Arma 3 antistasi commands Blastcore Murr Edition 6 - RHSSAF 7 - RHSGREF 8 - HCC - High Command Converter 1. Ended up giving up the AI mods so I could have the kind of controls I want with my squads. Now it's about 6 in 10. Player's score, rank and eligibility to command. As a commander, you have access to quick commands via the quick command menu [~]. Unsubscribe from all. now run the Arma 3: Build command, this will output into your build folder with packed addons (and signed if you have a key designated); run the Arma 3: Toggle code live command this will create symlinked folders in your arma directory for filepatching, allowing "live editing" of code, by editing the source files (dosnt include anything processed by the config. If you are playing antistasi plus, press y > commander > open commander menu > then find the environment tab using the arrows in the top left > rest for 8 hours. information about the calculations behind those systems as well as debug console commands for admins and also instructions for developers that are interesting for example extending Antistasi we have created three different guides. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Slim Abodibbah. Then select the map you want to play on and which is compatible with Antistasi. 1 10 - Universal Uniforms: RHS Edition 11 - Dual Arms - Two Primary Weapons 12 - Antistasi Ultimate We play RHS factions on Altis. ) They spawn with their ATV. **Solved** Quickest way to find High Command modules is to search for it in the modules menu 1, Then place High Command and SubCommand Modules. Learn about units, garrisons, high-command, and more to dominate the battlefield! Sponsored by Bright Data Dataset Marketplace - Power AI and LLMs with Endless Web Data Keep in mind that arma 3 AI is notoriously trash. Med-X Jan 12 @ 7:31am @Redarmy you can still play as single player by creating a LAN server in Arma 3's multiplayer menu Redarmy Jan 12 @ 3:20am that none vanilla/CDLC/DLC identities in the antistasi templates break petros? basically I want to have several squads with their own leader under players command, so that you only see squad leaders in your list of subordinates but if you order them to move somewhere their squad follows them. The mission you then can select is called Antistasi Community 3. -rwxrwxr-x 1 arma3server arma3server 19088 Feb 22 00:26 arma3server * drwx---r-x 2 arma3server arma3server 4096 Jan 1 2022 . base. Description. Supercharge the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code. The chance of being detected at a roadblock or non-airport garrison increases with war level. All vehicles are ported with Arma 3 standarts and features. 2 10 January 2025 DESCRIPTION: This is an ArmA 3 BETA release of the Canadian Armed Forces - Core Assets - mod. . _mapObj = "MapBoard_Seismic_F" createVehicle position player; [_mapObj, ["Teleport",{ Grab your free terrain for Arma 3. They provide a quick and highly mobile support function in the form of close air strikes from anywhere on the map. If you playing on public servers and you are not admin you can't have access to this tool. if your body doesnt despawn then the map maker didnt toggle that setting. side: The side of the support (Occupants, Invaders). < > Showing 1-6 of 6 comments . Members Online. Is there a way to lower the aggression via a console command and how would you do this? For some reason treating and releasing POW's isn't lowering aggro. Go to Server Browser –> Host new Session. “QRFLAND”, “MORTAR”, “CAS”, see initSupports). For this reason when I used to play Arma years ago I also played antistasi but back then arsenal was always fully unlocked allowing me to play the way I wanted, but now I have returned to the game after many years and the arsenal is locked. Yup, just use a tow Arma 3 > General Discussions > Topic Details. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews That command tends to send them to the nearest body, and allows you to contorl the whole interface. A3-Antistasi Tanoa & Altis Special thanks to: Dethleffs, Fireman, PeaceSells, Goldstein, (and all users who comment) for helping in writing/proofreading this document. Run as local. All Discussions so i play the mod antistasi but idk how to hack a drone like a grey hawk anyone know how to do it please tell me i have been doing this for 6hrs trying to figure it out but i couldn't figure it out (If you have a debug console you can enter the command Lol your a jackass. Sometimes users report the same issue as someone before them, it might be a good idea to look through other Help! posts if you haven't already. The History of Antistasi; Changelog; Factions and Template Overview; Debug Console Commands for Players and Admins; Mod-Settings. (Do this while the map is open and your cursor is on the place you want to strike) @Bendy, you are right (just checked it). All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Now, I`m interested in the console commands that can be run related only to antistasi. " I've tried other suggestions of using various command mods to I'm not too sure if this is a well-known cheat or anything, but it sure is a way to get infinite money in Antistasi. lesshst drwxrwxr-x 9 arma3server arma3server 4096 Jan 1 2022 lgsm/ -rwxrwxr-x 1 arma3server arma3server The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. they follow me but nothing more. Executable command for player money. Teleport HQ Assets. Skip to main content. skipTime executed on a client will change time on client for about 5 seconds after which it will sync back to server time. ADMIN MOD High command questions. Favorite. Everything about the ARMA game series by Bohemia Interactive on reddit! NordyOwens. Med-X Jan 12 @ 7:31am The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Open comment sort options In case you don’t know, Antistasi is a mod for Arma 3, a game by Bohemia Interactive. Arma 3 - Open Last RPT. Task Force Canada - Royal Canadian Air Force - for Arma 3 - v0. Paras. naitsabes2002. All Discussions The game's default High Command system has been heavily modified to allow thoughtful plans and coordinated execution via the addition of numerous commands and menus to the original interface. So far I have been able to clear the bug by running the following commands: attachedObjects player - To view attached objects {detach _x} forEach attachedObjects player; - Basically, just want to have endless, unending Antistasi Scenario, without having to be all over the map to prevent OPFOR from murdering civilians (especially on large maps). I normally play either Alive or KP Liberation with this setup, all solo. Would like to 'refund' those funds. Share Add a Comment Arma 3. However, you need Load the Antistasi Mod in the Arma 3 Launcher. Without password only possible if you are listed as an admin[] in server. when i open the debug console and paste the code _veh = "B_Heli_Attack_01_F" createVehicle(position player); nothing happened why? r/arma A chip A close button. And there is an arms dealer who will With 3,000 hours in Arma ( not embarrassed) I use a mix of a few mods for AI. Sadly, cant credit all the original authors. Their aim is influenced due to them still being Level 1. Antistasi improved, a mod for the game Arma 3. Add to Collection High Command Enhanced High Command Enhanced is a comprehensive Arma 3 mod designed to significantly expand and refine the game's high command functionality, offering players greater strategic control and more immersive Welcome to the new homepage of Antistasi! Here you find information about the missions and links to the most important things like the Discord, which is our main-tool for help and communication, the GitHub, where we constantly develop the mission as well as the Steam Workshop, where you can always get out up-to-date versions. Open your Arma 3 main folder; Locate arma3. The baseline code for the AI is over a decade old, and even then it's patchwork stuff from previous arma games. Use caution when calling an airstrike, however, as it is The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. 5 9 - SSD Death Screams 2. I honestly like reforger a AI better out the box . Just want to know if it’s possible for us to lower war lvl as fast as we can or use a command code of some sort. And that causes your AI to not revive you or squad members so much. [log. How does everyone have fun in single player ARMA III upvotes The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. g C2) as long as you don't issue commands with both mods at the same time. High Command (HC) allows the player to slip into the role of a commander. If you need scripting assistance, join the Arma Platform Discord server and ask your question in the #arma3_scripting channel. Or you can contact me personally via @leopard20 but I recommend the Arma Discord server instead, as many others can help you too. Solo antistasi is great when you get hang of the high command AI. Chance of intercepting enemy comms increases as War Level increases. And we have quite a few! They range from teleporting HQ assets, over adding temporary members to cheating in Money and HR (which we don’t Basic Commands. The reason for it is that . For whatever reason, Arma 3 AI are terrible in vehicles, so whenever a situation warrants vehicle support, I'll end up doing that support myself with an AI squad. For you to be able to properly work with Antistasi and especially SQF, we have collected tools, IDE extensions and such so you can set up your system before starting to work on anything. Open comment sort options Best; Top; New; Controversial; Q&A; Add a Comment Some fun commands I have found whilst playing ArmA 3. 0; Detailed Reference Guide; Dev Guide. pbo files for both servers, and I've succeeded in making a number of changes and adding some helpful scripts for my players. The only mention of him is the "redo arms dealer task" button in the map you can interact with next to Petros. To do this for the UID or Player#, use format command to turn the user ID into a string. Our aggression was Do you work for Ferengi Interactive Studios? I mean every player who gets caught by this, is loosing all licenses for each BattlEye protected game. The Lambs series of mods sort of helps, along with a few others like the "AI Command: Example: Description: #login #login password: #login #login adminPW: Log in as the admin. just a mission, it is a mod. 14) skipTime executed on the server will get synced in 5 seconds or so with all the clients. Operations Command Project OPFOR RHSAFRF RHSGREF RHSPKL RHSSAF RHSUSAF RKSL Studios - Attachments v3. - See also: ` + # options. Not trying to cheat in game but ARMA is super buggy sometimes we lose resources because of that and were idiots. - Has access to high command UI (ctrl+space). If you cant respawn press Esc and then click Respawn The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Aims to have community wide acceptance and to Arma 3 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Here is an advice from OFP, keep the AI in formation and just act like they aren't there. I'm really trying to improve my singleplayer experience at the moment, I've improved a lot of things but the last thing I'm struggling to nail down is a command improvement mod, I've tried C2, High command replacement with the additional platoon commander mod and I've tried Drongo's command enhancement, I know its never going to be a perfect experience but I'm having a lot I would recommend against using zeus if you are going to be using high command anyways, pre placing units in Eden is a much better way to go. For starter battleeye doesnt give a ♥♥♥♥ what you do on your local LAN. High command Help! What's the difference between recruiting high command squads and transferring your current squad to hc ? Share Sort by: Best. I gave the command to take cover several times (which he The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Second, is there a way to remove units from high command list. 3 player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["7 The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Arma 3 Antistasi Ultimate Modpack . All Discussions Antistasi Ultimate offers most of the features of Antistasi Plus, most things you can do in Plus can also be done in Ultimate. Use [Space] on a target to issue an engage command. I respect this is probably more of a general Arma 3 thing but still any help is appreciated. This mod builds upon the existing high command system by introducing a variety of new features and options that cater to both In the future if possible please add a way to disable squads being automatically added to high command. bistudio. Restart and restartserver however The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Even when I restart the game from a persistent save, and call up fresh HC groups, they'll only obey 1 or 2 move commands, and then get stuck. 001; player enableFatigue false; CBA: Community Based Addons for Arma 3 What does the name Community Base Addons mean? It is a system that: Offers a range of features for addon-makers and mission designers. Super fun to use these whilst playing with friends. Once the game is loaded, host a local multiplayer game. --> Use the PBO manager to unpack it. #exec kick "5" #exec ban "imah4x0r" #exec kick "938679499494" #kick command can The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Get app Get the Me and a friend are having an issue when playing Antistasi, we are playing co-op on a non-dedicated server (one that my friend is hosting via port forwarding). Traditional yes the Y key should open zues but it opens the antstasi Command Menu and as i read you also rebound it and still didnt work. Issue commands, receive contact reports, seize objectives and call in reinforcements. Contribute to LordGolias/antistasi development by creating an account on GitHub. Before we start our next AS+/Ultimate game, is there a way that each player can command their own squad, while one player is also in charge of High Command? Share Add a Comment. Tactical Guide. You get a prompt from A+ itself that says "only human pilots can operate aircraft. I've had issues with helos misbehaving, units ignoring commands etc. Also 90% of the time there isn't The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Created by Jellyfish. Members Online • The zombie faction just wouldn't have or need a command and would still spawn even without holding a poi, the goal would be to drive the other group off the map. Hover over command, see explanation. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews My friends and I are playing Antistasi, but we we want to get rid of the stamina. Members Online • Just use the admin commands for antistasi to add facti9n money and apply changes localy Reply reply Br0metheus8 Arma 3 Antistasi Mod Listesi. 2. Everything about the ARMA game series by Bohemia Interactive on reddit! Game updates, videos, pictures, discussions, help, and more. What should I do?" and other questions can be answered by the debug commands we collected for you. Any units that your units can see will appear on the map and on your HUD- squares for your units and civilians, rectangles for You cannot capture airports before War Level 3. High Command Mod 1. But beyond that, it has support for more factions and more maps. RUN THIS AS SERVER. Items (176) Subscribe to all. Anyone else have this problem? Arma 3. Jul 31, 2024 @ 12:12pm Which Antistasi? I only play Ultimate version so you need to go to the command menu and there is a option to repair outposts. Technical Guide. //Briefing. Unlock the secrets of commanding AI units in ArmA 3 Antistasi with this comprehensive tutorial. Running Arma 3 as administrator should resolve this Arma 3. Use the commander menu then add member. 1. Ctrl+Shift+P High Command Enhanced is a comprehensive Arma 3 mod designed to significantly expand and refine the game's high command functionality, offering players greater strategic control and more immersive battlefield management. Award. Unfavorite. 3. Dracula. This is a lot of cash for the developers. Members Online • places but they will always spawn at your HQ and move out from there by you selecting where by shift clicking in high command mode Is there a list of console commands for KP LIberation? For starers, looking to add resources. Select some units with [F2-F10] and: Use [Space] on a position to issue a move command. All AI command mods (e. Beginners Guide for Antistasi v3. Twinkle_Toez. Commands: !ShakespeareInsult, !fordo, !optout. Hosted on a dedicated server with ACE and some other mods. vedj. I host it off my computer, is there way for me to disable it The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Arma 3. " I've tried other suggestions of using various command mods to The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Favorited. We managed to secure 2 towns, 2 outposts, 1 resource, 1 factory, and 1 seaport with a dozen or so garrison units stationed in each. Dec 25, 2015 @ 3:16am Is there any god mode cheat for this game? Hi was wondering if there is any cheats for The campaign in this game. Share. 8. But, I believe that a specific mod that modifies the High Command System (actually improves it), the system is always on! So, if you have the mode loaded, then all script commands and functions will work properly! In Arma 3 #exec kick and #exec ban commands require quotes (string) for Name, UID or Player#. Unfortunately the “og” antstasi doesnt support zues. I have no AI mods active , not even AI command by Duda which is said to be compatible. Antistasi mod settings; ACE Map; ACE Fire; ACE Zeus; ACE Common; ACE Pylons; ACE Scopes; ACE Volume; ACE Arsenal; ACE Fortify; ACE Do you work for Ferengi Interactive Studios? I mean every player who gets caught by this, is loosing all licenses for each BattlEye protected game. If you want to keep the rest of ACE and play with the vanila Arma 3 Medical system (where your AI heals normally and withstand works) you should also load the official ACE No Medical mod from the ACEmod team. youll need the anstatsi plus mod which is the same but with some In Arma 3 (around v1. I would say just try some mods and see what Here is a working debug console command for Antistasi 3. In this mod, you'll be able to control an entire platoon of soldiers in singleplayer mode! With this mod, you'll be able to wage war on the battlefield like The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Every player has a score that allows him become commander ([player, "score"] call AS_players_fnc_get) Arma 3. cache/ drwx----- 4 arma3server arma3server 4096 Feb 21 16:47 . The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. // Create an array of items based on the standard equipment list found in Arma 3: CfgWeapons I'm specifically looking for the update to this: I did some digging of my own in the pbo and found a header file for jna, with some commands that look promising: class JNA { file = "Hey Dev, Petros is gone. Since I installed Apex, whenever I play the campaign or a scenario, my command bar is missing when I am the squad leader. 4. If he has "lost some blood" and is not reviving after epinephrine, 500 ml of blood may be needed to transfuse. We're having trouble with the aggression level. A few hours of gameplay ago it was about 2 in 10 HC squads. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews The dayTime command returns the current in game time, the script you have is a way to format the output. Teleports the relevant Following is an unsorted collection of debug console commands that usually are not or should not be used by admins and players on live servers. cfg#Server_Options Welcome to the Arma 3 Debug Commands Guide! This comprehensive resource is designed to help you unlock the full potential of Arma 3 by mastering the use of debug commands. ca. Start Arma 3. Command them through High Command (Space AND Ctrl keys), and set the destination to the designated position. Save to Collection. Members Online • clowe42 . I do not know much about command mods but those work great without any problems. See all 12461 collections created by Silence and other people (some may be hidden) 145,052: Antistasi Ultimate offers most of the features of Antistasi Plus, most things you can do in Plus can also be done in Ultimate. 1) Greetings! I started playing ARMA 3 for the first time a few weeks ago, diving into single-player local-hosted game of the Antistasi Ultimate mod. were using a couple mods (links listed at bottom) looking for a couple things in particular - MAAWS Mk4 Mod 1 (Sand) -MXM -SU-230/PVS MRDS Coyote - and a variable zoom sniper scope You can lower the amount required to unlock in the parameters (top right in the select role screen). If you wanna "cheat" unlimited guns access the zeus interface via shift+y/z and just place down an ammo crate. Try these: player setCustomAimCoef 0. config/ -rw----- 1 arma3server arma3server 41 Feb 27 2022 . Platoon Leader: High Command Mod This Mod, was originally a private mod I made for myself but I have now decided to share it. #1. In the future if possible please add a way to disable squads being automatically added to high command. Dec 12, 2024 @ 7:28pm r/A3AntistasiOfficial: The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Best practice with a headless client is to run it on the same local network as the server, if not the same machine. 0. Solo Antistasi is definitely possible and can be really fun, so I recommend In the Arma 3 Launcher make sure to load the mod before you start the game as well as other mods you'd like to play with. I've searched online and some say to press Y to exit Zeus mode. I use an older Lambs with lambs RPG. It may be a good idea Lol your a jackass. Changes all First you need access to debugging console. Jul 9, 2018 @ 3:46am Look at them. When pressing the key-bind, the menu will show for about 200ms and then disappear, never being operable again. Members Online • Mr_notknowing. Read the rules before posting. Whether you're a mission creator, server admin, or an avid player, understanding these commands can significantly enhance your gameplay and server management experience. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews they say its 0 setFog 0; but the command does nothing when i local execute Last edited by Double Deez Nuts; Feb 28, 2019 @ 7:41pm < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . 1. It may be a good idea to also ask your question over on the Antistasi community Discord. Jan 14, 2018 @ 7:23am Searching for a way to disable stamina/ fatigue Hi, Im playing a lot of singleplayer mods/ scenarios at the moment and I often have the problem that I have to walk a lot and also with a lot of stuff not to good if you have stamina/ fatigue - so Im asking if there is an Arma 3. I already have the Arma 3 Tools package installed (though haven . ), as long as they don't give direct commands to the player's squad units (which is typically the case 99% of the time). And Change Weather Console Command:0 setOvercast 1;0 setRain 1;forceWeatherChange;https://community. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Arma 3 > General Discussions > Topic Details. 08, I have been totally unable to use High Command. The menu is context sensitive – commands change according to objects you point at. (Ultimate ver. 5 I use this as AntiStasi Commander alot. We just reached v1. When I buy them for High Command, a few things happen. antistasi i think so the only other way would be some type of mod or script that uses the same type of "view distance command" style of operation then it would work, as i'm sure you know the in game settings do not. Hey all! I'm currently trying this version of antistasi found on steam (can't find what version it is) with 3 of my buddies. 3. Replace variable PM with amount [PM] call A3A_fnc_resourcesPlayer; It may be a good idea to also ask your question over on the Antistasi community Discord. Select a compatible map and then select the mission called Antistasi Community Following is an unsorted collection of debug console commands that usually are not or should not be used by admins and players on live servers. Prints nearest marker in a hint on screen. exe; Right click on it and select Run as administrator. Hey guys, been playing a bit of arma 3 single player recently (internet has been really bad) and was wondering which mod is best for improving Ai commanding? All-in-One Command Menu (Deluxe) updated 3 days ago, so that would be your best bet IMO just at a glance. And it takes forever to setup a decent network of Observation Posts to act as fast travel points ( takes forever on AK Chernarus ), and so if something updates and resets the scenario it is a big pain The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. but you can still play as single player by creating a LAN server in Arma 3's multiplayer menu. It will also be JIP compatible. I always loved the Idea of High Command, but playing it always felt The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. For example squad is not able to pack or The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. 0 RUN THIS AS SERVER. The Task Force Canada (TFC) Run Arma 3 as administrator. Here is the mod, though not required it m Everything about the ARMA game series by Bohemia Interactive on reddit! Game updates, videos, pictures, discussions, help, and more. Berkinator. would anyone be able to help me spawn weapons/ scopes in. Airstrikes are available to the Commander at any point from the Y menu provided you have airstrikes available. Instead of having control over a group of several units, as high commander the player can take control of serverel squads and teams. It is only visible to you. maxSpend: Maximum resources The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. have you tried the command menu? I have never done this in Antistasi but normally I call in a mortar strike by selecting the mortar guys (0-9) which will bring up the little menu where you should be able to select mortar strike. For credits and other Arma 3 > Workshop > Barbolani's Workshop > A3 - Antistasi Altis > Discussions This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. emf location, and on Windows 7, for example, most apps do not have rights to write in that location. 5. Commands in easier to read form here. I also answer questions there from time to time. Performance and stability will degrade with a remote HC due to the added latency - potentially resulting in poorer AI Arma 3 > Questions & Answers > Topic Details. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Drives off road to waypoint, (half killing themselves due to bad driving) then setup The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. Following is an unsorted collection of debug console commands that usually are not or should not be used by admins and players on live servers. 9. Im stuck using drongos command enhancment for now it just sucks because my only problem with that mod is that it throws all the emplacements and garrisoned units under my high command and then im unable to call in any squads because im at max for squads under The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. I think is 3. Usable debug commands for server admins. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews A3 - Antistasi Altis. Sometimes users report the same issue as AI mods clash with Antistasi AI which is already pretty good, However I have used Lambs Danger fsm to make them respond and suppress more and real panzer so that vehicle gunners target better. Solved I'm playing Antistasi plus with some friends and we're trying to unlock the arms dealer. Just remember to use enough of them, take out static mg's and MORTARS before you run ai in. To many mods for AI in Arma makes them more frustrating at times (won’t respond to commands after contact or randomly run away). aDRI Nov 6, 2022 @ 5:00am I recently decided to host two servers: a public co10 Escape server and a semi-private Antistasi server. The Official Antistasi Community presents you the Antistasi Mod - the next logical step in the Evolution of Antistasi Antistasi is a persistent cooperative guerilla warfare mission where you have to free the lands from occupying and invading forces. I find this the best method to rearm my squadmate (and it doesn't hurt to be able to loot a better vest at times). If you run out of soldiers its good to have some of them just lay low near the outpost while you fetch more ai fro. Using ur mod in antistasi and yeah i know it is not intended but it´s just too good to play without. A place for all things about commands, command blocks and data-packs in vanilla Minecraft; to share, to question, to discuss, and more! Please read the pinned post before posting. Follow @official-antistasi-community. Can I deepstrike my Valkyrie and disembark scion command squads from it in the same turn? upvotes Arma 3. I've gone through everything I've found to be actually useful in a way which I am playing alone and I enjoy antistasi because it makes the map dynamic, not so much because of the insurgency gameplay. I go into "options" and I see the command bar but it does not show up on my screen. cpp) Also be warned, AI mods like LAMBS seem to sometimes mess with the commands you give to the AI. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews There are also local console commands that will reduce or eliminate weapon sway and also if you want disable the stupid stamina system. You can use debug command. I want to try and complete it on hardest difficulty but its so hard Arma 3. It must be handled either via admin Quick Commands. What are some ways I can send commands to a running node/express server? Antistasi improved, a mod for the game Arma 3. Antistasi lets ACE take over the medical routines when it is installed. Just yesteday made the AI crash a heli with a bunch of dudes just trying to make it land. Therefore it does not have PBOs like pure missions. sbond. 0 The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. Same method as commanding a drone to operate autonomously. For example : there are a lot more ways to earn money in antistasi plus. First of all I love ur mods Drongo. You need at least a " High Command - Commander" module for the whole system to work. Best command mod for AS afaik great for creating hc groups regaining control of lost grps, getting stuck ais to work etc. These might be better because you can hit the same #'s every time to issue various commands The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. I can't decide if I'm more excited for the armed helos, or the placeable C4 In-Game Arma 3. asthetics with random anomalies and mobs and factions it got me thinking if anyone had and know how to set up an antistasi set in the zone with all the armies and civs replaced with mutants and factions Hey there, me and my group of friends are having a hard time working out way around antistasi as we’ve pushed harder than our capabilities can take and now we’ve reach war level six and still in early game. ADMIN MOD Self revive using Zeus in antistasi plus . co] 1. Here is a working debug console command for Antistasi 3. Also half the point of ARMA is being able to edit and customize scenarios for yourself or your friends. ) Help! Is there anyway to tell them what mode to do? because the occupants (ARF so that's russians) ALWAYS have fast moving drones covering the map. Sort by: Best. 02 Saint Kapaulio Sehreno TCGM_BikeBackpack Tembelan Island VIDDA | LEGACY VERSION Virolahti - Valtatie 7 X-Cam-Taunus (Version 1. I have being playing arma 3 with my frinds and we all like to command our own squads yet when i try to order them into a vehicle or rally up at a certain location they dont do a thing. Just hit escape and paste it into the command line and Execute locally. 2. I would follow Tajin's advice and use skipTime. g. #1 Arma 3. emf file will be saved at c: \<worldname>. However we don't know how to begin his task. Reply reply Turn Arma 3 into a hybrid FPS/RTT experience. In the future if possible please add a way to disable squads being automatically added to high command hi just wanting to ask u a question about how to spawn in vehicles im on a arma 3 zeus official server as an admin and enabled the debug console. Also in Antistasi the AI you get in the beginning of the campaign is garbage. Since the last game update, 2. All mods that have nothing to do with AI. These commands are single liners that do various things, mostly with Antistasi's functions. What should I do?” and other questions can be answered by the debug commands we collected for you. 1, @Antistasi - The Mod Everything about the ARMA game series by Bohemia Interactive on reddit! Game updates, videos, pictures, discussions, help, and more. AI enhancement mods (ASR AI, TCL, VCOM, etc. All faction mods (CUP, RHS, etc). caller: Resource pool to use (“attack”, “defence”). // Create an array of items based on the standard equipment list found in Arma 3: CfgWeapons Weapons The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. 0beta3 today! New to antistasi, how do I assault this outpost on war level 2? dshkas on every tower, around 20-27 or so arma 3 has a setting to delete items that are no longer in use to speed up performace, this setting is called "Delete when Empty" whcih deletes dead players and vehicles after a while. Because In the Arma 3 Launcher make sure to load the mod before you start the game as well as other mods you'd like to play with. A photo-reel summary of the main updates coming to Arma Reforger (currently available on Reforger Experimental 1. There is a problem with static guns in both general game and antistasi map. - Can use Y->AI management menu with HC squads. Thank you, although not using Zeus is sometimes not an option considering how ArmA 3 likes to just randomly freak out and destroy all of your hard work sometimes for no good reason. High Command is I'm just getting into arma 3 antistasi with a couple buddys, and were having trouble with weapons. Reply reply New to antistasi, how do I assault this outpost on war level 2 For the Arma 2 and Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead version see High Command. Also when trying to login as admin using '#login' nothing happens we have used other commands e. Occasionally, when my avatar gets shot and is moaning for help on the ground, I accidentally get into Zeus mode, and I have no idea how to exit it. By that I mean the Aggro, war level, Airstrike, etc. These commands were either collected from BIS/Arma wiki, or from random forums on the internet. Airstrikes. In the apex campaign i was able to holdster it after using the binos, seems its a bug, where the binos go away and the rifle doesnt come back. The problem with All in one command is that the units you add through that mod wont go undercover if it is over the cap antistasi has set. I have been playing with modifying the mission . com/wiki/forceWeatherChangeSkip Blood loss can be checked through "diagnosis" in Interaction menu (accessible from "torso" or "head" body part of injured person). All Discussions Antistasi is in an All vs All war on which the players play the role of rebels fighting against foreign invaders. Antistasi Ultimate offers all the features of Antistasi Plus, anything you can do in Plus can also be done in Ultimate. “Hey Dev, Petros is gone. Also antistasi plus is a lot more polished then normal antistasi, in terms of gameplay progression. In Antistasi plus it doesn't seem possible to make AI in your squad or in high command to pilot aircraft. A persistent whole map mission for MP COOP, focused on resistance, infantry and guerrilla tactics. And we have quite a few! They range type: The type of support to send (eg. A better alternative, due to the AI having the worst case of down syndrome ever recorded in modern times, is to pull them there. Run as Local. Only use the commands if you want to purposely make them do something, like not firing until you tell them to. GitLens. 0 Arma 3 > Workshop > Igitur's Workshop > HCC - High Command Converter 1. Jul 8, 2018 @ 7:29pm How to add Members in Antistasi as commander? Please explain, no clue. General. I had issues with all the others. Share Sort by: Whoever is commander can purchase squads amd direct them via high command (ctrl-space). Bugs can be reported through taskforcecanada. 1 . Feb 28, 2019 @ 7:43pm Arma 3. HELP Hello, I've been playing antistasi for some time now, and I have this problem, I can't This is a basic tutorial on how to manage your AI in the Antistasi mission file. Reply reply More posts you may like The official sub of the Arma 3 Antistasi community. --> Save the PBO in your C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\USERNAME\mpmissions folder. Note: skipping time (night to day or vice versa may create a performance hit). Rather, open up High Command mode- you need to have at least one HC unit recruited and active to do this, default input Ctrl+Space. 12 16th May 2024).