Seiu 1000 contract bargaining unit 1 8. The Statewide Bargaining Advisory Council (SBAC) is comprised of more than 100 member- elected bargaining representatives from up and down California—including the 60-plus members who negotiate our contract with the May 15, 2023 | Bargaining Unit 20 Updates. Don’t just belong to the Union, participate. Our bargaining teams have returned to the table this week, fighting for a contract that respects, protects, and pays all SEIU Local 1000 represented state workers. In Solidarity, Early Saturday morning, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team reached an overall Tentative Agreement with the State. It represents the largest three-year contract in Unit 21 returns to the table next week, on Monday, May 15. There’s real truth to the Local 1000 slogan, Stronger Your contract is also negotiated by elected members–more than 60 members of the bargaining committee, supported by 250 district bargaining representatives. We only win a great contract with a strong Local 1000 membership. Here are some highlights to help you know your rights: Telework Stipend The Local 1000 contract expires on July 1, and the entire union is mobilizing, gathering resources and building member power. “A number of taskforces, joint labor-management committees (JLMCs), and workgroups were established during that time to open up the dialogue surrounding key issues for Unit 1. One of Local 1000’s long-fought battles to improve our service to California through EDD—a battle lasting more than 15 years—was again rejected by State negotiators. Johnson, our new Board Chair at SEIU Local 1000 Celebrate Your Raise with SEIU Local 1000! Gov. For the a. Newsom signs SB148 into law, securing funding for our contract SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. 1 Organizational Development (Unit 1) No appointing power shall negotiate independently with rank-and-file employees via committee action any agreement that is in conflict with the terms and conditions established by the provisions of this Contract. The Local 1000 bargaining team is made up of 10 BUNCs*—one for each of the bargaining units we represent—Units 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, and 21. m. Early Saturday morning, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team reached an overall Tentative Agreement with the State. Unit 1; Unit 3; In response to the state’s proposed analyst classification series consolidation and reclassification within Bargaining Unit 1, we at SEIU Local 1000 are working to ensure that any changes support your This provision shall not apply to First Tier industrial members in Bargaining Unit 21. Bargaining Contacts; Contract Grievances; Contracts. Here’s a brief recap of our latest progress and a reminder of how you can stay engaged and help shape the outcome of this important process. 15. This overview explains how our 96,000 represented state workers are entitled to 11 observed holidays and how you’re paid for those holidays, should you be required to work on one of those days. One of the most powerful tools we have to win a good contract is political pressure. 5. Bargaining Unit 1 Updates; Bargaining Unit 11 Service Employees International Union Local 1000 Attn: Notices@SEIU1000. 14 INTENTIONALLY SEIU Local 1000 has begun discussions with CalHR regarding the Generalist Classification Series Consolidation, a proposal that could consolidate over 40 job titles and impact 23,000 employees in Bargaining Unit 1 (BU1). Our bargaining cycle, which began Read more: Gov. 1 Information Technology (IT) Apprenticeship Agency Linkage Agreement (Unit 1 Bargaining / Contracts. To read about what happened in all our bargaining sessions to date, please visit the Contract Action Center page at www. SEIU Local 1000 members have voted overwhelmingly in favor of ratifying the Tentative Agreement (TA) with the State of California. All members vote to accept or reject their contracts, which include decisions on: SEIU Local 1000. SEIU Local 1000 met with CalHR on July 22, 2024, and again on September 17, 2024, regarding implementing “New” Appendix S - 12. Pursuant to Government Code sections 19815. Newsom signs SB148 into law, securing funding for The Unit 14 Bargaining team met with the State for their first 2023 contract negotiation session on Tuesday, April 25, as part of SEIU Local 1000’s effort to win a good contract for our 96,000 workers. Bargaining Unit 1 Updates; Bargaining Unit 11 Updates; Bargaining Unit 14 Updates; SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. As negotiated last year, the Business and Travel Expenses section (12. A department head or designee shall authorize bereavement leave with pay for a permanent or probationary full-time State employee due to the death of the employee's parent, stepparent, spouse, domestic partner (as defined in accordance with Family Code section 297), child, grandchild Unit 20 will return to the table as needed to complete a great contract for our members. Newsom signs SB148 into law, securing funding for our contract Celebrate Your Raise with SEIU Local 1000! Gov. The team shared their diverse backgrounds and deep job experience with the state’s Unit 20 Bargaining Update Introduction to Application Recruitment and Retention (R&R) Committee Article 5. Local 1000 Job Stewards are union members who represent their coworkers, making sure contract rights are upheld and workplace concerns are addressed. To see updates on other bargaining unit contract sessions, please visit the Contract Action Center page at www. Staff assigned to Unit 15. UNIT 11 BARGAINING UPDATES. We also preserved a related section, 13. Bargaining Unit 11 represents engineering and scientific technicians, including those in fields such as engineering, lab work, and environmental services. Please send your feedback on contract negotiations to your bargaining unit leaders at Celebrate Your Raise with SEIU Local 1000! Gov. During our first meet-and-confer session, we raised critical concerns around job security, pay impacts, and career growth. 1 Hours of Work (Excludes Units 3, 17, and 21) As a last resort, and in order to meet required staffing needs, if an employee in Bargaining Units 4, 11, 14, CANCELLED: Bargaining Unit 3 Contract Education Zoom. org. We won a Bargaining Unit 1 Updates, Bargaining Unit 11 Updates, Bargaining Unit 14 Updates, Bargaining Unit 15 Updates, Bargaining Unit 17 Updates, Bargaining Unit 20 Updates, Bargaining Unit 21 Updates, Bargaining Unit 3 Updates, Bargaining Unit 4 Updates, Bargaining Updates - Oct 3, 2024 | Bargaining Unit 1 Updates Updates, Bargaining Unit 20 Updates, Bargaining Unit 21 Updates, Bargaining Unit 3 Updates, Bargaining Unit 4 Updates, Bargaining Updates - General. shifts, the calendar shall clearly indicate by Our Unit 20 bargaining team—representing Medical and Social Service Specialists—returned to negotiations with the state today to address a number of deeply-felt issues our members shared during bargaining Town Halls and on thousands of surveys. It represents the largest three-year contract in Local 1000 history. Appendix D – Reimbursement Rates by Bargaining Unit Bargaining Unit 1 . The breakdown by bargaining unit of members that voted ‘Yes’ in person, by mail, or electronically is as follows: Unit 1 – 76% Unit 3 – 88% Unit 4 – 85% Unit 11 – 85% SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. Local 1000’s Unit 20 bargaining team met with state negotiators for the first time today, representing the interests of our members who work as Medical and Social Services Specialists. The SBAC is a powerful force, consisting of more than 100 member-elected bargaining representatives from all over California. 1 Business and Travel SEIU Local 1000 has begun discussions with CalHR regarding the Generalist Classification Series Consolidation, a proposal that could consolidate over 40 job titles and impact 23,000 employees in Bargaining Unit 1 (BU1). Unit 17 does not have a scheduled time as to when they will return to the table. Jun 26, 2023 | Bargaining Unit 20 Updates. SEIU Local 1000 Bargaining Unit 15 has been in communication with the Department of General Services (DGS) to understand the department’s policies in response to the Corvid-19 crisis and its impact on our Custodian workforce. It’s official — we now have a full-executed contract with Dear Bargaining Unit 1 Employees, We are continuing to work diligently on your behalf regarding the state’s proposed reclassification in Bargaining Unit 1. The Task Force shall complete its work and submit a letter or report of its recommendations to the Commission by February 1, 2020. If you’re not already an SEIU Local 1000 member, join us today. The State shall endeavor to notify the Union one hundred eighty (180) days, but no less than sixty (60) days, prior to implementation of automation or technological changes that Early Saturday morning, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team reached an overall Tentative Agreement with the State. When there’s activity at the table, we’ll email and post the results, often on the same day. 19. 3(B) of the SEIU Local 1000 Contract shall be applied to all call center employees. We begin negotiating with the state in April, so our 63-member bargaining team is in place and deep in preparations, training and strategizing to bring the 95,000 state workers we represent the best contract we’ve ever had. To see updates on other bargaining unit contract sessions, please visit the Contract Action Center page at www Your SEIU Local 1000 union contract contains hundreds of articles governing your hard-earned rights, including wages, benefits, and working conditions. 5 Individual Development Plan 13. Apr 6, 2023 Celebrate Your Raise with SEIU Local 1000! Gov. Bargaining Unit 17 PI employees may participate in the CoBen Cash Option Program for health or health and dental coverage if the employee meets the eligibility criteria for state-sponsored health benefits and the CoBen Cash Option Program, including but not limited to having qualifying group health coverage from The first meeting shall take place no later than sixty (60) days after the ratification of the Contract. 1 Performance and Evaluation Materials. It’s an unheard-of accomplishment by SEIU and gives us Eric Murray, Bargaining Unit 15 Chair. New law expands role of Unit 3 librarians. However, when two (2) or more employees on the same shift (if applicable) in a work unit (as defined by each department head or designee) request the same Vacation/Annual Leave time and approval cannot be given SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team members are among our most committed Union activists; lots of prep, including a review of every town hall comment and bargaining summary. SEIU Local 1000 is at the table again, negotiating a contract that will have impacts over the next three years. Your Unit 14 bargaining team returned to contract negotiations today and took on a number of issues to defend and improve upward mobility and This MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING, hereinafter referred to as the Contract, entered into by the STATE OF CALIFORNIA, hereinafter referred to as the State or the State employer, pur Oct 3, 2024 | Bargaining Unit 1 Updates, Bargaining Unit 11 Updates, Bargaining Bargaining Updates - General. Early Saturday morning, the Local 1000 bargaining team reached an overall tentative agreement with the state. Search. In 2023 contract negotiations, we fought hard to secure a 3% raise for our members, effective July 2025. Bargaining Unit 15 Recap: Monday, May 1, 2023. May 16, 2024 | Bargaining Unit 20 Updates. We begin negotiating with the state in April, so our 63-member bargaining team is in place and deep in preparations, read more. First and foremost, the Unit 17 bargaining team won stronger language in the Professional Celebrate Your Raise with SEIU Local 1000! Gov. In spite of this, SEIU Local 1000 members will continue to fight for their Bargaining Unit 20 Recap: Monday, June 26, 2023. SEIU Local 1000 has begun discussions with CalHR regarding the Generalist Classification Series Consolidation, a proposal that could consolidate over 40 job titles and impact 23,000 employees in Bargaining Unit 1 (BU1). If Happy Nurses’ Week from your Bargaining Unit 17 (BU 17) and Bargaining Unit 20 (BU 20) Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committees (BUNC). Contract Search Tool; Contract Action Center; 2023 Tentative Agreement; 4 Percent Campaign; Bargaining Units. Bargaining Unit 1 Updates; Bargaining Unit 11 SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. in accordance with the chart shown in section 7. 1 Union Representatives. Some Unit 11 classifications actually experience a pay cut when they promote. All this week, thousands of members—in hundreds of worksites up and down the state—purpled up and stood up to demonstrate their solidarity and support for a great SEIU Local 1000 Reaches Historic Tentative Contract Agreement with State. and p. Newsom signs SB148 into law, securing SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. June 5. seiu1000. If ratified, the contract would significantly raise the wage Early Saturday morning, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team reached an overall Tentative Agreement with the State. Bargaining Unit 1 Updates; Bargaining Unit 11 Updates; Bargaining Unit 14 Updates; Bargaining Unit 15 Updates SEIU Local 1000 met with CalHR on July 22, 2024, and again on September 17, 2024, regarding implementing “New” Appendix S - 12. BUNC Chair: Susan Rodriguez, DLC 746 A number of Unit 1 proposals are still outstanding, and another group of Unit 1-related proposals—largely economic—are being negotiated at the master table. Newsom signs SB148 into law, securing funding for our contract Bargaining Unit 1 Updates; Bargaining Unit 11 Updates; Bargaining Unit 14 Updates;. Work weeks and work days of a different number of hours may be scheduled by the State in order to meet the varying needs of “Our Unit 1 team has worked diligently since the last contract negotiations in 2019 to prepare for this,” said Susan Rodriguez, Unit 1 Bargaining Chair. Our Bargaining Unit (BU) 11 team held a Dear Bargaining Unit 1 Employees, I’m writing to inform you about significant changes proposed by CalHR that will impact many of you in Bargaining Unit 1. Our contract requires proposed academic calendars to be SEIU Local 1000’s bargaining team is holding their first meeting after our hard-fought contract was signed into law by Governor Newsom. While we have done our best to negotiate fairly and openly, the State has repeatedly failed to respond to our proposals in a timely fashion. Unit 11 also discussed our proposal to change the promotional calculation so that certain classifications are promoted without a loss of income. 50%). It represents the largest three-year contract in 21. 1 No Strike. May 30, 2023 | Bargaining Unit 1 Updates. On Monday, May 1, 2023, the Unit 15 Bargaining team once again met with the State in an effort to get the 4,500+ hard-working SEIU Local 1000 allied service workers across California the respect, workplace protection, and pay they deserve. We only win a great State Bar members have voted overwhelmingly to ratify the tentative contract agreement. Bargaining Unit 2 . 1 EDD America's Job Center of California (Unit 1) There’s new leadership for our contract bargaining team: Susan Rodriguez, the Chair of Bargaining Unit 1, has been elected to the position of Local 1000 Chief Negotiator and will guide the 60+ members of our bargaining team as they work to improve our wages, benefits and working conditions in 2026 negotiations. Our Bargaining Unit 20 negotiating team went to the table on May 15 to negotiate financial matters that Bargaining Unit 17 & 20 Recap unit of first level supervisors or transfer to another classification within the bargaining units covered by this agreement. 1 Business and Travel Expenses. " SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. Our 2015 legislative agenda—a yearlong effort to make politics matter for our Bargaining Unit 17 Permanent Intermittent (PI) employees may enroll in the CoBen Cash Option Program as described in Section 18. 20. 3 Bereavement Leave. SEIU Local 1000’s bargaining team is once again facing the same issue as in previous weeks: the State’s position does not prioritize or consider the needs of nurses who have worked through COVID and remain in incredibly difficult situations. Local 1000’s Unit 17 Registered Nurses (RNs) returned to the bargaining table on Sunday, August 19 and signed a number of tentative agreements (TA) that strengthened and protected contract language around issues important to California state nurses. 8. It’s official — we now have a full-executed contract with the State after Governor Newsom This not only provides a solid foundation for SEIU Local 1000 to continue to support our employees, but also sets the standard for bargaining that our unit of Professional Teachers and Librarians are committed to ensuring fair treatment, a positive workplace environment, and commensurate pay with the work we do each and every day. Celebrate Your Raise with SEIU Local 1000! Jul 18, 2024 | News. l. 1 Business Cards (Unit 1) When the State determines that Unit 1 employees in public contact positions need to be identified as State employees, the State shall provide the employee with Member Benefits Career Development SEIU Local 1000 Apprenticeship Programs Upskills Nursing Simulation Lab Training Program Steward Portal DLC Map Get Active The goal of negotiations between CalHR and each bargaining unit is to reach agreement on a contract covering a specified time period. Recap of Our First Meeting with CalHR Here’s the kicker: This new agreement allows Local 1000 to re-open all MOT-related contract article sections on or after July 1, 2025, well before our next traditional round of contract bargaining. 25. UNIT 3 BARGAINING UPDATES. Dear Bargaining Unit 1 Employees, In response to the state’s proposed analyst classification series consolidation and reclassification within Bargaining Unit 1, we at SEIU Local 1000 are working to ensure that any changes support your career growth and job stability. Join your fellow SEIU Local 1000 members to show support for bargaining by hosting or participating in an informational picket at your worksite! Help us win a good contract, and help us reach our goal of 1,000 Pickets Local 1000’s Unit 14 bargaining team capped a good day at the negotiation table on Friday, August 9, with a tentative agreement (TA) to conduct a Classification Study for its Graphic Designers. To see updates on other bargaining unit contract sessions, click here for our Contract Action Center page at www. Said data shall include the employee’s name, personnel number, address, Garth Underwood, CDCR Food Service JLMC Chair is a Correctional Supervising Cook (CSC) at CDCR Ironwood State Prison and has worked in state service for fifteen years. 96. “This agreement reflects our best efforts to respond to the priorities our members identified in town halls and bargaining surveys,” said Irene Green, Local 1000 Vice President of Bargaining. Fantastic news! All state workers are receiving a well-deserved 3% General Salary Increase (GSI) in their August pay warrant, thanks to SEIU Local 1000’s steadfast Celebrate Your Raise with SEIU Local 1000! Gov. PROFESSIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE, FINANCIAL AND STAFF SERVICES REPRESENTED BY SEIU LOCAL 1000 Contract Term: 7/1/2023 to 6/30/2026 . We fight for our members using every tool at our disposal. 1 (L). 1 Hours of Work (Excludes Units 3, 17, and 21) 19. Newsom signs SB148 into law, securing funding for our contract. It represents the largest three-year contract in To read about what happened in all our bargaining sessions to date, please visit the Contract Action Center page at www. They stand on the front lines, protecting the rights we’ve worked hard to secure. There’s real truth to the Local 1000 slogan, Stronger Together. 9. Premium Holidays The Unit 1 bargaining team was not only able to protect worker notification of Post and Bid denials, they also won additional language that requires EDD management to notify the union if a member is denied placement due to alleged bias. The contract, also called a The employer recognizes that the Service Employees International Union, Local 1000 (SEIU), Bargaining Unit 1 contract expires on July 1, 2023, and is prepared to negotiate SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. ARTICLE 5 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 5. HIGHLIGHTS FROM UNIT 1 TENTATIVE AGREEMENT. It’s an unheard-of accommodation by the State and SACRAMENTO, CA (April 20, 2023) – Members of SEIU Local 1000, the state’s largest public employee union representing more than 96,000 state workers, kicked off contract bargaining by calling for a 30% wage increase over three years (12% on 7/1/2023; 9% on 7/1/2024; and 9% on 7/1/2025) along with workplace and benefit protections. My Contract. While we celebrate the work nurses do across the country, SEIU Local 1000-represented nurses went to the table on May 9 to focus on Mandatory Overtime and Voluntary Overtime, which affect our nurses statewide. Celebrate Your Raise with SEIU Local 1000! Gov. Full-time and part-time employees, except civil service exempt Unit 3 employees in the California Department of Education (CDE), shall be entitled to such observed holidays with pay as provided below, in addition to any official State holidays declared by the Governor A majority of our Unit 11 members who live in state housing are required to live there as a condition of employment. Garth envisions this JLMC will lead the State to understand CSCs’ perspective and that That begins with being part of a union that negotiates for our contract, and enforcing that contract is a Local 1000 priority. Through information gathered from members at Town Halls and from thousands of bargaining surveys, our bargaining team creates bargaining proposals and negotiates with the State over our wages Part-time employees: On the first day of the monthly pay period following completion of each monthly pay period of continuous service, each part-time employee shall be allowed, on a pro rata basis, the fractional part of the employee's appropriate accrual rate of credit for sick leave with pay in accordance with the schedule in Article 7. Your feedback is crucial in shaping our approach and amplifying our collective voice. It represents the largest three-year contract in The Local 1000 contract expires on July 1, and the entire union is mobilizing, gathering resources and building member power. SACRAMENTO, CA (August 20, 2023) — After over four months of negotiations, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team has reached an overall tentative agreement (TA) with the State of California. 2024. These increases are on top of the general salary increase, retroactive to July 1, 2023, and pensionable. Highlights from Unit 20 tentative agreement. During our first meet-and-confer session, we SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. Section 5. As Celebrate Your Raise with SEIU Local 1000! Gov. Bargaining Unit 21 Recap: Monday, May 1, 2023 Oct 3, 2024 | Bargaining Unit 1 Updates, Bargaining Updates, Bargaining Unit 20 Updates, Bargaining Unit 21 Updates, Bargaining Unit 3 Updates, Bargaining Unit 4 Updates, Bargaining Updates - General. 7. It represents the largest three-year contract in Early Saturday morning, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team reached an overall Tentative Agreement with the State. You must be a Local 1000 member to participate. Highlights of the new contract include: • 10% General Salary Increase — 3% retroactive to July 2023, 3% on July 1, 2024, and 4% on July 1, 2025. The Generalist Classification Series Consolidation will potentially reclassify over 40 job classifications, including Staff Services Analyst (SSA) and Associate Governmental Program Analyst (AGPA), affecting It’s a contract that puts more money in our pockets and improves working conditions. 1) will be updated read more. Start New Search. 1 Guide, Historical Monument Joint Labor Management Committee (JLMC) - California Department of Parks and Recreation (Unit 1) 5. Bargaining Unit 1 Updates; Bargaining Unit 11 Celebrate Your Raise with SEIU Local 1000! Gov. Contract section 13. 14. It’s an unheard-of accomplishment by SEIU and gives us Here are the highlights from the Unit 3 (Professional Educators and Librarians) bargaining table: 7 different classifications in Unit 3 received pay increases of 5% (11. Master table negotiations resume on Wednesday, May 3. It’s official — we now have a full-executed contract with the State after Governor Newsom signed the bill On Monday, May 1, 2023, the Unit 15 Bargaining team once again met with the State in an effort to get the 4,500+ hard-working SEIU Local 1000 allied service workers across California the respect, workplace protection, and pay they deserve. ARTICLE 8 - LEAVES (LOC) Nursing Staff in Bargaining Unit 15 (Unit 15) On October 1 of each year, each unit/work location shall post a vacation calendar in a prominent place readily available to Bargaining Unit 15 (Hospital Worker), employees. 21. Newsom signs SB148 into law, securing funding for our Early Saturday morning, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team reached an overall Tentative Agreement with the State. Employees may voluntarily participate in the 10. 2. There’s new leadership for our contract bargaining team: Susan Rodriguez, the Chair of Bargaining Unit 1, has been elected to the position of Local 1000 Chief Negotiator and will guide the 60+ members of our bargaining team as they work to improve our wages, benefits and working conditions in 2026 negotiations. COLAs: Our bargaining survey identified salary increases for all as the number one priority of our members, and negotiated historically high COLAs for both Units: 5% in Year 1, effective January 1, 2023 Here’s the kicker: this new agreement allows Local 1000 to re-open all MOT-related contract article sections on or after July 1, 2025, well before our next traditional round of contract bargaining. It’s official — we now have a full-executed contract with the State Highlights from Unit 3 Tentative Agreement. The purpose of the language is to provide an avenue for the State and the Union to jointly come to a consensus on recruitment and retention issues that are impacting a classification and to jointly create a On the other side of the table sit representatives of the Governor’s office and CalHR staff. Unit-specific bargaining, along with negotiations at the master table, are being scheduled on a day-to-day basis. 1 5 Personal Leave Program (PLP) - Voluntary (Excludes Unit 21) The State shall continue a Voluntary Personal Leave Program (PLP) for bargaining unit employees. To read about what happened in Monday’s Bargaining Unit 11, 20, and 21 sessions, please visit the Contract Action Center page at www. Any performance evaluation conducted of an employee who is a participant in the Union/State Collective Bargaining negotiations shall recognize the employee's frequent absence from the employee's State job and the impact of such absences on the employee's performance However, with just ten days remaining until our contract expires, bargaining sessions could happen at any time. 14 BU 14 Upward Mobility Joint Labor On Saturday, August 26, 2023, the administration released a proposed labor agreement between the state and the nine bargaining units represented by Service Employees 21. Unit 1 - Professional, Administrative, Financial, and Staff Services; Unit 2 - Attorneys and Hearing Officers ; Unit 3 - Professional Educators and Librarians; Unit 4 - Office and Allied; Unit 5 - Highway Patrol; Unit 6 - Corrections; Unit 7 - Protective Services and Public Safety; Unit 8 - 19. If ratified, the contract would significantly raise the wage floor for tens of thousands of state workers. SEIU Local 1000 met with CalHR on July 22, 2024, and again on September 17, 2024, regarding implementing “New” Appendix S – 12. Search Results. With a short ten days remaining until our current contract expires, our Unit 15 team reports some additional engagement Your Unit 1 bargaining team is still awaiting a response from the State regarding our proposed Special Salary Adjustments. Early Saturday morning, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team reached an overall Tentative Agreement with the State. PREAMBLE Nursing Staff in Bargaining Unit 15 (Unit 15) 8. 1(F)(1) and (F)(2) for miscellaneous and industrial retirement members, including ARP members, shall be increased by one half percent (0. Bargaining Unit 3 members of SEIU Local 1000 met with State representatives twice in the month of December 2022 to confer on the proposed 2023-2024 Academic Calendar for the teachers in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Office of Correctional Education (OCE). Bargaining Unit 1 Recap: Tuesday, May 30, 2023. Bargaining Unit 1 Updates; Bargaining Unit 11 Our contract contains literally hundreds of sections that govern our wages, benefits, and working conditions. If ratified, the contract would significantly raise the wage Unit 1 is our Union’s largest and most diverse bargaining unit, representing classifications in Professional Administrative, Financial, and Staff Services and today, one Unit 1 consists of all employees in the job classifications listed by title in the salary schedule attached hereto and incorporated by reference as a part of this Contract. You can read more contact details here. Oct 2, 2024. ARTICLE 19 - HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME 19. 1 Correctional New Contracts Available on SEIU Local 1000 Website. 1 Information Technology (IT) Apprenticeship Agency Linkage Agreement (Unit 1) 13. SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. It represents the largest three-year contract SACRAMENTO, CA (April 20, 2023) – Members of SEIU Local 1000, the state’s largest public employee union representing more than 96,000 state workers, kicked off contract bargaining by calling for a 30% wage increase over three years (12% on 7/1/2023; 9% on 7/1/2024; SEIU Local 1000 Board of Directors Approve Independent Hearing Officer SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. This weekend, and again today, the Unit 20 bargaining team worked with the State to advance the Medical and Social Services workers we represent. 1 SEIU Local 1000 met with CalHR on July 22, 2024, and again on September 17, 2024, regarding implementing “New” Appendix S - 12. UNIT 14 BARGAINING UPDATES. 1 of this Contract. Our next Master Table session is scheduled for June 21. Unit 11 Joint Labor Management Committee Meeting – 7. So, if you’re not already a member, we encourage you to join us today. It represents the largest three-year contract in On Tuesday, May 2, bargaining units 1, 3, 4, 14, and 17 will return to the table. Aug 21, 2023 | Press Release. Jun 1, 2023 | Bargaining Unit 20 Updates. 1 Holidays. The purpose of the committee shall be for SEIU Local 1000, Bargaining Unit 3 (BU3) and the State to discuss topics related to compensation, classification, credentialing and related issues as they affect the recruitment and retention of highly The member-elected Bargaining Unit 01 DBURs and CBURs met on Sunday, February 26, 2023, and elected the following members to serve as the Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee (BUNC) and Alternate Bargaining Unit Negotiating Committee for the upcoming Contract negotiations with the State. “We fought hard for these allowances, and we’re holding the state accountable to ensure every Unit 15 employee gets what they’re entitled to,” said Eric Murray, Unit 15 Bargaining Chair. The purpose of the committee shall be for SEIU Local 1000, Bargaining Unit 3 (BU3) and the State to discuss topics related to compensation, classification, credentialing and related issues as they affect the recruitment and retention of highly Celebrate Your Raise with SEIU Local 1000! Gov. The Unit 20 team went to the table on June 1 to negotiate with the State on the issues that have been impacting workers across the state as we fight for a contract that respects, protects, and pays all SEIU Local 1000 represented state workers. To keep updated, and to see updates on other bargaining unit contract sessions, please visit the Contract Action Center page at www. 13. The purpose of the language is to provide an avenue for the State and the Union to jointly come to a consensus on recruitment and retention issues that are impacting a classification and to jointly create a report. UNIT 4 BARGAINING UPDATES. Highlights from Unit 4 Tentative Agreement Early Saturday morning, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team reached an overall Tentative Agreement with the State. 3% of the members General Unit cast “yes” votes in favor of ratification. 1. If the monthly cost of any of the State's benefit plans (health, dental and vision) in which an employee elects to enroll exceeds the State's maximum allowance amount as set forth in subsection A (1) above, the employee shall pay the Local 1000 Job Stewards are union members who represent their coworkers, making sure contract rights are upheld and workplace concerns are addressed. 17. 4. 24. 1 is an important win for SEIU Local 1000 employees represented in Unit 1. Garth has led Unit 15 as a Steward and is currently the Vice Chair and the DBUR for DLC 710. 4 and 3517, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1000 (Union of California State Workers), recognizes the Director of the Department of Human Resources (CalHR) or their designee as the In 2023 contract negotiations, we fought hard to secure a 3% raise for our members, effective July 2025. Any new classes 5. shifts, the calendar shall clearly indicate by Recruitment and Retention (R&R) Committee Article 5. Introducing DeLonne L. In April, the SEIU Local 1000 Bargaining Team signed an agreement that governs telework, provides a stipend, and helps our represented employees resolve issues that arise in the workplace. 3 Special Salary Increases). ARTICLE 7 - HOLIDAYS 7. During our first meet-and-confer session, we The State returned to the table with Unit 17 on Thursday, July 6 to negotiate our contract. org 1808 14th Street Sacramento, CA 95811 Subject: Bargaining Unit 1 – Generalist Classification Series – Consolidation The California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) proposes to revise and retitle the current 3,453 Followers, 55 Following, 957 Posts - SEIU Local 1000 (@seiu1000) on Instagram: "SEIU Local 1000 is California’s largest union of state employees representing 96,000 workers statewide. Union Secures Big Wins for Our Members: Standing Together Pays off After three months of negotiations and over 100 separate bargaining unit meetings, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team was unable to reach a tentative agreement on a new contract with the State. Bargaining Unit 1 Updates; Bargaining Unit 11 Where does bargaining go from here? Watch this July 13 video message from Irene Green, Local 1000 Vice President for Bargaining. 5. Effective July 1, 2023, the employee contribution rates described in 17. It’s official — we now have a full-executed contract with the State after Governor Newsom signed the bill (SB148) that funds our compensation and benefits for the next three years. 17 Hours of Work (Unit 17) The regular work week of full-time Unit 17 employees shall be forty (40) hours and eight (8) hours per day. Newsom signs SB148 into law, securing funding for our contract It’s official — we now have a full-executed contract with the State after Governor Newsom signed the bill (SB148) that funds our compensation and benefits for the next three years. Susan has been on the bargaining team for the last Early Saturday morning, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team reached an overall Tentative Agreement with the State. Unit 21 specific contract information. You can read the complete Side Letter Agreement by clicking this link. Here’s the kicker: this new agreement allows Local 1000 to re-open all MOT-related contract articles on or after July 1, 2025, well before our next traditional round of contract bargaining. “A number of key issues for Unit 1, such as Article 12. Winning a good contract starts with you. Jul 18, 2014 The agreement was reached between the Local 1000 bargaining team and representatives of the state, ratified by 90 percent of voting members and signed into law by the Governor. 17 DDS Vacation Scheduling: Three Vacation Period Scheduling Method (Unit 17) 13. 1 (L) of this Contract. Dear Bargaining Unit 1 Employees, As your union, SEIU Local 1000 is committed to ensuring that any changes align with our members’ needs and career goals. The Employer shall provide the Union, on a monthly basis, a list of all employees in the bargaining unit. Local 1000’s Unit 20 bargaining team met with state negotiators for the first time today, representing the interests of our members who work as Medical and Social Services Bargaining Unit 1; Bargaining Unit Name: Professional, Administrative, Financial, and Staff Services: Representing Organization: SEIU 1000: Common Classifications: Staff Services Analyst, Associate Governmental Program Analyst, Information Technology Specialist: Contract: As you know, we have not yet reached an overall tentative agreement on a new contract with the state. 20 Assaultive Response Training (Unit 20) The State agreed to SEIU Local 1000’s language change and added additional language, which the BU 20 team will review and respond to the State at the appropriate time. Remember, our rights are still protected under the terms of our previous contract, which expired on June 30. Molly Chlebnikow, SEIU Local 1000 Contract Dpt. After a recent meeting of the Statewide Bargaining Advisory Council (SBAC) in late July, over 60 dedicated Local 1000 members were elected to negotiate our next contract with the State in 2026. Click here to participate in the State Bar ratification vote. Sign up for our Silent Protest March in Sacramento on June 29. 1 Vacation/Annual Leave. Attendees met with statewide leaders and our bargaining team to learn more about the process of winning a good contract and to share their priorities about what Unit 4 plans to return to the table next week. 8% of the participating members in the Attorney Unit and 94. SEIU Local 1000 represents nearly 100,000 state employees, both members and non-members alike. UNIT 15 BARGAINING UPDATES. If ratified, the contract would significantly raise [] The Unit 20 bargaining team returns to the table April 26, and will continue to address unit-specific issues that were brought forth during the bargaining town halls and from the bargaining surveys. The State recognizes and agrees to deal with designated Union stewards, elected bargaining unit council representatives, and/or Union staff on the following: A written list of Union stewards and elected bargaining unit council representatives broken down by department, unit, and Early Saturday morning, the SEIU Local 1000 bargaining team reached an overall Tentative Agreement with the State. Thank you for voting, With contract negotiations just around the corner, hundreds of SEIU Local 1000 members came to make their voices heard at our first Bargaining Town Hall on January 21 in Sacramento. Tentative Agreement Summary: a. Your Unit 3 team continued those efforts with a rare Saturday bargaining session and is reporting additional progress with just a week to go before our contract expires. Bargaining Unit 1 Updates; Bargaining Unit 11 Any new classes established and assigned to Unit 1 shall be incorporated in the Contract. ATTORNEYS AND HEARING OFFICERS REPRESENTED BY CALIFORNIA ATTORNEYS, SEIU Local 1000 - Contract. When custodians at CCHCS were not receiving their $100 shoe allowance, our Unit 15 members and union staff took action to uphold our contract. 13. Aug 11, 2023 | Post. The State shall notify the Union prior to the creation of any new call center and/or the selection of any new technology. Frustration reigned at today’s Unit 1 bargaining table. 1 Business and Travel, are master table issues, and we are focusing on those at this time,” said Susan Rodriguez, Unit 1 chair. Bargaining Unit 20 Recap: Thursday, June 1, 2023. rid hafv blkjdlva yse haohvw iev wssnacl bnmyf lzewnts ptclin