Centos emergency mode repair data. Open comment sort options Add a Comment. I have tried the following commands without success: sudo umount I was able to capture this: [ 1. bpilleti • Enter into emergency mode with root password, CentOS启动报entering emergency mode错误的处理办法 如果输入xfs_repair -v -L /dev/dm-0 ,报 no such file or directionary 的错误,是没有这个设备。 输入journalctl,翻到 Running xfs_repair in the console did nothing in this environment. give + Recent posts [gradle] gradle build시 OOM 이슈 ⋯ [spring] spring. 故障状态: 备注:注意中间读取的是sda3失败. e-shell. Exit the shell to continue. In emergency mode, the root filesystem in Run fsck on the device which has the root filesystem (ext3/ext4). 3, “Booting into Single-User Mode” with one exception, replace the keyword single I then use SystemRescue to boot into RHEL, and it works. I am running CentOS 8 as a VMWare Guest OS. New. Mounting /dev/dm-0 fails CentOS 7 紧急模式问题解决指南:让您的系统重获新生 【下载地址】CentOS7开机出现welcometoemergencymode的解决方法 "CentOS 7 开机出现 ""welcome to emergency How can I fix it? thanks Share Add a Comment. forward. 2. 9k次。当CentOS操作系统无法正常启动时,可以使用救援模式或紧急模式进行系统登录。通过在启动时编辑界面添加systemd. This particular method is when one of the filesystems in corrupted. 故障分析(猜测):不按规范挂机或重启导致文件系统故障。 3. 昨天应物业要求关闭了所有电源,今天启动服务器时有一台虚拟机开机后出现如下界面。英文的大概意思就是系统进 The answers by Khushboo Rani and Cagan Arslan led me to the permanent solution. VzLinux. Runlevels were different modes used for various tasks. 安装centos系统。 如果过程中出现: Entering emergency mode exit the shell to continue. No surprise, the newer machine booted CentOS entered emergency mode after reboot. 故障解 Debe agregarsystemd. org First, I used vgscan to search for LVM information in all the available hard drives: vgscan -v --mknodes The - Centos 7 booting into emergency mode after RAID1 disk failure and replacement the faulty one, removed it from the mirror and then physically out of the box. In SO - I’ve been making my way through Shotts Linux Command Line to learn Linux on a server, Dell PowerEdge 860, here at work. Step-2: 1. This document describes how to 文章浏览阅读849次。虚拟机中CentOS非正常关机,再启动出现这样的错误界面:解决方法只需要在这里的shell键入一条命令:xfs_repair -v -L /dev/dm-0执行完成后即可重 Centos 7 虚拟机启动,Entering emergency mode问题解决 常见原因 出现这种原因一般有以下几种原因: /etc/fstab 文件中挂载的目录找不到了 强制关机导致某个分区损坏,导致系统开机时mount不上导致 最常见的原因就是 在Linux系统中,CentOS 7是一个广泛应用的服务器操作系统,对于系统管理员来说,配置开机自启动脚本是一项基本任务,可以确保系统启动时自动运行特定的服务或程序。 一、概述目前在运维日常工作中,经常会遇到服务器异常断电、忘记root密码、系统引导文件损坏无法进入系统等等操作系统层面的问题,给运维带来诸多不便,现将上述现象 1. You may implement this by running xfs_repair -L. 故障解 四、emergency模式,rescue模式,克隆虚拟机,Linux机器相互登录一、emergency模式(centos6及之前叫单用户模式)需要在物理机上操作,不能远程操作。前提 Whilst in Emergency Mode, this. Looked like [Centos Tip] วิธี Repair XFS File System กรณี Server ล่ม. 来查看日志,里边会有具体的错误信息,常见的错误有两种: 问题 上次直接挂起VMware里的Centos7. e. High-level Overview. , typically either There would situations when the OS can go into emergency mode due to several reasons. But when I reboot, the server complained that the block count 2780624 exceeds size of device (2441472 blocks) and Root filesystem corrupted or overwritten? You said that you tried to boot in rescue mode but found /etc/fstab empty - exactly how did you do that? If that was the Dracut Then run the following commands to get out of the rescue mode to the normal terminal mode. I booted up my solus today as per normal and started firefox. If you are lacking an Yesterday I upgraded my CentOS 8 server from a Raid 1, 2 disk setup to a Raid 5, 4 disk setup using mdadm However after the final stage of the upgrade: mdadm --grow Possibly try btrfs check -p <path to device> to get a progress. PHPz. grub> insmod normal. And then use xfs_growfs. Sort by: Best. There are times when you will need to boot into single user mode to fix an issue with the operating system. It is not able to activate 文章浏览阅读7. 安装centos系统。 1. Open the centos7 page and appear: I have Linux Centos 7. Today I rebooted the machine, but it is going to Dracut resuce mode. 恢复办法. This example demonstrates how to use the 想过很多朋友有遇到这种情况,就是正在远程使用centos7系统时,一旦让远程虚拟机或服务器断电或强制关机,那么再次重启时就会出现“Entering emergency mode. Fault analysis (guess): file system failure caused by not following the specification to hang up or restart. And here’s how to get into the mode in most Linux Distributions. A few of the drives were unplugged this Following that, as Fedora,Centos, and RedHat use XFS by default, you would mount said partition, if not already mounted. Sometimes there is a problem that the OS cannot, for one Failed to switch root: Specified switch root path '/sysroot' does not seem to be an 0S tree, os-release file is missing Serverl. For this example, I will show you how to use the rescue. journalctl -xb. Q&A. En emergency mode, le système monte le file système root en mode lecture, par contre les systèmes de fichier local ne sont pas montés. We would normally detect this situation and Has this ever happened to you? You get a dreaded call that a CentOS server is down. 故障解决: 输入命令:xfs_repair -v -L /dev/sda3 -L 选 在启动虚拟机时出现报错Entering emergency mode。首先回忆一下上次开启虚拟机,是不是存在强制关机的情况,比如我有时候因为电脑卡死就会把电脑强制关机 一般是开机 centos 7 emergency mode dependency failed for local file systems . Ask Question Asked 3 years, 11 months ago. Boot into Emergency Mode: - Start by rebooting your Red Hat 8 server or virtual Exit from emergency mode¶ System goes into emergency mode after an unsuccessful attempt to mount a storage network drive. After configured Linux incorrectly, broke drivers or forgot user Note that single user mode was superseded by the split mechanisms of emergency mode and rescue mode in 1995, when van Smoorenburg init gained its -b option. Exit the shell to continue. welcome to Centos 7 虚拟机启动,Entering emergency mode问题解决 常见原因 出现这种原因一般有以下几种原因: /etc/fstab 文件中挂载的目录找不到了 强制关机导致某个分区损坏,导致系统开机 Dear all, appreciate your kind help. target which is "single user mode" on 将CentOS、RHEL 7/8引导到紧急模式(Emergency mode)/恢复模式(Recovery mode) 启动您的CentOS 7/8、RHEL 7/8 Linux机器,当出现引导加载程序菜单时,请按Enter键 Depending on the nature of the boot problem, you might not get dropped into the GRUB shell. It is triggered when the system detects a problem that Emergency Mode in CentOS 7 is a minimal environment that allows users to troubleshoot and repair the system. centos启动进入emergency mode,登录root帐号之后可以通过. my home folder. Modified 3 years, 11 months ago. How can I fix this? There CentOS7系统崩溃急救:详解进入紧急修复模式的步骤与技巧 在Linux服务器的日常运维中,系统崩溃是一个让人头疼的问题。尤其是当CentOS7系统无法正常启动时,许多管理 Whenever I try to boot my CentOS server, it boots in emergency mode and after mounting the partition with command: $ mount -t ext4 --source /dev/sda4 --target /sysroot the 问题记录:开机提示emergency mode(紧急模式)如何处理 引言 在依赖Linux作为核心操作系统的环境中,系统的稳定和可靠性通常是我们理所当然的期待。然而,即使是最稳 Exactly what did you do to reduce nvmeVg-var?If you just did a lvreduce -L <new size> nvmeVg-var, you just cut off the tail end of the /var filesystem. ext4 -v /dev/sda6 mint ~ # e2fsck. Rocky Linux. There we used to change maximum mount count using 问题现象 Linux系统启动时进入紧急模式,提示:Welcome to emergency mode,如图1所示,并提示输入root密码进入维护。 图1 紧急模式 根因分析 紧急模式提供尽可能最小的 Here's how to reset the root password in Red Hat 8 / CentOS 8 from emergency mode: 1. My server keeps booting in emergency mode: xfs (dm-0): failed to recover intents journalctl gives me: Failed to mount /sysroot. After logging in, type "journalctl -xb" to view system logs, "systemctl reboot" Earlier with CentOS/RHEL 5 and 6 we used to use tune2fs to force file system check on boot and repair file system. It is triggered when the system detects a problem that Hi Dude, today I faced a problem running my linux server. The boot sequence of events: There are times when you will need to boot into single user mode to fix an issue with the How to repair a filesystem in the rescue environment for Red Hat Enterprise Linux A system will not load after boot, and it requests a repair of an OS-dependent filesystem, i. Notez Emergency Mode in CentOS 7 is a minimal environment that allows users to troubleshoot and repair the system. How to fix "Entering emergency mode. Sometimes there is a problem that the OS cannot, for one I had to power off the computer by unplugging the electricity plug. 故障解 Emergency mode, provides the minimal bootable environment and allows you to repair your system even in situations when rescue mode is unavailable. We had a ~ $ sudo fsck. I have been using it for some time. On the first step, download the latest version of CentOS 7 ISO image and burn it to a DVD or create a bootable USB stick. create partition and failed into emergency mode. I see the follwoing errors come up during the boot. So all the /root,/home,swap LVM no longer exists. static [-panyrcdfktvDFV] [-b superblock] [-B blocksize] [-l|-L bad_blocks_file] [-C fd] [-j external_journal] [-E extended-options] [-z undo_file] 1. Enter emergency mode. 故障解决: Sorry to hear your system is running in emergency mode. I am directly taken to emergency mode. sc2bigjoe • I'm trying make a backup system for my Centos Stream 9 headless server by installing a cloned system disk on a newer machine. Inicie sesión en modo emergencia ingresando la linux启动时出现报错提示“welcome to emergency mode” 1. Cloned the intact 500GB to a CentOS7 无法启动,进入紧急模式,enter emergency mode 根据提示查看日志,发现报错:Failed to mount /sysroot 根据,老外的网站提供的线索: 执行这个命令 # Single User Mode. There are 3 volumes, root, /swap and /home, and I was able 有时CentOS7启动异常,报XFS的错误,可以在emergency mode下尝试xfs_repair命令修复。 如果是LVM分区,先查看分区 #ls -l /dev/mapper 如果报错中明确告知 This video is about how we can enter in rescue and emergency mode in RHEL 7 without using bootable media. I then reboot, and I still get the emergency mode message, but now after several attempts, it accepts one of the 1. I was able to edit the file in emergency mode and removing the line allowed a normal reboot. 即使救援模式不起作用,紧急模式也为恢复系统提 安装liunx出现Entering emergency mode1. Top. unit参数,分别设置 这表示CentOS系统无法启动,进入了紧急模式(emergency mode),这是由于XFS文件系统出现了元数据损坏。具体的错误信息表明,XFS文件系统检测到了元数据块(, To boot into emergency mode, use the same method as described for single-user mode in Section 5. You may have to recreate the log if xfs_repair does not run. The other answer is talking about 如何在 CentOS/RHEL 7 和 8 中通过 Systemd 启动到救援模式或者紧急模式 本文介绍了如何将 CentOS/RHEL 7 和 8 系统启动到救援模式或者紧急模式。 在 CentOS/RHEL 7 和 8 中,救援 1. 解决办法: 1. In other words, there is no "quick fix" for this. 当你输入输入xfs_repair -v -L /dev/你报错的磁盘还没有解决问题的时候,可能 You might want to look for the word "huge" everywhere under /etc and /usr/lib/dracut to see where it might be coming from: grep -r '^[^#]*huge[^pt]' /etc When I manage a VPS, I used fdisk to adjust partitions. Hot Network Questions How to keep a gas cloud in an L4 or L5 lagrange point? In which book did André Weil say this? Is there a 3 这是您在 CentOS 8 上启动进入救援模式并修复系统的方法。现在,让我们看看如何在 CentOS 8 上启动进入紧急模式。 启动进入紧急模式. The full error message usually reads: Welcome to emergency Encountering the “Welcome to Emergency Mode!” message on CentOS 7 can be a daunting experience, but with the right troubleshooting steps, it can be resolved effectively. If that's the case, your prompt will For Linux system admins, booting RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 servers in single user mode is the most common day to day activities. Please don Emergency mode sous CentOS 7/8. Presione la tecla Ctrl + x para iniciar usando la configuración modificada. You might be left in the GRUB rescue mode. There is also another reason for this problem. You would need to either 本文将详细探讨CentOS系统在启动时进入紧急模式(Emergency Mode)的原因,特别是由于分区缺失导致的系统故障,并提供 step-by-step 的排查与修复指南。 一、故障 假期归来f服务电源,莫名被人关掉。无奈通电重启服务器。重启后发现系统提示:welcome to emergency mode!after logging in ,type “journalctl -xb” to view system @sourcejedi: Absence of the nofail option when the device is not present at boot time yields outcomes that vary from system to system. targetal final de la línea. Windows 10 has a feature called fast boot enabled by default which, when the user 电脑开始出现这个 no such device 电脑开机出现这个界面。首先说下我怎么会出现这个界面的吧,我是装了双系统,win10 和Ubuntu 。我的Ubuntu装好后,鼠标没用,所以我就在win10下 . Rescue Mode is your first choice for most repairs thanks to read-only file system access and network capability once boot finishes. Fault status: Note: note that 系统提示我,需要先umount,再执行 xfs_repair 命令 所以,需要先umount,但是没有提示需要umount 什么东西,dm-0 是centos-root 的软连接,所以 Whenever I try to boot my Linux, it goes into emergency mode, saying . I tried doing what it said on the screen, but after a while, it loops back to "you are in emergency mode". I encountered something very wrong here. 509 certificate -126 当CentOS操作系统崩溃,无法正常启动时,可以通过救援模式或者紧急模式进行系统登录。启动CentOS, 当出现下面界面时,按e进入编辑界面。在编辑界面里,加入参 # CentOS 7 进入 BIOS 模式的科普文章在使用 CentOS 7 操作系统时,有时我们需要进入 BIOS 模式以调整系统设置或进行故障排除。本文将详细介绍如何进入 BIOS 模式,同 DISK1:=the harddisk with the libc-broken-CentOS-filesystem. Heart pounding, you rush to the data center only to see a non-booting machine frozen Learn to configure network in rescue mode or emergency mode to perform ssh in RHEL 8 and 7 or CentOS 7 and 8. On your grub menu, select the Kernel you want to use and press e (not 2、虚拟机出现entering emergency mode使用xfs_rapair出现Device or resource busy解决方案. 9,今天继续启动报错如下:分析 看报错显示如下: (1) XFS(dm-0)有元数据损坏,提示:Unmount and run xfs_repair,并把错误区域 Because of the way we set things up in our Windows & Endless OS dual boot, we don't support booting Endless OS when Windows is hibernated. 5k次。虚拟机强制开机后centos07容易出现以下问题 开机提示:ENTERING EMERGENCY MODE. Open comment sort options. Precisamente por arrancar en modo emergencia no habrá montado las There is one useful thing you can do in RHEL7 in emergency mode and that is to get the full output of "journalctl -b" which will tell you exactly what happened (and when) during the failed Enable ssh in emergency mode for centos 9. Suddenly server went down, after I logged in via the console the monitor show Welcome to Emergency Mode. For example, on Raspbian, the boot How to boot in to Emergency Mode on Red Hat RHEL or CentOS with the grub menu 文章浏览阅读1. Network is not enabled in linux rescue mode by default so Exit from emergency mode¶ System goes into emergency mode after an unsuccessful attempt to mount a storage network drive. After fixing those issues, your system will be able to boot properly again. Tried to input some info on browser and it 虚拟机中CentOS非正常关机,再启动出现这样的错误界面: 解决方法 只需要在这里的shell键入一条命令: xfs_repair -v -L /dev/dm-0 执行完成后即可重启,恢复正常。 此命 One of our servers failed and when it came back to life, one of the hosted VMs [CentOS 7] had issues with XFS. cfg file is the main configuration file. service will not work in chroot (it detect You can at least find out what's wrong by running: xfs_repair -n /dev/mapper/rhel-root -n runs xfs_repair in no-modify mode. com and blog. Some of the critical features of emergency mode in Resolve the "Welcome to Emergency Mode!" issue on CentOS 7 at boot with our step-by-step guide for troubleshooting and recovery solutions. In emergency mode, the system Thanks to raghuu from linuxsay. Viewed 993 times it can just enter emergency mode now. Features of Emergency Mode. " - CentOS [SOLVED] Boot in to Rescue Mode on Red Hat RHEL or CentOS. Controversial. , CentOS 8 emergency mode and rescue mode has replaced the idea of run levels. Type “journalctl” to view However when I added this line to fstab and rebooted it restarted into emergency mode. Over the weekend, there was a power outage 进入紧急模式的原因. 8w次,点赞2次,收藏33次。早上服务器突然远程登录,阿里后台登录后提示进入了紧急模式Emergency Mode,通过网上找帮助解决,现总结下过程:1、输 文章浏览阅读3. 9k次,点赞4次,收藏7次。异常关闭linux电源容易导致启动失败进入emergency mode。进入emergency mode的原因很多,通常是磁盘关机出现问题,可以通 Is this CentOS 7 or 8? It looks like in RHEL/CentOS 7, the syslog socket might fail uncleanly when the system transitions into emergency mode, while in RHEL/CentOS 8 the Hello, My ProxMox server keeps booting in emergency mode. grub> normal. Emergency Mode has greater diagnosis 1. Do the usual digging (dmesg, I have unfortunately format drive /dev/sda2. ### CentOS 开机进入 Emergency Mode 的解决方案 当遇到 CentOS 虚拟机开机进入紧急模式的情况时,通常是因为文件系统或其他关键组件存在问题。以下是详细的排查和修复方法: 1. Single user mode is considered as maintenance or Since today, I cannot boot into my Linux CentOS 7. Next I tried booting from a CentOS install ISO and I chose the option to Rescue an existing installation. 2. EXIT THE SHELL TO CONTINUE. 1428 people have browsed it. The system will boot without any issue Linux Emergency Mode Error | RHEL/CentOS [SOLVED]Hi Friends,In this video I have shown how to fix the emergency mode error in Linux (RHEL/CentOS). CentOS is the free version of Red Hat. pagea⋯ [Intellij] intellij breakpoint⋯ [Elasticsearch] max file descr⋯ 今天使用centos7断电后,重启进入不到系统去,界面显示的是Entering emergency mode. If it's complaining about it being mounted and Following a reboot of a RHEL 7 server, it goes into emergency mode adn doesn't boot normarlly. 在centos7. 故障解 Boot loader problems: If there is a problem with the boot loader, emergency mode can be used to diagnose and fix the issue. This The /boot/grub2/grub. It is triggered when the system detects a failure during the Emergency mode on CentOS / Redhat allows you to start the system with the most minimal environment possible and allows you to repair problems or cancel changes you have made before. Best. วันนี้มาสรุป กรณี server ล่ม. 3. While the CentOS启动报entering emergency mode错误的处理办法 如果输入xfs_repair -v -L /dev/dm-0 ,报 no such file or directionary 的错误,是没有这个设备。 输入journalctl,翻到 Steps to enter CentOS 7 emergency repair mode. Place the bootable image into your machine appropriate drive and reboot the machine. Boot the system from either minimal boot media, or a full installation DVD or USB drive, and wait for the boot menu to appear. Emergency mode provides a low-level, minimalist CentOS environment for resuscitating broken systems that refuse to start properly. Pero será suficiente para reparar el arranque. 4. What could be causing 2、虚拟机出现entering emergency mode使用xfs_rapair出现Device or resource busy解决方案 当你输入输入xfs_repair -v -L /dev/你报错的磁盘还没有解决问题的时候,可能 Single user mode. . DO NOT ever edit this file manually. Since I have already explained these steps in another article, I will be very brief here: On the next screen you will get below list of options In the next screen press "3"to skip to shell so that we can manually See more How can I boot CentOS / Fedora / RHEL Linux machine into recovery / emergency mode?. 1 系统下新增加了一块硬盘,并配置了swap分区;但 Boot from a bootable Linux DVD, such as a live DVD or the CentOS installation DVD (using that disk's rescue mode), not from your hard disk in any mode. unit=emergency. Don’t try to repair the filesystem yet though, until we know what may be wrong. Because of this my server is unable to work properly. 报错:Entering emergency mode. That will just give output during the i stuck in emergency mode whenever i try to boot centos using virtualBox, how can i exit this mode? Share Sort by: Best. Release: 2024-01-13 09:36:11. A bootable DVD Dear u/daddy_spez. Old. Emergency Mode is a In order to get to a recovery shell easily (i assume you are using systemd): Boot your system with a VNC/serial console. Exit the welcome to emergency mode! after logging in , type “journalctl -xb” to view system logs , “systemctl reboot” to reboot , “systemctl default” to try again to boot into default mode . I have bad memory, I bought some refurbished FB-DIMM DDR2 with ECC Welcome to emergency mode! After logging in,type "journalctl -xb" to view system logs, "systemctl reboot" to reboot, "systemctl default" or ^D to try again to boot into default 文章浏览阅读1k次。CentOS7 无法启动,进入紧急模式,enter emergency mode根据提示查看日志,发现报错:Failed to mount /sysroot根据,老外的网站提供的线索:执行这 How to Fix Server Emergency Mode Error in RHEL/CentOS/Ubuntu | Control-D Error [SOLVED] Hi Friends,In this video we will fix "Emergency Mode" error in Linux Centos 7 无法启动,Entering emergency mode问题解决,之前由于虚拟机强制关机,导致虚拟机centos7启动时报错解决办法。 xfs_repair -v -L /dev/dm-0. You are in emergency mode. it shows only In CentOS 7/RHEL 7 if rescue mode mounts your CentOS/RHEL/Fedora under /mnt/sysimage succesfully, then systemctl start sshd. 646312] Integrity: Problem loading X. How to boot in to Rescue Mode on RHEL6/7 or CentOS Booting into Anaconda Rescue Mode in RHEL/CentOS 7 Step-1: Boot up using ISO. 当 CentOS 进入以下界面时,说明设备进入了紧急模式 造成这种故障的原因极大可能是磁盘挂载出了问题 磁盘松动 磁盘损坏 磁盘位置调换过了 . static Usage: e2fsck. 故障分析:不按规范挂机或重启导致文件系统故障。 3. 故障状态: 备注:注意中间读取的是sda3失败 4. I still can only read-access DISK1 under CD rescue mode, but after I mounted DISK1 to another CentOS machine, Like safe mode in Microsoft Windows, Linux has rescue or emergency mode for troubleshooting purposes. 13 December 2017. 根据提示,使用journalctl命令查看日志,找到报错日志信息,根据报 Al arrancar nos deja en Emergency Mode y en una consola de comandos muy limitada. xxxxxxxx信息Generat Centos-Entering emergency mode 1847 浏览 0 回复 文章浏览阅读4. As a Linux Administrator, there are instances you may want to troubleshoot and repair In this tutorial, we will deal specifically with file system errors preventing the computer from booting properly. My Centos 9 stream server has a bunch of usb drives that are hooked up to it and mounted through the /etc/fstab file via UUID. You can use Live DVD to boot into rescue mode which you had used to install your RHEL/CentOS 7/8 Linux node. The linux distro that I use is Centos 7. 1 min read 20 décembre 2021. Instead, use grub2-mkconfig to generate the new grub2 config using a set of 1. It differs from normal boots and Emergency Mode in CentOS 7 is a minimal environment that allows users to troubleshoot and repair the system. Now Centos 7 boots only in the Emergency mode asking me to check `journalctl -xb'. สาเหตุไม่แน่ใจ แต่ boot linux แล้วขึ้น Welcome to emergency mode! แจ้งให้เรากด Control-D to Linux系统启动时进入紧急模式,提示:Welcome to emergency mode,如图1所示,并提示输入root密码进入维护。紧急模式提供尽可能最小的环境,即使在系统无法进入救援模式的情况 Centos 7 虚拟机启动,Entering emergency mode问题解决 常见原因 出现这种原因一般有以下几种原因: /etc/fstab 文件中挂载的目录找不到了 强制关机导致某个分区损坏,导 当前位置: 王超博客 > 系统 > Linux > CentOS 7开机启动进入紧急模式emergency mode解决方法 CentOS 7开机启动进入紧急模式emergency mode解决方法 王超 发布于 2018 I kept dropping into emergency mode upon reboot. web. Inside, there are some CentOS 7 and 8. localdomain systemdtll: Reach xfs_repair -v -L /dev/dm-0 #特别注意:-L是修复xfs文件系统的最后手段,慎重选择,它会清空日志,有可能会丢失用户数据和文件。 修复完成后,对故障虚拟机进行重启,重启后顺利进入操作系统。 In the latest CentOS, i. Have a look here, hope it helps.