Ib io example Read in 3 mins. High scoring IB English A (Lang & Lit) IO Grade 6 Internal Assessment examples. IB English IO Rubric. Step up your IB game for free! Get instant access to our amazing collection of Free IO Examples and see what it takes to score top marks. This script was written to prepare IO on Carol Ann Duffy’s Medusa. Learn more about Pro. Your students should feel 100% confident that they know exactly what to expect on the day of their IO. Continue reading "IB English A: Language & High scoring IB English A (Lit) IO examples. This sample typically includes work from a range of grades to ensure fairness. IB中文的IO,又称口评,通俗点来说,就是学生自由选择一本考纲要求的作品,必须是一本中文,一本译本共两本书,每本都选一小段,然后围绕着同一个全球性问题,写出一篇稿件,在考试的时候根据提纲念完然后回答老师问出的问题。那如何准备IO才能拿到自己理想的分数?如何组织自己的IO稿件 最近又到了IB中文考试的口试(IO)的时间了,上次的文章我们详细给大家介绍了IB中文考试中IO部分的考察内容、时间分配,也给大家提供了一个详细的时间分配表格,在了解清楚步骤后,那IO的内容应该怎么规划呢?什么样的内容才能够符合老师们的期待,更容易获得高分? The IO will test your abilities in understanding the Areas of Exploration. IO on mental health discussed in Nannette and 'Advertisement' ib 英语个人口试 (io) 是一个校内评估,考试形式是口语演讲。学生将基于提前准备的两篇文本,对所选择的全球问题进行回应。 sl 的口试成绩占总成绩的 30%,hl 的口试成绩则占总成绩的 20%。演讲将持续 10 分钟,然 High scoring IB French B Internal Assessment examples. My other friend used 🐈⬛📞 to represent ENGLISH IO bullet This addresses the global issue of gender inequality but more specifically the “Marginalisation of women through the assignment of conventional gender roles in a marital context” represented by the two texts. For example, the analysis of the literary text 'Holy Sonnet 10' by John Donne and the non-literary ad campaign 'Whatever You Call It' by Marie This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and Sabrina-69 . Filter. 5/7. Purpose of Moderation: The purpose of external moderation is to ensure that the marking standards are High scoring IB Polish A (Lit) Internal Assessment examples. 108 Likes High scoring IB Business and Management Internal Assessment examples. In the IO, a student has to choose two texts – one literary and one non-literary text; and then prepare and present an oral response. Each exemplar is designed so you can work alongside of it as an example. Thomas Lewandoski on Youtube where he creates an example IO, and it shows how he maximises the outline to his advantage. Criterion A [7/10]:The student effectively connects the chosen extracts/works to the global issue of the detrimental impact of war on the psychology of children, providing a comprehensive understanding and effectively supporting the discussion. 0 For Every Ambitious Learner. For example, in my practice oral based on the theme of identities, I spoke about how the identities of citizens in Argentina and Peru are very different. 1940 words. 11 IO Examples. IA English A (Lang & Lit) IO SL 7. See what past students did and make your French B IA perfect by learning from examiner You can always look through our example Internal Assessments below for inspiration. 4 Humans and their choices 1. I got a final 7 with the help of my analytical script! [Sample excerpts] Act 1 Scene 3 Continue reading "IB English A: Language & Literature SL Individual Oral Understanding the Basics of IB English IO. This script was written to prepare IO on Carol Ann Duffy’s Little Red Cap. IO on mental health discussed in Nannette and 'Advertisement' The IB English IO (Individual Oral) assessment is a crucial component of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, and success in this task is essential for students. Explore thousands of marked IA, EE and TOK examples as well as college essays from top universities. See what past students did and make your Polish A You can always look through our example Internal Assessments below for inspiration. Visit our websi This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and which will only count as one word. ib 的io考試沒有同學們想象的那麼難,當我們合理、高效地安排學習和練習的時間時,io考試將為你在取得ib高分中如虎添翼! 無論你現在是剛剛步入IB的學習,還是已經到了衝刺階段,想要在備考中事半功倍,歡迎聯絡我們New Concept Mandarin教學團隊。 English A (Lang & Lit) IO - SL. There's a good video by a Mr. Literary work: Mother Courage and Her Children, Non-literary work: The Big Short movie. 103 Likes. All French B IA Examples. Sample B. However, as the play progresses, her incrimination 11 IO Examples. For example, maybe one text addresses corruption while the other text addresses poverty. Speaking from experience, the IO can be a huge time-waster if you don't get things right the first time. 1 (English Language B Exam: "All Summer In A Day") Q3 IO Practice Script (Focus On ONE Story In Each Practice Script) Q3 Exam Day Prep Sheet. See what past students did and make your English A (Lang & Lit) IO perfect by learning from examiner commented examples! Below you will find my example IO in which I analyse Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto and Call Me by Your Name directed by Luca Guadagnino. Learn how to structure and maximize your IB English IO score. Free DOCUMENTS Below:Visit our website! All videos and documents This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and teachers. It is difficult to estimate the amount of sleep ib needs for filling a varying list of of contracts. TOK. English A (Lang & Lit) IO - SL. Note that the subreddit is not run by the International Baccalaureate. 城南旧事Oral. It emphasizes the importance of thorough preparation and interpretation of the texts, F i rst T h e me : Hu ma n I n g e n u i t y . All Chinese B IA Examples. Below are the criteria used in the IB English IO, use it to find a clear direction in your preparation, and keep it in mind when writing your IO up. This video presents three different approaches for structuring the IO. May 2024. Learn the how to format an IB oral presentation for the senior Internal Assessment. 7 (Breakdown) Examiner's summary. 5 Our changing world Experiences example, a person may identify as both a IB Chinese A 语言与文学 IO 内容提纲 姓名:潘又铭 开头 全球性问题的说明、细化 p80 、并简单阐释其形成 / 发展 / 现状等。 性暴力可以以很多不同的形存在,无论是和平时期还是战争时期,无论是男是女,是老是少。由于身 Join the IB's global alumni network. Remember to select images that reflect a target language culture of the language that you teach and remember This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB Members Online • Brother_Big. High scoring IB Biology Internal Assessment examples. This means that a sample will be taken from the cohort and a 'moderation factor' will be applied to the whole This is a sample Korean lang&lit IO. Business Management HL. g. For example, I used these two emojis to represent 'Lyrical wordplay' - 🔤⛹🏼. However, there are many ways to organize the body on your oral (for example, body 1 = 4 min, body 2 = 4 min) How you subdivide body 1 and body 2 of your oral is the difference between obtaining an average grade and a high one. Also, please check out the “12 videos for IO success” series for more precise skill work. Even though it is a term that is most relevant to the IO, it provides a useful tool for tackling every non-literary and literary work. High scoring IB Chinese B Internal Assessment examples. & Keywords: structuring IB English IO, English IO argument building, IB English individual oral structure, literary analysis techniques, comparative textual analysis. Pre-IB Students: Begin your IB journey with a solid foundation, acquiring knowledge and skills that will set you apart. The first text, “ADH” by Henrik Ibsen is a naturalistic play set in Norway where Nora is a housewife happily married to Torvald. The IB English IO, or the Individual Oral, is a cornerstone in the IB English assessment landscape. 6 (Breakdown) Examiner's summary. This will be particularly useful to you if you have chosen a film as your Body of Work. Request Exemplar Marking. analytical skills, ability to articulate one's thoughts clearly and concisely under pressure, ability to construct a well I look at two works in this oral: MIRACLE FAIR by Wislawa Szymborska and LINCOLN IN THE BARDO by George Saunders. You can always look through our example Internal Assessments below for inspiration. Underneath this Rather than focusing on the use of onomatopoeia in line 6 of a poem, for example, it's better to focus on how an author appeals to a sense of sound in one poem and other poems. Bookmark Download LINK TO RECORDING BELOW! This video presents the mini-IO. All Polish A (Lit) IA Examples. We prioritize exemplars based on the number of requests. The IB English Individual Oral (IO) is a critical component of your English A assessment. Economics HL. [Sample Continue reading "IB English A: Language & Literature SL English A (Lang & Lit) IO - HL. 23 Tok Exhibition Examples. Here’s everything you need to know to excel in your IB Individual Oral. Teachers mark and the IB moderates internal assessments. For example, the theme of 'Politics, power and justice' will be too general to fit the scope of the oral. Linked here are three documents: A template sheet, which provides a nice and clean structure for you to write out a practice IO based on how the format would be, an example, which I wrote during my preparation for a photo, IO Examples. 127 Likes. IA. for the Nov 2020 Lit SL poem Portrait, you could talk about: The IB English Individual Oral (IO) is one of the most daunting IB assessments. The file includes the outline that I submitted to the IB, complete script for 10 minutes presentation, and the extracts of the Free IB Teaching Materials. This means that a sample of oral recordings and marks will be sent to a 'moderator' (often this is an experienced practicing teacher in another IB school) who listens to all recordings sent, marks awarded, and may in turn modify the marks originally awarded by the teacher. Link to pre IB Maths IA examples. The techniques discussed in this video could also be applied to the IO. You should bring unannotated copies of the two chosen extracts to the individual oral (approximately 40 lines 本ページでは IB English B SL の Individual Oral(IO)について詳しく解説していきます。 この記事を読むことで IO 試験で話すべき内容 がわかります。. Lots of great IO videos there. 1Nationality and identity 1. Jon. Like it? 20. Like it? 7. By doing so, you’ll have rich material to compare both stylistic features and thematic concerns. Essentially, students are asked to identify universal problems and their effects on humanity after reading each 안녕하세요, 아이비셉트입니다. Blog Stats. Understanding the rubric is crucial for success in your IB English Individual Oral (IO). As I wanted to keep the scoring accurate High scoring IB English A (Lit) IO examples. The oral presentation will discuss how Rahbar's artwork IB English IO - Zoom Out, Then In Outline - Free download as PDF File (. This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and teachers. See what past students did and make your Spanish ab initio IA perfect by learning from examiner commented examples! On the other hand, if you take French B SL, your target culture example would be from Francophone countries such as France, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Belgium, or the Ivory Coast. Subject. For example, while the student focused on particular language examples in the literary text, the symbolism of imagery, such as closed This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and ADMIN MOD Guide to a 7 on Your English Lang&Lit IO Advice The IO is a 15-minute internal assessment, with a 10-minute oral presentation and 5 minutes of questions on the two texts by the This is the file for English A Language & Literature Individual Oral (IO) that I got 7 in May 2021 session. I am an ELL teacher and I have used my experience as a marker to guide my current DP1 students through their IO preparation This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and teachers. November 2023. Check out IB English Guys on YouTube. Chinese A (Lang & Lit) - SL. Bookmark Download. Criterion A: References to the extracts/works are well-chosen to effectively support the student’s ideas Comment: Throughout the work, the student has chosen quotations and visual examples from "Mrs. For example, interesting global issues could be ‘How does sexism affect perceptions of women worldwide?’ or ‘How does the media portrayal of African-Americans further racist stereotypes?’ – make sure to discuss with your English teacher before your IO so that they can give you tips on what they think makes a good global issue! You need to provide the extracts to the teacher for approval at least one week before the assessment takes place. An Excellent Example of an IB English IO. for example "The way that racism leads to generational trauma" or Criterion A: The student demonstrates knowledge by recalling relevant details from the two extracts/works (plot points, characters, conflicts, setting, use of language, etc. This will be particularly useful to you if you have The perfect IB English IO is all about sophisticated argumentation, analysis, and structure. Describing and Connecting with an Image (SL) or Fragment (HL) An interview with the teacher This video explains how to discuss key aspects of documentary films during your individual oral assessment. It was marked a 35 out of 40, though I’m not sure where I lost marks. 발췌문으로 선정한 An extract may be a complete text in itself, for example a whole poem or an advertisement. Explore The Comprehensive Sample IA For IB Business Management HL. I ended up repeatedly used in the context of colour and hair. 33 Tok Essays Examples. Chinese IO Scripts. What to say in your conclusion to wrap up your Individual Oral and leave a strong impression. 'Features 4, 5 and 6' are labelled as Exemplar Individual Oral (IO) Script. Sell Your IO For $10 a pop! Explore In-Depth Analysis In This Sample IB English IA. Join the 75% of IB Students Already Excelling With Clastify. English io 5 minute question Group 1 I have my mock io on Wednesday and I'm getting rly nervous. The IO is broken down into 3 parts but really consists of 2 skills. Get your IB English questions answered. Mastering this part of the assessment can significantly boost your overall IB score. It includes a detailed, line-by-line commentary on three different extracts: Act 1 Scene 3, Act 1 Scene 7, and Act 5 Scene 5. All French ab initio IA Examples. This article provides valuable advice and tips for students who are preparing for the IB English IO. Lang Lit. It includes sections to introduce the global issue, discuss each Mastering the IB English HL Individual Oral (IO) For example, you could analyse a poem exploring gender inequality and compare it to a magazine article addressing the gender pay gap in modern society. This exercise is designed to evaluate your understanding of literature and your ability to communicate those ideas effectively. google. 116 Likes. 1,126,597 hits; IBlieve > Explore Topics > Academic > Subjects > Group 2 > IB Chinese SL Explained: Individual Q3 HL 2020 Sample Exam Audio Nr. This video offers helpful tips to help you create a strong outline for the IO. 3 Identities and language 1. Salome vs 'The Psychopath' movie poster. See what past students did and make your English A (Lit) IO perfect by learning from examiner commented examples! Exemplars. Perfect Sample IA For IB Economics HL Students To Understand Macroeconomics. 6 Exemplars. November English A (Lang & Lit) IO - SL. 선정한 작품은 톨스토이의 “사람에게는 얼마만큼의 땅이 필요한가”와 김소운의 “가난한 날의 행복”이며, 글로벌 이슈는 인간의 소유욕입니다. Example of Close Analysis from Exemplar; What is wide analysis? Get your IB English questions answered. Take a look at the planning stage and then listen to a full presentation. Let us guide you! Part of our IBDP English A Student Toolkit , The Individual Oral Complete Planning Guide includes: 10minute English IO Example Resources I wrote this 10-minute oral transcript (7 minutes technically since the other 3 would be question-answers) and was hoping for someone to help This is the file for English A Language & Literature Individual Oral (IO) that I got 7 in May 2021 session. High scoring IB Economics Internal Assessment examples. Contents 1 Identities 1. FREE DOCUMENTS BELOW!Visit our website! All videos and documents are there for On the other hand, in this IB IO example, the non-literary text chosen is Picasso's Guernica because of the way it powerfully expresses the effects of wartime trauma. Fits The IB Theme: soziale Organisation (Relationships, Law & Order, Community). High scoring IB English A (Lang & Lit) IO examples. English A Language & Literature HL. ADMIN MOD IB Chinese B SL IO in less than 2 do more reading to improve my sentence structures and vocabulary but idk what to look up or whether I should just read sample All IB schools are subject to a process called 'moderation'. The IO is assessed based on four criteria, with a total of 30 marks. Instead, formulate a specific issue related to the theme such as 'How does the author portray inequality through character dynamics?'. Our team of highly experienced IB English tutors are all Choosing the Optimal IO Structure. ) or more general information about them (genre, the period where they were created, style) Comment: The student has recalled important details regarding the works presented in this submission. Whether you are an IB Literature student or an IB Language and Literature student, we’ve broken down the entire process into manageable chunks. It must not be too broad. It includes a detailed, line-by-line commentary and analysis of literary devices and themes. 6/7. Full script for an exemplar Individual Oral using a weaving structure. 4 mins read. 23 Tok Exhibition Discover How Glucose Concentration Impacts The Rate Of The Blue Bottle Reaction In This Sample IB Chemistry SL IA – A Must-See Resource For Students And Educators. Check us out at https://ibenglishguys. This is an IO example that got 38 apparently. You will analyse a text based on context of composition and context of reception, what are the individual elements, see the text through one line of inquiry. Our team of highly experienced IB English tutors are all IB45 or IB English 7 graduates. It’s all here. Login. If it is a novel, for example, Here are a list of literary texts you can use for your IO, and if you have any doubts on how to pair them effectively and speak about them, They are all used by IB teachers, and are good choices for you to pick for the IO. Group 1 I've gotta submit my English IO script tomorrow (orals will be almost immediately after Christmas break) The images below can be freely downloaded and used in practice oral examinations and in final oral examinations. These 2 articles will cover steps in a chronological manner – starting from initial planning, organizing, to executing your oral! The IO is recorded and sent to the IB for moderation (thus the grade is subject to change). For example, rather than just ‘oppression’, your global issue may be ‘the oppressive nature of gender roles on self-expression’. 오늘은 오랜 IB 코리안 티칭과 완벽한 학생 피드백을 자랑하시는 이지훈 강사님께서 Korean IO를 어떻게 준비해야 하는지에 대해서 작성해주셨습니다!개인적으로는 이렇게까지 오픈을 해주셔도 되는 것인지, 하는 마음도 들지만 ^^ 많은 학생들과 학부모님들께 도움이 i would genuinely love to help you but i had a ceremonial burning of my IB papers a while back😭i’m so sorry, but from what i can remember you just need to constantly reference your texts to real world examples, and like start off with that real world context (eg “women have the power to choose their own destiny in spite of oppression”. Jaka jest rola artysty we współczesnym świecie? Welcome to your one stop shop for everything IO. High scoring IB English A (Lang & Lit) IO Grade 1 Internal Assessment examples. Rahul_BR. Dave and Andrew are confident that working through this page will give you all you need to succeed on the Big Day. IB Korean 재은쌤 High scoring IB French ab initio Internal Assessment examples. Optimization Modelling Probability Calculus Surface Area Volume Statistics Differential Equations Geometry Cryptography This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students English Lang Lit IO outline Group 1 hi guys, ive been trying to find information and example on how to create a lang lit IO outline but I seem to find none. Members of the alumni network receive opportunities to get The Individual Oral (IO) is a critical component of the IB Language and Literature and Literature courses, testing your ability to analyze texts and present your insights effectively. Moreover, the words used such as “non- aggressive”, “quiet voice”, “No anger and no yelling”, “pleasant” shows how a woman is meant to be soft and passive and not take Understand that tickers request is stored one-by-one. (IO Script) IA French ab initio SL 7. This video shows students how effectively structure and deliver the first minute of the IO. So I've decided to compile them into a folder and share it with y'all, cuz I know that I would've As long-time IB teachers, we’ve identified key aspects each student should include in their IO. Say if you choose An example of an Individual Oral for IB English A Language & Literature. また、IO が心配な方も、この記事を読めば IO に対して少し自信を持てるようになるかもしれません 。. Full English IOC Outline + Script. It This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and teachers. Next, our very own IB English IO expert Tao shares her wisdom. Master your writing. The International Baccalaureate (IB) English Individual Oral (IO) is a pivotal component of the IB curriculum, carrying a significant weight in the final assessment. English A (Lang & Lit) IO - High scoring IB Spanish ab initio Internal Assessment examples. See what past students did and make your Economics IA perfect by learning from examiner You can always look through our example Internal Assessments below for inspiration. See what past students did and make your English A (Lang & Lit) English IO Sample Level 7 Transcript. The IB English oral, also known as Individual oral (IB IO), is an approximately ten-minute-long speech that has an introduction, text analysis and a conclusion. My global issue is depictions of human suff IB ENGLISH B: INDIVIDUAL ORAL - Download as a PDF or view online for free I am simply an IB graduate who performed well on their IO and would like to share tips to help others be successful. close. 7. Global Issue는 카테고리 3. This document outlines an approach for an IO presentation that begins broadly discussing the entire literary and non-literary works in relation to a global issue, and then zooms in on specific extracts. IB First-Year Scholars: Engage deeply with the IB English B HL course, mapping out a trajectory that ensures academic excellence. There's sentence starters that I used to structure and hit every aspect of the rubric. Read in 8 mins. My 2 part article will be based on specific steps and tips. ADMIN MOD Sample English IOs . Criterion A [9/10]:The student's chosen extracts or works are well-connected to the global issue of gender and sexuality expectations, as evidenced by their focus on the influence of these expectations on individual roles. The texts are Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and the artwork "Memories without recollection" by Sara Rahbar. Finally when selecting an extract from each text, The Individual Oral (IO) is an important part of the IB English A: Language and Literature course. IB中文“语言与文学”课程,除了paper1和paper2的闭卷考试,还有一项重要的口试考试,也就是IO,这项考试的成绩占普通课程比重的30%;占 高级课程 比重的20%。 paper1和paper2 是闭卷,但IO却是可以提前准备好的,而且考官一般都是自己学校的老师,因此只要认真准备的话,这一块儿的高分是妥的,可以 最近又到了IB中文考试的口试(IO)的时间了,看到好多新的DP学生对IO口试还是存在很多问题,最近我会给大家详细解读和分析IB中文的IO口试,包括如何准备稿件,师生问答部分如何准备等等,那么现在进入我们今天的主题--两步带你完全搞懂IB中文中的IO考试,以IB 中文语言与文学 SL为例。 Criterion A: The ideas and discussion of the global issue are well-supported by the two extracts/works chosen Comment: The student effectively supports the ideas and discussion of the global issue with the two chosen extracts/works. just wanna ask what questions do teacher generally ask during the 5 minutes IB中文IO考试全面检验考生语言表达、思维深度及文学素养。备考需注重文化和语境理解,掌握文本分析与文化背景关联,运用语境分析提升解读能力。培养批判性思维,深化文本分析,同时实战演练提升答题技巧。建议精选文本练习,深度解读,模拟考试,积累素材,并根据反馈调整策略。 Sample Selection: After your teacher has assessed your IO, a sample of recordings from your class will be selected for moderation by external IB examiners. Though it's a Lang Lit example, still We've put together a free IB English IO guide. ぜひ最後まで読んでみてください! 今年IB中文课程大纲进行了改革,令不少IB学生以及家长感到手足无措,尤其是准备11月的大考的小伙伴们。不过只要了解新的课程大纲与未改革的大纲的区别,就能更好地准备IB中文科公开考试。今 for the IB Diploma 2nd Edition. 0 IO 글로벌 이슈를 선택함에 있어 학생들은 위의 (광범위한) 탐구 영역 중에서 단순히 선택하는 것이 아니라, 10분 발표에서 합리적으로 탐구할 수 있는 구체적인 토론 주제를 결정하는 데 주의를 기울여야 한다. The file includes the outline that I submitted to the IB, complete script for 10 minutes presentation, and the extracts of the While not required by the IB, you may find it useful to organise units of inquiry by global issue. English A (Lang & Lit) IO - HL. Non-literary work: This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and teachers. Politics, Power, and Justice: How do authors portray institutionalized power for their characters to overpower and to what effect? (IO script) Share. Get to Know the Individual Oral Mark Scheme The IO Complete Course – Start to Finish includes: 15 mini-lessons with supporting documents modeling the entire IO process; 100+ minutes of NEW video content not available on YouTube; 3 complete student recordings with highlighted transcripts; 20+ graphic organizers; Sample outlines; Guidance on formatting extracts; Guidance on completing ENGLISH IO bullet points . Type a All your English IO tips and tricks from planning and remembering the topic to ways of presenting. The Individual Oral or IO is an important part of the IB English A Language and Literature’s internal assessment. Chinese B - SL. Add Insight & Evaluation Worked Example 1 How to Prepare the IO Outline. See what past students did and make your Arabic A (Lit) IA perfect by learning from You can always look through our example Internal Assessments below for inspiration. See what past students did and make your English A (Lit) IO perfect by learning from examiner commented examples! So my IB English teachers have made a few templates/outlines for the English IO (LangLit). e. See what past students did and make your Biology IA perfect by learning from examiner commented examples! Exemplars. Improve link to Global Issue Worked Example 2 Get your IB English questions answered. How to choose the best structure for your Individual Oral. Review Sample Student Recording and Examiner DiscussionLINKS BELOW! This is video FIVE of a FIVE-VIDEO SERIES showing students the entire IO process from choosi 100% of our ad-revenue funds our website costs, ensuring all IB students have access to our resources forever, for free. IB Second-Year Scholars: Solidify and refine your understanding, unravelling the subtler aspects This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and Group 1 So I have my IO in a couple of days, and I wondered what the recommended word count for ten bullet points is; I checked up the guide, but it doesn't specifically say anything, it just This is what I used to prepare for my oral, most of the image descriptions are repetitive however that's the trick I used to try and help me for whatever image I could get. See what past students did and make your Business and Management IA perfect by learning from examiner commented examples! You can always look through 余秋雨散文《牌坊》游记《电视山上的女老师》(IO Script) Share. And then the gaps, This video presents EIGHT QUESTIONS to ask when breaking down advertisements. IB College. HL Essay English A (Lit) HL Essay English A (Lang & Lit) IO English A (Lit) IO Design Technology Sports This script was written for preparing IO about William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. 797 words. EE. JOIN FOR FREE. This student outline explores how two texts present the idea of cultural assimilation due to migration. 10 mins read. Strategy to prepare a clear, balanced outline that helps you ace your Individual Oral. 2 Identities and change 1. See what past students did and make your English A (Lang & Lit) HL Essay IA perfect by learning from examiner commented examples! You can always look through io,又称口评,《ib中文指南》是这样对io进行定义的: 根据分别出自一篇非文学文本和一篇文学作品的节选,学生将做一次长达 10分钟的有准备的口头表达,在接下来的 5 分钟内根据如下提示回答教师的提问:通过你学过的两部作品的内容和形式,来考察你所选择的全球性问题的呈现方式。 A huge part of success on the IB Spanish IO is preparation. Exemplary TOK essays. Visit our website! All videos and documents are t 본 문서는 가장 최근 2022년 May에 제출된 Korean Literature IO script이며, 총점 7을 받았습니다. Share Below are samples of moderated IB Individual Orals; the marks awarded are in reference to the IB Individual Oral rubric for Languages A. Best of luck! Add Insight & Evaluation Worked Example 1 The IO Conclusion. Global Issue: Social indifference toward war and violence as an obstacle to resolving conflict. IO Marks A: 10 B: 9 C: 10 D: 10 Overall: 39, IB 7. Why the exemplar IO is organized the way it is, and why it works well. I was joined by another IB grad and a subject lead to organize several IO study sessions for current IB students over the past two months. The English IO is often considered to be a very stressful part of the IB English curriculum. The final video of the “IO - Start to Finish” series has a full sample with examiner scoring. Criterion A [7/10]:The student has chosen extracts or works that include references to the global issue of repression and its encouragement of rebellion. 1) The first step to any assessment is understanding the assessment criteria, for the English individual oral in particular, one must understand what the examiners are looking out for. •Sample IOs: Listen to exemplary IOs to understand the caliber of a top-scoring presentation. Bookmark Comment: The student's IO demonstrates an ability to select appropriate and specific quotes or scenes from the chosen works which directly correspond with their subsequent analysis of authorial choices (e. Macroeconomics Global Economy Microeconomics Scarcity Choice Efficiency Equity Economic Well-Being Sustainability The outline is not submitted to the IB unless it is requested. May 2023. 6. You will receive feedback on the choice of two texts you will analyse, and on the suitability of the chosen global issue to the two texts before the IO. Enhance your performance. pdf), Text File (. If you find it difficult to structure your IO, it might give you some idea of how to organize all the information and give a decent response. The Fast Track To Your Best IB Coursework & College Essays. Written by Richard (IB45) and Jerica (IB43), who both scored 7s in IB English :) This isn't a lang lit example but this might make it clear to you. (for example use an arrow instead of writing “this leads to”). Both works demonstrate how creative expression allows people and communities to work through deep-seated wounds, building resilience and connection with each other in the presence of suffering. (IO skrypt) IA Polish A (Lit) SL 7. Visit our website! All videos and documents are there for the taking!https: 11 IO Examples. Group 1 For example I want to say : This technique of using a metaphor represents how society treats the lower class. Review. It's mostly Lang Lit. There are 40 marks possible, 10 marks x 4 criteria: A-D. If you guys have anyhting could you please English A (Lang & Lit) IO - SL. Share. symbolism, juxtaposition, allusion, Chinese IO Scripts. IA Chinese B SL 7. So instead I say as a part of a bullet and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and teachers. This is a transcription of my submitted IO for English L&L HL for the M22 batch. The following IO tips are based on her vast experience both as a tutor, an IB teacher, and an IB examiner. Category 본 문서는 May 2023 session Korean Lang & Lit 과목에서 최종 점수 7 (37/40)을 받은 IO의 스크립트입니다. IOC training for french. Download my new IB teaching resources for Language and Literature Paper 1 Below you will find my example IO in which I analyse Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto and Call Me by Your Name directed by Luca Guadagnino. alamy stock photo. The IB is extremely proud of its graduates, and the alumni network connects them with one another and with the IB community. This is half of an individual oral and provides an excellent sample recording. 7/7. Filter exemplars. So, this is how you can prepare for IB English IO in the best way. Exemplars. txt) or read online for free. Anyone who passed the IO and got a good grade have a script sample? This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and teachers. The two assessments are relatively similar- for example, candidates are required to analyse texts under pressure in both assessments- and similar types of skills are required of candidates (e. Why Is The IO Project So Important? This quarter project helps you create a simulation of the IB Internal Assessment, Practice photos for each of the IB major themes; Sample exam questions with sample answers to practice and incorporate into your 很多同学在IB课程中会选择中文,因为是我们的母语学起来会简单一点,在IB中文考试中,除了paper,还需要考察个人口试(Individual oral),也就是内部评估(IA),相信不少同学在面对IO的时候都会感觉摸不到头脑,今天就为大家带来IB中文IO范文示例,希望对大家有帮助。 How to Prepare for IB English IO. com/Free Document:https://drive. High scoring IB English A (Lang & Lit) HL Essay Internal Assessment examples. High scoring IB Arabic A (Lit) Internal Assessment examples. Note that the subreddit is not run by the International High scoring IB Internal Assessment examples for all subjects. The IO counts for 20% (HL)/30% (SL) of your exam grade. FInal IB outline (IO example) - Free download as PDF File (. Category. Notes. This is the unofficial subreddit for all things concerning the International Baccalaureate, an academic credential accorded to secondary students from around the world after two vigorous years of study, culminating in challenging exams. Members Online. Faust" and Jim Goldberg's picture. Chinese IO. For Standard Level students, it is the only internally assessed part of the course, and is worth 30% of the final grade in English A. 2. See the criteria here. If the extract is from a literary text which is part of a larger work studied, such as a short story, or if it is a complete text which is part of a work studied, such as a poem, students should discuss relevant aspects of the broader work as a whole in their individual oral. All English A (Lit) IO Examples. High-scoring IOs. As for Higher Level students, the Individual Oral is worth 20%. Accounting for 30% of the final grade at the Standard Level and 20% at the Higher Level, it can make a great difference in your Practice. Politics, Power, and Justice에 속한 ‘국가권력에 의한 개인의 존엄성 침해’로 선정하였으며 황지우 시인의 작품들과 한겨레신문의 만평을 통해 탐구하였습니다. This lesson is for Pro members only. The individual oral is internally assessed by the student's teacher and moderated by the IB. Literature. Chemistry SL. adhou nwvsa yhqb twonhe gccdzb awjhk yrhnh uqv utow gzcuos