Reddit my sister has been lying to her friends for years

Almost ten years ago she suffered from a thyroid storm and doctors told her she was hours from death if Honestly, we can't change other people, that's the first & foremost rule here. Because it really feels impossible. We didnt invite them for this weekend because we really wanted it to be a nice relaxing weekend and my Photo: A woman who was asked to be a bridesmaid at her childhood friend's destination wedding is igniting viral conversation after asking whether it's okay for her to lie in order to get out of Found Out My Sister Has Been Lying About Our Family to Her Friends for Years. Initially my doctor (Dr A) was a colleague of hers from the same clinic but after my doctor (Dr A) was away on maternity leave, I temporarily switched to my sister’s friend (Dr B) as my primary physician and it’s been that way since the pandemic began and I never I 27F was a bridesmaid at my older sister's wedding last week. My 28f, sister 35f, is demanding I either abort or let her adopt my baby. She can use it if she wants, but her guests are never to go into it as it's considered to be Look, my mom said I wasn't allowed to have a crush on my now partner of 11 years because my sister also had a crush on him and declared intent to pursue him before I had it fully figured out (yes my. Confronting her will potentially make "I found out my sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years. I was home and awake doing some cleaning when she got home. They said things like it wasn’t my sister in laws fault that I was jealous. Of course as a good friend, I wanted to help her. He's always been a great guy and even claimed that he divorced his wife to be with her. I miss my sister. My daughter has been lying and blaming it on her stuffies. If your partner doesn’t really believe in you and give you at least the benefit of a doubt, that’s a fundamental reason for partnership that’s missing. SunnyGh0st: I would just ask him first “hey, I texted your work friend while I was waiting for you to reply and he said you never work weekends. Her son she threw out at 16. He has helped us out and is fine at times. I don’t want to. Move on. Plus one update. My sister tried to say they were not lies. My younger sister used to tell her friends I would beat her, spit on her, and abuse her often. Asshole. Your mom deserves so I’m 99% sure my sister is straight up lying to me about her kids’ wellbeing. ” BF and I ended up breaking up at We also have a 5 year old daughter who is good friends with their daughter. steponmyflowers. She's almost 18, she could leave soon and destroy your family's reputation. It is vile that your boyfriend slept with your sister, it is even more vile that your sister allowed it to happen. He sees you working your tail off plus going to school successfully, and wants to match that - but it sounds like he may not have adequate executive function to juggle all that the way you do. My (22M) girlfriend (22F) cheated on me with my sister (24F) I am writing this while shaking and with tears in my eyes, my girlfriend of three years who I thought was the love of my life is cheating on my with my sister. When I married her I was told to believe we both still had our V-cards because of religious reasons. Not like a white lie here and there but fully inventing stories that never happened or completely flipping a situation and lying about what happened in it to make herself look like the good guy/victim in every scenario. She’s one of my closest friends now (14 years later) and I’ve never asked because it doesn’t change a thing. I’m F 43, my sister 41, have always been close and I regard her as my best friend. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I think I might be the asshole because by refusing to go along with Amy’s plan I might be contributing to worsening her relationship with Ashley OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: When my MIL would not stop bugging me about the gender of my baby I took a chance and guessed. When it all began I was in middle school. I was too embarrassed to It might feel like ganging up on her but this is how you catch her in her lies. my brother is 16. Because I was so young I lied to everyone I met about my age (I was 10 saying I was 16) and also because I was an idiot kid I also Just drop out and spend a few years partying your ass off. Well my sister has a Mine complex with my birthday. Recently I found out that she has been lying to me for 2 years about being pregnant and having a baby. I don’t really see the issue she’s going to her parents she’s not being kicked to the street. She’s a very important part of my world. My wife has always been part of the family and insisted we be the host for things as we just got our new house. 1. 369deteted879. She's been amazing in helping me through this but because she is I'm developing feelings for She's always had issues with pathological lying but I recently found out she has been lying to my other sister and parents about me for years - hurtful, relationship My sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years, they think she's being beat and used for being fruity. [new] So my roommate Alexa (Female, 20) and I (female,19) became really good friends with this guy named Asher (male, 20) from our uni. My sister has always been a bit unhinged. My gf of 4 years broke up with me and now I see I don't care how many people want me to drop my sister, I am overwhelmed as it is by all of this. We had kids No matter what you do from here on out - even if you totally forgive her and take her back - you will always know that that trust you had in her and that sense of security in the relationship will never quite return fully. scapegoating, or blaming you when things go wrong. This was a blessing. UPDATE I ghosted my family and fiance after what my sister did. Ugh. This is a place for those struggling with infidelity to ask questions and seek guidance. " Not great at explaining things so bear with me I guess. I'll start with the living situation, I (16M) live with my roommate (26M) my brother (23M) and his wife (22F) along with her mother (48F) and two sisters (15F) and (18F) When my brother hooked up with his wife roughly two years ago, he Ok_Independence_579. Her boyfriend unexpectedly died in an accident about two weeks ago, which has made her so sad that she can barely function. I honestly suspect that her husband has been feeding that mentality to her for a very long time, and he is using it as a form of People usually have at least a couple of friends from work. I’ve long been worried about their wellbeing because of her lifestyle. Even if we were kept apart, she would break my steponmyflowers. she said she's been rped twice at school by her friend, and that me, my brother and my dad have all done stuff to her. ago. and she chewed me out for picking this university (she referred to it as her safe She went to her sister’s house and hasn’t been responding to my messages So am I the AH for being honest? UPDATE: I get it, I’m the asshole. ” I didn’t expect anyone to see or care. it was emotional and all but then she made a joke about how I was the family screw up who finally Exactly! My friend was back in her usual jeans within weeks of giving birth and I have another who hasn’t lost the weight 2 years later even though she’s been exercising. She already speaks one foreign language and she's currently learning 2 more (one of which she's almost fluent in already). ADMIN. Beyond that, their behavior should have made you not want to watch niece either. Ever since we were in high school, she'd often flirt with girls I was interested in. (So gf does hold a special place in her heart for the stuff OOP has bought her, even if it isn't her style. I do agree that if there was something more going on between the two of them that I would know by now. I'm having a super hard time with this to the point where I feel like my relationship with my sister is damaged. This group of friends has now grown to include several other families, totaling about 20-25 people. My mom had my sister a year later. put-downs, insults I Found Out my Sister Has Been Lying About Our Family to Her Friends For Yearsauthor: u/thraway-cat13#reddit #redditupdate #redditrelationship Signs point to an unhealthy relationship. We went through a pretty tumultuous childhood together and have always been very close because of that. Behaviour. We are now 28 and 25. She's always had issues with pathological lying but I talked to a mutual friend of Lucy's and mine about this dilemma and to my surprise he says that he realized that she's been lying for a full year now. She clicked on it and asked my sister what’s [alternate account username] for. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. She then told me we should go to a cafe. Especially my brother. I have been lying to my online friend about myself for years . This “friend” would tell me for the last year and a half how her “daughter’s father” has kept her from her child. Confronting her will potentially make Original post: My husband has been lying to me about our finances and we are fucked by u/No_Cockroach_3567 in r/TrueOffMyChest. Divorce, lawsuit, Id be the pettiest human alive to see that soon-to-be-EX husband suffer. My cousin noticed that my sister has multiple accounts since she has a drop down menu button next to her username at the top. By Leonie Helm. My sister is lying about the paternity of her daughter. Also, cycling in 80s and 90s I'm the oldest of three adult siblings. Advice Needed. My parents have convinced her that everything will be fine. He said that they had both been drinking, but my sister’s husband was way more drunk than my brother was. My sister has been lying about our family to her friends for Found out my sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years. He also said he thinks cutting the degree off is too harsh. I tried to talk to her about it since it wasn’t the first time I caught her hitting our youngest sis and ask her to apologize but instead she covered her ear and start insulting me and I just slapped her. I also recently realized my sister, my precious little sister who I’ve done my best to be a good role mode and friend to- hates me. ” My (19M) sister 'Hailey' (20F, not real name) is a very open and flirty person. Having grown up with your family may make it difficult to decipher any abusive treatment. Convince your parents that you were selfish and used your sister to satisfy your needs when you were young and again when you followed her to university. They broke up when my niece was a toddler and I have always resented her ex for not being in my niece's life. My youngest sister, “Sue” was diagnosed with chronic depression, bipolar disorder, and within the past year, narcissistic personality disorder. Her kids were 3 and 5 when they got together. Do try saying, "That's how you see it, I see it differently," when you hear lies. My sister has been letting her (all male) guests use my private bathroom. #reels #redditstories #reddit #ExplorePage My sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years, they think she's being beat and used for #redditposts #fyp #reddit #humor #funny #trending #comedy #foryou The Last Part of: My sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years, they think she's being beat and used for being fruity. original sound - Best Reddit Stories. I 27F was a bridesmaid at my older sister's wedding last week. I had one female schoolteacher who noticed and actually took the time to speak with me privately. My family assumed I was a hormonal teenager. So about three years ago my (15F) older Found out my sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years AITA | Reddit Stories. I found out early in the month my dad (who’s been separated from my mom since the end of the summer) has been dating my sisters friend “Bree” (20f). I 33F have an older sister 44F who had a daughter (12) with her now ex-fiance. they asked me about my age and i panicked. " The Reddit post has garnered a lot of attention online, with many people sharing their I love my boyfriend, and he was innocent. Sis made sure she became his “best friend,” 100% by design and as her long game to hurt OP. I love her to death and I’m grateful to have her in my life. In her mind, my birthday has always been hers. For example me and my other old friend had this peculiar story that only involved us two, but we’d talk about it sometimes because it was a great story. Sometimes I would subtly ask her for proof like if they were friends on #REDDIT CHEATING STORYIf you find it interesting, please hit the thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel!Please write your comments!#reddit cheating st Recently my sister has come under multiple financial issues mostly by her and her husband’s shitty financial choices. im 19. One time bio mom said she wished I was never born. She bullied me really badly any time I saw her, to the point that I would scream every time my dad even mentioned her coming over. My (32F) sister (25F) told me my BF (29M) tried to cheat on me with her? BF and I have been together for 2 years and living together for 1. I am planning for a double preventative mastectomy as I am high risk for cancer ADMIN MOD. MOD. Have the bitch murdered Ha! My sister (23, F) and I (26, F) use to have what I believed to be a great relationship. In a sense, you must disavow and relation to the members of your family who have turned against you. Me and my fiancée have been together for 4 years. youtube. They’ve been telling me that I’m being vindictive because of a mistake years This year, I decided to be more direct, so I went to her student organization and told her hi; she ignored me, but her friends asked who I was, and I told them I was her sister, and they seemed surprised because she didn't mention me. She never said anything about milestones (potty progress was a bit of an exception) and she always acted so pleased the next day when I told her. First time mom of a 3 year old daughter who's gotten into lying horribly. u/thraway-cat13. She spent her 20s being pregnant and raising kids and he won't "let" her go to her sister's wedding. I know for a fact she does this and has been doing it for 10+ years now and that's how she supports herself. The problem is the friends that are a part of my old circles, because I feel like if I told them then I would lose My sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years, they think she's being beat and used for #redditposts #fyp #reddit #humor #funny #trending #comedy #foryou #textstory redditstory ThrowRaway2157. I try to hype myself up to finally be honest to my friends, but then I never try. I (27m) have been married with my wife (28F) for 8 months now. Any man that has to lie like this to get a woman has issues. The day after he died, she knocked on my door at like 3 AM. They know my wife's views on the vaccine. We aim to keep this a safe space. In the beginning of her My sister is not doing great and can’t hold a job, so this would ensure she has something for when my parents pass. My dad had weekend visitation with Taylor at our house until I was 8, and it was the worst. I’ve lived by myself overseas for 3 years to study, meaning I’ve had a lot of time away from my sister (but I still visit once a year), but my love for her never decayed. Stop looking for sympathy, you’re not getting it. Once we became friends, our families eventually merged and became super close as well. Since the narcissistic diagnosis, she's stopped seeing her psychiatrist and stopped taking her medication. 89K subscribers. My brother says that my sister’s husband said things about me, he didn’t say exactly what because he said it was vulgar but he said basically he’s attracted to me and my brother really kept pushing that he didn’t think I should be left alone with him. Help keep the sub engaging! Without fail its an eyebrow raising gap and she had the kid quite young. I don't think im the AH because her bf deserved to knpw. This is a new update in an ongoing story that has been shared here previously. Friends that I make recently that aren't a part of my old friend circles are told almost immediately. My sister (23f) cheated on her boyfriend (23m) and he’s about to propose. The only AH here is your husband. WIBTA I I made my 10yr old sister use her birthday money to pay me back. Upon my return my sister has been horrible to me. I called and profusely apologized but she said she would think of my comments every time I look at her and it’s something she can’t just forget. Members Online • No-Perspective4055 . Once the economic reform was announced is when many families uplifted their standard of living. But yesterday whilst we had some friends over we talked about how young kids My dad said that it was couples and family counseling, or it was divorce. What you had is gone. My brother disagreed, but my sister is a girl, so she definitely knows better than him. I always had my suspicions that my sister likes girls but i was never sure, however if we were going out and she i’ve been lying to my online friend about my age, i’m 14 saying i’m 24. I always had my suspicions that my sister likes girls but i was never sure, however if we were going out and she Here's my problem with all this, about 4 years ago, my sister told me she had a crush on my friend. Their dad was active in their lives, he paid his child support. For the last 13 years I have been no/low contact with my family. NTA, your sister is. My sister did and still does believe she is entitled to my birthday because it's been that way as long as she could remember. But each one I pointed out from over the years said otherwise. We had known each other since pre school, our family's are very close. 6K Likes, 294 Comments. NSFW. You can wait a while to worry about all this grown up bullshit. This person and I have grown quite close and attached to this idea of my "little sister". I’m getting desperate so I’m hoping for some advice from anyone or anywhere. The other day I talked with her (for the first time in almost 2 years) on the phone. She lives in an old musty With the covid situation, one of my parents revealed to me that they overheard my sister in one of her (now) online therapy sessions saying how they make her stand in the corner or take away her food when she misbehaves. So about three years ago my (15F) older sister (17F) Leah’s (fake name) personality basically did a 180 over night, she went from being the sweet reliable big sis to kinda snappy and closed off? AITA for faking sleeping all night to see if my wife is lying? Not the A-hole. She is Worst! Reddit Relationship StoriesWatch More: https://www. me and this friend are pretty close, we get along really well and they think i’m 24, i’m very mature for my age. We hung out a lot before she introduced me to her sister, so I’ve known her longer and she’s one of my best friends and is probably the person that knows me the best other than my family and Nancy. We divided household responsibilities pretty evenly but we don’t split every responsibility down the middle, and finances were his job. I grew up with a narcissistic mom. So my friend (f37) runs a small online-based business so she works from home. This was more of a way to try and get it out of my mind and instead it has blown up. TLDR: my girl friend may be exaggerating about her health problems and seems to be self-centered. Fucking your own sister’s boyfriend is NOT a mistake, so when she is crying, playing the victim, because she ‘made a mistake’ tell her to wipe her face & get a grip. I’ve seen this since Lying can be a long-established coping skill that becomes part of a dysfunctional pattern in relationships. Subscribed. She is 33 years old and I am 28 yet since she decided to sell drugs for a living rather then work, she constantly asks for me money, food, she asks for borrow my car (to which I say no) and she just thinks she is entitled to This is Reddit's very own solution-hub. Because she's never been caught breaking the law before she'll get a slap on the wrist or something. I (25f) had one rule when we moved in together 2 years ago: if she (24f) wants the master bedroom with attached bathroom, then the other bathroom in the house is mine. With the holidays rolling up, I’m tempted to call her. A 32-year-old female sparked a heated conversation on Reddit after asking whether lying to her friend to decline a destination wedding invitation, and retire Published Apr 01, 2023 at 7:00 AM EDT. Weed probably doesn't help. I (24f) recently moved back in with my parents so I could finish trade school. I came for art education- but realized all my art classes have done was made me hate my artwork- something I spent years teaching MYSELF to do. •. You did what you felt was right, that's all anyone can ever ask of you. she's falsely accused us of rping her. i dont understand. So now to the issue at hand here: Beth had been married for 2 years. My sister, Laura, has been married for 7 years in September to her college boyfriend, Charlie ( (no kids)). when she was confronted, she jumped out of i’ve been lying to my online friend about my age, i’m 14 saying i’m 24. My (17M) twin sister (17F) has been sleeping in my bed with me. I’ve felt guilty about lying for all these years but feared if I said anything it would ruin our relationship because I had betrayed her trust for so long. I also despise most seafoods (unless grilled I find it hilarious that he insists that he doesn’t care about me but constantly brings my name up. It’s been a few years at this point. So first started lying to help boost my social status, it worked for a bit but then it didn’t start to add up and people asked lots of questions and I had to lie even more to cover it up (this was when I was about 9 years old) I had a chance to restart when I The only two people in the story that actually applies to is OOP’s husband and obviously the sister’s husband. My GF (20F) and I (22F) have been together for almost two years now and so far everything's working out okay. Our relationship has always been rocky. I had her as my maid of honor 8 years ago and she promised me that I Dmytro Botvinovskyy / Getty Images. My (33F) sister (35F) cheated on her husband and won't confess to anyone. 71. I was aware that a lot of women wouldn’t be on board with this and I went into my dating life knowing this was likely a dealbreaker. She caused pain and sorrow all for the love of jehovah. I am upset that this girl she’s dating has been spending the night at our house pretending to For the past 12 years my sister has been struggling with opioid addiction. We all really liked him. This is despicable and you deserve better than him. I wrote this post to get it all “off my chest. She confessed to him and he turned her down, hard apparently. The wedding was beautiful and everything seemed perfect until the reception. she's been telling her friends we touch her up. I (24F) have a half-sister (27F), we'll call her Taylor. 95. I might be the asshole for lying, unknowingly, about my baby's gender and putting my MIL on an awkward position. You're very likely right she was lying about contacting the restaurant. However, even after I stopped being friends with her, she continued to make up lies about me and made my life hell right up until we graduated. Dear Newsweek, my wife and I have been together for 34 years, and married for 32 years. Recently my sister has come under multiple financial issues mostly by her and her husband’s shitty financial choices. My sister says I’m an a**hole for not wanting to back her up after keeping her lie for all these years. We both had a miscarriage in You do not owe them an apology, and their behavior has made it unsafe for you to watch niece. I talked to a mutual friend of Lucy's and mine about this dilemma and to my surprise he says that he realized that she's been lying for a full year now. She’s living in his house, he has the right to control who comes in and out of his house. The problem is the friends that are a part of my old circles, because I feel like if I told them then I would lose Well, 3 years later and we’ve met several times irl, I’m traveling out of the country to visit her for 10 days next month, and we’re kinda sorta becoming more than just friends. . My oldest sister’s lifelong best friend has been my doctor for a couple of years. My babies went to a home daycare and I’m certain that was her strategy. In the above link, when I posted originally, I asked for advice on if I should tell my brother in law that my sister has been cheating on him for 3 yrs. The new update will be marked with 🔴🔴🔴. It was several hours later that I got a message from my parents saying I needed to be with my sister. My sister has been asking since we got the place when she'd get to see it and we told her at some point this summer we'll have them over, and that truly is the plan. Keep being yourself, those who truly love and know you will know the truth. I told her bf the truth resulting in their breakup. I lied to my best friend. My sister has written 5 АITA pоsts with 2 аccounts as well as multiple рosts on other subs with very great detail about serious family issues. My sister’s fiancé was with her for her procedure and I presume he knows how she got sick. It's an event everyone looks forward to, complete with a trophy for the best homemade BBQ sauce and a brisket cook-off. I heard from her friend that she was telling everyone she got hit with a car door and not my fist. I was engaged to John, after dating for 4yrs. these past five years of dating have been amazing, and john's always been the I (22F) have found out recently that my older sister (24F) has been lying to her therapist a lot. When he tried asking her about it she got very defensive and doubled down on the lie. When she was in high school her and my twin used to fight all the time. Long story short my parents and grandma had to pay about $7,000 to help her out of the situation. My sister is the type of girl who has dreamed of getting married since she was a little girl. Needless to say, it's been over a year. We were close until junior year, when I discovered she had been spreading false rumors about me. I'm guessing my sister, Sarah (26f) told her best friend, Jay (27m) about it because a few minutes later Jay texted me to ask if I'm okay. The title is basically the story. No-Win-3546. The jehovah witnesses are very brainwashed. I need a little advise on the matter as I don't know what to do anymore. The key for relationship partners to break a dysfunctional pattern is for both sides to Aggressive manipulation tends to involve more obvious attempts to control your behavior, including: shaming or mocking you. I have been trying to make an effort though. I wish I could personally thank each and everyone of you, and I did try my best to reply to every Do not waste your energy arguing and fighting with the family who has betrayed you. Life Reporter. The worst thing you can do is provoke someone when you’ve recognized that they’re not being honest with you. My mom was angry, but didn't divorce him because of it. People truly don’t get the role of genetics has in weight loss. I was with an abusive ex and I experienced about the isolating part from him complaining about my friends to me--so never even meeting my closest ones. She got herself out with some minor damage to her vehicle. A few days later I got another call and was told my sister had been pregnant, the baby passed away inside of her and she delivered a stillborn all while he was out sleeping with someone else. 2. Now it’s like we’re back to square one. Changing your sister would require a literal 180° on a lifelong behavior that's likely at this point just part of who your sister is - like point of no return - and you already know how that works: When someone does confront her, they are just made to seem crazy. Ever since the start of our relationship, she sometimes would tell me stories that I already saw on the internet. I would always tell my sister to sue him for child support but she would always say he So my 15 year old sister has been in a relationship with a girl for more than a year now. I’m the beginning when they first met and he introduced us to her, we were happy for him. After asking for a couple hundred dollars Let me set the scene: Every summer, I throw what my friends and family have lovingly dubbed the "Meatstravaganza," a BBQ bash celebrating all things meat. She's never put a label on her sexuality but she has said she's attracted to everyone. The only recent lies he has told have been regarding his friend. My sister (20 f) and I (22 f) have been close our whole childhood. If you cave on this, you could regret it One of my old good friends used to add himself into stories he wasn’t there for. What the sister did was not cool with all of the lies she told #reddit #entitledparents #entitled #mom #stories Part 2 of: My sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years, they think she's being beat and used for being fruity. I was 21 when my fiance asked me to marry him. This year’s curveball? My sister has a new boyfriend who is vegan. like, i helped her escape from an insane life or death situation, and i am genuinely not even so basically my friend has been lying to me about being friends with someone who betrayed me and did me dirty for almost 2 years now. He kind, affectionate and very warm and we all loved him. My sister looked flustered and said her friend set that up on her phone for some reason. My wife is a bartender. I ghosted my family and fiance after what my sister did. My sister was 18, and was my mom's golden child. Just live. The most popular and socially adept among Our mother feels sorry for her because she has a lot of health problems, and she also doesn’t want to abandon her child, but my sister is 26! No matter what is given to her or done for her, she . she had sobriety for maybe a year at her longest but in between she’s been homeless, OD’d, assaulted, and hit pretty much all of the rock I 19F and my best friend 19F who we will call Debbie , have known each other since we were 16. I'm now 51, and she is 53. First post : I’m 19m, twin sister is 19f, dad is 38m. Dump him AND dump her. • 10 mo. My sister is a know pathological liar. I wanted to post an update with what’s been happening . We have known him for about 6 months now. My little sister (10) and I share a jack and Jill bathroom, I had been noticing slime and spilled wax all over the counter tops and and light switch in my side of So this all started yesterday when I (22f) had a date planned with a guy. My parents have not talked to her about it, as they want her to feel safe in her therapy and know that they shouldn’t have So, for context my brother has been with his gf for about 3 years now. Wow guys, I don't even know where to begin. He ended up not showing and so naturally, I texted the group chat about it (my sister is in this particular group chat). It didn't matter who proposed she just wanted to be married. Original post: My husband has been lying to me about our finances and we are fucked by u/No_Cockroach_3567 in r/TrueOffMyChest. Try to look at the situation in the context of their perspective, and attempt to understand why they felt the need to lie. At this point all of the people our age call each other cousins. com/p FULL INTERVIEW -- Today, I sat down with Sebastian Roger's mother and stepfather about the current investigation after 15-year-old Sebastian Rogers has Saying things like, “Look what you’ve done!” or, “Look how you’ve hurt me!” won’t be helpful. You’re just as bad as he is. We announced the pregnancy a month ago at a dinner party we hosted, and everyone seemed surprised and overjoyed. She's currently with another guy (34F) whom she has known for 15 years. That's why she screamed last year. Hell, Id probably send the police on him for stealing my sisters phone. Subreddit Announcement The Asshole Universe is Expanding, Again: Introducing Another New Sister Subreddit! My parents sounded like they had everything taken care of like your dad and then after a rift in the family caused by my sister to turn everyone against me after which I cut contact with her, I’ve reconciled with my parents who asked me about giving power of attorney to her a couple of times to which I said please give it to a neutral third I’ve (26F) been helping my sister (29F) lie in court about being abused by her soon to be ex-husband (28m). That username set off alarm bells. Do drugs, have sex, maybe start a folk-punk band. It's not your fault you didn't feel the need to keep up her charades. Update I told my sister our dad is dating her close friend. Because now you know that she's capable of cheating and lying. Since then, to my knowledge, he’s been so much better about it. Hell my aunt (her sister) is a lot more of a mother than she was. Spanning anywhere from where she is, to car accidents, to cancer. Thank you for all of your kind advice. It’s part of the reason our other siblings do NOT talk to her. That, or she doesn't care. My sister has been this way toward me literally since I was born, and she's been fixated on hurting me and humiliating me and lying about me our entire lives. Even to the point where she volunteers her lies. In the family counseling I called her out on how she ALWAYS believed my sister's lies. After asking for a couple hundred dollars My mom was angry, but didn't divorce him because of it. She must be a very convincing liar or a master of not saying anything descriptive about her duties as an RN, her coworkers, supervisor, and the general hospital atmosphere. But my mom's interference always meant my sister got off easy anyway. My sister (36F) separated from her husband a few years ago. 5 years. my sister told me she was dating my fiancé. My sister calledme an AH and said it was all my fault. Not great at explaining things so bear with me I guess. I had a brain tumor, family fell apart and my best friend died of an OD so I went crazy and forgot who I was. He was the absolute light of my life. This happened some years ago. like, i helped her escape from an insane life or death situation, and i am genuinely not even My sister found everything all the chats that I had with those persons she got sooo mad and she told everything to my parents my mom spanked me and asked if I want to be a slut, she started making comments about me acting like an older person, once I was laughing with my nice (10) years old and she started screaming saying that I should stop so basically my friend has been lying to me about being friends with someone who betrayed me and did me dirty for almost 2 years now. Just don’t understand why he’s back to lying when it comes to her. When I turned 18 late last year, my sister and I both started planning to move out. ADMIN MOD. She and her sister also have a great relationship. I find it funny - don’t let it bother you. 4 years ago I met my now fiancée and we started dating. My partner, 29M, and I are very excited, as this is our first baby and we have been trying for a few months. I'm thinking maybe the gf wears the stuff he bought her for date nights, or planned events as she thinks of the silver stuff as special pieces. Now with online classes I live with my family again, and it has been emotionally wrecking. We searched for her on Google and found that she detailed her whole story online. I don’t mean to lie to yourself, or ADMIN MOD. Update: Hi all. AITA for not giving my engagement ring to dead fiancé family? Not the A-hole. I’ve been friends with Brandi for 15 years. She wasn't interested in doing things together anymore. yep, this is exactly what it sounds like. I didn’t reply to anything and just cried myself to sleep. It’s weird position I guess. throwRA37482749877. Well, 3 years later and we’ve met several times irl, I’m traveling out of the country to visit her for 10 days next month, and we’re kinda sorta becoming more than just friends. I talked to her fiance and he was shocked. Her boyfriend was studying for the MCAT in his free time and wasn’t spending as much time with her. Over the years my father has attempted to reach out to my mom about me, but she has never budged. #scalingstories #storytime #minecraftparkour #reddit #redditstories #redditreadings”. I decided when I was a teenager I didn’t want to have sex until I was married. My wife Caroline (26) was best friends with my youngest sister Beth (25) and that’s how we met. Initially my doctor (Dr A) was a colleague of hers from the same clinic but after my doctor (Dr A) was away on maternity leave, I temporarily switched to my sister’s friend (Dr B) as my primary physician and it’s been that way since the pandemic began and I never Everyone Sucks. I don’t regret defending him, but I do regret how things turned out with my sister. Mckaila (22F) and I (25M) met in college and have been dating for several years. AITA I lied about having a college fund for my step sister to save my sister. That's why she freaked out this year. This has been another big point of contention for me personally because, well, I'm interested in pursuing education policy with a more social justice-focused aspect (I know, >social justice on reddit). Truth is, people who are like this are often obsessed with you. Things with my BF could not have been better; he treats me like royalty and even gets along great with my family to the point where my parents refer to him as their son-in-law. She then proceeded to cut their friendship and stop talking to him. We have since both graduated and while she has struggled to find work in her degree field, together we are doing quite well. I have never met my dad. I of course run into her room and see on He's been lying to you but I also suspect he has a mild learning disability or is otherwise neurodivergent. I received multiple texts at this point from them telling me what an asshole I am for making this about me. Now that I took her of Facebook she’s in a rage and has cut my off, going as far as to take me off her will. The story she has been telling in court is actually the story we heard about on the Steve Wilcos show involving a girl from Kentucky. I’m 39 and married with 3 kids. TikTok video from Best Reddit Stories (@redditrave): “Found out my sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years #redditrave #storytime #minecraftparkour #reddit #redditstories #redditreadings #askreddit”. Until 1992 not every family had a car or other luxury products. While most lies start as self-protection, they end as self-sabotage. we hang out online almost everyday for hours and hours talking about games and drawing and just I have a very good relationship with my fiancées twin sister, “Peggy”. In front of both my mother and grandma. like, i helped her escape from an insane life or death situation, and i am genuinely not even I f (27) have been best friends with this person for 10+ years. I'm removing the Spoiler formatting on throwawayaccount7820. When you get the rare opportunity to really discover a person’s loyalty and they fail horribly, believe what you discover. My parents went through all the ropes ; detox, multiple rehabs, setting boundaries, etc. found out my sister has OP No Longer Wants Her Friends To Babysit (New Update) NEW UPDATE. I’m grounded with no phone so I’m using an old phone with 20% battery so this has to be rushed so excuse the grammar. She'd also flirt with my friends when they'd come over to hang out. I've heard stories of people lying about having kids and siblings to garner sympathy and this was so basically my friend has been lying to me about being friends with someone who betrayed me and did me dirty for almost 2 years now. She is the one that left. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1)I have lied to my friends for 4 years 2) emotional sentiment attached Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. I (18) saw my sister (11) hitting my other sister (9) in the head with a remote multiple times, so I came in to stop them. For all these years, she's been lying? she's 12. She made her bed time to lie in it. When friend and his ex split, he was giving her money occasionally to help out because he still had feelings. I slapped my sister. My grandfather’s wishes were crystal clear, and also I kind of don’t feel like doing more than the minimum for any of them. Your parents need to understand that they helped you do this, and that they are responsible. Found out my sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years AITA | Reddit Stories I hung up the phone and continued about my day. Lying to my guy friend about being in a relationship. I realize that. I know Debbie has had lying issues in the past and have caught her in many lies. Also said that he will be confronting her about this later. Your job after that is to respect her desire for distance from you. There can #CheatingStories #CheatingStory #redditsories #reddit #podcast #stories #AudioStoryInspired by reddit cheating stories, askreddit top posts and funny reddit #foryou #redditstories #reddit #shortvideo #shortsvideo #storytime #redditposts #storytelling #story #shortsfeed Now the girl that's been helping me through this I've been friends with 1. She’s been claiming that the cats wake her up constantly and that she’s frustrated every night that she “has to get up and open the door for the cats” or “the cats keep making noises #CheatingStories #CheatingStory #redditsories #reddit #podcast #stories #AudioStory #listenablestoryInspired by reddit cheating stories, askreddit top posts I'm the oldest of three adult siblings. Even if my wife comes clean (she won't), the damage to our friendships will be immeasurable. So technically grand and great grandma. Which is fine I’m not against her being a lesbian or bi or whatever she is. Sometimes, it’s not until you’ve gotten away or moved out of the home that you realize She punched me so long my arms were permanently sore until I left. Year or two later he’s telling the story like he was there and is just saying bs and getting the details My sister has been with her fiance for 2 years and engaged for 6 months. He told her she's not his type and she's way to young, according to him she was persistent and he ended being a little mean about it. The past couple of months, my wife has been complaining about our cats. The first hug I have received in my life was at 10 years old when Dan (my mom's BF) hugged me when I thanked him for a gift. we hang out online almost everyday for hours and hours talking about games and drawing and just She must be in school in late 80s and 90s. The internet had Wow!!! Mental HEALTH is so important and never ignore these kinds of problems like the mother did. #reels #redditstories #reddit #CheatingStories #CheatingStory #redditsories #reddit #podcast #stories #AudioStory #listenablestoryInspired by reddit cheating stories, askreddit top posts A man who recently attended his elder sister's engagement party was left baffled after learning that her friends had been told a very different version of their Updated 12:31 AM EDT, Fri June 28, 2024. So about three years ago my (15F) older sister (17F) Leah’s (fake name) personality basically did a 180 over night, she went from being the sweet reliable big sis to kinda snappy and closed off? ADMIN MOD. UPDATE My (20m) sister (28f) said our dad isn't invited to her wedding. AITA for telling my sister I will never accept her or her life choices. and this girl isn’t just my friend, she’s one of my closest friends and we even called each other sisters. She's already doing that but The sister had allegedly years of knowledge of her being kicked out, but I guess even her friends may have started questioning it, because of the older gay brother, and maybe My sister said my gf was definitely cheating on me. I didn’t find out until months later when I got in a fight with one of my friends and they called me out for my “behavior. 6K views 1 month ago #redditupdates #redditstories #reddit. She was working full time already at the same place her best friend worked, and she asked her friend if she could set me up a job there as well, so now we both work at the same place. Again, because they don't understand, or care. " The Reddit post has garnered a lot of attention online, with many people sharing their My oldest sister’s lifelong best friend has been my doctor for a couple of years. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I'm in my 30s now, but back then I was 22. 7K Likes, 577 Comments. Yeah, I addressed this in another post, but my parents honestly did nothing to my sister. it was emotional and all but then she made a joke about how I was the family screw up who finally ADMIN MOD. 84. Not the A-hole. They approached you, and they broached the subject. He said she told him that it's our dad doesn't want to go since it would inconvenience other people there. And especially stop messaging me because AITA banned you. TLDR: My BF of 3 years has been and continues to disappear every weekend for "work" but when I asked his coworker, it turns out he's been lying about it and I have no idea how to confront him. Whenever I tried to talk to her or suggest doing something, she would quickly shut me down, saying she was busy or just TL;DR: sister has been lying for years about my family being ab*sive and homophobic, just found out, confused on what I should do please help. So this all started yesterday when I (22f) had a date planned with a guy. A 23 year old is not even on my radar (even if I were single). TikTok video from ScalingStories (@scalingstories): “My sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years, they think she's being beat and used for being fruity. TikTok video from Best Reddit Stories (@redditrave): “Found out my sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years #redditrave #storytime 1,063 likes, 34 comments - fuziverse on January 11, 2024: "PART 7 OF 7 - My sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years, they think she's being 34 comments - fuziverse on January 11, 2024: "PART 7 OF 7 - My sister has been lying about our family to her friends #fuziverse #storytime #reddit #redditstories # Found out my sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years. mom is insane and an asshole) turns out they were less compatible than anyone thought because their friendship fell through before they ever I 17F found out that my sister 16F has been writing many posts on reddit about our family and our family's problems. Considering the components of manipulation include “brainwashing”, it’s hard to tell if you’ve actually been mistreated at all. And despite being surrounded with people who actually care for me now, I’m still lonely. I, 28f, am currently 19 weeks pregnant. A few weeks later, they give us news that she is pregnant and therefore got kicked out of her home because her family didn’t accept that. Deleted account, because my new job friends knows my usual account & they don’t know about me used to be engaged. I am 32F. she's said she had a kid and its in care. She's always had issues with pathological lying but #REDDIT CHEATING STORYIf you find it interesting, please hit the thumbs up button and subscribe to the channel!Please write your comments!#reddit cheating st throwawaybirthday33. If I tell the truth, our friendships will be deeply damaged. Do empathize about how isolated and alone your adult child likely feels when lying. We got in a fight and she told my friends and my boyfriend that she saw me having sex on our couch with some random dude. I guessed wrong. ” If you really loved her like you claimed, you would have not confessed your feelings to her husband. I confronted her about my frustration and said I didn’t want to be talked at, despite understanding her health situation and having enjoyed the friendship previously. “Of course I care about my friend. Even if I wanted to lie to friends (I don't), I suck at it. For background, Stella and I are identical twins, 29F and we will both be 30 when her wedding comes around this fall. A 40 year old man lied to a 23 year old woman and told her he was 30 - he also slept with her while keeping up this charade. AITAH for divorcing my wife because i found out her bodycount. They think because she's 19 they won't throw her in prison. You had 0 obligations to lie to schoolmates. We have been best friends for 2 years and this is my first time lying to him. We're fraternal (obviously) and we've always been really close. On the surface seem ok but when you see and read and are embroiled in you see the utter awelfulness. My (15F) Sister in-law has falsely accused Me (16M) of sexual assault. If you want to know how to get over the betrayal by family members, you have to distance yourself from the abuse. Link Copied! CNN —. They made their bed, they can lie in it. The truth is, we all lie. A person without a food allergy isn't going to contact a restaurant to inquire if the food allergy is present. During the reception the maid of honor who has been my sister's best friend since childhood gave her speech. You rule their lives. I am also to blame for this. pixiipaws. Subreddit Announcements Happy Anniversary, AITA! 71. I’m 16f I’ve a half sister (29) from my mothers first marriage we had a good relationship given the age 83. I have never cared if i got married or not, as long as I have a good career and a happy relationship i'm fine. My mom petitioned for full custody, and was granted it. My dad thankfully has a good head on his shoulders, and always called my sister out on her shit. He would come and have dinner with us on a daily If someone did that to my sister I would go ballistic. my husband has been lying to avoid I have not had a relationship with the other sister, “Emily,” for close to 10 years. It’s especially frustrating because we’re so close, we’re really My sister did this to me when we were in college together. This morning my sister in law must have finally let it slip that she is not pregnant. My morals would have been out the door the second my sister was. In high school, I used to be friends with this girl Annika. 100% chance that our friends will ask me about her status. Her boyfriend said he trusted her pdubs1900. When her friends met me, they all said that I wasn't like how she described. Rooted in all her own shit she won't deal with, like jealousy of OP and her own insecurity. So my younger sister grew close to one of her boyfriend’s friends last summer. AITA for lying to my girlfriend about buying her a car? Not the A-hole. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump participated in their first debate of the After this all blowed over I started talking with the owner of said community as both myself and this little sister. She dated her ex for a long time before meeting My sister has been lying about our family to her friends for years, they think she's being beat and used for #redditposts #fyp #reddit #humor #funny #trending #comedy #foryou #textstory redditstory My sister doesn't understand what she's truly done. It has been a particular point of tension the past few months because I caught her in a lie about her I cut my sister off for lying to me. i, (f22) am engaged to my fiancé, john, (m25) for the past 6 months, and we've been dating since my freshman year of university (i was seventeen and he was twenty). The lies are about his relationships with his female “friends. After the divorce he began dating his boyfriend again, and my mom freaked out over me being "exposed" to this. Originally posted by u/hidinabottle in r/AmItheAsshole on Dec 10, '22, updated Dec 18, '22 and April 20, '23. I 17F found out that my sister 16F has been writing many posts on reddit about our family and our family's problems. ) But throughout her day to day she wears the gold jewelry she purchased herself. #scalingstories #storytime #minecraftparkour #reddit 3. She shunned her daughter for 12 years. A few weeks ago we had some ice where we live and my wife hit a ditch on her way home from work around 1 am. Just to give you a backstory to show a chain of behavior, my sister was in middle school, maybe 7th grade when she OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: My sister been lying to her bf about her age and being in college. And that's 100% on my parents. As I said above, my sister has been sick for more than 10 years now, she is only eating salad with a mixture of lemon and vinegar, she has a disease that can be treated with a surgery but she is refusing and she is a total denial of her body, she transmitted this food anxiety to her kids and having lunch with her is an experience, it became kind of a He’s paying for her university and his friend is ten years older than her. So she began to hangout with the male friend. im heartbroken. My GF lies to me and she thinks I don't notice it. Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Do upvote interesting posts! Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. I’m (36f) and my sister (34). I am honestly so grateful for all the support, advice, beautiful messages and awards you guys have gifted. A couple years ago, I (f) played this game where I met a lot of people. ThrowRAok9. My (28m) wife (30f) has been lying to me about where she is. She has two kids that are 6 and 4, L and W. My sister has not had a job since January this year yet she has been lying to my parents for months, telling them she still works. Dead fiancé name “John” & I’ll start at the beginning, about 4yrs ago. We went through so much trauma together and as her older sister I tried to protect and guide her to be the best she could be. It We're sorry circumstances have brought you to us, but glad we can offer support. It was weird to find out they were dating but I told them My sister was a jehovah witness for 34 years of her 67 years. I hope you all can help. To say it broke me- is barely scratching the surface. they are 21. Social scientists acknowledge it as a deeply human trait. My mom signed a prenup before she married him, and really had no choice. One of my husband's friends lived with a woman for about 5 years. This morning, she came into my bedroom and woke me up saying "Mommy my stuffies ate my valentine's day candy". Do acknowledge and reinforce This happened some years ago. This is what happened back then. Every breakup my sister has ever had she has broke down and shut down completely and felt her life is over. mysisterisgarbage replied to SliceOfFrenchSilkPie. Jesus christ. You may also visit her workplace occasionally for a variety of reasons. ni lq rr mf ms vf wo rg ba hw