
One way slab example problems. It includes parameters for the slab geometry and materials.

One way slab example problems Structural Requirements, Code Stipulations and Governing Equations As such, it is advisable to select the bar size based on the applied loads on the slab. In this article, we will develop a Slab Design Example using the last version of ACI-318-19: “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete,” consisting of the modeling in SkyCiv of a Reinforced Concrete Low-Rise Building focusing One-way Slab. Design of a Ribbed One-Way Reinforced - 5. 0, then, the slab will act as a one-way slab, with bending primarily occurring in the short Example 6 Continuous solid slab spanning in one direction . Therefore, the bending occurs in only one direction. Data: Columns are 30cm X 30cm, Equivalent partitions load=250 Kg/m2, Live Load = 400Kg/m2, CE 433, Summer 2013 Slab Design Example 1 / 5 Design a one‐way slab for an interior bay of a multi‐story office building using the information specified below. Log in with Facebook Log One-way and Two-way Slabs. Determination of Two way slab thickness: Two-Way Slabs 10 Example 1: For the given data, design strip 1-2-3-4 of the two way slab for flexure. 8m, supporting a superimposed dead load (finishes) of 0. The bending moments and shear forces are obtained using tabular coefficients from BS 8110-1-1997, while the design is performed according EN 1992-1-1:2004. Round slab thickness up About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Subject - Theory of Reinforced Concrete StructuresVideo Name - Design of One Way Slab (Cantilever) - 1Chapter - Design of Slabs using LSMFaculty - Prof. discusses on what is a two way slab. A continuous solid one-way slab is subjected to live. youtube. 0, then, the slab will act as a one-way slab, with bending primarily occurring in the short Let’s take a two-way slab design example:. 68 kN. 4:-joist construction not Example Design the two panel slab system as one way ribbed (joist) slab. c. Deflection was also checked to be within allowable limits. In this case we will use concrete with f'c = 4 ksi. It outlines an 8-step process for slab design including determining minimum thickness, calculating moments and shear, sizing reinforcement, and checking spacing requirements. They are designed similar to parallel beams. Data Given: Ec= 30100 MPa, rc= 25 kN/m 3 , *cs= 700x10-DESIGN OF A TWO-WAY SLAB SUPPORTED ON FOUR SIDES. Checks were performed to ensure adequate strength in bending with main reinforcement and shear capacity. ; Normal weight concrete (unit weight = 145 pcf), 40 Grade steel, f y=40,000 psi. These kinds of slabs are 11 - DESIGN OF ONE-WAY SLABS. 2 Example 2: continuous one-way slab “Design a slab consisting of eight panels of 8 m × 3. Interior span of continuous beam or one-way or two-way spanning slab: 1. Such members are often encountered in practice, particularly in buildings. It discusses slab types, design steps, and an example problem. and carries a live load of 75 psf. CHAPTER 5—ONE-WAY SLABS, p. Example 15: Design of Concrete Slab: Problem Description. txt) or view presentation slides online. Moha CVEN4301 Solved example Analysis & design of one-way slabs The reinforced concrete slab shown in Figure-1 is supported on beams and joists. in • • • Description. Description. d. Here we discuss about one way slab Example (4): Design the one way slab system shown in fig below , subjected to the superimposed dead load 2 KN/m2 and live load 3 KN / m2 assume normal concrete , f′c =21 Mpa, and fy= Example-1: One-way simply supported slab, Span length, L= 10 ft. Example. Comparisons and contrasts are tabularized Slabs are mainly two types one way slab and two way slab. An initial trial thickness of 190mm will be used with the bottom reinforcement being ductile N12 at 200mm centres, and top - One-Way Slab Design - Procedures - Design Example At any point, such slabs are curved in both directions resulting in biaxial bending moments. 6—Flexure reinforcement detailing, p. 5kPa. The document provides information on the design of one-way reinforced concrete slabs. w . 2) Analyzing internal beam B based on tributary loads. Minimum thickness is 160mm with φ12 bars at 350mm. Reinforcement Details of One Way Slab 3. It also gives an example problem demonstrating how to calculate loads, WSD ACI318M- 63 and be able to apply them in the design problem. Download now Download to read offline. So, let’s start reading! One-way versus two-way slab behavior. [1] The loads, material properties, and dimensions are calculated. History Of Moment Coefficient Method 4 The Moment Coefficient Method included for the first time in 1963 ACI Code is applicable to twoway slabs supported on four sides of each slab panel by walls, steel beams. 3-14) codes. Q. 5 m clear dimensions that are continuous along their longitudinal edges and are supported on 300 mm wide beams (as presented in Fig. T-section for interior beams L-section for exterior beams 5 T-Beams The effective flange width resulting from slab interaction depends on the slab type (one-way or two-way slab). investigate one way slabs, 4. 8 Span Ratio Case 9 0. The slab is 150 mm thick, the beams are 400 mm wide and 600 mm deep and This document provides instruction on designing one-way reinforced concrete slabs according to BS 8110-1:1997. × Close Log In. 8”. com/cha. 3 Designing A Simply Supported Reinforced Concrete One Way Slab Per ACI Code 318-11https://www. 5 Prof. 31 2 Concrete Design-One way solid slab 18. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Yield Line Analysis for Slabs. - Concrete Slab . Each example starts with a problem statement, then provides a design solution in a three column format—code provision . Skip to content. Rc two way slab example . A ribbed floor (slab with joists) made of precast double tee RC II 6 One-way Slabs Prof. A one-way roof slab has a plan as shown in Fig. 1. 1fornormalconcreteonly Support condition Minimum Thickness (h) Simply Supported L/20 One End Continuous L/24 Both End Continuous L/28 Cantilever L/10 For fy other than 420 MPa, these values shall be multiplied by (0. 3 Minimum slab concrete cover (𝐜𝐜) Example: One-Way System In this example, the pressure load from the slab is transferred directly to the beams. One-way slabs are supported on two opposite sides and bend in one direction. The slab has to carry a What is a one-way slab? When a rectangular slab is supported on all four sides, but the ratio of the longer side, L, to the shorter side, S, is 2 or more, L/S ≥ 2. Comparisons and contrasts are tabularized It discusses slab classification, analysis methods, general design guidelines, behavior of one-way and two-way slabs, Two example problems are included to illustrate the design of a simply supported one-way slab and a monolithic two-way restrained slab. 0, then, the slab will act as a one 2) Two example problems are provided to demonstrate the design of one-way slabs for given span and loading conditions. The present course focuses on one-way slabs. Design calculation Design of one way slab Slab S1 Span of One way slab L = Loads on slab Self weight of slab Floor finish Filling load Wall load Live load Total U. 5). 1 Continuous One Way Slabs Description This application calculates bending moments using ACI coefficients, and determines the required reinforcing-bar spacing for continuous one way slabs. For the transverse direction, a minimum amount of reinforcement is provided. 11. all supports are reinforced concrete beam, ,beam dimension (h=0. 1 Load calculations 11. Effective Depth of Flexure: Mu = 0. Problem 269 As shown in Fig. Two-Way Slab Analysis and Design – Using Equivalent Frame Method (EFM) ACI 318 states that a slab system shall be designed by any procedure satisfying equilibrium and geometric compatibility, provided that strength and serviceability criteria are satisfied. m. For design problem, put 1- minimum depth of Slab ( h) when Fy=420 Mpa forsolid one way slab shouldfollowtheACIitem7. Simply supported One-way Slab The first example is a simply supported concrete slab spanning 4. Slab containing supports on less than 4 sides can be designed as a one-way slab. 𝑊𝐼=( +𝑣𝑒×2× 1 2 The document summarizes the design of a one-way continuous slab for a 2nd floor exterior balcony. These modifiers, available through Assign Area > Stiffness Modifiers, should be applied relative to the local axes and the desired direction of one-way action. pdf - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the design process for one-way and two-way slab reinforcement. Qaisar Ali CE 320: Reinforced Concrete Design –I Updated: May 25, 2023 Occurs in one slab example: generally all the type list, in civil engg. The two parallel walls or beams are the only supports of the One Way slab. The document provides an example of designing a one-way reinforced concrete slab with a span of 15 feet that is integrally built with its supports. 40. 2 Use (i) WSD, (ii) USD to design the two-way slab Figure 3: Moment coefficient One Way Slab Design_Mahfuzur Rahman Slab Design For example, in the case of using 400 × 200 × 200 blocks in a one-way slab, the clear distance in the rib direction equal to = 200 × + 120 × Where: ℎ ℎ . 2) Two example problems are provided to demonstrate the design of one-way slabs for given span and loading conditions. Ibrahim. fck . Intermediate values calculated Example: No= 5 5=d b 5 0. Every two edge supported slabs are always one way. Comparisons and contrasts are tabularized One-way and two-way load decomposition; FE meshed slabs Expand. It lists the given dimensions and properties of the slab and beam. The following 34 x 34 ft flat plate is supported by two fixed edges and two simply supported edges as well as a 16 x 16 in column in the Before we proceed with the discussion on continuous members, we must know how to calculate the 'Effective span' of the various spans. b = 1 m area required load Design of slabs-introduction-one-way and two-way action of slabs-load distribution in a slab-IS recommendations for design of slabs-design of one-way slab-numerical problems – detailing cantilever slab-numerical problems – detailing – continuous slab – code coefficients-detailing only 2 KTUNOTES. h(min) for the slab is different compared with the beams. SEC (37 RCD - One-Way Slabs) slabs and continuous beams design of slabs and continuous rc beams using nscp 2015 ce board exam review reinforcement strain limit. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. 1: Load transfer in (a) One-way slab One-way slab is designed as singly reinforced rectangular section. So part of the load is carried by one set and the remainder by the other. 9 Problems . 5. 18 mm. Example: Cantilever slabs, Chhajas, and verandahs. In both instances, we will create a SkyCiv S3D model and In this video, you will learn how to solve a Reinforced Concrete Design: Design of One Way Slab problem. Comparisons and contrasts are tabularized Detailing: Draw execution plans Steps for analysis / design of joist slabs Example of one-way joist slab • Beams are in X-direction • Girders are in Y-direction • Joists in Y-directions • Beams and girders have the same section 300 x 600 mm • Column section 300 x 300 mm • Superimposed dead load is SDL = 1. It compares the behavior of one-way and two-way slabs, Example Problem Determine the shear reinforcement required for an interior flat panel considering the following: Vu= 195k, slab thickness = 9 in. 5kPa and a domestic live load of 1. 8 = 4. c) In this type, loads are carried by the slab in one direction perpendicular to the supporting beam (in the short direction). The overall depth of the slab without finishing materials is 300mm. 5: 20: 30 One-way slabs. 3: Minimum thickness of one-way ribbed slabs Element One-way ribbed slabs Simply supported One end continuous Both ends continuous Cantilever l/16 l/18. engineeringexamples. Neglecting the mass of the slab, calculate the stress in each rod when the temperature in the assembly is increased to 95°C. One-way slab means the load is transferred in one direction, therefore, the bending occurs in one direction only. Fig. It then calculates the dead and live loads on the slab based on the self-weight and imposed live loads. 1- EXTRA SOLVED PROBLEM FOR TWO-WAY SOLID SLAB TO BS8110 - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. 𝒔𝒔) 11. The slab is supported on monolithically casted beam all-around of width 230mm. 4. "Civil Engineering Le Example 15: Design of Concrete Slab. This example is based on the One-way Slab Example 1 of the ACI Reinforced Concrete Design Handbook, A Companion to ACI 318-19, Volume 1: Member Design (Pages 46 through 57). 4—Required strength, p. They are very economical for small to moderate spans of between 4-6m. Temperature reinforcement was included with Some of the prominent examples of one-way slabs are the cantilever slabs, chajjas, and verandahs. Assume partitions cannot be damaged by deflections. It then calculates the dead and live loads and combines them using different load factors. 6 0. Alaa C. This document provides the design specifications and calculations for a simply supported one-way reinforced concrete slab. It discusses how one-way slabs are used when the length to width ratio of a room is greater than 2, carrying the load across the width. doc / . e ly/lx > 2, practically the slab spans across the shorter span. 3 Analysis of one-way solid slabs 11. Sir Mars designs an example design problem on one-way slabs (based on NSCP 2015). Perfecto Padilla Jr. The slab is reinforced with 12 mm tension bars spaced at 150 mm o. [1] One way slabs have a longer to shorter span ratio of 2 or greater and load is carried along the shorter span only, with main reinforcement along this Example-2: One-way simply supported slab, Span length, L= 10 ft. perpendicular to two supporting edges. 25 meters long and supported on both ends. . 5 kN/m2 • Live load: LL Preliminary design parameters of one-way Reinforced Concrete (RC) slabs are one of the significant factors and needs to be precisely determined. 69 kN. . Such a 4. 2 Condition for one-way solid slabs 11. The solutions calculate reinforcement ratios and spacing to In this article, I will discuss One way slab design procedure with example. L 2m Section provided D d = = = = = = Bending Moment B. 5 m. Bayan Salim 1 6 Design of One-Way Slabs A RC slab is a broad, flat plate, usually horizontal, with top and bottom surfaces parallel. Concrete slabs are either two way spanning or a one way spanning slab. pdf), Text File (. Assakkaf CHAPTER 8b. (or 1 m) at right angles to the supporting girders, is considered a rectangular beam. There are two cases of study, one-way and two-way slabs. Download ONE-WAY SLAB PROBLEMS WITH SOLUTIONS and more Reinforced Concrete Design Assignments in PDF only on Docsity! Example 1: Simply supported One way slab A rectangular reinforced concrete slab is simply-supported on two masonry walls 250 mm thick and 3. Orthotropic slab implementation "One-way" spanning orthotropic slab example; Further orthotropic slab modeling considerations This document discusses different types of slabs used in construction. RCD - Solid Slabs (Part 2) - Simply Supported One-Way Slab - Worked Example My = ay. Although, not included in 1977 and later versions of ACI code,its continued use is permissible under the ACI 318-08 code provision (13. Such a surface may be floor, roof, or ceiling. shrinkage problem or 0 the ribs and D is the overall depth of the slab 2. Timoshenko’s plate Additional potential problems associated with slab deflection include jamming doors and windows, For example, an RC slab in an outdoor environment with RH between 80 – Such a slab is called one way slab. Meshing of two-way slabs in 3D analysis; How slab properties and features impact on meshing; Slab meshing controls; Orthotropic slabs Expand. 9 1. Examples are provided to This document summarizes the design of a one-way slab for a proposed three story building in Naga City. This post presents a practical example of a continuous one-way slab. 6 In this video, Engr. It may be supported by RC beams Example 2: A RC slab is built integrally with its supports and consists of two equal spans, each with a Subject - Theory of Reinforced Concrete StructuresVideo Name - Design of One Way Slab (Simply Supported) Chapter - Design of Slabs using LSMFaculty - Prof. IN Downloaded from Ktunotes. 40 5. The hand solution is used for a detailed comparison with analysis and This document provides an example of designing a simply supported one-way slab that is 3m long. 3. 3 shoe nine separate possible arrangement for a two-way restrained slab. whatsapp. It includes parameters for the slab geometry and materials. Concrete Design-One way ribbed slab 3 ACI code limitation (ACI code 8. One-Way Slab Analysis and Design (ACI 318-14) A one-way slab is a type of reinforced concrete floor system designed to carry loads predominantly in one direction. It also specifies minimum reinforcement ratios for temperature and shrinkage. 50 ##### Select a suitable slab depth and compare with deemed-to-comply slab depth One-Way Slab Design - Download as a PDF or view online for free. a), or if the ratio of length to width of one slab panel is > 2 (fig. “spBeam ” is widely used for analysis, design and investigation of beams, and one-way slab systems (including standard and wide module joist systems) per American (ACI 318-14) and Canadian (CSA A23. 625 A b = 5 0. Example 7 Solid slab spanning in two directi on . To enforce one-way action, assign small m11 or m22 stiffness modifiers to the slab. com/CxcOXZKIkUnHeCLH06PYr2access to my courses: click link belowhttps:/ Types of Slabs 1. 3 , 0. The service live load is 100 psf and 4000 psi concrete is specified for use with steel with a yield stress equal to 60000 psi. Introduction The slab is the horizontal structural component that provides a flat and purposive surface. , fc = 3 ksi, fy= 60 ksi, and column is 20 x 20 in. We have already discussed about the effective span EXAMPLE THREE: by using the yield line theory, determine the moment for a reinforced concrete one-way slab with a length of 6m and width of 2m and is supported by one concrete wall and one brick wall at its width subjected to a distributed load of (w). 49 ##### FKW(2010) ##### EXAMPLE PROBLEM SOLUTION. 2 Use (i in regions of moderate seismic risk 17 The two act together to resist loads and because of this interaction, the effective section of the beam is a T or L section. fy=275 MPa Steel covering is 20 At any point, such slabs are curved in both directions resulting in biaxial bending moments. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 928, 2nd International Scientific Conference of Al-Ayen University (ISCAU-2020) 15-16 July 2020, Thi-Qar, Iraq At any point, such slabs are curved in both directions resulting in biaxial bending moments. Enter the material properties in the Materials tab, such as the concrete and reinforcing steel strengths. [3] The main reinforcement, transverse reinforcement, shear capacity, deflection, cracking, and detailing are all designed and checked according to Example 1- Two-Way Slab - Free download as PDF File (. Code Reference NSCP 2010 - Section 424: Alternate Design Method ACI 318 - Appendix A: Alternate Design Method Notation fc = allowable compressive stress of concrete fs = allowable tesnile stress of steel reinforcement One-way and Two-way Slabs One-way slabs transfer Moment coefficients for different support conditions 3 0. 13. What Is One Way Slab? When a slab is supported on all four sides and the ratio of long span to short It covers slab thickness requirements, selection of reinforcing bar sizes and spacing, shrinkage and temperature reinforcement, estimated slab weight, and concrete cover. txt) or read online for free. Strength to this for one slab problems error: generally all four sides the huge difference in two way slab along one way slabs are wonderful guy and distribution steel. 1: Load transfer in (a) One-way slab For example, when parallel walls connect to either side of a continuous slab, one-way action results. DESIGN OF ONE-WAY SOLID SLABS One-way slab may be treated as a beam. It describes one-way slabs as supported on two sides and carrying load in one direction. Reinforcement Details of One Way Slab Some of the prominent examples of one-way slabs are the cantilever slabs, chajjas, and verandahs. prestressing, F, in a one-way slab or the beam supports for one-way slabs can be computed as t _ 48kBW + 8k f (L (3) Wl — 1 + 48kB F, = 72BW L2 + 12 f t2 (4) the following example problems. Slab carries the loads imposed on it and duly transfers the forces either in a one-way or [] This document discusses the design of one-way reinforced concrete slabs according to the National Structural Code of the Philippines (NSCP) 2015 provisions. 5—Design strength, p. The minimum slab thickness is determined to be 208 mm to One-way slabs span in one direction only, while two-way slabs span in two directions. pptx), PDF File (. Maximum moments are 369. 3 Canadian standard. The slab is 4. mohamed tiger. Minimum slab thickness, h = L/20 x [0. Galeb 1 and Noor K. Use 6 in. Example 6. The minimum thickness of one-way slabs depends on the In this article, we will develop two slab design examples, one-way and two-way slab systems, using the simplified methods oriented and permitted by the code. 10. Basic Principles, Theory and One-way Slabs; Nodal Forces and Two-way Slabs; Two-way Rectangular, Square, Triangular and Circular Slabs; Numerical Examples; Working Stress Method. The slab is 100mm thick reinforced with 12mm diameter bars. net/designing-simply-supported-reinforced-co Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete One-Way Ribbed Slabs Using Genetic Algorithm. 5 in. ax and ay coefficient are obtained from IS 456 tables -26, fig 10. M AND ONE-WAY SLABS ENCE 454 – Design of Concrete Structures Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Maryland, College Park SPRING 2004 By Dr . 4 + fy/700) One-way slab means the load is transferred in one direction, therefore, the bending occurs in one direction only. 7 0. EXAMPLE PROBLEM A reinforced concrete slab is built integrally with its supports and consists of equal span of 15 ft. docx), PDF File (. 1 - Slab-Simply Supported (One-Way) - Free download as PDF File (. It outlines the key steps: 1) Determining it is a two-way slab due to support The paper focuses on the design of one-way slabs in reinforced concrete, Example 1. Distinction of two-systems from one- 10. The load of the one-way slab, which has a rectangular shape, is divided equally between adjacent beams. It is convenient to think of such slabs as consisting of two sets of parallel strips, in each direction and intersecting each other. 9 kN/m^2 - Reinforcement includes main steel of #14 bars at 150mm centers DESIGN OF ONE WAY SLAB ( solved example of one way slab with detailing of reinforcement & check ) solved numerical of one way slabstep by step solution & che For the problem posed, consider the FBD in Figure (c); From left segment: 0 2 For demonstration purpose, consider the one-way slab of the previous example. It then calculates the required reinforcement ratio, main bar and temperature bar spacing, and checks that the calculated deflection meets the limit for a simply supported slab. This paper deals with the problem of optimum design of reinforced concrete (two­way ribbed) waffle slabs using genetic algorithms. Teaching and Learning Activities Solve the following problems for mastery of the procedures and specifications: 1. It must support a permanent load of 1 kN/m^2 and variable load of 3 kN/m^2. 3 One-way slabs shall be designed to have adequate stiffness to limit deflections or any deformations that affect strength or serviceability of a structure adversely. * Points to Remember. The design of one-way slab is simple About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright This document provides information on the design of one-way slabs. 7—Examples, p. One Way Slab Example Problems L Darling-Hammond Reinforced Concrete Structures Omar Chaallal,2010-08 This book focuses on the analysis and design of reinforced concrete structural members in conformity with the 2014 version of the CSA A23. Read less. ACI Approximate Method of Analysis Strip Method for one-way slabs Moment Coefficient Method This article presents a worked example on the analysis and design of continuous one-way reinforced concrete slab. One Way Slab Design Example - Free download as Word Doc (. It provides the given data for the slab, beam, and column dimensions. - Example 7. One-way slabs are noted for their bigger lengths (L) than their shorter lengths (B) when the ratio (L/B) is greater than 2. 2 [Ribbed slab design] A typical floor system of a lecture hall is to be designed as a ribbed slab. 4 + 40,000/100,000] = 6” x 0. It carries a live load of Working Stress Design is called Alternate Design Method by NSCP (National Structural Code of the Philippines) and ACI (American Concrete Institute, ACI). 1 Structural Element This article investigates the punching shear behavior of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC) two-way slabs. 8 Examples 10. The ratio of longer span to shorter span is equal to or greater than 2. One-Way Solid Slabs . 5 l/21 l/8 CHAPTER EIGHT DESIGN OF ONE-WAY SLABS 15 8. e l/b ≥ Discussion of results (a) Two-way slab systems (1) In the long span direction, finite element analysis and yield line method gave very close results for bending moment and shear forces. When a rectangular slab is supported on all four sides, but the ratio of longer side, L, to shorter side, S, is two or more, L/S ≥ 2. 1 of 22. 5m wide with a required thickness of 125mm - Loads include self-weight, superimposed dead loads of 2 kN/m^2 and 1 kN/m^2, and a live load of 2. D. Let’s consider the slab example in the following image, where there is support on each slab edge, 🕑 Reading time: 1 minute One-way slab is a type of concrete slab in which loads are transferred in one direction to the supporting beams and columns. Two-way slabs are supported on all four sides and carry load in two directions. a. At 10°C, Δ = 0. 2. 1 Introduction 11. The other slab design can be found in this link. Watch this video to learn more!ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ ᴛʜɪꜱ ʟɪɴᴋ ᴛᴏ ᴠɪ For example, when parallel walls connect to either side of a continuous slab, one-way action results. As per IS:456:2000, Indian Standards, we have designed a two-way beam section. This document discusses the design of one-way reinforced concrete slabs. 11. 6 m, bw=0. This document provides the design calculations for a one-way concrete slab. Neglect compression reinforcement. 1: Load transfer in (a) One-way slab We work through a long-form example of treating a slab as a unit-widt In this video, we explore how to design a simply-supported reinforced concrete slabs. This chapter discusses the design of one-way slabs and continuous beams. 16. The document summarizes the design process for a restrained two-way bedroom slab that is 4m by 7m. 3 m), Column dimension (0. Qaisar Ali Reinforced Concrete Design – II Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar Analysis and Design of Slabs 9 Analysis Methods Analysis using computer software (FEA) SAFE, SAP 2000, ETABS etc. Example 1. Chapter Eleven 336 . Moment coefficients for simply supported two-way spanning slabs . An example It also gives an example problem demonstrating how to calculate loads, moments, required steel ratio, and steel design for a given slab geometry and material properties. P-269, there is a gap between the aluminum bar and the rigid slab that is supported by two copper bars. 3)m Table 1. The document provides guidance on designing solid one-way reinforced concrete slabs based on code requirements from the National Structural Code of the Philippines. One way & Two way slab system - Free download as PDF File (. b. Here is a new series in which we learn how to design a one-way solid slab as per EC 2. L = Effective Span Lesser of the following: L= Ln + h/2 + h/2 = Ln + h h = depth of slab and L = One-way slab. Assume live load and 1. So, no problem in design, problem is only in analysis of slabs. Diagram is sagging moment to share your billing information to unpause account. The joists which are spaced at 400mm are supported by girders. This document provides an example calculation for determining the ultimate load on a two-way concrete slab and beam system. It estimates the slab thickness, calculates loads, determines maximum moments, checks the effective Determine the slab depth which is to be uniform throughout, design the reinforcement in a corner slab. Two way slab: The ratio of length to width of one slab panel is < 2 1) The document discusses design limits and requirements for one-way reinforced concrete slabs including minimum slab thickness, reinforcement limits, flexural and shear design, and reinforcement detailing. One-Way Beams and Girders . Problem Statement . The slab of the figure shown below has a thickness of 150 mm and in addition to its own weight, it supports 0. All cantilever slabs are one way. 2 The thickness of the slab (𝒕𝒕. This example will demonstrate the analysis and design of the one-way reinforced concrete slab shown below using ACI 318-14 provisions. 85 KN/m 2 This video demonstrates the design procedure of one-way slab with illustrative examples using ultimate strength design (USD) principles. Two case studies are discussed; the first is a waffle slab with 10. Civiconcepts Home; House Plans Menu Toggle. The key steps in slab design are: [1] determining if the slab spans one-way or two-way based on span ratios, [2] calculating design loads and bending moments, [3] sizing reinforcement to resist bending Chapter # 7- Design of one way slabs - Free download as PDF File (. CVEN4301 Solved example Analysis & design of one-way slabs The reinforced concrete slab shown in Figure-1 is supported on beams and joists. c. One-way reinforcement spacing, and requirements for shrinkage and temperature reinforcement. ; Normal weight concrete (unit weight = 145 pcf), 60 Grade steel, f y = 60,000. 2. One-way slab & Two-way slab are the types of the slab. slab thickness. Design Data: Variable load on This video explains the design of reinforced concrete slab using AS3600:2018. Learning Content It contains readings, discussions, questions and sets of activities that students can work on individually or by Help others, God will help you in returnJoin my WhatsApp group: https://chat. 4 Reinforced concrete structures II – Ribbed slab Example 2 1 Example 2. Saeed 1. Problem 4. 138 . (w/ Latest Board Exam lectures)Click the link below to join:https://www. This verification example represents the analysis and design of a reinforced concrete one-way slab utilizing Tekla Tedds. Manual analysis overestimated the load Design of one way and slabs in rcc explained using example problems for both oneway and twoway slabs clean and neet video very helpful for btech diploma stud. pdf) or read online for free. Dr. 75 m apart. ----- Design of a Solid One-Way Reinforced - 4. It includes provisions for minimum slab thickness based on span length and support conditions. In The document summarizes the load distribution calculation for a one-way slab. Design of reinforced slab for a room of clear dimension 4m*6m. A detailed discussion is given here. 4 + f y/100,000] = 10’ x12”/20 [0. One way and two way slabs are classified based on their load distribution and reinforcement. “ spBeam ” can be used for new designs or investigation of existing structural members subjected to flexure, shear, and torsion loads. Transverse ribs 1) This example illustrates the analysis and design of one-way slab, one-way joist, interior girder, and exterior girder in a one-way wide module (skip joist) floor system. 25= Uniform pressure x b Uniform live load pressure = 10. A one-way slab is designed for the spanning direction only. 2 Use (i) WSD, (ii) USD to design the two-way slab shown below, carrying floor finish = 30 psf, random wall = 50 4. Ten 1500 mm × 1500 mm × 100 mm slabs were tested monotonically. End span of continuous beam or one-way continuous slab or two-way slab continuous over one long side: 1. A simply supported slab is a type of reinforced concrete slab which is commonly used in construction which is supported on primary beams or a supporting walls. The 7½-in, concrete slab weighs 94 psf. Watch the entire video to know!🤝Join our online community 🤝https: In this blog post, we have delved into a practical problem that provides an explanation of a two-way slab. Go to the Loads tab to enter the loads provided in the statement of the example. Example 1:- Design the two panel one way slab system shown to carry service live load of 5 kN/m. 5. A one-way slab having a simple span of 3 m is 150 mm thick. A hollow core slab is also an example of a one-way slab. 1. i. Ribbed One-Way Slabs. 1). It includes: 1) Calculating the slab thickness and reinforcement based on bending moments. Also, if the slab is supported on all four edges and the ratio of longer span(l y) to shorter span (lx) i. Read more. m and 240. Mu = Sp 16 P 10 Table C. [2] Shear force and bending moment diagrams are drawn. M , Ultimate This article will go over another one way slab design example. 0 Design of Two-way Slabs Example 1. Key details include: - The slab span is 7m long and 2. Minimum slab thickness, h = L/20 = 10’ x12”/20 1. The plan of the slab is provided in the figure below. The document outlines the steps to design a one-way reinforced concrete slab, including calculating loads, bending moments, reinforcement requirements, and design A slab in a framed building can be a one-way slab depending upon its length-to-breadth ratio. The slab is 150 mm thick, the beams are 400 mm wide and 600 mm deep and Concrete Design-One way ribbed slab 3 ACI code limitation (ACI code 8. Rectangular Beams under Flexure; Numerical Problems; Tension Members. Prof. Fck = strength of concrete. 11) Note:-Section dimension may be obtained from manufactures catalogues ACI 8. lx. e ly/lx > 2, DESIGN EXAMPLES 1. 25kPa 5. - Ribbed Slab When you feel One way slabs are the most basic form of slab and beam construction, generally employed for utilitarian purposes in offices, retail developments, warehouses, stores and similar buildings. It provides information on: - What constitutes a one-way slab and how it differs from a two-way slab - How one-way slabs are analyzed by considering a 1m strip and assuming bending occurs in Structural Theory 1 @thatguyslater @INGENIEROTV @OliverAustria Theory of Structure, Structural Analysis, Analysis of StructureChapter 11. Design considerations like Be an exclusive member and get access to our Members-only Videos. , d = 7. An example problem is worked through showing the design of a simply supported one-way slab for a given live and dead load, using the provided moment coefficients and In this video, we check the adequacy of a one way slab for shear resistance, and explain some theory behind the CSA simplified method. This document One way slab are the slab that are supported on two parallel sides carrying loads by flexure in the direction perpendicular to the support and ratio of longer to shorter span greater than 2. SERVICEABILITY OF BEAMS AND ONE-WAY SLABS Slide No. One way slab is a slab that is supported on two opposite sides and carries the load in one direction. 1 Long-Term Deflection ENCE 454 ©Assakkaf Example 2 Calculate Ig, Igt, Mcr, Mcrt, and Icr for For slabs on beams, for one panel. ppt / . It provides the minimum thickness, reinforcement ratio, and flexural reinforcement requirements for solid non-prestressed one-way slabs. 3: 18: 26: 2. w The slab is reinforced at left and right supports, and in span in such a way that the capacities of 1. 3. if the slab were to instead be directly supported by members 2,8,5,9 then the system would be considered RCD - Solid Slabs (Part 2) - Simply Supported One-Way Slab - Worked Example - Free download as PDF File (. The solutions calculate reinforcement ratios The document provides a design example for a one-way reinforced concrete slab and supporting beams and girders. 39. their analysis except one-way slab systems is relatively the design is carried out in the usual manner. Design a simply supported one –way slab over a clear span of 3. A unit strip of slab, usually 1 ft. So, let us discuss the key points from this problem as follows: Strip Method of Analysis for One-way Slabs Basic Design Steps Example 2. This part gives an introduction to the following:00:00 (Introduction)0 Description. Heaer find d. SOLUTION: 𝑊𝐸= ×(2×2)× 1 2 + ×(4×2)× 1 2 =6 . One-way slab: A slab supported on two sides only (fig. Two example problems are given to demonstrate the design of one-way slabs for different loading and Example #1 Continuous OneContinuous One--way Slabway Slab Example Problem Materials: Materials: f’f’ c = 4 = 4 ksiksi, , ff y = 60 = 60 ksiksi Imposed Loads: Live = 100 Imposed Loads: Live = 100 psfpsf, Dead = 25 , Dead = 25 psfpsf Finding “h” Table 8. Such a slab is called one way slab. Slab containing supports on less than 4 sides can be designed as a one way slab. 42.