifying the array indices or structure field names they apply to, and GNU C allows this as an extension in C90 mode as well. The buffer[initialized] elements must all be initialized. Default::default() }; It provides three functions to initialize arrays itemwise: init_array to initialize a stack-based fixed-size array. Jul 10, 2022 · Hi, folk I'm going through the usual process of trying to map the familiar to the novel, which in this case are R and Rust. A vector is represented using 3 parameters: pointer to the data. init n generator. 3. Specifying the array's length in the function 5 days ago · Creates an array of type [T; N], where each element T is the returned value from cb using that element’s index. Range(0, 1000000). 9. If Rust let you use the possibly uninitialized array p, this could potentially cause a whole lot of runtime errors. let array : [AllocatedMemory<u8>; 64] = [AllocatedMemory::<u8>{mem:&mut []};64]; won't work because the AllocatedMemory struct does not implement Copy. An array is a fixed-size sequence of N elements of type T. Arrays store values of the same type. Apr 25, 2020 · let values = Vec::from_iter(iter::repeat_with(|| rng. array-init. I'd like to have an immutable array of lambdas. i+100); dbg!(&v); // do stuff with v. from_mut Converts a mutable reference to T into a mutable reference to an array of length 1 (without copying). An enumeration, also referred to as an enum, is a simultaneous definition of a nominal enumerated type as well as a set of constructors, that can be used to create or pattern-match values of the corresponding enumerated type. That would obviously be unreasonable for large values of N (1K to 1M, or even more). According to its documentation it can generate arrays with up to 32 elements directly. enumerate() { let (i, x): (usize, & i32) = item; println! ( "array[{i}] = {x}" ); } // You can explicitly iterate an array by value using `IntoIterator::into_iter` for item in IntoIterator::into_iter(array). Initialize an array given an initializer expression that may fail. An example of an enum item and its use: enum Animal {. IMO this is a fairly ergonomic way to initialize a Reading time: 2 mins 🕑 Likes: 20 Apr 13, 2016 · Const array from range. The direct syntax. collect(); ogeon July 17, 2016, 9:06am 2. Arrays are useful when you want your data allocated on the stack rather than the heap or when you want to ensure you always have a fixed number of elements. push_str ("orld!"); Run. struct Foo {. I want to achieve this with Rust as well. Apr 10, 2021 · This requires initializing an array with false. let mut player_stats = HashMap::new(); 14. If you wanted to, you could implement your function with map: #![feature(array_map)] let mut i = 0usize; Jun 28, 2022 · 5. init_boxed_slice to initialize a heap-allocated dynamically-sized slice. This works because it can generate anything that implements a standard distribution which is implemented for arrays where the element type implements a standard distribution. Generally speaking, everything in Rust must have a known size (in bytes). The obvious solution, setting everything to None: Feb 11, 2023 · Rustで配列およびベクタ Vec を任意のサイズ・値で初期化する方法について説明する。. [Option<Box<B<E>>>; ITEM_NUM]: Default, Jun 7, 2016 · There is no safe way to initialize an array in a struct with a slice. Here’s an example of declaring and instantiating a unit struct named AlwaysEqual: Filename: src/main. I'm working on reimplementing some C++ code in Rust. In Ruby Enumerable can create new arrays to stuff values in without worrying about ownership and return a new array each time (check with this_slice. Jul 23, 2019 · Original close reason (s) were not resolved. We define an array of strings. collect(); The output of this code will be an array of type Vec<i32 Apr 29, 2024 · If you have a fully-initialized array, then use IntoIterator. The array type is written as [T; N]. Initialize an array given a source array and a mapping expression. 22KB 250 lines. Here’s a small programming problem: write a function that takes a string of words separated by spaces and returns the first word it finds in that string. 66. Or you can use the arrayvec crate to create a fixed-size array like so: use arrayvec::ArrayVec; let mut state: ArrayVec<[[u8; 4]; 4]> = ArrayVec::new(); This creates an empty mutable 4x4 array of u8 values that can be resized up to a maximum of 4 elements. const arrays in rust - initialise with list comprehension? Dec 24, 2019 · However it is not the same in rust, even though it is simple, it took sometime for me to understand the concepts. Additionally, Rust's auto vectorization of the transpose function is key for fast initialization of arrays . For example, the following code will convert a range from 0 to 10 into an array: let range = 0. The list of implementations of this trait at the bottom of the documentation page indicates that this trait is implemented for usize and various usize ranges. Enumerations are declared with the keyword enum. Jun 12, 2023 · The similar question is asked in Is there a way to get C99 array designators or alternative in Rust?, but the answers there cannot initialize a value for a give range. Rust does not let you use null (in safe code). The `assume_init` is. If you have a vector of UTF-8 bytes, you can create a String from it with the from_utf8 method: Sep 29, 2014 · The exact estimation of the frequencies of both uses is problematic, but some regex search in the Rust codebase gives the next statistics: In approximately 70% of cases array literals are used as slices (explicit & on array literals, immutable bindings). Jul 17, 2016 · let a4:[u8; 4] = a5[0. 目次. You then produce a fixed-size array value with [[alive, . This makes array initialization not very ergonomic, as you have experienced. Jan 6, 2020 · cbiffle January 7, 2020, 3:47am 2. Since you're used to dynamic languages, I think that Vec's flexibility will feel more familiar. So rng. struct AlwaysEqual ; Apr 29, 2024 · HashMap implements an Entry API, which allows for complex methods of getting, setting, updating and removing keys and their values: use std::collections::HashMap; // type inference lets us omit an explicit type signature (which. This extension is not implemented in GNU C++. How to initialize array with one non-zero value. std::array::from_fn(|i| {. 64 elements is just an example — I want to make it at least 16k. How to convert range to slice in rust? Related. There doesn’t seem to be a well-known, easy way to do so (rust-beginners didn’t know anything close). Mar 28, 2016 · I'm trying to initialize a big array of elements with the same initializer. Vectors are re-sizable arrays. How to use another array's length to initialize an array in What is the best way to initialize a 2D array of a struct with no derives? struct Example; // This doesn't work because derived copy and clone isn't used. v. 10; let array: Vec<i32> = range. The Slice Type. let zeroes: [i32; 5] = [0; 5]; This code creates an array of five integers, all initialized to zero. len() { my_array[i] = some_function(); } Sep 8, 2019 · Declare And Initialize Array Literals in Rust. You can use std::array::from_fn which will allow constructing an array of any size from a function computing its elements: /// Constructs an array with the first two elements being x and y. answered Nov 7, 2016 at 8:46. Using a 1-dimension storage backend would probably be simpler though, converting the inner vecs then the outer in two passes would be rather complex and somewhat expensive allocations-wise. 1. I think the reason why you have to initialize them to something else is that they shouldn't be in an invalid state in case Jan 24, 2022 · Here are some ways to construct an array of arbitrary length. This trait is only for types that can be copied byte by byte (and since vector points to heap, it can't be implemented). Mar 20, 2018 · Is there an idiomatic way of initialising arrays in Rust. Its API looks like this: fn init_array<T, F, const N: usize>(f: F) -> [T; N] where. The solution for previous versions of Rust involves a combination of traits and macros. capacity. 4. start <= initialized. In your case, elements in the p may either be initialized, or uninitialized. For example, int a[10] = { [4 8] = 10 }; How do const arrays in Rust use an initializer on the range? If we don't use const, it can be done by fill() method: Dec 23, 2013 · The array size is explicitly part of the type for fixed-size array, so you have to specify it in the declaration of Grid. . ToArray() I measured it for creating an array of 1 000 000 elements. . Array. take(count)); daboross April 25, 2020, 9:25am 3. The range must be canonical, with initialized. let arr_explicit: [i32; 5 Feb 26, 2014 · Z3 supports the array theory, but is usually used to encode unbounded arrays, or arrays that are very big. 47 now implements some traits over a generic size for array types, Default is yet not one of them. int[] array = Enumerable. Oct 12, 2023 · Default Values. println!("First element of the array: {}", xs[0]); println!("Second element of the array: {}", xs[1]); // `len` returns the count of elements in the array. // would be `HashMap<&str, u8>` in this example). We’ll discuss traits in Chapter 10. Array initializers currently only accept Copy values or consts i believe, so this should work: const NEW_VEC: Vec<u8> = Vec::new(); let data = [NEW_VEC; 10]; It's unfortunate that it only works this way, but I guess that will change when inline const blocks get stabilized. Slices let you reference a contiguous sequence of elements in a collection rather than the whole collection. Hot Network Questions Nov 10, 2021 · Do you want to avoid writing this code again and again? Use a constructor (use it anyway). for loops are not yet allowed in const context, but overall it's not too bad. The range must be in-bounds for the buffer, with initialized. 51 or newer. Oct 18, 2014 · There is a lot of discussion and evolution around creating abstractions around arrays inside the rust team. flatten() over the converted floats or similar. It does this to prevent undefined behavior. // bunch of `MaybeUninit`s, which do not require initialization. Looking at the code, I think I might actually prefer the Feb 8, 2015 · Starting with Rust 1. Rust beginner. 20]; … Oct 5, 2021 · How to use another array's length to initialize an array in Rust? 91. It provides three functions to initialize arrays itemwise: init_array to initialize a stack-based fixed-size array. The start parameter specifies the range’s start, and the end parameter specifies the end of the range (exclusive). 6. Array elements are stored in a stack in sequential memory blocks. The syntax for this on the internet no longer works. use std::collections::HashMap; fn main() {. The rust type system accounts for the size of an array, so [f64; 100] (an array of length 100 containing f64 s) is a different type from [f64; 99]. Oct 30, 2015 · First of all, Rust language is promising and it's cool. Using std::mem::swap and std::ptr::write are two methods which allow for fast memory allocation without making any copies or drops. You'll still need to initialize them as some default, and then copy the correct values over them. But this is useful for returning partial results from unsafe code. gen() is building the full inner array type : [f64; width]. zr nr fs cl oq hd fx ju yj hs

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