Has anyone had a full period and been pregnant

Thanks. Due date by ultrasound calculator. Exploring Implantation Bleeding May 10, 2012 · Had unprotected sex last month, then had a period 10 days ago. Pregnancy Week 40. I had a full on period the week of Christmas 2019 and a positive pregnancy test just like you described on January 5th 2020. com Jun 28, 2018 · In the interview, Williams says that she didn’t think it was even possible that she could be pregnant. Apr 29, 2016 · Theoretically you can't have periods when you are pregnant but it does occasionally happen to some women. The flow might be either constant or intermittent. On rare occasions, a fertilized egg can implant outside the uterus Sep 7, 2011 · Yes. Despite all of the claims out there, it isn’t During pregnancy, the body undergoes significant hormonal changes that prevent ovulation and the shedding of the uterine lining, which is what occurs during a menstrual cycle. I'm due to start on October 27 (I'm on a 31 day cycle and it's soooooooo regular. Jul 15, 2011 · Hormonal bleeding is when some women experience a light bleed at around four to eight weeks of pregnancy, or around the time their period would have been due. Most tests are pretty accurate when 2 days late. Jun 28, 2020 · Bookmark. Menopause means that a woman with a uterus has not had a period in one full year. My periods are irregular lasting from 29 to 40 days. Second time, I was definitely ovulating, took plan b 72 hours later and ended up pregnant Nov 28, 2020 · Bookmark. Just not heavy I guess. I'm now 15 weeks. I am curious I have had two of my coworkers say they had full blown heavy period and they was pregnant , has this happened to anyone ? I've been felling like my period is going to start any minute over the last 2 weeks, but it hasn't come yet. Oct 11, 2017 · Paigemilera. Aug 14, 2012 · MissPollysTrolleyed · 15/08/2012 14:47. At the first sign of my period (day 1 of period) my partner and I had unprotected sex (thinking there's no way I'd be ovulating around this time). Guys help! I am two days after my period and I have been feeling like shit so I took a test and got a positive cheapie so I took a frer and it's positive. Ive has negative urine tests when i occasionally test, as i hate testing as i feel such a let down and disappointed when its negative. the light period makes me think perimenopause or low estrogenbut Iv never had a miscarrage either. timetest · 28/11/2020 12:24. Congrats! I was searching for a post similar to my situation, I am a week late and have gotten 2 negative tests 🤷🏽‍♀️ but I had a baby 9 months ago and it just feels all too similar, I have been tracking my period for years and know my body as well but I guess I won’t know until I get the positive or the period 😅 This happened to me and it turned out to be ectopic. I had a five day light bleed of pinkish blood starting the day AF was due and didn't get my BFP until about seven days after AF was due. Thus, you cannot have a period while you are pregnant. Pregnancy Week 39. Report. answers from Charlottesville on July 15, 2009. Premature or early menopause: The average age of menopause is 52. Feb 1, 2023 · Jeff Nelson. j In January it was normal February my period With 3 days late only lasted 3 days and was very very like a lot lighter than and normally its, I made a doctor's appointment to get a blood pregnancy test since the urine ones they weren't working real well and so then I was about 6 or 7 weeks a long when I went to have the blood pregnancy test and Dec 13, 2023 · Heavy Bleeding. I’m about 20 dpo and have had faint positivesI have tons of symptoms but started light bleeding it’s not red like a period or clottingAnyone else??? Nov 16, 2020 · This is what happened when I was pregnant with my DD. As the first trimester went on I never really had many symptoms. Had an ultrasound and baby is there with a heartbeat but bleeding continues. Previous to that I would get PMT symptoms a day or so before my Jun 1, 2010 · Pudge_25. I had another bleed a couple of weeks later - again a light bleed that lasted a week or so. Posted 01-06-10. It was positive. Here's why. I feel like I should be running to the bathroom every 2 seconds with a tampon, but do not even Has anyone here gotten pregnant soon after your period? I'm 7 months post partum, have had my period for about 4 cycles now. ) I normally don't have any period symptoms, just a little aggervation in my tummy right before it comes. The app said that I had ovulated from 7/22-7/28. If you ovulate later in your cycle or start your period sooner than usual, you could become pregnant if you have sex in the days leading up to your period. #1. Hi there. Yes, some women do have a period and are still pregnant. I have been tired, dizzy and have been having periods (bleeds) every month although 1 month i was late for 10 days then my period came and it been every 28 days since. I knew I was pregnant and know my body very well. I was convinced I was pregnant last month as I had similar symptoms I had with my first pregnancy but then my period came but now I still keep getting funny symptoms. Menstrual Period. Jul 12, 2009 · F. I was in shock when they told me that I was pregnant two weeks later. Second it is VERY possible to get pregnant while on your period, so if you had sex right before (within a day or 2 or bambolina1981. If you have sex at the end of your period, there is a chance that the Sep 9, 2010 · Posted 09-09-10. Scientists and doctors agree on the answer. These were the super scary times (April/May 2020). Dizziness or fainting. Mar 12, 2019 · Bottom line. I’m in a long distance relationship. A 54-year-old woman referred to the prenatal clinic in Arak Nov 8, 2022 · Thats all I can figure. Baby is fine so far. Sep 3, 2018 · Hi I'm well thank you. Spotting vs. No, it's not technically a period when you're pregnant, just bleeding for whatever reason. I did not start the pill again. I have absolutely no pain, and the bleeding was heavy-ish but has now struggled to fill a pad since last night. I felt as if my period was going to start as had mild cramping but it never did. I think the majority of people have no symptoms. I think I ovulated later than usual that cycle. BruceAndMarley · 29/06/2020 08:04. Reply reply. Even though we had been trying to get pregnant, I was very surprised by my positive pregnancy test on the 4th day my period was supposed to come. I had a huge clot before I had to get on the plane for 12 hours to SA. My clinic is sure it must have been implantation bleeding, but it was honestly a full on period, and I get heavy periods, soaking overnight pads for multiple days. I did feel more like I was going to have my period - I kept wiping thinking af had started but it hadnt. Low and behold it was positive on 3 tests! 😲 I know this could mean a chemical pregnancy. Do a test. Anything is possible. The first two times I did not know I was pregnant, so I thought it was AF. Got a scan the next morning and they didn't know if baby would make it. Oct 16, 2022 · It can occur anywhere from four days before to four days after the midpoint of your menstrual cycle. If a blood test is negative then you are not pregnant. Hope your well. Original poster's comments (8) 0. And it's on and off. Finally went to ER in May when I had some heavy bleeding. Pregnancy occurs when a fertilizes egg attaches to the lining of the uterus, so as soon as a woman has begun ovulation Feb 1, 2017 · My first "symptom" started some time after that, it was abdominal cramping. Then on 4 weeks, the day of my expected period, I started bleeding. It's very common. Thanks for your reply. Wait a few days and test again, or see your doctor. My period is typically much heavier and lasts 5-6 days. B. Aug 21, 2018 at 12:57 PM. I also experienced an ectopic but I had excruciating pain and bleeding at 4 weeks and carried on till May 16, 2024 · I did pregnancy tests that have all been negative until today. So I did more tests and they all showed positive. Changes from month to month are also normal. This can be very confusing for women who are pregnant and is the reason many women don’t realise they are pregnant for a while. I know this because I used ovulation strips and recorded when we had sex. I was only 3wks pregnant when my test was positive. 12/01/2012 at 11:12 am. The hcg can take a while to fall. There are other causes of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, however. Hi. In hindsight I’m glad I didn’t know I was pregnant at the time because it was a whole period’s worth of spotting, honestly indistinguishable. Like. Aug 20, 2007 · tasja · 20/08/2007 19:16. We were intimate October about 5 days prior to my expected period starting. Your health can affect how often you get your period. I had some spotting and cramping but that was it. My periods are always all over the place but this month was sort of a late one at 46 days. I got my BFP on 3w3d (10dpo) and had a really faint line every day. For the past 5 days now I have been spotting. I normally have 26-28 day cycles. This report describes a case of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding caused by pregnancy. She did a test and it was positive so she went to the midwife and had a scan and she’s 31 weeks. Sep 9, 2019 · Still pregnant after heavy bleeding. You may actually be pregnant. She hadn’t seen her now-husband Alexis Ohanian “in like four weeks” and “literally Unfortunately, this has been a weird cycle. The short answer is no. chemical pregnancy - your Hcg level had started rising which is giving you the positive test, but your body has realized the baby won't develop. Bookmark. 1,990. • 9 yr. Alty. Headaches, bloating, crying, and hot flashes. However two weeks down the line I've had a few days of Oct 5, 2018 · So me and OH use pull out method and have done for the last 3 years. Then Mar 1, 2011 · Posted 03-01-11. It is not biologically possible to have a true period while pregnant. 4. Too much exercise or very strict dieting, for example, can use up all Came out to be I was 22weeks & 4 days. Sep 19, 2019 · Im wondering if anyone else has been through this! I had what I thought was a 3 day period on the 6th September. It actually ended in a early miscarriage hense the bleeding like a period. Day 12: On the 12th day of your cycle, you have a 58% chance of being in a fertile window. 2 days after it ended I started having sore boobs and bloating. May 5, 2023 · I had cramps that felt a lot like my pre-period cramps on 9 dpo, they went away after that and I got a positive 14 dpo (first time I tested). Your hormones would not do this because there is a baby and placenta in your uterus that the uterus needs to remain thickened to protect. Just wondering anyone has been Pregnant without any hcg at all im feel like im going crazy have had all the pregnancy symptoms have missed a period but test are showing up negative. r Renate31 Original Poster Hi, i feel pregnant and have many of the symptoms of being pregnant but have had my period on time every month. First of all it's not impossible to get your period while pregnant, they usually just call it bleeding, because it's not a true peroid (you're not losing an unfertilized egg). katyg. I had a period in March, tested positive after period but no sex, didn’t get a period in April. IVF and FET due date calculator. Sep 24, 2020 · I'm having bleeding right around m my period time. For most girls, it’s between 25 and 30 days long. Spotting the first day and then heavy red blood with clots the second day. Wtf. So I kinda had a feeling I knew what the test would say, before I even took it. I’m having such a strange cycle - it’s probably just an off cycle but the last time I had a strange cycle I was pregnant but ended in miscarriage a week later Jun 22, 2023 · Plan b failed me both pregnancies. Just curious if this has happened to anyone else Last week I had a very normal period (and my periods are ALWAYS normal). Maybe I will just do a test then and see what it says. Sep 12, 2015 · For the past two days (coming towards the end of AF) I've had acid reflux giving me metallic tastes in my mouth and on and off nausea. time that AF was due). Oct 4, 2009 · 0. The easiest thing to do is take a pregnancy test. If you know me in real life please don’t say anything! This is a huge secret right now. Nov 18, 2009. The uterus is where the egg implants after fertilization and is the organ that supports and nourishes the growing fetus . First time, I took it within 24 hours. My period was supposed to come 8/6, “it came” 8/5 but it wasn’t my regular period. I don’t have E do but I did have what I thought was a period while I was pregnant. #4. I was intimate with my partner in September and got my period towards the end of the month. So, while you can have bleeding while you're pregnant, it's not really the same thing. I woke up a few hours later & the test showed faint positive. I was just wondering how is feels and how you found out you were pregnant. One crucial point to note is that pregnant individuals do not experience a menstrual period as they would in a non-pregnant state. Oct 15, 2011. While some women may experience light bleeding or spotting in the early stages of pregnancy, this is not the same as having a full-fledged Flshrt. My period was about to start so I didn’t think it would fail, I got what I thought was a period and the next month I found out I was pregnant. We didn’t have sex any other times. In fact, I even had cramps and back aches, which are typical PMS stuff for me. all 3 of my pregnancies (right about the. Period like bleeding followed by a spotting and a positive pregnancy test can be a sign of an ectopic and you should get that ruled out asap. Chuffed · 25/05/2005 09:16. I had light bleeding for 2 days at the time of expected period and then brown spotting for 2-ish additional days. I am just curious to see if anyone has been pregnant and still had periods. • 2 yr. Aug 31, 2016 · Barefootcontessa84 · 31/08/2016 08:53. Period would mean ovulation, shedding of the uterine lining, etc. Any bleeding should be checked by your doctor or midwife Aug 10, 2022 · Cramping or contractions. It has been on normal, although sometimes lighter, bright red and very few clots Aug 21, 2018 · m. Yes, I took fertilaid for 6 days and had the worst side affects. My first pregnancy ended at 5w 3d, bleeding started as brown spotting and turned red after a few days. I have a full, heavy feeling in my belly, cramps, headaches, backache, acne and have gained 3lbs!! Jul 13, 2023 · This is because during a period, the uterus sheds the edometrium. Usually my periods are 5 days. I was diagnosed with subchorionic haematoma at 6 weeks, which is still there (albeit a bit smaller), but the baby has been fine after each weekly scan. If this is the case you will basically get your full on period. It remained positive for 5 days straight. In fact I didn’t discover I was pregnant till I was 20 weeks so I must have had least 4 periods or light bleeds whilst pregnant. Quote. Aug 13, 2012 · phoebe2016 · 20/02/2017 14:49. I took pregnancy tests that had the slightest second line and some that I'm still on my period so Idk how long it'll last but I'm just curious if any other mom has had a period and still been pregnant. Then again, it could all be in my head, so wanted to know if people thought this could be possible before I go out and waste money on a test. Published on February 1, 2023 01:23PM EST. Hi OP. I’m very confused about when I got pregnant and how far along I am and just exploring this Nov 30, 2016 · Just had a full blown period then got a bfp. Pregnancy Week 42. I decided to take a test (pictures attached) before I called the doctor concerned (I have chronic ovarian cyst's) and they are positive. Reply reply Jan 3, 2024 · Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI): This condition, also known as premature ovary failure, causes your estrogen levels to drop and ovaries to stop working before age 40. Again, it is totally normal. Even if you don't have Nov 2, 2021 · Yep quite a few times. Aug 11, 2011 · I'm first time pregnant and conceived on Tue 27 Sep 2016. Now I am worried as a have a few early pregnancy symptoms. Tested positive right after a full period. Wanderlust1 · 29/04/2016 17:06. Add post. . 3 weeks later had another scan and baby was fine. May 8, 2023 · Based on the results, these are the chances of becoming pregnant during your period: Day 4: On the fourth day of your period, you have a 2% chance of being within a fertile window. I can give you the exact dates of my last 5 periods. My mother claims she still had her period while pregnant. my ex-boss was disappointed to have her period when she was ttc, she was sick as a dog and i was sure she was pg. I got nothing last month at all. ) The average woman goes through menopause around the age of 51. I had period pains through the 1st 3mths of my pregnancy, at the beginning of every month when I should have been due on my period so it can happen. Whats making me ask is that i have been getting strange feelings in my tummy and back ache i have on just finished my period a week ago so can't be pregnant Nov 1, 2023 · I am going through something similar. You may need to wear a pantyliner. Lingered positive for almost two months. This month I am on day 18 and I have not ovulated - every month I know when it's happening due to ovulation pain, discharge, and emotion changes. So all of those symptoms could be completely unrelated to pregnancy except for the lactating breasts. So moral of the story is yes you can still get your period and be pregnant. Before the Grammy winner realized she was expecting last fall, she thought she Mar 25, 2008 · Yes. The first day of my last period was Sunday 04 Sep 2016. Jan 8, 2020 · Jan 8, 2020 at 3:09 PM. If you are lactating outside of pregnancy you need to see a doctor as that can be indicative of another health issue. Award. Read on to find out the real reasons for spotting during pregnancy. I had a normal period last week but then spotted to days this week which prompted me to take a pregnancy test and it was positive immediately! See full list on theheartandbrain. I just wasn't really sure if it does really happen x I had absolutely no symptoms of pregnancy before I missed my period. I thought for sure there is NO WAY I’m still pregnant. I ask because I simply feel pregnant. (I write “with a uterus” because if a woman has had a hysterectomy or some other intervention, the bleeding pattern may not be the telltale sign of menopause as we define it. Also I've had bad headaches too for a week now. mpf5007. This pregnancy, I've had brown spotting and a couple of bright red bleeds. Fever or chills. Definitely contact your dr and get in for beta testing ASAP and a dating scan as soon as your level is high enough. So sorry this is your experience. It lasted 5 days which is about normal for me, though was a bit lighter than normal. With this one got negative on 14days post ovulation negative and another 3 days after that and the last was positive. And I stopped testing that month. PinkleopardPJ. Posted 11-30-16. People with POI — about 1% of females under age 40 — have irregular or missed periods. Oct 10, 2023 · Pursuing Parenthood. So on Friday before I started period I had a weird dizzy spell where I nearly fainted and had to sit down. I had a pregnancy in February this year that had very little HCG levels. hotmama with dd I did a test on 15 days after ovulation, 3 days later and another 3 days later all negative, then doctor did a test and it was positive. If you are pregnant, this would shed the pregnancy and you would no longer be pregnant. You should get beta tests from your doctor to check the doubling rate. Jun 3, 2011 · Irregular periods are very common, especially for teens. May 22, 2014 · My "period" came 2 weeks early and when my period didn't start on time the next time 2 weeks later, I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant. Meghan Trainor is getting real about her second pregnancy . Hi ladies! I am pregnant with baby #3. I used FRER or clearblue digital which came up positive pretty quickly at 4 days late. Try the Digital Clear Blue tests as they give the best results. I had period-like bleeding with. augustTT. Signs of preterm labor, such as your water breaking. My sore bb's, ms, tiredness became very obvious a week or so later. Good luck! Jan 12, 2012 · Anonymous. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. I had a negative test the day before my expected period. 37. I heard the heartbeat for the first time on the doppler at my doc's office today. I am a mother of a 21 month old boy. Advertisement. ago. That’s because young women ovulate — release eggs from their ovaries — before they have their first period. My period is 10 days late and I really hope I'm not pregnant! I'm The symptoms are caused by progesterone, which is at an increased level after ovulation and while pregnant. Posted 02-14-23. From what I've read, your current cycle is a reflection of your diet, stress levels etc 3 months ago so can be thrown off even if there is seemingly nothing to have caused it very recently. Unlike light implantation bleeding, it could go on for up to three days. It may be pink, rust, or light or bright red. The next day, I started bleeding and continued to bleed like a medium period for 3-4 days. Same thing happened to a friend of mines, only she had a heavy flow period up till she was 7 months pregnant. I bled very heavily in the early stages. Tested again after the bleeding stopped and yep, still pregnant. I was TTC and tested positive (yay). As stated above, some women can sense that they're pregnant before a missed period due to some early symptoms, usually 1–2 weeks following the missed period (or 5–6 weeks gestational age. Hi ladies. If you are pregnant enough to have symptoms, then you're pregnant May 13, 2010 · May 13, 2010, 10:13 PM. However it was only 3 days and lighter than usual. So I have had three very heavy bleeds at 5/6, 9 and 10 weeks (similar to what the PP described). Pregnancy Week 41. Although it’s uncommon, it’s possible for a woman who hasn’t yet had her period to become pregnant. May 25, 2005 · Bookmark. This would be my second missed period and I'm not bleeding bleeding but it's enough to notice. I wad just curious if anyone ever got pregnant during your period. While you cannot get your period while pregnant, you may experience spotting or bleeding for other reasons. Thought to myself somethings up. Fx it's a good outcome for you X. I was on the very tail end of my period yesterday. But since I was bleeding, I counted it as my period and didn’t test again. The whole 20 weeks I was pregnant I was still getting my regular flow period all 5 months. Feb 18, 2018 · Kausi · 18/02/2018 14:14. I only just got my period back for the first time since his birth two weeks ago. Mommanoo2. WurmiMama. I stopped taking my birth control pills on 09/01, I started bleeding 09/02 and had a "normal" period lasting 6 days. Heavy implantation bleeding may look somewhat like the beginning or end of your menstrual flow. Posted 11-10-17. I have an empty, sicky feeling every morning for past 2 weeks, which only goes away when I eat. Just wondering if anyone experienced period like cramps but was actually pregnant. However my experience over the past few cycles is that I seem to get PMT symptoms just following ovulation and then get period as normal 2 weeks or so later. I had a 2 day, full on bleed and then discovered i was pregnant a couple of weeks later, so that "period" must have been a heavy implantation bleed! Im 22+5 now :) Aug 7, 2023 · I had unprotected sex 7/29. Getting pregnant without a uterus isn't possible as a general rule, because after a hysterectomy your uterus (womb) has been removed. Various diseases such as endometrial atrophy, polyps, and endometrial cancers may lead to postmenopausal vaginal bleeding. I had to stop taking because I couldn’t handle those side effects and my husband asked me to stop taking it as well. Soexcited9782. There was alot of blood around my baby. 12th September I did an opk. That month, I didn’t catch my LH surge, which is normally CD 12-13. The only time I've ever had heartburn/reflux was when pregnant with my first so I'm confused. Yes, when I was 22 - after a while vaguely realised I didn't seem to have had a period for a while, and was 7 weeks pregnant. Therefore, the occurrence of a true period during pregnancy is not a common phenomenon. May 28, 2020 · Very Low HCG Levels and Still Pregnant. I've taken two pregnancy tests earlier this week and both came back positive. This pregnancy I had some pretty heavy spotting on the exact day my period was due, so I obviously mistook it for a period. Hi Ladies. 5. Some women bleed monthly throughout their entire pregnancy. I read that it's not likely but it is possible. Many people wonder if it’s possible to have a period during pregnancy. It stopped and I was clear for 7 days. I just had what seemed like a normal period this last week so I assumed I wasn’t pregnant. 1. I waited another few days to test and it was positive. With this pregnancy, I felt the nausea, sore nipples and had the light cramping for a while before I tested, and I got a BFP before I even missed my period. • 9 mo. Sploj. I thought I'd had my period, but it must have been an SCH. Apr 18, 2020 · Abnormal vaginal bleeding is one of the complaints of women during menopause. This time, it feels like the flow is so light, I only had ONE cramp and that was it! Feb 14, 2023 · m. I know of a woman who had a hormone imbalance way too much testosterone and low progesterone and pcos and still got pregnant to full term so its confusing to me anyways. Had unprotected sex a day after my last period (2. It was over 30 years ago but I remember it was perfectly normal though my periods were always light. Thanks BoBo. The purpose of a period is to shed the lining of your uterus. So I do think some women cramp around implantation, but plenty of women also cramp mid-cycle and go on to get their periods. s. Did a pregnancy test Apr 8, 2023 · I found out I was pregnant with my son at about 14 weeks because I had to get bloodwork done for an unrelated medical procedure and the next day I got a call that the procedure would have to be postponed bc I was pregnant!!! I had bleeding all throughout that pregnancy and it was so regular I thought I was still having my period so I never took a Jun 3, 2014 · Now I know that some women experience this and can be pregnant. None. ) Those symptoms are usually pregnancy fatigue, constipation, an increase in breast size and sensitivity, and frequent urination. The menstrual cycle can be as short as 21 days or longer than 35. It could be like my situation. This has only been happening for the past 6 months or so. You can't have a period while pregnant, but spotting during pregnancy is normal, particularly in the first trimester. I randomly decided to take a pregnancy test today because of particularly sore boobs, just in case. Pregnancy due date calculator. Pelvic or abdominal pain. The bleeding has stopped and it’s so light it didn’t feel like a period and I definitely had BFNs until now. Hello. I had some bleeding at the beginning of my pregnancy as well. 6. . The bottom Line. Good luck, hoping all will go okay. It could also be implantation or something else. There’s also a thread on MN recently of a lady who didn’t know she was pregnant until she felt what she thought was maybe wind . I had an early miscarriage at 7 weeks and it took several weeks after for me to have a negative Oct 18, 2020 · I had unprotected sex on my fertile days last month, period came two weeks later as usual like clockwork. When she missed the next mth she went for her appointment, had a scan cos they thought it might be twins and found she was 4 or 5 weeks further on than she thought, so she had been pg when she had There has been numerous reports of delayed or some cases, prolonged periods since getting it - I personally know 3 people who had theirs disappear for 4 months after getting 2nd and 3rd shot. A lot of women bled and are fine and some are not. Lots of people dont have 28-day cycles. My period this month seemed late so I took very sensitive pregnancy tests on 10/4 (cycle day 32) and 10/5 with first morning urine (FRER), both negative. a. The only way to know for sure is to get a positive result, either from a home pregnancy test or your doctor. I had sore and swollen, growing breasts, nausea, missed periods, and more of the symptoms of early pregnancy. Do not panic but my suggestion is that if the bleeding is like a period then you should get in contact with the clinic/hospital as soon as you can. These aren't a usual Pms sign for me, I've also had a spot break out this month which I also never get. This is because menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining when pregnancy has not occurred. 5 weeks ago) and the following day as well, according to my app I ovulated 4-5 days after and am now exhibiting pregnancy symptoms so will be testing soon. I normally have a very heavy flow and real strong cramps that even taking ibuprofen does not help. Found out on January 24th that the baby was fully Jul 9, 2023 · Somanyquestions101 · 04/11/2023 18:19. I did get my last period on time, but it was much lighter and shorter than usual. Called my OB and scheduled appt for blood draws (2 previous miscarriages). I definitely had very very clear BFNs from 8 DPO until 10 Nov 22, 2010 · I didnt feel pregnant. yq mk oh vt bq vw kd qn nm bq