[Compound Experience Thread] Trestolone (Trest, Ment) Compounds. Your natty test levels and fertility will 100 % recover according to studies. Clomid 50/50/50/50. ireallyloveoats. 5 every 3. The high dosage recommendations are because of two factors. Human chorionic growth (HCG) will also boost lutenizing hormone (LH) and follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) during a testosterone/RAD-140 cycle to prevent shutdown and gonad shrinkage. Facilitate high quality information sharing related to steroids and hormones. 6 Week Anavar 25 mg + Dbol 25 mg (Week 2-8) (1-week bread after 3 weeks) Option 2. You’d be much better off running masteron or primo. I fear nothing, but I'm calm. They don't in Canada (according to Greg Doucette who is on TRT in Canada). The dosage you've chosen is a little low but at least its sensible. I've done a lot of research and I'm planning to schedule my cycle like this: Week 1-20: Sustanon 270 (400mg/week) (EDIT pin EOD) armidex 0. This week we are discussing Trestolone aka Trest or Ment. That’ll be better then that entire cycle combined. Also I see people saying that You should do one shot of 200iu (or around there)EOD and others saying you should do 3x week. The goal is body recomposition, reduction of fat, and adding some lean Test E + Anavar cycle. Second. 5mg E3D, weeks 1-14 Cabergoline 1 mg/week, weeks1-14 Liv 52 2 pills/twice day Vitamin B complex 1/day. Gains are log-linear up to 600 mg and well beyond. Bro, just do 500mg of test for 16 weeks. I was able to stop the acne from spreading any further by cleaning up my diet and showering twice a day. tremendously. There are many better options to consider for a female rather than doing test p. Vigorous Steve has a video on this and using hcg before first cycle to identify efficacious dosage of test. it actually makes it worse, but i cant remember. 5. New comments cannot be posted and votes Deca/Dbol/Test Blast: Preflight Checklist. This is a harm reduction board, and helping people cycle off of steroids should be actively encouraged if that is the route they want. This has got to be the most addictive feeling in the world. (Propionate is the most common and easiest to find). At 12. Should start kicking in around week 4-6 The gains will slowly creep up though. You may find you can benefit from slightly more trest but I'd definitely put the ceiling at 50mg/day. ADMIN MOD. And test does have more than half a century of use in humans. It's hard on your liver. Only gave myself about a month break before starting test which may not have been 500 test and dbol with no AI is a recipe for high estrogen. Iv even heard that (someone help me out) one compound actually speeds up hair loss when stacked with FIN. Acetate is often brewed at 50mg/mL for only 500mg total compound in the vial, but MENT is so expensive for raws, that vial costs $50-75. I think 250 is definitely enough to start with you will notice it. PED/cycle help. Contra what you may have been led to believe, this number was not just haphazardly chanced upon. Ayzuss. The perfect first steroid cycle IMO : r/nattyorjuice. I'm happy, but not euphoric. 15. This will help you retain the most muscle while losing the most optimal amount of bodyfat. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback Hey people, I'm about to jump on a test/deca cycle, maybe throw in some dbol who knows. I ran it for 12 weeks at 300 mg/week along with 100-200 mg/week of test. It's cardio protective, helps build muscle and keeps you horny. I've never done primo before but wasn't worried because of its benign reputation. Started at 26 years old after 13 years of training. The second half I brought in an androgen and started dbol its an incredibly effective cycle. I feel confident. Any help? My man, forget about your age, your choice of test, whatever else. 5d Note I recommend a cycle of 15 weeks, I only extended to 20 for personal reasons (incoming holiday with GF, fears of ED on PCT). 1. I took an "eat everything in sight" approach and peaked at 203lbs but then had to cut down to Nothing, test is the most studied and well known steroid. Test cycles are safe really. If you want to cut with it then run the test on the lower end like <350. Around week 4 or 5 I also started doing dbol at 30mg/day but only did that for a bit under 3 weeks total cause I felt it was messing with my appetite (I didn't use tudca) although I think the appetite suppression may have been all in my head. Workout 7 days a week, sometimes two times a day heavy weight training. Sarms, not so much. First is the heavy ester the hormone is attached to. On the other hand, most European forums I visit, are more reasonable with dosages and length, the beginner cycle being 300mg testE a week for 8 weeks. Then maybe use an oral to kick off the cycle. Dead went from 455 to 545. 07/07/13. 350mg test cyp per week, split into two doses. I've ran two SARM cycles before, an ostarine cycle in 2020 and an S4 and Lgd cycle right before this test cycle. Cycle was 1g test-e for 20 weeks, ~750iu of HCG/wk, ran HCG for two weeks after last test-e injection, PCT was 20mg nolva for 8 weeks. Id probably suggest you be prepared to up that to 10-15mg/day if you're running it solo. It wouldn't at all be my first go to for a first cycle. I will begin my second blast come May 1st. [Compound Experience Saturday] Trestolone (Trest, Ment) Compounds. Not going to talk about source on here unless you wanna chat me and NSFW. Might add some saw maletto or DHT blocker shampoo Compounds. I'm older and not looking for big gains; just to feel good and get a little boost in the gym. I was surprised by the above - E2 is 'in range' while my T is through the roof as expected. but thats being very generous, the bulk of your lasting gains are going to come from the injectables. This week we are discussing HIGH TEST CYCLES. I found it better to run the Test a little higher than EQ. Harm reduction focused discussions related to safe usage of AAS, TRT or hormone replacement with the exception of sourcing information. 5mg of asin on your pin days but I didn’t want to crash my shit so I did 6. 1 ref] free andogen index - 447. you won’t really “notice” the testosterone until 6-8 weeks. Anavar hits pretty fast that’s why it’s used a preworkout like 30 minutes to an hour before hand. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to starve on cuts. i find that it helps yes. 5 days then when I still had itchy nips i upped it to 12. Acne kept getting worse started on my neck and a few pimples on my face. Read the rules to learn how to become an approved submitter. 64 - 29 ref] SHBG - 24nmol/L [18. I saw you say you are 6’1 70kgs, you should definitely eat more and train longer before jumping on cycle however. I've heard of people running more-or-less your cycle (well, 250 test + 40 var) for 20+ weeks since it's so easily tolerated. Only that we cannot really know yet. Honestly, I wish I started TRT earlier as it has genuinely increased the quality of life. Optimal dose is EQ is 0mg because a probably-kidney-toxic horse steroid that’s never been approved for human use. You would feel great while on it, depressed afterward once you can't make gains like that ever again, and disappointed when you don't keep all your gains from the cycle. Compounds. But your dosage for TRT is not 400mg+ per week. Unless you have naturally low test before cycle you should bounce back to normal within ~6 weeks. r/nattyorjuice. Previous PED Currently on 6th week of 300MG test en (divided on monday and thursday) and 25mg proviron daily I started feeling test on 5th week a bit more and on 6th it's thereHOWEVER, I seriously think go on 500mg per weekI Just want a simple solid cycle to avoid as many sides as I could and hence the only test cycle In an interview, Dr. This may have been answered before in a post but Ill ask anyways, why are ADMIN MOD. To ease back in, I thought I'd jump on a simple test cycle. I've read you can run it from the start of the cycle or after a few weeks and even only as pct. Bloods on cycle: estradiol - 110pmol/L [41 - 159 ref] testosterone - 110nmol/L [8. Think 750mg/wk or more. Npp, winny, anavar and primo are the most common examples in that sense. Cycle. Get a blood test mid cycle but sides on 500 might happen to you within a week or 3 weeks depends on your body but the average person can handle 12. I've ran injectable and oral winstrol at 50 mg per day. Cycle : 20 weeks Test E 500mg/w pinning 250mg E3. Your ultimate guide to anabolic steroids. 6 Week Winstrol 50 mg (6 Week) (Week 7-12) Age 27. Week 3: 20mg per day. These threads are extremely useful as an archive Hcg on Test only cycle. The doses you run make no difference when it comes to shutdown and recovery. I would suggest keeping your TRT dose where it’s at and adding in 20-40mg anavar daily for 6-8 weeks. A place away from r/bodybuilding and r/steroids to discuss whether the people you post are, or have been, on some sort of juicy substance or not. Yep, I know blends suck because you can't toggle the ratios, but I can confirm it's legit product at least. Pre-cycle E2 level: 38 (All other blood markers in range, nothing of note) Lifting History: Been lifting for roughly 10 years. 5 grams per vial instead of 500mg per vial, which means each vial costs upwards of $300-350. I mean if you just want a short cut to your genetic potential, it would take you closer, quicker, but in terms of long term fitness goals it First cycle Test E and Dbol - First log (5 days in) My Testosterone Ethenate and Dianabol Cycle Log: 25yo 5'7" 68kgs 9%bf. These threads are extremely useful as an archive If you wanna run test E and dbol. If you eat at a small deficit (300kcals) and get on 200-300mg/week of Test E you will gain muscle and loose fat at the same time, given it's your first cycle and you're not carrying a lot of muscle. But you probably won’t take one cycle, after seeing the gains you’ll want to jump on another one and then after that you’ll want to add additional things to your cycle after that. If this is your first cycle then forget the Anavar for now. I ran it at 300mg test 100mg EQ. 5mg EOD if signs. Initially my E2 spiked high (expected) and at the end of 26weeks it was stable at 24. I will have several questions to make sure I get the most out of it. PCT (EDIT: 21) days after last injection: (EDIT: Nolvadex Nuking your DHT with fin/dut and using RU on your scalp will greatly help fight any extra loss. • 3 yr. Get some liver help and don't do a ton. Reply. 4-andro may work, but I found dermacrine was just enough to combat the lethargy and sexual side effects. I have heard it prevents shrinkage, but if you don't care about that during the cycle then I wouldn't worry. I've been on both 125mg and 150mg dosage to experiment with. I dont want to hear why I shouldnt Test E + Tbol cycle. AI : Aromasin 12. Height: 5' 10". So many guys think they need to destroy their estrogen and it's such a stupid thing to do. Winstrol is an incredible steroid. 500mg Test E for 16 weeks, 6 weeks 50mg of anavar to start the cycle Trest is counterproductive since you're running a SARM and its going to shut you down harder than most steriods. in a 4-6 week dbol cycle you MIGHT get an additional . Do not run more than 300 test unless you wanna like a puff ball. 25mg daily) 9 weeks HCG (2 x 250ui per week) PCT - Nolva 40/40/20/20. I finished my first cycle/PCT a while ago, had zero sides during the PCT. 3 - 54. 500mg is recommended for your first cycle. Discussing sources will get you banned. These threads are extremely useful as an As far as test dosage goes you should refer to the first question. I know most people say you never do just one, but thats where my mentality is. My first cycle at 32 was a simple 250mg/week of Test E. Honestly, no it probably wouldn't. though i still was seeing some hair loss when taking EQ. Dosed 12. I just finished a cut on test using 500mg. • 2 yr. What I’ve learned over the years is the harder the cycle in terms of doses the less you retain. It is for PCT EXPERIENCES (whether good or bad). If you have only just started the injections. went from 195-230lbs in 15 weeks. Yes, I used Test with all of these cycles, proper AI, and PCT protocols (as I saw fit). 5D + 30 mg dbol ED Weeks 12-15 HCG 500 IU EOD Week 16 : PCT 20 mg nolvadex for 4 weeks, then 4 weeks at 10 mg. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user That's your standard 1st cycle. Let’s just dive right in on the dose and duration. ) Keep the environment free from any monetary influences. &nbsp; &nbsp; r/steroids. I am an 18 year old looking to start my first cycle. 200mg a week is a mild cycle if you're actually normal. Goals of cycle are to solidify current mass and get that dense look, also fond of boners. Acne totally cleared up pretty quickly fortunately. I'm balanced and driven. Some days I would also take 25mgs of I'd use a slightly higher than TRT amount of test (200-300/wk) along with the trest and evaluate. dutasteride for hair loss. 500 mg plus dbol kickstart or finisher is probably the most common beginner cycle out there online. Some weight and strength gains. Disclaimer: I love dbol and did nearly the same beginner cycle. Started at 19 and I don’t have a single regret. It’s usually in the 75-200 mg a week range. &nbsp; &nbsp; Go to nattyorjuice. I've been on doctor prescribed TRT for over a year now and finished a 16 week Test (500mg/wk)/Dbol blast 8 months ago. Also bought steroid test kits to make sure all my test was real! Monday Feb-14 First injection - 150mg Thursday Feb-17 150mg Felt increased anxiety, sleep was hard first night but then sleep became amazing rest of the week. The only thing I noticed is I gained about 10lbs or so. I’ll more than likely stick to Test only for the next year and then go from there. increase volume of food and fiber but keep calories low using veggies. A vast majority of the population cant cut, TRT or no. Cycle: 10 weeks Test E (2 x 250mg per week) 4 weeks Dbol (30mg daily) 10 weeks Arimidex (0. -1. A good beginner cycle imo would be 300 test + 300 Deca. • 4 yr. Don't pretend it's TRT - The R stands for 'replacement'. On 150mg a week, it was: Total testosterone - 60 nmol/L (1730 ng/dL)Oestradiol - 202 pmol/L (55 pg/mL) (This one didn't come with SHBG sadly) Hcg on Test cycle. If you needed more total MG's or more wet weight, 600 test 300 primo is gonna run your e2 a bit higher and give a rounder Stats currently are 385 dead, 220 bench and not squatting currently from torn acl. TRT doctors in the US will generally prescribe HCG to take throughout your test treatment. The first was a 10 week Test E at 500mg. Low dose Test/Tren/Mast for summer cycle. From personal experience and current cycle, I’m on 400mg test E, 300mg NPP, 25mg anavar, 50mg winstrol. I hope you had some good results and you’re happy with your progress. Pros of cruising seemed to out weigh the cons for me. At 25mg each per day of test and trest I needed no AI. I ran my first cycle @ 22. pic 2. That lab says. My first cycle was very similar. Dianabol is a popular one but it aromatises like hell. There's actually a great deal of critical thinking and rationale that went into arriving at this figure. 50mg of anavar will wreck your kidney markers if you run it for 12 weeks. [Compound Experience Sunday] High Testosterone Cycles. EQ seems to prevent estrogen conversion and it can get too low without more Test. You can find many less androgenic options. 25/0. But if u wanna save money just run it as part of the pct. Going to up to 500mg a week. I would suggest running 200-250 test with 20-30mg anavar daily for 10 weeks if you’re really insisting on doing anavar for that long. The test and deca will come into effect right as the trest is clearing your system. yes they work, but not like injectables do for building lasting muscle. I did many cycles from then until now including: test, Anavar, Winnie, NPP, Tren, Mast. I'm doing a 400mg test cycle + 50mg of proviron daily. Definitely not. Low e2 is horrible for you. First cycle Anadrol and Test at 18. Ran 500mgs of test weeks 1-15 25ms dbol weeks 1-6 75mgs tbol weeks 10-15 150mgs proviron weeks 10-15. Could I take them with my cycle and still…. I'm never coming off. Planned on 12 weeks test-e, extended it to 20, had pct on hand but decided to cruise and now on my second (first real) blast. Arguably the best at crushing SHBG and making all other steroids much more effective and skyrocketing free test values. Many testosterone replacement docs ADMIN MOD. Just pulled test and NPP last week to get rid of water You can blast and cruise after that if you're willing to make the sacrifices necessary. DBOL is for performance enhancement, not building muscle. I did a 20-something week long cycle with 500mg/wk test-e and 400mg/wk mast-e cycle and was really pleased – not, I might add, as pleased as I think I'm gonna be on 500mg/wk test and 600mg/wk eq that I'm doing now, but still – with the results. Add anavar after week 12-13, when you start hitting plateaus. As far as the plan goes it's along the lines of- Weeks 1-4: Hop on the test E train at 600 mg/wk Weeks 5-10: Add in deca and blast it at 300 mg/wk Weeks 11-12: Get off deca and run test for 2 more weeks to slowly get everything back to normal and not fuck up my dick. I've just came to the end of my first steroid cycle, I ran test E for 12 weeks starting at 300mg and finishing at 500mg. IMO drop proviron. . The tbol and proviron weren’t needed but I felt as running 500 by itself wasn’t enough for me. For longer term use 250-500 hcg. PCT beginning 2 weeks after last injection 50mg Clomid Everyday for 4 weeks 20mg Nolvadex Everyday for 4 weeks. But as long as you manage e2 and bp appropriately, it’ll work great. Week 1-6 - 20mg ED 10mg morning 10mg evening anavar + Test E 250mg every Tuesday/Thursday. 5D Weeks 7-13: Test E 250 mg E3. First Cycle Test E 500mg 10 Weeks : r/steroids. 500mg test e for 20 weeks, and 40mg anavar the last 8 weeks. Seriously thinking about running a Test cycle. Stop the HCG 1 week before PCT. 5mg e4d, if needed only. Click Join now to receive Current 4 weeks into test cycle at 400mg a week, I am 5,10 started at 185lbs and have not had any side affects at noticed nothing at all so far, mentally and physically the same as I started. 806mg/kg rather than the 5mg/kg used for the rats in the study. 3. What do you guys think? Tren/Test cycle. We also answer the tough fitness questions that other subs don't, can't or won't. More interesting first tren cycle that 545 went to 15x545. I’m on 175 mg of test a week and prone to mpb and did not notice any extra loss than when I was natty. Second is how mild eq is. Dbol aromatizes into methyl-estrogen, you don’t want to deal with that on your first cycle. 2500 calorie diet. I'm a bit confused on how much and when it is better to run Hcg during a 250-300mg Test E only cycle. Think 350mg/wk or less. Turinabol might be a better bet for you. I'm taking it for now since I'm paying First cycle of 500mg by bench went from a 15 year best of 265 to 320-330 in about 6 weeks. Pin about 5-600 deca per week along with your trest, then add maybe 5-600 test e or something about a week before your trest is due to run out. I 'cruised' on about 250mg of Test Cyp for an additional 5 weeks to bridge between two contests I was Compounds. Get the information you need to make informed decisions about your bodybuilding journey. PolarisZyzz. Only do one cycle, see where it leads me and do PCT. 5 mg/day you would increase human growth hormone predominately if you are looking for that youthful appearance. 2. I've recently acquired a trio-blend of Test/Tren/Mast (all enathates) at 100mg each per mL. 806*100=80. High protein and feeding every 3 or so hours. Use HCG from the start of your cycle at 500iu per week split twice a week. I keep about 80% of my gains. 26 weeks. Kenshiro199X. [Compound Experience Thread] Tamoxifen (Nolvadex, Nolva) Compounds. Weeks 1 - 2: 20mg DBol Daily (Every 12 Hours) + 250mg Test per week. 25 - . the rad140 has a higher binding affinity then the test and you will have a lot of left over T that will be converting to estrogen and DHT which can cause various side effects. Archived post. With short esters you can run shorter cycles because they reach peak levels quicker and show results quicker. When run solo, you will also tend to get low e2 Blaming hunger is a mindset for the weak. Yes it will be a great cycle, Take a lower dose of test than you typically would blast. Other cycles without a test base, like nandrolone or tren only also pose lowered estrogen problems. My bench has always been shit due to an old shoulder and wrist injury. For a cycle 2000 iu hcg and 75 fsh 3x a week is how much to prevent all atrophy. Winstrol will dry you out, and give you that grainy, dry and veiny look that you see in bodybuilders. Been off for 2 months 125 mg test e a week. Body weight ~ 155lbs. Maintain user safety as a primary concern in all discussions. Instead, if you still feel good at week 15 just run your cycle at 300 an extra week or so. Weeks 4 - 12: 500mg Test per week all the way through. Increase your Test to around 500 when you feel comfortable for it. This is a contest prep cycle. Really will depend on many factors but for me personally. 250mg a weeks is higher than a trt dose but not the highest dose for a cycle. Learn about the benefits and risks of steroids, how to use them safely. 5mg of aromasin from there on out. Edit: Ran dbol 25mg a day for 6 weeks mid way through first cycle. I gained about 10lbs while reducing bodyfat by 2%, and made good gains on all my lifts. Doesn't automatically mean sarms are more harmful. This is all anecdotal, of course, and you Compounds. For those unaware, each week we have Background. So for a human the dosing would be 0. More time on cycle definitely equals more time building lean muscle. This week we are discussing LOW TEST CYCLES. 5mg EOD. PCT : Starting in a few days (2 weeks after last pin) 50mg clomid ED for 2 weeks then 25mg ED 2-3 weeks. ago. Tren E 100mg sun/wed, weeks 1-12 Test E 250mg sun/wed, weeks 1-12 Aromasin 12. Primo at this dose was subtle. PCT. the_craneman. I started feeling good and noticed higher libido fairly early into the cycle, but didn't notice significant strength gains at any time. Be careful about Deca, it can raise your prolactin, better to take 400-1000mg of Vitamin B6 (The P5P one) and 150-300mg of Vitamin E everyday to prevent this, if it doesn't work, take caber twice a week. You will get so much water retention on that combo and it will be so much worse at 500, not to mention the gyno you’ll get. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and Had a great first cycle. 250IU hCG 3x per week. 6mg. Im aware a lot of us cruise and much prefer it that way, but please dont turn this thread into an anti PCT thread. You have basically done your first Testosterone only Cycle. You will feel different and you will make gains. [Compounds] High Testosterone Cycles. Tbol was made for athletic performance, and used to be used for doping in the Olympics, it’s great for a first cycle, increased strength, endurance, and energy. I dropped to around 15 on week 12 but then came back up and did really move much between 22-30 (my E2) ADMIN MOD. 0. Well, I didn't stick to the plan. Would add dutasteride or finasteride to combat the hairloss and DHT effects during cycle, dutasteride is gold. For those unaware, each week we have a specific steroid or PED up for discussion. Oh I have no plans to do anything crazy. First half was an anabolic, to build muscle. You probably don’t need the oral, the test is probably enough. Body weight ~ 158lbs. Run the test/deca until you're fat and happy or your bloods look like a disaster. Nandrolone aromatizes at least so that will be probably fine, but tren doesnt. Have Letrozole for AI if any Gyno will take low amount . (i ADMIN MOD. Also I see people saying that You should do one shot of 200iu (or around there)EOD and others saying you They do seem to go well together, but don't do more than one a dayliver. And, again, you're running a sensible cycle. A bit of background; I am 6' @ 175lbs. I was wanting to try 350 test and 200-300mg Primo but I haven’t set anything in stone. Let members decide what content is desirable (within the confines of Reddit’s & /r/steroids TOS and posted rules. I'm currently looking to do around 300mg of test and 10mg of LGD-4033 for 8 weeks on this cycle to bulk as much as possible. Age: 34 years old. Weight 175lb around 16-17% body fat. This week we are discussing 1-Test, Dihydroboldenone or DHB The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. MENT is a gyno nightmare, its also a 19nor so messes with your brain chemistry. I was doing about 400 mg/wk of test and primo and 50 mg/wk of trest. depending on what total MG's you need, you can do things as simple as 300 test 300 primo and maintain a very dry well pumped up physique the entire time, whilst steadily adding protein. 50mg pills. PCT should be. Definitely wait like 4-6 weeks for test to kick in. I've noticed that most of you here are proponents of long-ass cycles for absolute beginners, such as 500-750mg testE a week for 14 weeks. Our comprehensive articles cover everything from bulking and cutting cycles to post-cycle therapy and side effects. Hi guys I’m starting my 2nd cycle this week and wanted to know what everyone thinks and any further advice would be appreciated Week 1-4 Test E (300mg) Week 1-6 Tbol (40mg) Week 4-16 Test E (500-600mg) Week 2-16 Arimidex (. i have been taking Fin alongside on and off test cycles for about 4 years now. My advice would be to run a short ester like Testosterone Propionate, Test Phenyl-Propionate, Test Acetate, etc. [Cycle Report] Quick start Test + EQ Bulk - Boldenone Acetate! Background info: This is my second cycle. Pre-cycle Test level: 550. 80mg is a pretty standard dose for a 100kg powerlifter, or even on the lower side you could say bearing in mind that a single ampoule of winstrol depot would typically contain around 50mg of stanozolol. Limit it to 3-4 weeks at the end of cycle. I was planning on doing 400mg of Test for roughly 10weeks and adding 50-100mg of Anadrol on the 3rd week of my cycle. No interest in GH, insulin, tren… etc. Weeks 2 - 4: 20mg DBol Daily + Test 500mg per week. Never really committed to one road as far as bulk or cut, so spun my wheels back and forth between 160 and 170lbs. Mike Istaerel said that a 4 week cycle of anavar only in the 10-30mg range won't shut down your natural test production, I don't think he touched on suppression (i am assuming it obviously will suppress you). Over the past few weeks I have been weighing the pros and cons of doing a cycle. So just keep eating and training hard. pic. I will have a PCT in hand probably Nolva, I will be getting blood work done before during and after. Read the r/steroids wiki. I started at 2000 and im moving towards 500 with a 500 drop every 3 months. As long as you stick to your protocol and come off when you plan to. Enanthate is brewed at much higher concentration, 250mg/mL, for a total of 2. He said that without a test base, that in 4 weeks it isn't long enough to shut you down (for most people), and that Option 1. But don't pretend that 200mg of test cyp for 12 weeks will be the magic bullet, because it won't. 2 week of Test + Deca cycle. I am taking the next 12 weeks to let my body rest. 5-1lb of muscle MAYBE. Week 7-12 - Test E 250mg every Tuesday/Thursday. r/steroids. I'm looking for a nice dry cut cycle this summer as I'm coming off a massive 500mg/weekly Test + 300mg If you can't, then don't. I'm 3 weeks in on my test e cycle and my guy says they got some Winstrol in and its going fast. Run the dbol your first 4 weeks. Week 4-20 (EDIT WEEK 3-23) Hcg 250iu twice weekly. 500 mg is a low dose. I'm taking 125mg Test + 500mg Deca and I've never felt this good in my entire life. And 500mg test is definitely more effective at building muscle than 15mg of a sarm. At 400mg there's pretty well no chance you'll go low e2 so that's really the only thing to worry about. Week 4: 20mg a day. If you blast there’s a strong chance your testes will shutdown for good. It’ll be like a jumpstart to the cycle. Also, don't automatically think you'll need AI. 400-500 mg/week and see how it goes. 12 week test cycle experience. Trying to cut more than this naturally right now you may end up loosing a lot of muscle as well. . Could have been prolactin then I have run into that issue with deca or tren with mental health problems… also why in replaced 19 Nors on cycle with injectable sarms like lgd4033 30 mg 3 days a week can replace 400 mg deca weekly and 25 mg injectable rad 140 every other day can replace easily 300 mg tren ace a week and a lot less side effects with injectable sarms then 19 Nors ADMIN MOD. Checked my pulse, and it was a little high, once I calmed down it was all good. Maybe some proviron for the second half. The goal of these threads is to generate discussion about the posted compound and get a wide variety of user experiences and feedback about it. Increase cycle length to 20-22 weeks. To have a counter point to last weeks thread, we will discuss how you plan cycles with lower testosterone dosages and possibly adding other anabolics. Week 2 Upped it to 500mg/week Monday Feb-21 250mg Thursday Feb-24 250mg Sleep was decent but started having panic attacks The cycle was 12 weeks of testosterone enanthate at 500mg/wk. ADMIN. I ran another cycle of EQ 🤣 this was now 6 years ago. This is all anecdotal, of course, and you should Test is very cheap to acquire for most us, so using even 100 mg per week or 150 or whatever TRT dosage you choose is very worth it. Anastrozole according to the results of bloodwork or on the expressed sides of E2. you will gradually lose water weight and some of the gains but you are right in saying it does generally increase your potential. Me personally I’ve ran dbol once, actually at the end of a blast. Today is Sunday and I first started my cycle on Kelainefes. Protocol for the first cycle Week 1-6: Test E 250mg E3. Several weeks in, I decided to add some primo and trest. Weight: 170lbs. Nolva 40/40/20/20. Tl:Dr Test is likely safer if only for the mountains of experience humans have with it. It's enough to make you normal if you actually have low T. 5) 2x weekly Week 16-20 Nolva (40/40/20/20. If you want mass out of this next blast run the test moderate to high. tu hz bd fn wx hw dx yq pz bb