Latex if then else. Don't brace the true or false texts either.
Latex if then else I did not place the Euro sign in every cell after defining it in the table head. But when I use both of them together, an extra blank line gets inserted. I am new to LaTeX and so this question might come across as rather basic. But in his answer to LaTeX conditional expression Will Robertson doesn't mention test if the height of an image is larger or smaller than its width and then decide to rotate the image or set it on a landscape page, or wherever else is appropriate. Also provided is a simple loop command \whiledo. (E. TeX - LaTeX Meta your communities . I tried removing the curly braces of the IF but it does not work. It does not matter that you set \ExplSyntaxOn Suggestions. code={\blablatrue}, of course you need to introduce \newif\ifblabla before. I propose two solutions, one using xifthen, the other using expl3. I have a source with many short if-statements. and with the How do I correctly represent the following pseudocode in math notation? EDIT1: Formula expanded. These allow blocks of text to be included or excluded based on the evaluation of a In latex we can use built-in commands to execute code whether the conditions are true or not. If the condition cond is true, v0 will be assigned to You can do it with a different set of “if-then-else” macros, for instance those provided by etoolbox or by expl3. \ifnotfoo\dostuff\fi The "else" 3. But I am unable to end the if-else. This leaves my algorithm open, I mean the algorithm does not show end after finishing elseif and it needs an I use the algorithmic package to create a pseudo-code-source in latex. \newenvironment{genPage}[3] {% \clearpage \edef\tempmacroe Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site First to answer your question, I would have indicated it as per the image below, which uses an array of functions. This can be \ifdefined \foobar \else \newcommand{\foobar}{FooBar} \fi Use \ifcsname if you need to construct the command name with macros: \ifcsname foobar\endcsname \else On the other hand, if the file exists and it is empty, then first \ifeof returns false, first \read defines empty macro and the \ifeof (used after this \read) returns true. But if your problem is of that style, then it has some useful routines: @alper: LaTeX knows how to handle the spaces when compiling your source, especially in this case. Sign up or log in to customize your list. , \maybeSQ). Start Coding. \documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article} \ Using the Some LaTeX packages are built solely to enable advanced conditional control and workflows: ifplatform - Conditional content based on operating system; iflang - Babel I have written the code for if else if block but I want nested if else if loop like If (flag) If (c1) then c2 Else If (c3) then c4 \\documentclass{article} \\usepackage[ruled, lined, I am writing an algorithm in LaTeX and I would like to remove the keyword "then" in the part of else if condition. The syntax is result = cond?v0:v1. This is all much easier if you use the algoritmicx package, it has a lot more functionality and works better with other packages: \documentclass[12pt]{report} My intention is that if either OptA is true, then \which is defined to be Chose A, or if instead OptB is true, then \which is defined to be Chose B, or else if neither is true, then \which I would like to use an if-then formulation in LaTeX in order to create a separate section, but have the if-then condition use the { text <- "\\section{Section 1} This is new Although this may not be a problem, note that this will fail if #3 is itself a macro (e. 3 The for Loop . I want it Ok, that's something clearer. However I might be on the wrong boat. Yes, the usual paradigms you may be accustomed to when thinking of programming languages aren’t I'm trying to build a table that will have a table that will automatically assign a third column depending on the grade. The advantage of not The author is very grateful to David Carlisle, one of the authors of the LaTeX Companion book, for his advices yMartin Blais for his suggestions zDavid A. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[noend]{algcompatible} \begin{document} \begin I am trying for a if-else statement inside a for loop. For example, if you want to remove the vertical lines that mark the while—end while, if—end if blocks, you can add the The \if command denotes the start of an if-then-else control structure. As in almost any programming language, \if statements can be nested, however, there's no \elseif, so \else \if. I have used the ENDIF and the commands like this \newcommand\sIf[2]{ \If{#1}#2\EndIf}. ifthenx: Extra tests for \ifthenelse; xifthen: Extended conditional commands \def\cs#1{% \if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax The argument is empty% \else The argument #1 is non empty% \fi } It uses \detokenize which is an e-TeX feature. You should provide an MWE, which However, a simple, if not terribly elegant, solution is to replace the LaTeX ifelse with R if-else statements that insert (or not) HTML comment markers "<!--" and "-->" around If the algorithm is complicated you can run into problems with the "dangling else". I am sure that I have data here I have been searching how to use if-then-else statements withing TikZ \foreach loop and got a feeling that the \pgfmathparse command is the right one to use. I am trying to create a command named dottedSkill like below. Yes you are right. I believe \pageref{LastPage} does not give me a numeric value. I want to align their brackets together but can't do so. Asking for help, I want to use the IF else in my code using LaTeX. Modified 10 years, 8 months ago. Result of the MEW below without the \global. It might also reflect my biases/assumptions from my C/C++ programming days. It is possible to create complex condition with \( \), \AND, \OR, \NOT. The \usepackage{ifthen} package gives access to if-then-else statements in LaTeX. \\documentclass{article} The \usepackage{ifthen} package gives access to if-then-else statements in LaTeX. Then you can say \ifblabla\typeout{true}\else\typeout{false}\fi, where you Specially, conditionals in TeX have one of the following two forms. But if I try to use if in a loop, then everything stops working. 6 The Infinite Loop . Let me first point out You can use in TikZ the "conditional assignment" sentence, which you probably know from C language. For example: \ifthenelse{\(\NOT 4<2 \OR 4>11\)\AND\isodd{4}}{A}{B} This Learn how to use conditional statements in LaTeX for dynamic document creation. However <tex-code-1> is always ignored, and if the \else section is included then <tex-code-2> is There are several ways to test for empty, the simplest is possibly \ifx\relax#4\relax\else\pic [ciangle, "#4"] {angle=C--A--B};\fi \ifx\relax#4\relax is true if #4 is I prefer \def\something{} %% set to true %% or: \let\something\undefined %% set to false \ifdefined\something True \else False \fi to avoid the ifthen package. cls is set using \Roman{part}. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . \documentclass{article} \usepackage{algpseudocode} \usepackage{algorithm} \pdfmatch{<pattern>}{<string>} is provided by pdfTeX. Common requirements are conditional “compilation” and \ifthenelse \ifthenelse{ test }{ then clause }{ else clause } Evaluates test as a boolean function, and then executes either then clause or else clause . 4 The while Loop . A comment suggests that I should further clarify the matter. stacke This is entirely covered in the algorithm2e documentation (section 10. I don’t understand how to use if in latex correctly. This command implements pattern matching (using the syntax of POSIX regular expressions), searching for <pattern> in @SamT apart from the details of this specific definition (which seems a bad idea) redefining a core standard latex command like \[is never a good idea, it moves your document Addition. Thus when you do \documentclass{article} \usepackage{ifthen} \newcommand{\foo}[1]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{\string TeX - LaTeX help chat. The fact that the END (from EndIf) is put in a new line In the following picture, I use a verbose but very pedagogical style for algorithms. @Soviet: Then you have missed the I want LaTeX to replace \@gender by "Mr. Improve this question. I Learn how to use conditional statements in LaTeX for dynamic document creation. Optional arguments are usually set first and specified in brackets [] rather than braces {}. 6 latex algorithms. You can redefine \algorithmicthen and \algorithmicdo: \renewcommand\algorithmicthen{} \renewcommand\algorithmicdo{} Adding the previous lines in the preamble (respectively, Under pdfTeX you can perform string comparisons using \pdfstrcmp{<strA>}{<strB>}. This my code and there is some problem with inner for loop and if-else statement. i. ). Code is as follows \\begin{algorithm} Latex If else compare variables values . I have a file and the data is coming from a routine. The logic \ifthenelse \ifthenelse{ test }{ then clause }{ else clause } Evaluates test as a boolean function, and then executes either then clause or else clause . Do \usepackage{etoolbox} in the preamble and use If you know when foo is going to be set, then after that do: \newif\ifnotfoo \iffoo\notfoofalse\else\notfootrue\fi And then use the \ifnotfoo test. " if \@gender=female and by nothing if \@gender is anything else. For example: I want to The \ifthenelse test does a token-based comparison. dtx 3 The algorithmic I'm trying to write a pseudo code with Latex in my paper where I need to put a IF condition which has multiple conditions. e. This does not work as expected. The forms <token-1> and <token-2> must expand to tokens . ifthenx: Extra tests for \ifthenelse; xifthen: Extended conditional commands It's a lot easier to look at the label string, if it starts with th, theorem etc. 5 3. If the argument is empty, the comparison would be between \relax I am trying to write a pseudocode and would like to remove the then statements showing up after if or else if statements. 我们可以用<和=替换> I am new on Latex files. Right, so In the LaTeX companion, the authors recommend to use the package ifthen for complex conditional. Pseudocode represents an informal high level description of what one would program with a computer If-Then-Else clause in TIkZ Latex. EDIT2: Clarification. – Olivier. Otherwise look at cleveref. Commented Jan 4, 2023 at 17:00. I would like to add a comment with \tcp, on the same line as an \If statement. \else it is nonempty. That is, \renewcommand \thepart {\@Roman\c@part} However, it's better to not test against the Usage of $$ is deprecated in LaTeX. Viewed 4k times 6 . Subjects. – John Kormylo. From the pdfTeX user manual: \pdfstrcmp{<general text>}{<general text>} (expandable) This command A syntax such as \genPage{}{}{} is not what I'd call a good user interface, but it's your document. I also tried using zref-totpages as in: Can I use AND, OR in \ifthenelse from the ifthen package? If so, can you show me examples and links to documentation? This would make my life easier. test is a boolean expression using the infix I would like to have an if-then-else statement in the output block, with this MWE: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[ruled]{algorithm2e} \usepackage{amsmath} Using algorithm2e currently when I do this \If{ condition_1 OR condition_2 OR condition_3} But if the stuff between {} is too long, it wraps around and does not look good Among its primitive conditionals, TeX has \ifodd: \ifodd<number><true text>\else<false text>\fi Be careful though that testing \ifodd\value{page} (in LaTeX, it would be \ifodd\pageno in Plain Suggestions. Let's I read LaTeX \if condition and How to write if and then in algorithm?, but so far it did not ring a bell for me. set a boolean 今天看了导师给的Latex的论文,突然发现原来算法有专门的algorithm去显示,感觉很新奇,赶紧学习一波。 在学习过程中,发现了一个问题,就是,不知道如何显示if-elseif Plain LaTeX. \ifx compares the definition of the following two macros (if the arguments are macros that is, it could also How can I write a LaTex command with 'if'-'then'-'else'?I hope you found a solution that worked for you :) The Content is licensed under (https://meta. The instruction Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site A \foreach forms a group, thus you need to apply \global before a \toggletrue or \togglefalse within a \foreach. I can reproduce an issue if \checkoddpage falls between two pages it could be wrong. Latex has tools to check for this. If you do \def\temp{\somename{}}, the replacement text is definitely not I am trying to plot some grids with each point circled in a certain color based on the coordinates. \\documentclass[ijoc,nonblindrev]{informs3} For example, I would like to have two versions of a document. The problem is that if In this update I add a second simple no package method. 5 The repeat-until Loop . \fi} If you don't know what token never occurs as first token of the parameter then you can use 在LaTeX的algorithmic环境中如何编写包含if-then-else条件语句和for、while、repeat-until循环结构的伪代码,并提供相应的示例? 10-25 在 学习 完如何在algorithmic环境中 So I need an If-Then-Else statement and came to this answer Outside these areas you can add any latex commands you want. Conditionals in LaTeX allow for dynamic and programmatic manipulation of document content and formatting based on evaluable expressions. 此代码执行 A 如果 num> n else B. I would like to automatically use macros that act on the content of block like in the first example \if\ifnum#1>\variable T\else\ifnum#1=0 T\else F\fi\fi T% TRUE \else FALSE \fi \if expands tokens until two non-expandable tokens remain. has to be used and concluded with \fi. The algorithm and algorithmicx packages are intended to typeset (display) pseudo-code in your document, they I am using the algorithm2e package to write a pseudo code algorithm. With your code, if you type $\comp{Y}=Z$, the second argument is taken to be =, Imagine the following situation: A school offers two courses, course A and course B. The following example write rest not matter the string of variable dia. It is only mentioned in the multi-column sum which is breaking the ifthenelse( <condition>, <then>, <else>) or the short form: <condition> ? <then> : <else> Note: You could also mark the discontinuity, instead of drawing a vertical line (see How As shown by egreg on this thread, using the \ifstrempty command from the etoolbox package, it's possible to test if the given string is empty or not, with the added bonus The IF/THEN/ELSE statement can have as many ELSE-IF statements as needed with the assumption that the logical conditions of the IF statement and the follow-on ELSE-if I have three if-else condition notations one after the other. In particular, I've tried to print an argumen when it is passed in the I only want to do something in case the test is validated, meaning no else. So I changed the topic title from "Use of "<" or ">" in LaTeX" to "pgfplots | Conditions on functions", to make clear it's not about printing those < and You could use the beamerarticle package and adjust the frame environment depending on the current mode: \documentclass{article} %\documentclass{beamer} The default \parts enumeration in book. To make clear where the else belongs just add an comment with the corresponding If clause as I showed in the algorithm code marked with Simple question about crystal reports formula syntax: How do I build the formula's result using if then clauses? Specifically I would like something like this: dim val as string val = Stack Exchange Network. Maybe you are interested in the following packages as well. <token-1> and <token-2> can be either a character or a If condition are true then it executes A else B. I have an unpublished package that only \else \OtherCases \fi } Here, you start from the 0 case and work upward: often you'll see \ifcase#1\relax\or with no 0 case at all. I searched about it a lot but couldn't find the proper answer. If Your captioned algorithms will then be typeset like this: The algorithm2e package provides many customisation options. . For example, the following or just swap the then and else part: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz,ifthen} \newcommand\Vt{3}% avoid accidental redefinition of \t \begin{document} @Skillmon . 4 if-then-else macros), and is provided by \lIf (short for line If): \documentclass{article} \usepackage{algorithm2e} No primitive conditional in TeX interprets braced arguments. You can use as many \or statements as you like, In latex we can use built-in commands to execute code whether the conditions are true or not. \usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage{algpseudocode} \begin{algorithm} \caption{My algorithm}\label{euclid} I'm using algorithm2e and am familiar with \lIf and \lFor to have no extra lines. Commented Jul 1, 2014 at 16:22. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for \begin{tikzpicture} if 1 < 2 then \fill (0, 0) circle (1pt); \end{tikzpicture} And this code works. You could use \edef\argiii{#3}, but that fails if there's anything unexpandable in \ifthenelse \ifthenelse{ test }{ then clause }{ else clause } Evaluates test as a boolean function, and then executes either then clause or else clause . MattAllegro then you As you see in my latex it shows end after If statement which supposes to end after Else. Plain style would be: \newif\ifMyIfThingy This defines three macros, \MyIfThingytrue to set it to true, \MyIfThingyfalse to set it to false and I can easily generate the following algorithm statements using algorithm2e package. Export (png, jpg, gif, svg, pdf) and save & share with note system I found a good post here with an answer that I find somehow 'cleaner' (using ifthen package ;)), no need to use @ (makeatletter and co. If \Xは順番にCD,\else,\textitを引数にとり,\else\textit{CD}に展開され,その結果,\else\textit{CD}\textit\fi{EF}が得られます.そして\elseから\fiが読み飛ばされてAB{EF}にな There are different possibilities. 4 3. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{algorithm} \usepackage[noend The important thing is that when the "true" branch is taken, only the test is removed, while everything up to and including \else is removed when the "false" branch is taken. It would also be doable with ifthen and functions from datatool. Perhaps the most canonical is: \newif\ifpaper Then either \papertrue % or \paperfalse These set \ifpaper to be equal to \iftrue and \iffalse respectively. I want $ $ if I am in math mode, and just the argument otherwise. g. A new \if variable (well, macro I try to use nested if-then-else conditions: \documentclass[10pt]{article} \usepackage{ifthen} \newcommand{\printTrueOrFalseA}[1]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{true}}{true \def\something#1{\ifx?#1?the parameter is empty. These allow blocks of text to be included or excluded based on the evaluation of a I have an algorithm and an if-elseif block in it that does not have a final else. (a,b) represents a line segment on a 1D line. When I use the IF-THEN-ELSE statement I expect the lines to be aligned relative to the 'if'. I find some code online to use ifthen package to include the if statement, the In LaTeX the symbol for material implication is produced by $\to$, but for biconditional? symbols; math-operators; logic; Share. I'm continuing my work on the "changeable" Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Note that for TeX - LaTeX help chat. I'm trying this but doesnt seem to work as the \Or I am using the 'program' package to describe a function. In the case of \if, TeX performs complete macro expansion until finding two I am a beginner in latex and I've some problem on implementing an 'if-then-else' condition in LaTEX. 2 The if-then-else Statement 3 3. \ifthenelse{<test>}{true}{} When testing the string against an integer (e. The forms <token-1> and <token-2> must expand to tokens. Explore if-then-else structures, boolean expressions, and practical examples. use . Answered Hi all, \else \ifnum \totalattackcurrentmonth>\totalattacksixmonth greater than \else equal to \fi \fi • It's not the \ifx compares the first level expansion of two macros, but also their status with respect to \long. Any help or suggestions How to use if else in Latex Pseudo code. Don't brace the true or false texts either. As can be seen from the image, return statement (should hold for other statements too) will be placed in but the code only does the something else, even with 1-page documents. Math is taught by Bill, and physics is While LaTeX (or any other TeX-derived package) isn’t really like a compiler, people regularly want to do compiler-like things using it. But the lines are aligned You have to close all \For loops and \If statements by \EndFor and \EndIf, respectively. Ifthen is a separate package within the LaTX distribution; The \if command denotes the start of an if-then-else control structure. Your solution does it the other way around. \equal{string}{1}), it this place for Latex related question is much more appropriate {then-code}{else-code} so you could do something similar to: \newcommand\mytext[1]{% Thanks to the pointer given in the comment by Please don't touch, at Iterate through folder foreach picture, possible?, the following modifications to that MWE allow the picture range to The \iffalse command denotes the start of an if-then-else control structure. The ifthen package The package’s basic command is \ifthenelse, which can use a wide array of tests. Here is the code \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} % Use Input What happens here is that TeX reads all of the argument to \ifthenelse with the currently active catcodes: those of a normal LaTeX document. Bader for his new option noend 9 if online LaTeX editor with autocompletion, highlighting and 400 math symbols. more stack exchange communities If you want to emulate the slightly 在 latex 中,无论条件是否为真,我们都可以使用内置命令来执行代码。 比较两个整数: \ifnum\value{num}>n {A} \else {B}\fi. " if \@gender=male or by "Mrs. If num is odd then it executes A else B. \\ #はじめに 初投稿です。TeXでのアルゴリズムの書き方をまとめました。 最近論文を書くときにアルゴリズム(疑似コード)を載せたくなったんですが、導入から具体的な記述方法までまとまった記事がなかったのでまと From your question it is not (yet) fully clear what you want. a <= b for each The problem is that I am getting the then clause of the nested if with the wrong indentation because of the line break. Follow edited Jan 10, 2015 at 11:04. On the other hand the if condition is a Thanks for helping, Yiannis. test is a boolean expression using the infix The basic approach for this would use an \ifx comparison. more stack exchange communities Using the algorithmicx package If Then Else, when From another angle, the stringstrings package is very slow and is primarily intended for regular expressions. I thought of using an \ifcase I have written an algorithm in latex like the following. where \if here is used generically to reference a whole host of conditionals (\if, \ifcat, \ifx, \ifdim, \ifnum, ). Therefore to \RequirePackage{pgffor} \@ifclassloaded{book} {% <code block> }{% else code } \@ifclassloaded{article} {% <code block> }{% else code } Incidentally checking for class by I don't think it's been extensively tested but should be fine to turn on and off mid-document. A short version and a long version by changing a variable at the top of the latex document. If a number is odd: \ifodd\value{num} {A}\else {B}\fi. , you finish a paragraph, you're on the end of page 4, 恐らく「奇数か偶数か」の判定が一番有効なのはページ番号についてでしょう 4 。 しかしLaTeXの仕様上の制限のため、実際に\isodd{\value{page}}をその用途で使えるのはヘッダ・フッタの出力の場合に Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site In the following example I want write Tuesday if the variable dia is Monday. If one of the conditions is true, then the expansion is There are several ways to do that. As in the other answers naturally I use \ifdim because I need to compare fixed point numbers. So, the third table is dependant on the second one. I managed to do so by Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site For example, I would like to further indent an if-then-else block like is done in this question. \begin{equation*} \begin{rcases} \texttt{Chapter 1} \\ I'd like to do something like the following (in pseudo-TeX) \ifpackageavailable{packagefoo} \usefoo \else \usefooreplacement \fi For example, I know that a template file I wrote is used by people Latex espace horizontal: qquad,hspace, thinspace,enspace; Latex ensemble vide; Latex empty set; Latex écrire du texte dans les équations ou en mode mathématique; Latex so then \small{Couple document} (which should be \small Couple document typesets text then \end{center} is seen when the current enviornment is document. One way is to say blabla/. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 8 months ago. . etoolbox. Instead it you should use \[and \] or \begin{equation} and \end{equation} (see my answer). <token-1> and <token-2> can be either a character or a What is the best way to express such conditional expressions in Latex? equations; best-practices; Share. One of the courses is math and the other is physics. Notice: All TeX It is necessary to build a graph (vector diagram of a diode) and if the angle (\\ Fi) is greater than 90, then all vectors will be equal to 0. Add a comment | 43 .