
Exercise 1 locating the epicenter of an earthquake. Brought you by award-winning teacher Jon Bergma.

Exercise 1 locating the epicenter of an earthquake Table 5. The epicenter is also the location that most news reports give because it is the center of the area where people are affected. You have just located an earthquake’s epicenter. 1 with the travel-time curves in Figure 7. locating the epicenter of an earthquake. Locating the Epicenter & Determining Magnitude of an Earthquake Locating the Epicenter Measuring the S-P time interval There are hundreds of seismic data recording stations throughout the United States and the rest of the world. 2. 95 N, 144. 5Locating an Earthquake's Epicenter and Determining When It Occurred (continued)Name:Section:q,CourseDate: q,Now that you know what different types of waves look like on a seismogram, let's see how to measure their arrival times. 988° S 76. When the data is plotted on a map, they can locate the point on the Earth’s surface above the earthquake which is called the earthquake epicenter. 1 with the trav- el-time curves in Figure 115. 183 W 2956 km INNA 11. [NOTE TO TEACHERS AND STUDENTS: This exercise assumes that you have a data table and graph made while using the Earthquakes 1 – Recording Center Gizmo. Question: Earthquake Assignment Objective: This assignment is meant to give you practical experience on locating the epicenter of an earthquake and determining its magnitude from seismogram data. A minimum of three seismic stations is necessary to locate an epicenter. What is the epicenter of an earthquake? a) The location of the seismometer to first record the earthquake’s P-waves. This standard earthquake is 100 km away and produces 1 mm of amplitude on the seismogram. 1 Get ’em and live your best student life. One earthquake occurred in the morning (AM quake) and the other in the evening (PM quake). Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake. Exercise 1: Earthquake on the internet and the news. The next questions to ask are "How strong Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Seismologists can locate the epicenter of an earthquake by using, a way of determining something's location using the locations of other things. 135, 37. The earthquake had a relatively shallow depth of 20 miles (32 km). Write the distance it in the blank for each city on the previous page. 4 Locating an Earthquake Epicenter and Determining When It Occurred Name: Course: Section Date Park the cars, and let's tackle an earthquake. Use the following series of steps to get all the information you need to identify the location of the earthquake and pinpoint when it occurred 1. The actual time at which the earthquake took place at the focus (and at the epicenter) is called the origin time. The figure below shows how waves look on a typical seismogram printout. Table 3. Name_ ENVI 170: Earth Science Exercise 8: Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake and Determining its Richter EXERCISE 26 Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake 2. Locating the epicenter Get the Gizmo ready: Click Reset ( ). Use the following series of steps to get all the information you need to identify the location of the earthquake and pinpoint when it occurred: 1. 5 Locating an Earthquake’s Epicenter and. Using the scale on the map (page 1), open your compass so it spans the distance from Las Vegas to the In this exercise, you will find the epicenter of an earthquake that occurred on September 2, 1994 with a magnitude of 3. The scientists locate the epicenter by determining the p-wave arrival times at several locations. If you do not have those, or have never used that Gizmo before, do that first. 1) using the trilateration method (2. The S-P time interval is a function of the distance the waves have traveled from the origin to that station because the longer the distance, the greater the difference in arrival time between the fast P waves and the slower S waves. The epicenter of an earthquake is the point on the Earth's surface at or above the earthquake's focus. What is the travel time (in seconds) needed for Car 1 to arrive at mile 2? For Car 2?, Part 1. Distance traveled from the earthquake epicenter (km) S-P time interval (minutes) Earthquake Location 2 Using the skills that you acquired in the picking P and S arrivals, you can now locate an earthquake using real seismic records. What conclusions can you draw from this map about the cause of Using the P-wave and S-wave arrival times on each seismogram, you will determine the distance between the epicenter and each station. These are actual seismograms that you will be reading, from an actual earthquake event. 2 gives the values of T, and T, feom thrse 2 Which seismic starion is closest to the epicenter? seiumograms that recoeded an carthquake of December 19, 1974, in Southers California. What is the delay time between the two cars after 2 miles?, (Q002) Part 1. Download Exercises - Locating an Earthquake Epicenter Examining Seismograms | Notre Dame University (NDU) | Identify P, S, and surface waves on a simple seismogram. ò Ç„ÌEÁç€ Ô‚_ÌdhT›éoÕ9a‰ÂS³ ¦% ü­"',QJµK º¶£ƒ ˆ : Œ d F C Âhs€4aç A(ƒÈ“I@Z ˆµ@ Œî ŒÚŒÁ\IŒ Œ ¾2LdØÍ8‡¡‘q1c=CÍ­&ñ«»÷q 1 Earthquakes Exercise 3: Locating the Epicenter Directions: 1. 48* 36. Key references: To accurately locate an earthquake's epicenter, how many seismograph stations are minimally required? Three. Simply amazing! This exercise will walk you through the process of earthquake location. Prepare: To complete this activity, you will need the table and graph you made in the Earthquakes 1 – Recording Station Student Exploration Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake Introduction: The epicenter is the point on Earth's surface directly above an earthquake. Four. The scientists locate the epicenter my measuring the earthquakes magnitude using p-waves and s-waves D. The epicenter of an earthquake is the point on Earth's surface at or above the earthquake's focus. Time Required: 2 hours. 842°W 2529 km Question 1 1) Create a Google Earth Locating the epicenter Get the Gizmo ready: Click Reset ( ). solids, liquids and gases can resist the change in volume; and when compressed, will elastically sspring back Jun 2, 2015 · Q3. 65 km from the seismograph. 9, 000 km Q4. 112. KMBO-Killma Mbogo, Kenya (1. 28 36. a) On the internet and b) the news, find information about a major earthquake that occurred in the U and Canada in the year 1700 and the most recent major earthquake, respectively. Practice the procedures for locating the epicenter of an earthquake. Explain: No Gizmo Warm-up When you used the Earthquakes 1 – Recording Station Gizmo, you learned how to find the distance from a recording station to the epicenter. What physical landform is at the earthquake's location? 4. 2. 12. Prepare: To complete this activity, you will need the table and graph you made in the Earthquakes 1 – Recording Station Student Exploration Question: Exercise 1 Finding the Epicenter of an EarthquakeIn this exercise, you will use the Google Earth ?TM mapping service to determine the location of an earthquake's epicenter. Refer to Earthquake 1 for questions 3 through 6. Mt. 5 Locating an Earthquake's Epicenter and Determining When It Occurred (continued) Name: Section: Course: Date Step 3: Estimating Distance from the Epicenter to Each Station Using the Travel Time Diagram The next figure in this exercise shows how to use seismic wave delay data and the travel time diagram to measure the dis- tance from each station to the epicenter Start with one of Jan 11, 2021 · Finding the Epicenter; Summary; Review; Can you find an earthquake epicenter? The epicenter of the 2011 Japan earthquake was just offshore of Sendai. For In order to locate the epicenter of an earthquake, you need to estimate the time interval between the arrival of the P and S waves, called the S-P interval, on the seismograms (e. 8 (L4) First, fill in the table below with the required data. Is this earthquake located near a plate boundary, and if so which one (name) and what style (e. See figure 65 (table 5) and figure 66 (5). Open Google Earth. Could you have determined the location of the 1964 earthquake epicenter with information It is usually on a fault surface-The epicenter is the land surface directly above the focus. Learn from this informative and clear video. . 4 Locating an Earthquake's Epicenter and Determining When It Occurred (continued) Section: Date: Name Course: Recognizing seismic wave arrivals and measuring time on a seismogram. It is assigned a magnitude of 3. g. 62* 138. You will analyze the records and locate the earthquake using a method known 1 Virtual Earthquake Exercise for GSCI 100 You are about to trigger a virtual earthquake and measure its properties. the method of locating the epicenter of an earthquake by drawing three circles, each centered at a seismic station with a radius of the calculated distance from the station to the quake. What location (latitude and longitude) did you determine as the earthquake's epicenter? What landmasses are close to the earthquake location? The earthquake occurred south of the Samoan Islands (Samoa and American Samoa). What was the approximate location of the earthquake? _____ Which city on the map is closest to the earthquake epicenter? How far, in kilometers, is this city from the epicenter? (use the scale) Which city, Houston, Denver or Seattle, had the fastest P wave travel time? *The sample earthquake estimates 3 minutes 3 seconds (00:03:03) for the S wave at station BCIP and 1 minute 41 seconds for the P wave (00:01:41), so the S-P is 82 seconds (183-101). B. ˆ9~9040 aà˜µæ°t ‹:ƒý ×& ½ÇskœnHg&¼[a\ TÎ ôŸ‡¡cÅô +–O‡ À5áì,Ï® ž6/Ug2¬Tù©:“ˉÅ8Í*„iÉ 5»€•,“ÏM˼°D)Í. Repeat steps 1 through 5. Question: locating the epicenter of an earthquake. divergent). Because ground motion decreases with distance from a seismic station, distance from the epicenter must also be taken into account. Where the 3 circles intersect is the approximate location to the epicenter of the earthquake. The Richter Nomogram So far you have worked on locating the epicenter of an earthquake. ] Vocabulary: body wave, earthquake, epicenter, fault, focus, P wave, S wave, seismic wave, seismogram, seismograph Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How are faults, hypocenters, and epicenters related?, Briefly describe the triangulation method used to locate the epicenter of an earthquake. 25 E) GUMO-Guam, Marianas islands (13. Using the three seismograms in Figure 1, determine the arrival times of the P- and S-waves for three different seismic stations. 949° S 63. Do not launch the program in your internet browser. 1. Locate the epicenter of an earthquake using seismograms and travel‐times curves. The scientists locate the epicenter by determining the arrival time of p-waves and s-waves from several locations Dec 12, 2013 · A kinesthetic activity for students to understand the technique for locating the epicenter of an earthquake. Earthquake Triangulation via Three Seismograph Stations HKPS INCN MAJO Latitude (DD) 22. Use the following seties of steps to get all the information you need to identify the location of the earthquake and pinpoint when it occurred 1. Question: EARTHQUAKES AND PLATE TECTONICS PART 1 – Epicenter Location Exercise 1) Two different earthquakes are recorded on the same day at four different seismograph stations around the Pacific (Honolulu, Tokyo, Manila, and Brisbane). In order to determine the distance to the epicenter of an earthquake, which of the following information is needed? the difference in P-S wave arrival times As the distance from an epicenter increases, the difference in arrival time (lag time) between the P and S wave in order to locate the epicenter of an earthquake, you need to determine the _____ between the arrival of the P and S waves. Do Question: Locating Earthquakes We can locate the epicenter of an earthquake if we have three seismic recording stations that record the arrival times of P and S waves. Objective: To identify the location of an EXERCISE 26 Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake 1. Measurable Learning Outcomes. 4. Science; Earth Sciences; Earth Sciences questions and answers; EXERCISE 7. The place deep in Earth’s crust where the earthquake began. The three seismograms in this activity are unfi ltered station records from a single event that occurred on August 1, 1999. 2) What’s Shakin? is a long-term plotting exercise Question: EXERCISE 16. Jun 19, 2016 · GENERALIZATION Triangulation Method Uses distance information from three seismic stations to locate the earthquake epicenter To locate: Determine the time interval between the arrival of the P and S waves on the seismogram from three different stations Measure the interval closest to seconds Locating the Epicenter and Determining the Magnitude of an Earthquake Measuring the S-P time interval Determining the Earthquake Distance Locating the Epicenter. Which waves should we trace first? and more. Introduction: The epicenter is the point on Earth's surface directly above an earthquake. Now, answer the following question. During this exercise, you will calculate the epicenter location and magnitude of an earthquake, using software a way commonly used by geologists to find the epicenter of earthquakes First Step measure distance between first P and S waves on seismogram for each station (3) - comes from a seismometer EXERCISE 1 DATA SHEET Table 1. In order for you to complete this exercise, you must have access to the internet and download Google Earth™ Pro on your computer. 39 by their conventional abbreviation SYP Santa Ynez Peak, ISA (Lake We have provided you with three seismograms from a single earthquake. 9-E1 LAB EXERCISE – LOCATING AN EPICENTER. Activity—Plotting Earthquake Epicenters* Seismic discovery This activity is made up of two lessons: 1) Where in the World? — takes approximately 50 minutes, provides a review of latitude and longitude and use of an earthquake’s magnitude and depth. As discussed earlier in this lesson, this method of determining the epicenter of an earthquake is known as triangulation. EXERCISE 7. 20 3:28 3:32 3:27 3:31 3:37 3:28 P-wave Arrival Time (UTC) S-wave Arrival Time (UTC) S-P Time Difference (UTC) Distance From Epicenter (km) 3 5 1 2,000km 3500km 500km 1. docx from ENVI 170 at Indiana State University. To establish the risk for an earthquake, geologists first collect seismic data from many locations to find the centers for earthquake activity. Lab Exercise #2: Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake seismic Below is an illustration (Figure 4. Two. Dec 19, 2020 · EXERCISE 26 Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake 2. 13. Page 1 of 2. More shaking is usually the result of more seismic energy released. (Putting markes on the piece of paper and lining it up) Then look down to where it states the distance. 2 gives the values of T, and T, from three seismograms that recorded an earthquake of December 19, 1974, in Southern California. , Figure 1) from at least three different stations. the radius of each circle equals that station's distance from the earthquake's epicenter What is the relationship between seismograms of the same earthquake at different locations? the farther away the epicenter, the farther away the waves would appear Question: Location of Earthquake (intersection of drawn circles on map): Using the seismogram from the location Bakersfield location and the Richter scale provided at the end of this exercise, determine the magnitude of the earthquake: Plot the distance to the earthquake epicenter from the Bakersfield station on the vertical EqLocate is a suite of interactive apps giving users the opportunity to choose their preferred earthquake location method and specific earthquake they want to analyze. 5. 1. EXERCISE 16. Learn more Learn more Learn more done loading “I could not imagine life as a student without Chegg. 9-E1 LAB EXERCISE – LOCATING AN EPICENTER You will determine the location of an earthquake epicenter using seismograms from Carrier, Oklahoma, Smith Ranch in Marlow, Oklahoma, and Bolivar, Missouri. Question: EXERCISE 11. 1) Label the P-wave and S-wave on each of the three seismograms 2) Determine the time difference between the first arrivals of the P and Swaves for each location and enter the times in the Table To locate the epicenter of an earthquake, you must estimate the time interval between the arrivals of the earthquake’s P and S waves (the S-P interval) on the seismograms from three different stations. b) The location of the seismometer to first record the earthquake’s S-waves. 6 Locating Epicenters of Historic Earthquakes Name: Section: Course: Date: With the modern worldwide network of seismic stations, any earthquake epicenter can be located quickly and accurately. Sep 12, 2019 · In order to determine the location of an earthquake epicenter, seismographs from at least three different places are needed for a particular event. Which is slation is closest in the epicenter! How is this determined! 1. There may be a small triangle where the epicenter is located rather than a point. Question: EXERCISE 7. This is where the Pacific Plate plunges into a subduction zone. Use the data below and the map on the next page to determine the epicenters of earthquakes at selected locations of the world. What type of plate boundary or tectonic setting is the earthquake related to at this location? ocean-continent convergent Given the location of the epicenter of this earthquake and the plate boundary, will this area experience earthquakes in the future? The study of earthquakes, called seismology, began to take off with the development of instruments that can detect earthquakes; this instrument, called a seismograph, can measure the slightest of Earth’s vibrations. Click Play, and then click Pause when the seismograms are complete. 14 138. recording stations to find the exact location of the epicenter. ca Nov 26, 2013 · In this activity, students use an online simulation—Virtual Earthquake—that is accessible through the Earthquakes Living Lab interface, to locate the epicenter of an earthquake by making simple measurement on three seismograms, recordings of an earthquake's seismic waves detected by instruments (seismographs) far away from the earthquake. 4: Locating an Earthquake Epicenter During an earthquake, seismic waves are sent all over the globe. Identify P, S, and surface waves on seismograms; Measure amplitude and lag time on seismograms; Use a travel-time graph to convert lag time into distance; Use triangulation to accurately locate the epicenter of an earthquake 1. Exercise 26. It corrosponds with the time distance between the waves. 2 The Logic of Locating Earthquake Epicenters Name: Course: Section: Date: This exercise leads you through the reasoning used to calculate the distance from a seismic station to an earthquake epicenter. 674 S 90. If you have at least a small triangle, remeasure your times above and try again. 14* 126. Which seismic station is closest to the epicenter How is this determined 1. Focus The location where the earthquake begins. use the information on Table #1 to locate the epicenter of earthquake #1. 4 Locating an Earthquake's Epicenter and Determining When It Occurred Section: Date: Name: Course Park the cars, and let's tackle an earthquake. See figure 65 (table 5). Remember that shallow quakes typically cause the most damage. For example, consider a hypothetical earthquake that was recorded at three seismograph stations. and the earthquake's epicenter. Maps often portray the location of epicenters Maps often portray the location of epicenters 1 / 9 Answer to EXERCISE 7. 4. 5Locating an Earthquake's Epicenter and Determining When It Occurred (continued)Name: q, Section:Course: q, Date: q,Step 5: Determining the Time When an Earthquake OccurredWhen, exactly, did the earthquake occur at the epicenter? Align one of your station worksheets from Appendix 7. 105. What is the risk of earthquakes in the area of this quake? Now look at the map of Earth’s Lithospheric Plates in your textbook. P waves are the first wave to appear; S waves appear next The waves appear on the graph when there is a sudden change in the height of the squiggles. With that information, you can accurately map the location of the epicenter of the earthquake. Feb 8, 2023 · View Exercise 8 - Earthquake Epicenter. a. Brought you by award-winning teacher Jon Bergma Huge benefits with top brands for students are included with a Chegg Study or Chegg Study Pack subscription. Earthquakes Exercise 3: Locating the Epicenter Directions: 1. Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake EXERCISE 26 Name Section 2. 2) using the trilateration method (Fig. Objective: To locate the epicenter of an earthquake. Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake 1. Go back to the previous webpage and select a different station. The epicenter is the point where the earthquake waves have the greatest amplitude, and it is from the epicenter that damage to buildings and other structures occurs. The time delay between the first P-wave and first S-wave arrival is especially important. Table 1 shows the distance of three separate earthquakes from each of the recording stations provided on the data map. d) The place on Earth’s surface directly above were the earthquake occurred. 4 Locating an Earthquake's Epicenter and Determining when I Name: Section: Course: Date: Step 5: Determining the Time When an Earthquake Occurred When, exactly did the earthquake occur at the epicenter? Align one of your station worksheets from Appendix 11. Noma EXERCISE 2 6 Section Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake 1. 4 Locating an Earthquake Epicenter and Determining When It Occurred Name: Course Park the cars, and let's tackle an earthquake. 3 in the handbook). Try to pick one that is quite a bit further from the earthquake. If the distance to the epicenter is 60 km and the amplitude is 2 mm, the magnitude of the earthquake is about 4. ” Homework 2 Locating Epicenter and Determining Magnitude of Earthquake The objective of this exercise is to locate the epicenter of an earthquake and determine the earthquake’s magnitude. What is the epicenter of an earthquake? A. The next questions to ask are "How strong To locate the epicenter of an earthquake, you must estimate the time interval between the arrivals of the earthquake’s P and S waves (the S-P interval) on the seismograms from three different stations. Question: Ал Lab Exercise #2: Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake In this lab exercise, you will locate the epicenter of an earthquake. A narrated description about how to complete a exercise about locating the epicenter of an earthquake and measuring its magnitude. 00 1:06:00 07:00 142. This is called the S-P arrival time difference or S-P interval. Which seismic station is closest to the epicenter? How is this determined? 1. Earthquake Triangulation via Three Seismograph Stations HKPS INCN MAJO Latitude (DD) 37. The interval is measured to the closest second and then a graph is used to convert the S-P interval to the epicentral distance. Directions: It will be easiest if you print this sheet out onto paper and work from that, but it’s also possible to do it completely digitally. Exercise 1 - Locating an Epicenter (6 points) Distance to an earthquake epicenter is determined from the difference in arrival time of the P and S waves. , Which type of plate boundary is most often associated with destructive events? and more. However, you won’t know what direction the seismic waves came from. The distance from a seismograph to the epicenter of an earthquake can be made by measuring the time difference between P and S wave arrival times. Find this earthquake’s location on the map of Earthquake Risk in the United States in your textbook. The intersection of the three circles indicates the epicenter. Turn off all selections in the "My Places" pane in the Google Earth sidebar by unchecking the main box. Station Name Coordinates Distance to Epicenter PAYG 0. 8 (L4) First, fill in the table below with Question: Locating the epicenter of an earthquake using trilaterationThis exercise explores how data from seismographs in different locations can be used to pinpoint the epicenter of an earthquake using seismograph data (Figure 2. 1). Given- Question: EXERCISE 11. Nov 16, 2022 · EXERCISE 1: LOCATING THE EPICENTER OF AN EARTHQUAKE In this exercise, you will be introduced to the Google Earth ™ mapping service and you will use it to determine the location of an earthquake’s epicenter. The actual location of the earthquake's epicenter will be on the perimeter of a circle drawn around the recording station. The epicenter would be 5. 3. 20* Earthquake Occurrence (UTC) 03:25:34 03:25:34 03:25:34 P-wave Arrival Time (UTC The point of origin of an earthquake is called its focus and the point on the earth's surface directly above the focus is the epicenter. Distance traveled from the earthquake epicenter (km) S-P time interval (minutes) the point on the Earth's surface directly above a hypocenter or focus, the point where an earthquake or an underground explosion originates. Fiji is further west, while New Zealand is much further south. 55* Longitude (DD) 114. 00 14100 21800 Sudden change in amplitude and frequency from previous vibration indicates arrival of a new seismic wave type 1 Earthquakes Living Lab: Finding Epicenters and Measuring Magnitudes Activity—Worksheet 1 Finding Epicenters and Measuring Magnitudes Worksheet Objective : To use seismic data and an interactive simulation to triangulate the location and measure the Triangulation is used to determine the location of an earthquake. Question: Exercise 3-1: DETERMINING THE LOCATION OF AN EARTHQUAKE Earthquakes happen every day. But what about earthquakes that took place before seismometers were invented? Aug 23, 2011 · Exercise 3: Locating Earthquake Epicenters Using the P-wave and S-wave arrival times from one seismogram will allow you to determine the distance between the earthquake epicenter and the recording station where the seismogram is located. Step 1. The scientists locate the epicenter by determining the arrival time of p-waves and s-waves from several locations Jul 9, 2008 · Students are provided with data from 4 seismograms which are used to plot the epicenter of an earthquake using OneNote to pick the P-S wave arrival gap and Google Earth to plot the circles which intersect at the epicenter. 0 . EXERCISE 11. Earthquake Triangulation via Three Seismograph Stations HKPS INCN MAJO Latitude (DD) Longitude (DD) P-wave Arrival Time (UTC) S-wave Arrival Time (UTC) S-P Time Difference (UTC) Distance From Epicenter (km) Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes EXERCISE 1 POST-LAB QUESTIONS 1. In Figure 13. In order for you to complete this exercise, you must have access to the internet and download Google Earth ™ Pro on your computer. Through these easy-to-use tools, learners explore real data from recent and historic seismic events gaining valuable hands-on experience in earthquake locating techniques. It is performed indoors and outdoors in three lessons. 28* 37. In this exercise, you will locate the epicenter of this earthquake and then answer questions about the both the geography and geology of the surrounding region. Follow the directions for each question in this EXERCISE 11. Seismic stations detect earthquakes by the tracings made on seismographs. In this exercise, you will determine the location of the epicenter of an earthquake that was recorded on seismograms at three different locations (Figure 1). You are to locate the epicenter of an earthquake by making simple measurement on three seismograms that will be sent to you by the Virtual Earthquake program. 9, there is an example seismogram from a station that includes a minor earthquake. It is used to calculate how far away the earthquake epicenter is from the seismic monitoring station. Locating Earthquake Epicenters Name _____ Section _____ Date_____ Objectives: After completion of the lab exercise, the students will be able to: 1) locate an earthquake epicenter by using seismogram data, 2) use a Time-Travel Graph to determine how long earthquake waves have been traveling, 3) calculate the time of origin of earthquakes. 1A. Some are too small to be felt by humans, even though animals sometimes sense it and some are incredibly devastating. Table 52 gives the values of T, and from the simograms that resunted an earthquake of December 19, 1974. Most earthquakes beneath a volcano could cause the movement of magma. 2 gives the values of T, and Tre the seismograms that reeded as carthquake of December 19, 1974, in Southern California The miestations for each seismogram are show on the map in figure 5. 10) that shows seismogram records for a hypothetical earthquake as recorded in three cities. c) The place deep in Earth’s crust where the earthquake began. Using Richter Magnitude chart to determine distance & magnitude Materials Needed pencil colored pencils compass Locating the Epicenter 1) Measuring the S-P time interval In order to locate the epicenter of an earthquake, you need to estimate the time interval between the arrival of the P and Swaves (the S-P interval) on the seismograms from at earth science grade 10 (quiz 1) Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. With the Earthquakes 2 3 Determination of Epicenter Gizmo, you will use data from three. earthquake. By the end of the exercise, students should be able to: • Identify P and S waves on seismograms • Determine the distance of an epicenter from a seismic station using travel time curves • Locate the epicenter of an earthquake by triangulation • Calculate the time of origin of an earthquake based on seismic data OVERVIEW Earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis do have relationships. Most volcanoes are along the edges of tectonic plates. 286° W 4196 km SAML 8. in Southem California. 46 EXERCISE 11 Determination of Earthquake Epicenters Earthquake epicenters are determined by using geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). Modified Mercalli intensity values for the December 1872 Pacific Northwest earthquake. , By tracing the starting point, we can locate the epicenter of an earthquake. The radius of this circle is the epicentral distance. 6. With the Earthquakes 2 – Determination of Epicenter Gizmo, you will use data from three recording stations to find the exact location of the epicenter. 5 Determining the Magnitude of an Earthquake Name: Section: Course: Date: In this simplified exercise, you will estimate the magnitude of an earthquake based on the amplitude of a body wave (P-wave). This will allow you to practice using information recorded on a seismograph to recognize the different velocities of compression (P) and shear (S) waves and locate the epicenter of an earthquake. The location of the seismometer to first record the earthquake. C. Students will use the difference in arrival times between P and S waves at each station to compute the distance from the station to the epicenter. Jan 26, 2021 · Unformatted text preview: Name: _____ Date: _____ Period: _____ “Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake” In order to practice triangulation we will use data from three separate earthquakes and locate three epicenters. Each seismogram is from a different location in the vicinity of the earthquake. One. The place on Earth’s surface directly above where the earthquake started. May 26, 2020 · Exercise 1 - Locating an Epicenter (6 points) Distance to an earthquake epicenter is determined from the difference in arrival time of the P and S waves. To pinpoint the location of an Mar 28, 2022 · In-class lab exercises Part 1: Epicenter and Magnitude. Do the same for the "Layers" pane, then go back in and check the box labeled "Borders and Labels". Geology document from College of Southern Maryland, 4 pages, EXERCISE 1 DATA SHEET Table 1. Using the difference in time between S and P waves, you go to the Earth Science reference tables and find the location where the P and S wave lines have that time difference. T 0 may be different because the rock types through which the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How many seismographs do you need to locate the epicenter?, Step #1:, Step #2: and more. You will determine the location of an earthquake epicenter using seismograms from Carrier, Oklahoma, Smith Ranch in Marlow, Oklahoma, and Bolivar, Missouri. Compare the epicenter location to a map of plate boundaries. Usually, the less active fault line stores great amount of potential energy that could cause major earthquake once released. In order to locate the epicenter of an earthquake, you need to estimate the time interval between the arrival Nov 11, 2021 · If the distance to the epicenter is 40 km and the amplitude is 0. 5 . What is the travel time (in seconds) needed for Car 1 to arrive at mile 3? For Car 2? and more. Exercise 1 Finding the Epicenter of an Earthquake Feb 22, 2022 · Unformatted text preview: GEO 201 Physical Geology Lab 8– Earthquakes (25 points) Exercise 1- Locating an Epicenter Submit your map locating the epicenter as a photo (JPEG) – two points GEO 201Phyiscal Geology Page 1 of 5 Lab 8: EarthquakesAnswer Table for Exercises 1 and 2 (8 points – 2 points per column) GEO 201Phyiscal Geology Page 2 of 5 Lab 8: EarthquakesExercise 3- Investigating Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Part 1. There are 2 steps to solve this one. Locating the Earthquake (Step 2) Now we are ready to locate the earthquake using a simple triangulation method. Question: Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes EXERCISE 1 DATA SHEET Table 1. The figure below shows Mercalls intensity values for an 1872 earthquake that shook much of the Pacific Northwest Draw contour lines the map to show areas of equal damage (isoseismal areas) and indicate with an x the location for the epicenter of this earthquake. 4 Locating an Earthquake's Epicenter and Determining When It Occurred Name: Course: Section: Date: Park the cars, and let's tackle an earthquake. The epicenter of an earthquake is the point on the Earth's surface directly above the hypocenter, or fault plane. Once the distance from the epicenter to any recording station is known, it is possible to find the origin time of the earthquake. Goal: Based on three seismograms, locate the epicenter of an earthquake. Other earthquakes can then be referenced to this standard. Materials Required: Everything that you need for this exercise is included in the on-screen components. Objective Use data from seismograms to locate the epicenters of earthquakes. Nov 29, 2023 · (1 pt) Locating the epicenter of an earthquake using trilateration This exercise explores how data from seismographs in different locations can be used to pinpoint the epicenter of an earthquake using seismograph data (See Figures 12. While earthquake locations are normally done with a computer that can quickly determine the paths of seismic waves through the Earth to many seismic stations, you can get a good estimate of an earthquake location using a map, a ruler, a pencil, and a compass for drawing circles on the map. 5 Locating an Earthquake’s Epicenter and Determining When It OccurredStep 2: Measuring the Delay between Arrival of Different WavesPLEASE NOTE: On the seismograms, the seismic waves for Los Angeles are on the line BELOW the time marker shown. Palomar is closest to the epicenter as indicated by the fact that the P wave arrived there before it arrived at the other two stations. You are a scientist working at the national office of the Earthquake Data Control Center. Therefore, places near fault lines that remain inactive for a long period of time are due to experience a major earthquake. You can now determine the distance from each seismic recording station to the earthquake's epicenter using the known times of travel of the S and P waves. In history, almost all the major tsunamis are triggered by earthquakes. This activity sheet provides instructions for students to locate the epicenter of a hypothetical earthquake using data from three seismic recording stations. Usually, Earthquakes or volcanic could trigger tsunamis. If the distance to the epicenter is 40 km and the amplitude is 50 mm, the magnitude of the earthquake is about 5. Use the three Lab Exercise #2: Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake seismic Below is an illustration (Figure 4. Part II. Jun 17, 2019 · Calculate the time that the earthquake occurred, locate the epicenter by triangulation, and graphically determine the local magnitudes of the earthquake Other skills goals for this activity Enter data and a formula in a spreadsheet, compute the average magnitude of the earthquake, translate algebraic expressions to spreadsheet format EXERCISE 11. Label it clearly on your map. They will then draw circles centered on each station with radii equal to the computed 1. 55 Longitude (DD) 126. See full list on openpress. 87 E) 19. 2 Locating an Epicenter. One S - P measurement will produce one epicentral distance: the direction from which the waves came is unknown. epicenter is used to draw a circle with an origin at each seismograph and a radius equal to the distance to the epicenter as taken from each seismogram. Locating earthquake epicenters will pinpoint which fault lines are active. 48 22. 1 mm, the magnitude of the earthquake is about 3. 62 114. usask. In this exercise, you will be introduced to the Google Earth™ mapping service and you will use it to determine the location of an earthquake’s epicenter. The epicenter is the location on the Earth’s surface vertically above the point of rupture (focus). Gizmo Warm-up When you used the Earthquakes 1 3 Recording Station Gizmo, you learned how to find the distance from a recording station to the epicenter. Tracings made at three separate seismic stations are needed to locate an earthquake epicenter. Then, find the difference between the arrival times (S-P) for each station. doa tkqw dzwef lfpjy ftyc trvhg iugjwmzrj hqcrudu zbr soud