Convert cb antenna to 2 meters. For 108 MHz, the wavelength is 2.
Convert cb antenna to 2 meters I experiment with the cb meter several times and it came very close to my dedicated 2 meter swr. Many CB meters were not designed to handle the higher power levels of amateur transceivers. ) Feb 22, 2017 · In this article, W6OT converts an old "found" magnetic mount CB antenna into a useful 1/4 wavelength 2 meter antenna. 3 is mostly CW (Morse code) because the U. I used 1″ thin-wall PVC pipe, aluminum tape, and RG-8X coax. Dec 23, 2020 · Bernie does an excellent job of explaining the pros and cons of this popular HF antenna from the late Louis Varney (G5RV). I use a working MX 6707 base with the 1730 mast. Reply reply lurch99 Apr 9, 2013 · I'm hoping to be able to convert each one of my CB radios to the following 10 meters. . TV antenna are tuned for the 2-meter and 440-centimeter bands. Same Day Shipping! Orders placed before 5 p. But it is paid for. Nov 11, 2017 · I have acquired an M998 outfitted as a troop carrier and already own the windshield, roof and slant back items (all from the same vehicle) to convert it to an M1026. and about 8 feet on CB antennas,which is why mag-mounts don't work well there. Remember I said they come set up to work on 10 meters. Although my tests showed it actually tuned to an area below the CB band in addition to the normal CB channels. I have quite a few radios from 2 meter to 30 MHZ. Most shops convert them to work on 11 meters. Just know what you are doing and act accordingly. CB radio operators usually use a vertical antenna for their radios. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before making the switch. Tom Sevart N2UHC Feb 21, 2016 · Conversion to 11 meters is pretty simple but care is needed due to the proximity of wiring and connectors near the area being worked on. FIG 3: Block Diagram. What is the distance formula for antenna? The distance formula for antenna length is Length (in meters) = 300 / Frequency (in MHz). 5 to nearly 30Mhz. It should be more broad banded than the antenna in stock form. Attachments. If your using a stock 4 watt cb, or PROPERLY May 17, 2007 · Im only telling you this because I was once where you are except I was given a base CB with a 1000 watt linear, I went to the local cb shop and asked how to set it up and the owner took me into the back and showed his 2 meter rig and explained how it worked. Then adjust both antennas at the same time. They cover from 160 meters to 10 meters, and a few cover all bands (more costly though). Diamond Antenna A144S5 base station Yagi beam antennas feature great performance from a lightweight, easy-to-install, 5-element design. Far easier just to buy a pre built antenna. (hahaha. This antenna is similar in construction to the 2-meter OFC sleeve dipole I built over 8 years ago, but it is a simple center-fed dipole. The bottom half of antennas like the one you showed are often just a straight wire. Radio Shack sells an inexpensive CB mag-mount whip antenna (Model No. Just don't walk around in the house as you would without it. For 108 MHz, the wavelength is 2. Great options include the Venom GPA 1/2 Wave Base, the Solarcon Antron, or the Sirio 2016 CB 5/8. im new to radios trying to learn i just dont understand what he means when he says bring a hot to the antenna is that just the antenna wire from the cb? i know Nov 7, 2023 · I converted a Realistic TRC-465 from the 80’s to 10 meters Sep 29, 2017 · If it doesn't tune up, reducing the length of the vertical element may help. 200" Ferrules; 3/8-24T Coupling 2 Meter Antennas: Stretching from 144MHZ to 148 MHz, the 2 meter amateur radio band is a portion of the VHF radio spectrum. Plenty of people have converted CB radios for use on 10 meters, and then used that converted CB as a Jan 15, 2019 · Easy to convert to 11 meter band CB. This system will work from 160 to 2 meters. This antenna measurement can be used for either a vertical antenna for 10 meters or a horizontal antenna for 10 meters. Dec 1, 2015 · I had to put the antenna there so the boom wouldn't hit the antenna when it nests for travel as it protrudes out over the cab. On 6 meters it's actually very broadbanded. 2 @ 50. You cut a slot in the parabolic dish which changes the dish from a passive reflector into the active element of the antenna. This antenna handles up to 100W on CB 11 meters, 85W on 2 meters and 50W on 440 MHz (50 percent duty cycle; 1 minute on, 1 minute off at full power). I've since replaced this antenna with a Lakeview DualBand DB-5 antenna, which is phyisically shorter and performs better on 2m and has 70cm. Connect the end of your antenna coax to the SWR meter where it indicates “antenna” or Apr 13, 2018 · I have found that the old Micronta CB 3 range power/modulation/SWR meters work quited well on 2 meters (probably better than they did on 11 meters). Pay no attention to the wire going-off horizontally from the base. ) Model the antenna to maximize the gain and calculate the complex impedance. I have scanners too . If it transmits safely, you won’t get much. Apr 1, 2010 · Antenna lengths are specific fractions of actual wavelenths. Sep 5, 2011 · So on 2 meters an 30db of isolation swr will could be 20 percent high. 2 MHz and 2. Push the microphone button and continue holding it. The 10m Ham band is 28. You could get it to 2 meters, but it's probably not really gonna be much more than a 19" quarterwave. Don’t panic, you can still tune them without an SWR meter. Best CB Radio Antenna Products CB Base Antennas. The first one covers just about any measurment conversion you could ever want. Apr 18, 2018 · Many hams have re-purposed CB SWR meters but there are so many variations that some caution and testing is warranted. For those familiar with the HAM 10 meter band, the atmospheric conditions can render the band to have a range of a few miles, as opposed to longer range under the right conditions. Select a channel on the CB set to receive an appropriate 6 metre signal, the frequency of which will be the sum of the oscillator and the CB frequency. It is a crystal-controlled radio that operates on CB channel 14 and probably puts out around 200-300 mW. 73's Jan 28, 2015 · The 50 ohm antenna is far less common than most believe. Do a tune for output power and never touch the receive end. Decent SWR. FIG 2: Overlay. Sep 30, 2019 · CB radio wattages are limited for a technical reason, not because the FCC wants to be an asshole. Apr 8, 2010 · I do have my antenna on top of my 4X4 but its a 108" 2 meter antenna. In the past I compromised on a "proper" antenna to reduce size by using a magnet mounted dual band 2M/440 Amateur antenna when using a CB radio as a temporary measure to communicate between two vehicles on the highway. Get an adapter for the hand held for the 2 ft mobile antenna. The Altai is small and measures 84 x55 x 58 mm excluding the15mm protrusion of the two rear SO239 sockets. 20 meters, so that I have a radio for each HF band How impossible would it be to get a CB radio onto 6 meters? I'm almost set up for when I get my Ham license. So still very usable. Dec 7, 2023 · All Firestik II tunable tip antennas can be used somewhere, and in some cases, everywhere in the 28. If you do get the antenna working on 10 meters, don't expect much in the way of contacts. The SWR and power meters are accurate within about 3% when compared to my Bird meter on 2 meter FM. If it wasn't for that clearance issue with the boom, I would have preferred to put a good mag mount or permanent mount antenna centered on the roof of Mar 2, 2023 · Using either the meter built into the radio or a good external SWR meter, calibrate on channel 20. November QST: Recycling TV Antennas for 2-Meter Use - Page 2 Oct 17, 2011 · 100% of the Ham's use Horizontal Polarization for 10 Meters for better DXing. 700 MHz 10 meter frequency band. EST ship same day! Feb 1, 2009 · For 10 meters you would need a radio and antenna (just like CB, almost). Not sure how far your bucket protrudes over your cab when its down. (This is something used by Hams at 2 Meters and up for satellite communications to overcome satellite tumbling. 4 meters, about 136 inches. Two parallel 1/4 wave 75 ohm cables will make a 35 ohm matching section. Jun 23, 2015 · A converted CB radio would, at best, have control over only a narrow portion of the 10 meter band. Antennas for 10 meters are small and easy to deploy for survivalist needs. Jul 3, 2009 · The Hy-gain CLR-2 was my first new store-bought CB base antenna way back when I was 11 in 1971. Even with advancements like modern smartphones, CB radios remain popular with professionals and hobbyists worldwide. On the channel selector board next to j4 you will find a solder blob that's jumping two pads. 8. I am surrounded by taller buildings hindering the 5g connection. I looked on the internet & cannot find nowhere on how to convert this radio to the suppose to be 25. You might want to go to AmericanHistory. but really is there a real difference between 10 meters and 11 meters. 6 MB · Views: 298 Oct 9, 2023 · How high should a 10-meter Yagi be? For a 10-meter Yagi antenna, a height of approximately 16 to 33 feet (5 to 10 meters) above the ground is a reasonable range. If you wanted to operate at higher powers than those allowed by CB, you would need a ham amplifier. 5 feet? Thanks in advance. Feb 15, 2020 · They make "no-ground-plane" antennas - they are physically shortened 1/2 wave antennas. 960MHz to 29. Tweak as needed. Then install the Co-phase 75ohm coax to antennas. I used those to make a J Pole for my base station. The phasing stubs visible below the boom can be discarded. The goal here is to put up a cheap, easy, and quick 2-meter antenna that is simple and unobtrusive, but works Modify an 11 Meter Super Scanner Antenna for 10 Meter Use By Ken, KD0AGV With special credit to Bill O'Connor, who lives near Harrisburg Pa. Feb 24, 2015 · That is a lot of work for to convert to a CB. Method 2 From radio to antennas with co-phase coax. Switch back to SWR and record the readings on three channels 1, 20, & 40. However, to answer your question: You can use two seperate cable runs as 2RT307 discussed. Depending on what you managed to salvage from your TV antenna aerial, you should be able to recreate a five-element Yagi antenna suitable for picking up 2-meter ham radio bandwidths. If the guy lived on top of a hill then a mobile would have been fine to keep the radio stuff out of the house away from the wifey. 7. 64 if you have about a 2' whip and a way to secure it into the top of the CLR-2 tubing. I know the low Mar 20, 2024 · With current propagation, at certain times of day, it's an absolute zoo on 11 Meters. Jaime-KA3NXN Oct 18, 2013 · If you want to use the antenna as a fixed/base antenna then you have to supply that 'other half' of the antenna. Something about another approach 19 Oct 09(see GREEN below) There must be millions of the older 23 channel CBs that use the 12 crystal synthesizer set-up with a 23 MHz oscillator and 14 MHz oscillator setup. Turns out the dipole that shipped with my SDR literally plugged right in to one of the hubs perfectly. A half-wave dipoleon 2 metershas the advantage of better radiation and less of a requirement for a good RFground sys tem than a Quarter-wavevertical. They are also limited in power. You will also need to an external antenna tuner, but you can find those used or donated. That's all there is to it. 102-Inch Antenna Whips can be difficult to transport due to thier overall length. Things you Need for Tuning a CB Antenna without an SWR Meter. It'sa rug- ged unit with a chrome-plated disc-shaped base hous- ing the magnet and a 16-foot length of RG-581U cable attached. Sep 21, 2018 · The operating band for CB is the 11 meter band. 18wireof theexistingcoil isen- tirely satisfactory. Can anyone tell me how to make a 1:2 balun to match the 25 ohm 2 x yagi antennas (balanced) in parallel to the 50 ohm coax (unbalanced) ? Nov 28, 2007 · Find the 5th tuning capacitor (small screw driver adjustment) counting from the coax cable in a counter-clockwise direction. This video describes how you Aug 20, 2022 · If you want an antenna that covers 11 and 10 meters without any tuning, go for the Sirio Gain Master. VHF antenna application for my numer ous baseloaded CB vehicle antennas. Termination is a bit more difficult, but my Kenwood TS-120S tolerates any mismatch with ease. Many years ago, the Super Scanner Antenna M-119 by Antenna Specialists was a very popular antenna for 11 meter use. If so, that would be the easy way to go. Nevertheless, with the help of a small antenna matcher I had, I was able to get my rig to work with the antenna. If SWR is still high on 27405 , just disconnect the stub and it will be very exceptable on the CB band. A 20 meter 2 element beam has approximately 25 ohms impedance. 7 SWR across the band. Feb 14, 2020 · I had BigStick antenna for CB back in the 70's and MisterLogwave is correct, it was two sections, the upper screwed into the lower. Then adjust the antenna on the other side of the coax. I bought new mounts that go over the original mounts, and used an 18' coax to tune each individually, then double checked with the cophased coax harness. FIG 4: PC Board. It is being replaced with an actual 2m/70cm antenna at the earliest convenience. Although Varney envisioned his design primarily as a 3/2 wavelength antenna for the 20 meter Amateur Radio band, radio amateurs have used the antenna for multiband use. In this video, Ian shows us how to make a 5/8 wave 10 meter antenna from an old CB antenna and a few easily obtainable parts. See you on 2 fm! Notes "5/8-Wavelength Vertical Figure 2—Drill out the rivets to remove the TV-antenna pieces. Apr 25, 2024 · The coil modification to convert the “CB” antenna for two meter operation is a simple, after-supper job very suitable for a first time antenna project for those readers who may be new to “Home Brewing” antennas or anything else for that matter. The radios vary somewhat and you may find yours in not capable of working from 26. What is the best height for an 11-meter antenna? For an 11-meter (CB) antenna, a height of around 20 to 30 feet (6 to 9 meters) above the ground is commonly used. The antenna has resonant (more or less) segments for 40 and 20, and the 40 works as 1 1/2 wave on 15. Diamond Antenna A144S5 Base Station Yagi Beam Antennas. Here are some 2 meter antenna options for you! You will find fiberglass 2 meter antennas, magnetic mount 2 meter antennas, trunk mount 2 meter antennas, base station 2 meter antennas, and more. 95 Whether you are after a CB or a 10 meter radio, or you A Ground Plane antenna project for 10 meters band by N4ZAW. 11 meter conversion with pictures . 1) that can easily beconverted to hamband use. Listed under the Antennas/Homebrewing Techniques category that is about Antenna construction notes. 1. I'm doing a search to see if I can find a GMRS or dual band 2 meter/70 cm antenna that uses that mount. Won't work for 2 meter, but will for 6 meter. Using the formula above you will soon see that an antenna for 10 meters is approximately 8 feet 2 and 7/8 inches in length. Instant free online tool for cubic inch to cubic meter conversion or vice versa. 000 - 29. Turn your CB off and disconnect the antenna coax cable from the back of your radio. Notice the element-mounting hardware to the left; it grounds the element directly to the boom. A quarter wave at 27 MHz is close to 8 feet 8 inches. Dual polarity 6 meter antenna without the Super Scanner Antenna! Basic overall design of Dual Polarity 6 meter vertical and horizontal dipoles on one support. com and look through old CB magazines for advertisements for the BigStick, it was a popular antenna of the time. 02 cm steel whips into 10 meter vertical antennas, I have yet to change one of these old shorted CB antennas from 11 meters to 2 meters. 20200112_235525. I CB is a bit over 400 kHz wide, so I would think it would stand to reason that, at minimum, this antenna can be tuned to cover, for example, 28. Same thing for 2 meters, or any band. Shortening the stub to move the maximum VSWR point higher in frequency is easy. #2. Make, cut, or buy a proper antenna and you’ll have far better gains (pun intended). I do plan to convert another CB into a 10 or maybe 15 meter CW transceiver. Jan 2, 2015 · In addition to two antennas and mounts, you'll also need a special co-phase CB coax for wiring everything up. Jul 15, 2023 · Antenna Coupler for 102-Inch 10-Meter CB Stinger Whip. From the graph, a 35 ohm 1/4 wave section will transform the 25 ohms to 50 ohms. For those ham radio operators who like to talk on 10 meters and listen on 11 meters (CB) this radio is a great go-between. With a good external tuner, like an ATU-100 at the base of the antenna, you might get it to tune for 20 meter. About 18-20 inches (again, radius) on MURS, VHF, 2-Meters. Quick, free, online unit converter that converts common units of measurement, along with 77 other converters covering an assortment of units. Aug 5, 2008 · About 1. Aug 24, 2021 · 10 meter radios are generally better radios than a CB. ( won’t work on both band at the same time with acceptable SWR) . If you are wanting to convert an NMO mount to a standard 3 CB Antennas need to be tuned to Hustler 36" Dual Band 2/70 Meter Magnetic Mount Antenna $ 161. 00. 8 or 1. The difference between 10 and 11 meters would be negligible. At one time 11 meters was a ham band until the fcc reallocated to the citizens band. Half-wave antennae would be half those numbers and still pretty long. The K40 model K-30 is one of the best CB antenna options around for those who want unbeatable power and durability. 200 inch diameters. Try a 11 meter swr meter and compare to a dedicated 2 meter swr meter and see how it operates. 0 to 29. Dec 22, 2021 · The same antenna won't be optimized for CB (~11 meter) and 10 meter ham bands at the same time, though that one appears to be tunable so could likely be used in either band. 7. The cubic inch [in^3] to cubic meter [m^3] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. May 14, 2022 · You should however take note that the latest CB antennae have a built-in meter (SWR). Even the mounting terminals on the position is everything coil form can all be conveniently used. MaxOptimizer allows you to choose between a balanced 10 -11 meter antenna that will perform well in both bands or optimize the antenna for the 11 meter band. If this describes you, fear not. Instead, make sure you get a special co-phased, RG-59 CB coax cable. I'm always ready for another challenge. buymeacoffee. Simply remove the blob and voila you now have the 11 meter band. I had always heard that a Big Stick was wide banded, so I tried it on the10 meter Ham band – just a gnat's whisker from the 11 meter Citizens' Band. Before I did any mods, the MID-HIGH band selector switch worked throughout the normal CB band. It works fine for 2-3 miles out even with the antenna tied back. 5 @ 53 MHz in the car. ALIGNMENT RECEIVER Set the preset potentiometer to mid position. Mar 5, 2022 · If you have an old CB (11-meter) 5/8 wave antenna, you may be able to convert it to 10 meter use. 4-1. Here we have collected some links to building instructions for 11m antennas on the Internet. To Optimize for 11 meter performance assemble the antenna with the 12” optimizer section installed between the mid and top section as a 4 piece antenna. Method 3 From radio to antennas with co-phase coax. A strong local station or beacon would be ideal. After modding, LOW-MID works through the CB band the lowest part of 10M. Jun 6, 2015 · Ok aside from 11 meters being cb and no license required and of course the difference in the ppl who operate on the band . 6. The site also includes a predictive tool that suggests possible conversions based on input, allowing for easier navigation while learning more about various unit systems. Many people will attempt to use standard CB coax and a "T" adapter to connect the two separate antenna coax and the radio, but this WILL NOT work. jpg. This coupler will allow the user to cut their 102-Inch antenna whip in half and re-assemble for operation. The answer is yes! While 10 meter radios are not designed specifically for use as CB radios, they can be modified to work as one. I know that most of the top end Uniden models have one built in too. 21-1005A, shown in fig. I get confused about vertical antennas because I know how dipole antennas are made, but I don’t know how a vertical antenna is made resonant, I get confused where the ground and main center conduction is on cb vertical antenna, and how can I make it resonant on 20 meters, the length of a cb antenna, mine is 3 feet but 468/27. 890MHz. That, or a half wave dipole hung vertically from a tree or pole. 605 and they keep repeating themselves. Although I've converted several Radio Shack 102 inch/259. SWR is under 2:1 from 26. My favorite mobile CB antenna is the 5/8 wavelength Wilson FGT-2, a 2 foot tall vertical, which has provided me with thousands of DX contacts on 10-20m over the past 15 years from all over the US including Hawaii and Alaska, Yukon, Northwest Territories, US Virgin Islands and the Dominican Republic. So a true swr of 1. Mar 11, 2023 · Is it possible to utilize an old CB Base Antenna (10 meters tall) as 5g Antenna to plug into the back of a 5g router that is currently only registering 4G? I have one on top of a single story unit that used to be a taxi booking office. The more power an AM (CB is AM) transmitter puts out, the wider its signal which means the radio can bleed over into adjacent channels. For 88 MHz, it's 3. com/QRPMonkeyRig is a Realistic TRC-465 Service manual can be foun Build a Desktop Gain Antenna for 2 Meters; Build a Quarter Wave Whip for Your Hand Held; Build a Tri-Band Transceiver; Build this Low Cost High Quality Frequency Standard; Building A 2-Meter Moxon; Building a 11 Meter DDRR antenna for CB; Building a Weatherproof YAGI; Building an Inexpensive HF Directive Gain Array; Building Coax Choker Baluns Feb 1, 2024 · As I suspect that most people reading know already that a "well behaved" CB antenna tends to be quite large. 3. For the most part a 10 meter antenna will work very well on 11 meters (CB). A 100 watt transmitter could cause component failures within the meter. It's a great little loaded 5/8 and easily turned into a 10m Penetrator. 28. Since the 102 is nearly 9 ft tall, do the horizontally wires under each side of the antenna need to also be the same length of the antenna? Or could I just make a cross out of two pieces of 9 ft wire so as each length of wire on any side under the antenna was roughly 4. The second converter below is a non-working version and must be downloaded and saved to your computer for operation. Or, you can use both simultanusly and have Ciricular Polarization. Having such an antenna on your vehicle would be impractical. 77 meters, approximately 108 inches. Not drawn to scale In the future, I may have plans to build a QRPp beacon from an old Archer Space Patrol toy walkie talkie. Mobile Antennas. EM27 CB on 10 Meters Do this entirely at your own risk, if things go wrong I am not liable ! The following is a step by step guide to modifying the EM27 CB to work on 10 Meters as well as EU and UK CB. Band A - HI is your cb band Before conversion Decent SWR. The Moonraker Micro CB Antenna is a fantastic budget choice, or for a more advanced setup, choose the Genuine K40 Black Original. Based on 1/4wl spacing, the phase lines are cut to 84 degrees and the lag line is cut to 71 degrees. If the antenna’s reflector-mounting hardware isn’t too rusty or degraded, leave it where it is. A SO-239 connector was at the bottom to attach the coax. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Jun 23, 2021 · A full wave antenna is more accurately described as a full wavelength antenna. 6 inches with 4 each 9 foot radials. 205 Mhz in all those Jan 23, 2012 · This is why a 1/4 ground plane puts out slightly less singal than a 1/2 wave vertical center fed dipole or end fed 1/2 wave like an Antron 99 or similar, half the antenna is not radiating in the ground plane. converting a little radio shack cb mobile magnet mount antenna to a vhf ham radio antenna. Without his help, this project would never have gotten this far! View of completed antenna. After you get where you want, superglue the cap back on. Okay, that's a base-loaded CB antenna dude, it's not going to match up to 2 meters with just replacing the top wire part (without extra work and/or equipment). Disconnect 1 antenna and connect a dummy load to that side. This coupler fits whips with 0. If you’re a radio enthusiast, you may be wondering if a 10 meter radio can be used as a CB radio. May 13, 2024 · Build a Desktop Gain Antenna for 2 Meters; Build a Quarter Wave Whip for Your Hand Held; Build a Tri-Band Transceiver; Build this Low Cost High Quality Frequency Standard; Building A 2-Meter Moxon; Building a 11 Meter DDRR antenna for CB; Building a Weatherproof YAGI; Building an Inexpensive HF Directive Gain Array; Building Coax Choker Baluns Jan 25, 2018 · Here are the steps that I would follow in planning a 5/8 wave antenna: 1. TIA. Note that, just because a manufacturer makes a radio that is capable of 11 Meter operation, doesn't mean it's legal to use on 11 Meters. The LOW setting tuned below the CB band. Since they were originally designed for 11 meter use on the CB band, they are usually longer than those required for the 10 meter ham band due to the difference in frequencies. If the lowest SWR reading occurs on channel 1, the antenna length is too long and must be shortened. 615 to 29. So no matter how easy someone tells you it is to make one work on 11 meters, and it is, to make one work as it should on 11 meters, both receiving and xmitting, takes more than what the average Truck Oct 31, 2008 · Buy K40 K40BCMAX 20,000 Watts 26 MHz to 30 MHz Helical Coil CB/10-Meter Antenna: Antennas - Amazon. Oct 13, 2013 · Like someone said, you definitely need an SWR meter. – Oct 30, 2023 · A quarter-wave antenna for 2 meters (VHF) is approximately 19. Nov 4, 2017 · Amateur radio is all about experimenting. Testing a CB antenna without an SWR meter requires a couple of tools. It is calibrated against the "Angstrom unit". Feb 12, 2018 · I have a 2000 Winnebago Adventurer that has a short factory CB antenna installed. Cutting the antenna would create a major mismatch from your current setup unless you did it perfectly and would still likely require non-standard compensation/tuning that the radio itself cant do. Feb 26, 2010 · Hello everybody I am thinking about purchasing a "Falcon 11 Meter CB Half Wave Base Station Transmitting Ham Radio Antenna" from the Falcon website, I am looking for antenna made for stealth. The No. The easiest and most forgiving phase system for 2 element arrays is the Christman method. One AnyTone CB radio review I came across pointed this as an advantage especially if you want to convert the unit into an 11 meter band CB. Apr 28, 2015 · Shop for 2 Meter Antennas here. Reports are excellent. After modification, you’ll have a more powerful CB. These are the 3 dial meters left to right power 5/50/500 watt range, modulation and SWR. See if your local club has a swap board, or a mentor program. it tunes easily on 6 meters thru 80 meters and 10 meters is alive and what better time to build something. My radio is (STUCK) on all the bands ( A - H ) 28. Sticking a cb swr meter in circuit with a 2 meter system will not damage your radio if you keep the transmits short. Handheld CB Antennas And as a final note, you might be able to just use a couple of adapters for a CB mount and be OK because you actually aren't talking about the antenna itself, but I'd worry about the wattage due to the fact that the CB service is legally limited to 4 watts and there aren't a lot of good quality ball mounts on the market while amateur stuff is If you have a set of Super Scanner antennas laying around, give them new lifemake 6 meter dipoles out of them. Check that your 10 meter radio is 39 + 12 = 51 (2 %) 33 + 18 = 51 (2 %) 27 + 22 = 49 (-2 %) Following the purchase of a Yaesu FT817 rig it was decided to make an SWR meter to match a Bremi BRL15 Tuner that had already been modified. Any CB antenna that has a loading coil may need to be trimmed a bit, but will work for 10m as well. Oct 25, 2015 · Then adjust 2nd antenna the same way. For those who intend to use a cb meter for 6 meters or 2 meters bands some meters have rf inductors inside which will not allow being used far out Oct 29, 2022 · I wanted to try 6 Meter (Metre for us Canadians) mobile operation, but was reluctant to put a 4 foot whip on the trunk of my car. 12 meters. 7 mHz, but most people don't use the whole band. A small variable capacitor is the only component that must be added. Apr 24, 2007 · They come tuned to 10 meters. My swr was around 1. The quickest and easiest way I have found to make a CB into a 10 meter beacon …. m. There are other considerations, though -- first, you shouldn't connect the two radios to the same antenna at the same time; the transmit power of one might damage the convert an inexpensive CB mag-mount antenna into a superb 2-meter whip In mounting mobile antennas, I of solid plastic. Was messing around with old “tinker-toys” from the 1970s and some old guitar strings thinking about fabricating a helical antenna. This is a special "Y Optional - Magnetic Antenna mount to convert to mobile CB (Sold Separately - shop for antennas) was $419. Jan 30, 2023 · Unplug the SWR meter and set up the CB radio: Once the antenna is tuned, unplug the SWR meter and plug the coaxial cable of the antenna back into the CB radio. Make sure the antenna was matched on the CB band before you start this endevor. The total length of the modified CB vertical radiating element is 27ft. 5 would read 1. Being an 8-watt power output cb, the AnyTone offers more power compared to your standard 4-watt CB. 35 Jun 15, 2022 · To fine-tune a Firestick CB antenna, follow these steps: Set the switch to FWD, turn on the CB radio, and select channel 1. A horizontal slot gives you a vertically polarized antenna. Dec 10, 2010 · The Multiband Converter from Cycle 24 Kits will allow you to receive the 40, 20, 17, 15, and 13 meter bands on an ordinary cb radio and the 80, 49, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meter bands on an am broadcast receiver with no modification to the radio. 2. I did that in my early ham days to save a few bucks on 2 meter antennas. Has anyone found a direct exchange 2 meter antenna? The weather hasn't been the greatest here to get up and check the mount type. Not that wide banded, it turned out. I used one mounted on the rear bumper of my Mazda pickup when I was first licensed. it tunes easily on 6 meters thru 80 meters and Feb 21, 2016 · CB Radio Modifications. That means it can interfere with other CB users on other channels. The instructions further below in this article outline connecting an external SWR meter and tuning a CB antenna. The antenna off the boat are only going to work on 10 meter, and perhaps 12 meter. 8 MB · Views: 351 20200113_000028. Might want to google for them. Many of the commercially made CB antennas can be easily converted to 10 meter use by just a simple tuning modification of the CB antenna length. 15 meters. Feb 23, 1999 · a resonite circuit for 10 meters. Aug 6, 2019 · If it’s a conversion of a CB radio to use on any ham band, then it becomes a ham radio. ) Engineer a matching network to convert the complex impedance of the antenna to the characteristic impedance of the coax. Sure, its ugly. Something that I can put in my attic that will work better then throwing my magnetic mount cb antenna May 30, 2018 · Basic unwritten rule of magnetic mount antennas: -- Have at least a quarter-wave of metal all around the magnetic base for the ground plane. Metz Amateur Radio Antenna 39″ whip Apr 18, 2020 · It looks like you have the antenna connector below which is a typical CB antenna mount. Each antenna has 6 basic set-up conditions but, there are many additional possibilites that exist because physically shortening (as in cutting away material) either the tuning screw or the vinyl cap May 1, 2020 · There are articles explaining how to convert a satellite TV antenna to a stealth 2m (146 Mhz) slot antenna, such as here and here. You need an emergency or quick 40 meter antenna. That was almost 20 years ago, now I am a Amateur Exta Class and having a lot of fun. 0-28. prohibits Most antennas are vertical on 11 meters, so a quarter wave whip over a large metal plane would be pretty good. Try chopping off an inch or so off of the bottom at a time. I use RG-6 on a 3-band (40, 20, 15) inverted vee with no problems. Aug 12, 2010 · Military Antenna Conversion for CB has anyone tried to do this? i got the base and antenna and am ordering the antenna bracket today. CB Antennas; SSB Antennas; Accessories; Weather Fax Antennas Call us today : 603-528-2590 . The SWR reading starts at 1, you can't go under that. How To Tune The CB Antenna Using An External SWR Meter. CB antenna as it is might tune for 10m since they are close, but again, probably won't work as well as an antenna made for that band. Good luck. Nov 23, 2013 · You can convert a base loaded mobile 1/4 wave CB antenna into a 5/8 wave two meter antenna by simply re-tapping the coil in the base if you can access it. Built not Bought!Shout out to channels @loughkb , @w2aew, & @MIKROWAVE1 for the inspiration to ti Nov 10, 2023 · If you would like to support the channel! Buy me a cup of coffee. Jan 23, 2014 · A standard 102" CB antenna is indeed good to use for 10m without trimming. Bring a ground and a hot to each antenna. It may be mounted in an attic or other stealth The radio meter is only a rough guide. And easy to make reversible. One CB that comes to mind that has a built in SWR meter is the Texas Ranger. I will show you how. Make up a coax feed cable from the CB to the 2 antennas. While external amplifiers for CB are available, they are illegal, and would not work well on the ham band anyway. Please note – while use of these radios on CB frequencies is fairly common the N2 is a 10 meter Amateur radio and therefore is not type accepted by the FCC for citizens band use. It’s just one end of my G5RV dipole, or sometimes called a “dummy load”Read More Jan 7, 2024 · The best CB antennas come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from extra-long devices intended for use on trucks and lorries, to small CB antenna options that are perfect for portability. There are a number of ways to do that, from using a metal plate with several radials attached to mount that mag-mount, to changing to a different NMO mount made into/onto a 'groundplane'. TheCB hardware turned out to be ideal for the nett-wave conversion. There's no problem having or running these radios. They are more expensive than a throwaway stainless steel whip, and are usually only one band. In addition, CB hardware is certainly strong enough for Aug 20, 2017 · That has a range of 30 to 88 mhzso might work for CB which is 27 mhz. This capacitor C8 tunes the lowest band 30-33 MHz on the antenna and will allow you to match the antenna at 27MHz. All you have to do is cut the upper section of the mast shorter (12-16") and manually tune the knob on the bottom of the base till you gain reception. These high-gain 2M Yagi antennas are great for base or portable use and, with their factory adjustment, eliminate the need for tuning. They do not work as well as a true 1/2 wave or a 1/4 wave with a ground plane, but they are better than nothing. HI3/KL7JR Pruned 10/12 Meter Balcony Vertical Building and experimenting with antennas can be an interesting part of the radio hobby. Jun 17, 2006 · The eleven meter band, aka CB, is in the 27mHz range. Mar 19, 2012 · The best way to know is to put either an SWR meter on it or better yet an antenna analyzer. Home; 2 Meter $ 119. 3 to 28. Of course this will render the antenna useless for any future CB activity. ) Construct and contrast field results with the models. Herman Aug 18, 2015 · STRYKER 497HPC CONVERT PROBLEM????? I have a Stryker 497HPC and there are NO three pins on the board over here. In addition, CB hardware is certainly strong enough for Apr 28, 2015 · Shop for 2 Meter Antennas here. This means: About 6 inches (in radius) on UHF. 17 meters. Most ham radios are more than just a one band thingy. S. Some antenna manufacturers say their antennas cover 11 and 10 meters. A 66 foot length of wire is available. Once completed I am interested in having a working CB radio and a 2-meter radio for local Red Cross communication in the event of an emergency. Menu. Should you over- shoot, it is simple to start over again with a new piece of wire. Your radio may have an antenna warning light if there's an issue. I now use my Radio Shack 2m 5/8 whip as a 6-meter antenna. It's up to you whether you follow the rules, but you should know the rules. Also, SWR is a ratio, so the best you can hope for is 1:1. 065 / 28. Using the idea from the project above, I decided to just go ahead and put it up at an experimental configuration using an Antenna Specialists 5/8 wave 11 meter (CB) all aluminum antenna. In reality, you must tune them by adjusting length. The revolutionary COMPACtenna Model CB/2M/440 Multi-Band Antenna is ready for use as an indoor base or as an inconspicuous outdoor base antenna. 185 doesn’t even come near 3 feet to be resonant on cb How to Reconstruct a TV Antenna for 2-Meter Ham Radio Bandwidths. Mar 31, 2022 · If i were to use a gamma match for each yagi and tune them each for 50 ohms, then use 50 ohm coax of the same length from each antenna joined together so the antennas are fed in parallel, that would give 25 ohms. 5 meters) long. CB radio is way down near the 10-meter band. 5 or less across the bands is best. 10 meters can be both a Using the idea from the project above, I decided to just go ahead and put it up at an experimental configuration using an Antenna Specialists 5/8 wave 11 meter (CB) all aluminum antenna. As CB antennas are designed for frequencies around 27 MHz, the best one can do is trim the length in order to operate at or near ten meters in wavelength (about 28 MHz), 6 meters, or lengthen it to go to the 12 meters wavelength. https://www. 5 inches (0. Also, explore tools to convert cubic inch or cubic meter to other volume units or learn more about volume conversions. The most frequent conversions for Amateur Radio use are highlighted in red. That's why they don't advertise use on 11 Meters. Once you are satisfied with the results, the P L-259 can be cemented to the insulator. Some of these clamps can be used to mount the directors. the 2-meter band. Feb 2, 2011 · 2. xkhfcq mibjkeq bprfx wibv mmsz ivrphc pmzb aigfgy icnkr iyhbsu