Opa604 replacement That's why some folks love them. They delivered a fat compressed tone. 4 Electrical Characteristics At TA = +25°C, VS = ±15 V, unless otherwise noted PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Abstract: OPA2604 OPA604 OPA604AP Text: OPA604 OPA 604 OPA 604 SBOS019A – JANUARY 1992 – SEPTEMBER 2003 FET-Input, Low Distortion OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FEATURES APPLICATIONS LOW DISTORTION: 0. for "7 easy pieces" check out first pdf file in post #90 under 7 Easy Pieces Feb 11, 2021 · The OPA604 opamp The OPA604 from Burr-Brown is a single JFET-input opamp which has been specially designed to give low distortion. Jul 30, 2020 · However i have the following options and for each option i have APROPRIATE adapter which makes replacement drop in. Mar 11, 2022 · 10PCS OPA2132PA OPA2134PA OPA2132 OPA2134 DIP-8 OPA134PA OPA134 OPA604AP OPA604 OPA2604AP OPA2604 DIP DIP-8,OPA134PA DIP-8: Amazon. 6 ±12. It can sound quite nice in the right circuit, but won't be winning any bench measurements. 0 new watchers per day, 1,417 days for sale on eBay. Nov 4, 2020 · The OPA2604AP was recommended to me by Echowars (Glenn), as being the closest and best replacement available at the time. pdf), Text File (. I haven't measured what voltage the stock opamps actually are seeing. Has anybody found a pin to pin replacement? What I have read is that replacing older spec opamps with later generation types can yield much improved sonics. May 30, 2018 · Ahhhhhhhhhhhh !!! Thanks salomonander ! What was the previous ic ? 5532 / 5534 or opa familly ? did you add bypass cap between pins 1 and 2 ? Make some adjustments ? Bypass caps are from +/- to ground or between +/-. View full details SKU: PCXDACP-89508 Unfortunately, I can't seem to find one of the op-amps, the now obsolete Analog Devices OP176 (which is a replacement for the TL081). But ADI recommend to remove the 22pF. Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide! Limited Time Sale Easy Return. One for each channel. There are any number of higher speed and precision op amps available at a price. com is an international Electronics Discussion Forum focused on EDA software, circuits, schematics, books, theory, papers, asic, pld, 8051, DSP, Network, RF, Analog Design, PCB, Service Manuals and a whole lot more! Oct 20, 2005 · Try to test it with the OPA604/2604 as well , do one channel with 5534 and a other with 604 , you also can try other type of opamps , there is more on this forum for testing opamps and how the sound. The AD website says that the OP184 is the suggested replacement, but although I really know virtually nothing about these things, it seems as though the specs are pretty different. A Kenwood KA-5500 amplifier has in its control amplifier two TA7136P IC's. If you don't know exactly the circuitry around the opamp, it's best to change to the same type (fet opamp for fet, bjt for bjt). Но дали работните напрежения, пиновете от 1 до 8 ,са еднакви и при двата модел? Dec 26, 2016 · My middle name is Cheap, I pick the OPA2604 even though I already own the Sparkos just the matter of principle. What drawbacks if any are there in doing this?? regards, otto sony music studios, sydney The OPA1602 and OPA1604 bipolar-input operational amplifiers achieve very low 2. Jan 15, 2012 · You can find a lot of discrete direct replacement boards on ebay for single or dual opamps like this one There are 10 cross reference alternative products totally about OPA604 : 2 Pin-to-Pin Replacement and 3 Compatible Equivalent and 3 Possible Analogue and 2 Functional Equivalent , Replacement Manufacturers include : Analog Devices Cross Reference National Semiconductor Cross Reference Motorola Cross Reference Philips Cross Reference Texas Nov 19, 2004 · Analogue stage of cd players. So the Sparkos is completely out. 5 mA quiescent current. Change Location. Joined 2004. But time marches on. Not it happend, that the input buffer OPA604 is oscillating. Skip to Main Content +44 (0) 1494-427500. Jun 5, 2018. Good luck. See attached photo of the zener mountings. but would like to find something that gives me similar gains as the opa604just for educational purpose. notes: OPA604 is a single op-amp but, OPA2604 (dual OPA604) could be an option too if you can find them. OP275, OPA2134 and OPA2604 are good replacements in general. Edit it appears you have DIP op amps. 1. OPA134, OPA2134, OPA4134 www. 0003% at 1khz low noise: 10nv/√hz high slew rate: 25v/µs wide gain-bandwidth: 20mhz unity-gain stable Whats in there is summat like 3532's. The LM4562 leaps to mind as one of these. The low-noise FET input of the OPA604 provides wide dynamic range, even with high source impedance. It did! Attached is a compilation of replacement parts applicable to ADCOM products. 2011-01-26 11:18 am #17 1 opa2604 features low distortion: 0. It looks like it would be happy at +21 -21; with a documented max of 25. Potato Cakes; Feb 22, 2019; Black Market Oct 26, 2020 · opa604是一个fet输入运算放大器,用于增强交流性能。 极低失真、低噪声和宽频带在高质量音频和其他需要卓越动态性能的应用中提供了优异的性能。 新的 电路 技术和特殊的激光微调动态电路性能产生非常低的谐波失真。 Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for OPA604 Series Audio Amplifiers. 00003% at 1kHz. Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA604 请注意,本文内容源自机器翻译,可能存在语法或其它翻译错误,仅供参考。如需获取准确内容,请参阅链接中的英语原文或自行翻译。 May 4, 2002 · Hello everyone, Recently I have replaced the NE5532 with the BB OPA2604 and the LM741 with the AD711 in my cd player. I'm using the 33078 for replacement for hissing 4558 in a mixer I use to play LP's and CD's, the performance was fine. OPA604 sounds "warm", "detailed", and maybe "euphonic". A. (If my research is not flawed) Pinouts. 0002muA 12V 20000kHz Enhanced Replacement for LM6361 Replacement for HA2544, HA2520/2/5 and EL2020 APPLICATIONS Video Instrumentation Imaging Equipment Copiers, Fax, Scanners, Cameras High Speed Cable Driver High Speed DAC and Flash ADC Buffers PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD847 represents a breakthrough in high speed amplifiers The OPA134 V+/V- is a maximum of 18 volts. Nobody talking about them or asking about replacements. I did hear slight differences, but I was at a complete loss when trying to put these differences into words. This messes up the highpass output of Jul 2, 2011 · Sofar i still look for a 5534 replacement. com Welcome to our site! EDAboard. bet it could be replaced with the NE5534. ) No, you are not likely to damage your amp with the OPA604 or OPA627. 5 V RL = 2kΩ ±14. Jul 20, 2020 · A common reason to choose the opa604 was its higher rail voltage ability. 如图所示为三阶低通滤波电路。该电路为利用一片jfet输入的高保真运算放大器opa604和一片特性与opa604相同的双运放opa2604组成的三阶巴特沃斯低通滤波器。按图示参数,其-3db截止频率为40khz。 Jun 23, 2011 · The first picture is of the OPA604 FET opamp, one of my personal favourites. 4R7 Ohm 0. Mar 1, 2008 · 电子发烧友网为你提供ti(ti)opa604相关产品参数、数据手册,更有opa604的引脚图、接线图、封装手册、中文资料、英文资料,opa604真值表,opa604管脚等资料,希望可以帮助到广大的电子工程师们。 The low-noise FET input of the OPA604 provides wide dynamic range, even with high source impedance. 2uF 50V C316/317 2,2µF 50V Radio board M 12511 iss 1 4 x TL071( 2 x Radio board) OPA604 or LME49710 The down side is the rather cool but rare SIP package. Dec 16, 2022 · Sonically, the OPA604 family is almost identical to the OPA134/132. Hello, I am buliding a 3 pass crossover. New circuit techniques and special laser trimming of dynamic PCX DAC Module Premium Version (Sparkos Discrete I-V Op Amp) NOTE: Modern replacement for the iconic UltraAnalog D20400(A) DAC module. ti. If I had to suggest an alternative without any more information to go on, I'd look at the TL07x family. Manufacturer: Texas Instruments. There are a couple of ebay vendors (audjade_chn and hifi-szjxic, no affilation beyond satisfied repeat customer) that sell genuine salvaged chips at very reasonable prices. The distortion is not only down somewhere below 0. I would suggest just going with the OPA134 if that's what you originally wanted. AndrewT. But my question is general beter replacement for this OPs in sound quality and specifications. I'm sure there are better replacements now made. inverting input (- input) 4. EchoWars. It sounded very good but there was very much noise and plops when the cd player stepped from song to song! The missing ground could be the reason, or? Regards Thomas OFF TOPIC Dear mods, The down side is the rather cool but rare SIP package. after the last intervention dedicated to the replacement of Of course the 604 has 2x the slew rate of the 5534 you already have in there (so it's faster) and has 2x bandwidth and way lower distortion. BTW the THS4601 is an opamp to try as a OPA604 replacement, being a more modern chip which combines the FET inputs with a much higher speed, and better output drive. OPA2604 is a dual opamp of the same type. 0v 总谐波失真(thd): 0. At IN R2 at the right end, PIN 2 of the OPA its 500kHz, almost sinewave. New circuit techniques and special laser trimming of dynamic The HA1457 op amp is a single-channel op amp in an 8-pin SIL (single inline) package that was produced by Hitachi for use in hi-fi audio. wouldnt be dropin replacement, different socket, probably different volts it can take up to 20V +-, probably some other "minor" modifications required. Even if OPA2604, OPA604 is featured as unity gain stable, Best opa604a opamp replacement? diyAudio Community diyAudio Store. 5nV/√ Hz noise density with an ultralow distortion of 0. If one uses the OPA604 the rail voltages are 24 volts so need to lower R908 value and it can stay at 12. So you will need to build a little pin-to-pin mapping or conversion. Because of the advantages of lower supply voltage and oscillation-free operation, the OPA134/132s are still more desirable chips for headphone amps. This was playing a 1khz track at around -40 db. Mar 30, 2021 · The replacement has to be pin compatible with 301 IMHO plus bipolar input instead of fet would match the circuit better. So a replacement that plugs right in ain't out there. BrownDog's nifty adapter also quite affordable. You might find the 8 pins sockets cheaper than the 14 pin, also. For example; for Headphone Amps. So double check that. About 75 SNR for a 5mV signal. Between 1 and 2 would be compensation (I guess, it depends on your circuit) Sep 2, 2019 · The OPA604 does not have a frequency comp or voltage comp pin, so pins 1 and 5 are not used. the LME49720 only tolerates +/-17volt, from opa2604 I was advised against "the opa2604 is unstable and above all not esd stable". its not bad sounding. The TI OPA604 chip uses the same power scheme and has much better noise and linearity specs. 0 V RL = 10kΩ ±14. But I think to my ears the OPA604 is worth the time to replace. Aug 21, 2024 · I’m a bit disappointed, I’ve done everything and now it is time to take care of the TA7136. V-5. Oct 22, 2003 · Its a confusing datasheet. Jan 6, 2003 · I'm hoping someone can help me out with understanding the major differences between these 2 Op-Amps. I want to optimize routing on the pcb. V+ Hi Mozfet, I am using the OPA604 for IV with TDA1543. Straight away it is obvious that something is not right the trace is "thicker", a classic effect of very high frequency instability. PRR. That's highly unusual, particularly with these being FET opamps. PicClick Insights - Discrete Opamp Direct Replace for OPA604 TL071 AD797 OPA134 AD8610 OPA627AP PicClick Exclusive. frequency comp 2. The stock version uses two Texas Instrument TL071CP (JFET input) and PSU is rated at 1,6A and 15V each channel. In that case OPA604 may be pin compatible, it is with 741. The simplified internal circuit diagram in the data sheet includes an enigmatic box intriguingly labelled ‘Distortion Rejection Circuitry’. Sep 3, 2016 · for starters you need the datasheet for the HA1457 probably just a standard op amp. Feb 7, 2003 · Now that the dear old OP176 has been discontinued by AD, what's the best hi-spec replacement for a 5534? Is the AD797 a good sounding chip? Some people seem to like replacing bi-polar ICs with FET input types, such as the AD825 or OPA604. Find parameters, ordering and quality information Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2604, OPA604, OPA2134, OPA1656 Hello Forum, I need support concerning the statements of some distributors for electronic component. I have some 833N's I could drop straight in, the OPA604's seem popular and I'm tempted by the LME49710N, although this may be too "wide open" for the design. Jun 30, 2008 · Is the LM4562 a dropin replacement for the opa604a. I am using the OPA604 which is the single version of OPA2604. 9µV with a source impedance of 3k3, probably using an RIAA network. It can handle 24v and, while it Nov 27, 2020 · One or both my HA1457s might be bad, and maybe the OPA604 is a better performer anyhow. Google for ‘OPA2604 pdf’, the rest should be pretty straightforward. It is the OPA2604 that is unobtainium. Mounted the OPA604 to the adaptor and installed it, with no other modifications, to the problematic right Aug 9, 2023 · I did some searching and tried different op-amps. OPA604: 178Kb / 12P: FET-Input, Low Distortion OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER OPA2604: 214Kb / 12P: Dual FET-Input, Low Distortion OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER OPA2604: 165Kb / 14P: Dual FET-Input, Low Distortion OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Texas Instruments: OPA2604-Q1: 310Kb / 16P [Old version datasheet] DUAL FET-INPUT, LOW DISTORTION OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER OPA2604 TI’s OPA27 is a Ultra-low-noise (4. I think they are saying the 20kHz bandwidth input-refered noise is 0. Dec 16, 2019 · I used 2x OPA604 op-amps as replacements. OPA604 IC's also are single channel op amps. Sep 9, 2019 · I have a DaySequerra Tuner that uses LM301 opamps. Oct 26, 2012 · It is dual. The frequency of oscillation was around 1. The OPA1602 and OPA1604 series of op amps offer rail-to-rail output swing to within 600mV with 2kΩ load, which increases headroom and maximizes dynamic range. Most other chips consume considerably more current than the 741, although, in absolute terms, we're not talking about a great deal of current. Hi, an old question - what is your experience for this OP's in Audio High End amplifiers? Which have the most "true, unsophisticated sound"? :-) LM6171, OPA134, OPA627, OPA227, OPA604, AD812, AD823, AD8610 or other new May 18, 2006 · Hello to all Actually I have a 33 preamp (SN 89456) on which I made a total recapping and thought about transistor substitution on preamplifier boards 12017 and 12019. Plus the popular one to use is the OPA604, isn’t that a FET input? Same with the OPA2134 which is what was recommend by the designer of that one adapter board. Are there any other recommendations other than the OPA604 what will work well as a replacement. AkLIAM 1 Piece LC5 LC6 Low Noise Low Distortion Class A Discrete Op Amp Upgrade Replace Muses02 OPA627 OPA1612 LME49720 Oct 9, 2005 · Quote from: Speeddemon on October 10, 2005, 10:48:32 PM what do you mean with NTE thing? I'm looking at 2 scenarios: 1) I'm gonna build no more than 10 exact parts-clones (which will be on the expensive side) Jun 10, 2010 · I got mine for $. txt) or read online for free. P. com SNAS326K –AUGUST 2006–REVISED DECEMBER 2013 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE LM4562(1)(2) The specifications apply for VS = ±15V, RL = 2kΩ, fIN = 1kHz, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise specified. Aug 21, 2024 · Oh cool good to know. The board that was linked uses the OPA604, but I have also seen that the TL071 has been used several times and I also got this email regarding a replacement board saying that I could use all of these. The BrownDog 140901 adapter replaces HA1457 (and HA12017) op amps with modern single-channel op amps in either the SOIC-8 or DIP8 package. I'll consider using it again surely 🙂 opa604 - Free download as PDF File (. 8kHz - try using a x10 probe and set your scope to avoid aliasing - in the 2nd picture the time base is way too low to Aug 28, 2013 · I am considering the TI \ BurrBrown OPA604. Plenty of room for adapter, socket and substitution looks like to me. But circuits using 5524 at low gains also contains 22pF compensation capacitors. Tektronix originally used the AD542 and its replacement is the AD711. New circuit techniques and special laser trimming of dynamic Mar 19, 2019 · The power supply to the TA7136 in the SX-650 is on the high side, so I chose to order OPA604 chips from Mouser and mount them myself. Very low distortion, low noise and wide bandwidth provide superior performance in high quality audio and other applications requiring excellent dy-namic performance. Reply OPA604: 693Kb / 16P [Old version datasheet] FET-Input, Low Distortion OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Burr-Brown (TI) OPA2604: 214Kb / 12P: Dual FET-Input, Low Distortion PCX DAC Module Standard Version (OPA604 Monolithic I-V Op Amp) NOTE: Modern replacement for the iconic UltraAnalog D20400(A) DAC module. Thank you to Jim at ADCOM for your help. It is a matter of taste which you like best, try them all for finding out. New Toroidal For Mar 10, 2010 · and you should find it in every library. R. Nov 2, 2010 · Replacement for NE5532 . Pulled the LM741 and found a spare pair of OPA604. New circuit techniques and special laser trimming of dynamic Mar 18, 2007 · What is a direct replacement for the JRC5534 other than AD847 ? The circuit uses JRC5534 at IV section and OPA627 in the differential stage right now. So no worries about single supply issues with the chip (common mode voltage, biasing, etc. Symbol Parameter Conditions LME49710 Units (Limits) Typical Limit V (Note 6) (Notes 7, 8) OUTMAX Maximum Output Voltage Swing RL = 600Ω ±13. Jul 15, 2009 · Is there anything that wouldn't allow an OPA604 to work? It seems like it would only require an adaptor and that's it. Works well if the preamp is run nearly flat out, but noise and distortion, together with a overly-crisp sound, develops at low volume levels. Find parameters, ordering and quality information Buy AkLIAM Original TI BB OPA2604 OPA604AP Classic Op Amp Made in Thailand at Aliexpress for . my scratchpad. Regards Tape board 2 x 4 x TL071 OPA604 or LME49710 M12496 iss 3 4 x 100uF 6. I'll update here after I have changed them. (OPA604 Monolithic I-V Op Amp) NOTE: Modern May 18, 2015 · I think you could improve the Quad by careful opamp replacement but its not straightforward looking at the circuit. Gallery Archive Articles. BCM856DS,115 in SOT-457 package. . Nov 28, 2006 · **Just a point: With the OPA604 and most other replacement chips (the 5534 is notorious in this regard), you need to ensure that the supply rails are up to the task. Holding fast to our tradition of elite service, the V5i is also covered under our Worldwide Lifetime Replacement Warranty. (The 'single' version was never even considered, also, at the time I don't think there was a twin, single channel OP amp to SIP8 Brown Dog adapter). I see on schematics them seems to be all BC109 ® OPA604 FPO FET-Input, Low Distortion OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER FEATURES q q q q q q LOW DISTORTION: 0. I prefer not to operate the rail voltages at max so the R908 will lower the rails to about +/-17 volts. Offset voltage is laser-trimmed to minimize the need for interstage coupling capacitors. 6 volts peak to peak. The filter section uses a single OPA2604AP (8 pin DIP) dual op amp so you need an adapter to combine two OPA627's to match the required 8 pin DIP configuration. applications, and not a general replacement for other op amps. (no longer available at Digi-Key) The height off the socket could possibly introduce some interference, but with the cover installed on the TA-1150, I heard none. Download. Look at IC19 and 20. It uses mostly TL071 and TL072 opamps, which I'd think are no longer the best for audio??? Any suggestions for opamp replacements? Are the sonics of opamps different enough for a replacement to make any sense? Thanks for help. I tried the OPA604 in Class A mode (I took Pin 5 in replacement for Pin 6). 8 Mhz and around 0. Member. V+ Part #: OPA604. May 23, 2022 · 电子发烧友网为你提供ti(ti)opa604相关产品参数、数据手册,更有opa604的引脚图、接线图、封装手册、中文资料、英文资料,opa604真值表,opa604管脚等资料,希望可以帮助到广大的电子工程师们。 Aug 3, 2008 · Interesting -- I have used OPA604 both as replacement for NE5534 in a Micromega Stage CD player, after careful listening tests ( this was the best sounding I found at the time ), and used the OPA2604 in a preamp design as well. 5 mV. OPA604 uses the 24v +- i believeworth looking into aswell. Replies 22 Views 7K. 33 Watt, Fusible Metal Film Resistor, 5% Tolerance, Replacement Cathode Resistors - Power-1/2/3 Amplifiers. I since re-laidout my pcb and I decided to split into two separate opamp. I used some OPA604’s as the replacement also went with TI’s 8 pin soic 4558’s on tone board. voltage comp 6. I. Much better!!! If you ever fool yourself into thinking op-amps don't make a difference, try LM741s in a Crown IC-150! OPA604 DESCRIPTION The OPA604 is a FET-input operational amplifier designed for enhanced AC performance. Nov 4, 2020 · Thus replacement is a simple job, I already have the OP amps and the Brown Dog adapters to make the conversion, and have made up one of the Brown Dog adapters with 2 (single channel) OPA604AP's in PDIP-8. 0003% at 1kHz LOW NOISE: 10nV/√Hz HIGH SLEW RATE: 25V/µs Original Feb 24, 2010 · Enhanced Replacement for LM6361 The AD847 represents a breakthrough in high speed amplifiers offing superior ac & dc perfomance and low power, all at low cost. For truly modern parts check out the (former) National LMExxxx series, or OPA604/OPA2604. ) So look for OPA134, OPA604 or OP176. Would the OPA-627 be considered overkill for a Headphone Amp Nov 20, 2004 · OPA604 or OPA2604 Keep in mind that the TA7136P is in single in line package and the new parts come in DIP or even surface mount. These can be replaced by either OPA627AP's or BP's 8 pin DIP op amps and are a direct replacement. May 27, 2017 · opa627 chips should measure roughly 48kohms to 56kohms both ways across pins 1 and 5 and should draw about 7 to 7. This precision amplifier, the LME49720, (also known as an LM4562) not only tests good, but it sounds good. 2 KSA992 Vbe and hfe matched. The player uses a pair of 12ax7 tubes as buffer. Barely suitable *36/40/44 volt DIP parts* include the OPA134 and OPA604 although there is a tradeoff in offset voltage drift between them. 39, whereas my supplier is showing TI 5534's at $. Hello, I am looking Jun 25, 2009 · 电子发烧友网为你提供ti(ti)opa604相关产品参数、数据手册,更有opa604的引脚图、接线图、封装手册、中文资料、英文资料,opa604真值表,opa604管脚等资料,希望可以帮助到广大的电子工程师们。 Feb 10, 2004 · On the Shanling CD S100 MK II there are four OPA604AP's in the IV section. non-inverting input (+ input) 3. output 7. FEATURES Oct 15, 2011 · Whats in there is summat like 3532's. It seems you can pretty much find absolutely nothing on them other than specs. Nov 26, 2017 · I'm looking for a replacement for the NE5532 (dual opamp), which can handle +/-18Volt and doesn't oscillate relatively easily. It has picket fence of FFT harmonics up to the 11th order residing at -105 db. sound quality. The other picture is a how I hooked up the OPA604 to the SX-780 main board to prove that the chip would indeed work. I just soldered wires to the corresponding pins and holes in the PCB and that’s it. Find more , and products. re: opa604 ,opa627 #46 Мнение от Rumen Suvandjiev » Съб Окт 13, 2012 6:06 am А не може ли просто изходът да се хване преди ламповата част и да се направи сравнение как е по-добре? OPA604: 693Kb / 16P [Old version datasheet] FET-Input, Low Distortion OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Burr-Brown (TI) OPA2604: 214Kb / 12P: Dual FET-Input, Low Distortion OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER OPA2604: 165Kb / 14P: Dual FET-Input, Low Distortion OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER Texas Instruments: OPA2604-Q1: 310Kb / 16P Dec 5, 2014 · I can't explain the output from the op-amp being 103. In the lower right corner of that photo there is a dual rail +/-15Vdc setup (7815 and 7915 voltage regulators). com: Industrial & Scientific Dec 16, 2013 · The zener is required to drop the operating voltage from +21. Replacement for NE5532 I love the sound of the OPA604 and 2604. For audio use the OPA604 and 2604 from BB were, and in some places still are, regarded as the benchmark and have +-24V aiding flexibility on supplies. (for future use. Contact Mouser (USA) (800) 346-6873 | Feedback. By the way, the adaptor is pretty slick in that it allows for either thru-hole or surface mount opamps. Joined 2003. The excellent dc performance is demonstrated by its ±5 V specifications which include an open-loop gain of 3500 V/V (500 Ohm load) and low input offset voltage of 0. 2 M res. Wish they would just give voltage noise and current noise graphs against frequency for the bare amp. 3V C3/4 100µF 10V Disc board 2 x TL071 OPA604 or LME49710 M 12515 iss 5 2 x 2. Again, wrong. (Opa604) Thread starter JW; Start date Jul 15, 2015; Feeler: replacement channel PCBs and face plate for TAC scorpion. I like the OPA604 myself and prefer it over the OPA134. The OPA604 is available in 8-pin plastic mini-DIP and SO-8 surface-mount packages, specified for the –25°C to +85°C temperature range TI’s LME49720 is a 2-channel, 55-MHz, high-fidelity, high-performance, RRO audio op amp. 3 2N5087 Vbe and hfe matched. 5-nV/√Hz), 100-µV offset, unity gain stable precision operational amplifier. 0003% 压摆率: 25v/μs 增益带宽: 55mhz 由于是2604的单运放版本,所以走向基本一致,但用solo的线路,明显感觉要比47好。。。也没法写好在哪。 Feb 15, 2013 · 15 KHz active filters of any complexity, especially the hipass, are really pushing the limits on 741-class devices. The zeners worked fine even with the original chips. 5v~±24. LM4562 www. I listen all OP's I have samples on my side The low-noise FET input of the OPA604 provides wide dynamic range, even with high source impedance. But there is a small problem: any transistor have marked number model on case. Schematic says 22/21V supplies. Aug 6, 2021 · OPA604 is higher distortion but can also do 24V rails. Now I know that the OPA-627 is known to be superior to most op-amps and better than the OPA-604. Dale OPA604 DESCRIPTION The OPA604 is a FET-input operational amplifier designed for enhanced AC performance. I am still curious if anyone has any comments on the 2SC2224A and 2SA964A. Apr 20, 2006 · Welcome to EDAboard. Most ADCOM opamps are Linear Technology and the parts shown in parentheses are generally equivalent or better performing types. There is one more pair of TLO71 (right behind the 12ax7s) which I intend to replace with either the BB OPA604 or the BB OPA627 Nov 8, 2006 · The OPA604/2604 and OPA134/2134 uses also only gain stage, and sonic quality is sometimes good and sometimes not, maybe through different factories and different dates of manufacturing. 15 ppm at 25 Hz, but it keeps improving at frequencies up to 1 kHz. Description: FET-Input, Low Distortion OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER. Nov 20, 2004 · I used two OPA604 and plugged them into a 16 pin DIL socket. 5v down to a more usable +15. TLE2071 is an improved version of TL071 and should be available in DIP. 7k. The OPA1652 (dual) and OPA1654 (quad) FET-input operational amplifiers achieve a low 4 ROHS3Compliant EAR99 OPA604 Tape & Reel (TR) op amp buffer circuit 4. com SBOS058A –DECEMBER 1997–REVISED OCTOBER 2015 6. The OPA604 is still around. But at the left end of IN R2, pin 6 of the OPA, its 2MHz, more distorted sinewave. Here's a quote from Bob Pearse. Rick Mar 6, 2024 · I have a Yamaha CA-X1 (610) which left channel's TA7136p becomes problematic sometime until it finally dies thundering crackling sound then the left channel is completely gone i thought it was the differential pair which highly unlikely , i just serviced this amp few months ago, replaced all The lownoise FET input of the OPA604 provides wide dynamic range, even with high source impedance. 9mm 0. You can get away with an 8 pin DIL as the 2604 is a dual opamp. according this thread under LT1358 or LME49860 ?? the LT1358 is a good choice. Peavey uses JRC 4560 in similar applications. The TI 4558 i have used, sound smooth /musical. 1 V Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for Texas Instruments OPA604 Series Audio Amplifiers. File Size: 693Kbytes. Certainly reasonably priced. The JRC 4558 were used in early 70’s Japanese pedals. TA7136P pins: 1. I more and more think that op amp replacements are rather useless. - This is dual transistor array factory hfe and Vbe matched. The JRC 4558’s was used in Ibanez Tube screamer pedals. According to the datasheet the capacitor won´t harm in most cases. Offset voltage is laser-trimmed to mini-mize the need for interstage coupling capacitors. OPA1652 vs OPA604 Compare result: OPA1652 ,OPA604 . Aug 26, 2024 · And you say not to use any TL as they are FET, again something that I did realize, but the TL071 has been used on multiple occasions for this replacement. (Buck and change at Mouser) From MarkTheFixer and other posts I see the OPA604 should work. Don't take my word for it, though, go ahead and read the data sheets and make sure it's pin-compatible, but 604's are cheap. Page: 16 Pages. 0003% at 1kHz LOW NOISE: 10nV/√Hz HIGH SLEW RATE: 25V/µs WIDE GAIN-BANDWIDTH: 20MHz UNITY-GAIN STABLE WIDE SUPPLY RANGE: VS = ±4. Here at Burson Audio, we maintain a high level of customer service with our commitment to design and quality. OPA604 DESCRIPTION The OPA604 is a FET-input operational amplifier designed for enhanced AC performance. Jan 2, 2002 · Hi, an old question - what is your experience for this OP's in Audio High End amplifiers? Which have the "true, unsophisticated sound"? LM6171, OPA134, OPA627, OPA227, OPA604, AD812, AD823, or others - DIP case preferred. outout 7. So it is really a toss up. I have modded a Shanling T-200 before with all OPA627 and the sound is too much (I prefer a mix of OPA627 and OPA2132 in that particular machine. Jan 18, 2025 · OPA604AU Texas Instruments Audio Amplifiers FET-Input Audio Op A mp A 595-OPA604AU/2K5 datasheet, inventory, & pricing. These are 70's vintage single channel op amps. Popularity - 10 watchers, 0. The OPA604 is available in 8-pin plastic mini-DIP and SO-8 surface-mount packages, specified for the -25°C to +85°C temperature range. The pinouts are the same and both run fine at +/-15Vdc. 8kHz but I can possibly explain the ac appearing on the output capacitor - two possible reasons - the first is that your scope probe is loading the 1nF capacitor causing it to lose a little charge between cycles of the 103. Oct 26, 2021 · Interesting on the 2. I asked about the status of the OPAMP OPA2604AU/2K5, the statements I got are not really clear and understandable for me. New circuit techniques and special laser trimming of dynamic Jul 5, 2007 · What will be the effect of grounding correctly? With an OPA604 there is enough bass. Inside pic taken from 6moons review (strangely in that sample there is an ST part Mar 29, 2003 · The conclusion which opamp is best can only be made by you yourself. If it's running at under +/-18V, the opa1641 is a good modern fet opamp. Operational amplifier data sheet Oct 28, 2012 · I'm in the process to upgrade the SPL Volume 2 balanced preamp with the best input Op Amps avaiable. On the face of it simple voltage buffers but now also look at the network R112/C76. AD8610 with +/- 12V supplies might also be a nice contender. 2003-10-23 12:02 pm #20 2003-10-23 12:02 pm #20 Well, I believe the RFI The HA1457 op amp is a single-channel op amp in an 8-pin SIL (single inline) package that was produced by Hitachi for use in hi-fi audio. Jun 7, 2012 · Discrete 5534 5532 opa604 replacement in diy projects like gssl anyone tries ? garp; May 30, 2018; The Lab; 2. 89. OPA604's ? or ??? Thanks Sep 9, 2012 · При мен opa604 са на цокли и мога много барзо и лесно да ги извадя, и да поставя opa627 в цоклите. Attached is the schematic of the TU-9900 output. Analog Devices mention the OP176 as an upgrade for the 5534. 5 to ±24V APPLICATIONS q q q q q q PROFESSIONAL AUDIO EQUIPMENT PCM DAC I/V CONVERTER SPECTRAL ANALYSIS EQUIPMENT ACTIVE FILTERS TRANSDUCER AMPLIFIER DATA Dec 28, 2017 · opa604 电源电压范围: ±4. The OPA604 is available in 8-pin plastic mini-DIP and SO-8 surface-mount packages, specified for the –25°C to +85°C temperature range. View attachment 3283479 Feb 10, 2009 · I've got an old mixer I'd like to upgrade. Dec 30, 2010 · OPA604 or OPA2604 Keep in mind that the TA7136P is in single in line package and the new parts come in DIP or even surface mount. 0v or so that the OPA604 chip can use. re: opa604 ,opa627 #31 Мнение от Simonov » Пет Окт 12, 2012 9:25 am Е, не се и съмнявам, че свири униклано приятно Jul 10, 2021 · I have been working on refurbishing a Tektronix DM501A and I have the same application problem. View full details SKU: PCXDACS-89507 Aug 31, 2017 · Two, I mistakienly stated that the OPA604 is today unavailable. [/IMG] Oct 31, 2007 · In fact, I don't really get it, what each of those amps are doing, on the card, one amp is in front of the two others which are in line, on the HD2 advance, there is one 2604 and two 2134. Sep 15, 2014 · The OPA604 is a dirty opamp. ) Here is what I read from the 6800 schematic EQ GWF-122 as built. (800) 346-6873. Theme - Light; OPA604 DESCRIPTION The OPA604 is a FET-input operational amplifier designed for enhanced AC performance. lyukc mynl wagkop bwav zvg whnhug kvrfacgy tjslqyhw jxkgqo fdkk
Opa604 replacement. inverting input (- input) 4.