Lucario is ash father fanfiction. The Pokemon lashed out, not knowing the target.

Lucario is ash father fanfiction " Gary's- now Blue's- parents had died the year after Ash's father, and his grandfather chose not to pay attention to his struggling grandson, in favor of admiring Ash- now Red- who had a gift with Pokémon only enhanced by his new power. *I'm not going to drop her. 'Father help me' said Lucario, while growling in pain. "Feel the energy flowing through you, Lucario," Father's voice was calm and reassuring. "Lucario, look at this. Ash looked at his Lucario. Kukui - Complete. Hearing what his mom said, Ash and Lucario quickly run back inside the castle's living room where eggs currently are. Ash moved towards the door and stared up at the sky. Luckenhaft: I can't believe Iris thinks Bianca is as dumb as Cameron is. Ash felt slight movement to his left, no doubt his partner mimicking his position and following his view. "Hurt you? Long ago, Lucario tried to stop a war with his master 'Lady Erin', since Sir Arlon is dead. /Satoshi, Lucario - Words: 932 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 264 - Follows: 110 - Published: 12/27/2012 - Status: Complete - id: 8842427 She then walked behind Ash. She didn't expect the Lucario to be Ash's father. " Lucario is a Steel/Fighting Type jackal-like Pokémon that nears four feet in height (3'11" exactly). " "Mew what an honour. Ash saw how late it was getting and looked down at Serena. Ash's eyes returned to their creepy red colour and he blinked once before greedily drinking the water to soothe his aching throat. "But if I do that you'll be arrested!" "It's the only price that I find fitting for me, short of you killing me, as payment for my crimes. Ash Ketchem has dreamed of being a Pokemon Master just like his father, Red Ketchem. " Ash said through his and his Lucario's aura. Ash went upstairs and into his bedroom. "I will make you pay for betraying the Kingdom. Ash started his Journey. Ash smiled at Lucario's question. The regions will be done a bit of different order, too. It looked like Red was going to be an overprotective father. Ash shocked. Basically an Ash x harem fic. No it belongs to him and his lover. And that must have been the man I saw next to him Leaf won't be coming back as Ash's girlfriend again in this fic. /Satoshi, Cynthia/Shirona] Lucario. Lucario looks like some what dog like pokemon and a kangaroo in some points. Follow. "Lucario, with everything that has happened believe me I am more than just proud of my son. With an age-old duty he must finish, and the life of his best friend in danger, he only has the advice of his not-so-trustworthy father, Ash is torn between his duties and friendship. Ash had felt an immediate connection to this small Pokemon, but he wasn't sure why. Ash recalled Machop and the two of them started walking through the city again. Disclaimer: I There's no use in hiding from me. Lucario said. He rushed to hold him up. That night, Ash and Lucario lied down next to each other next to a stump with Pikachu and Caterpie on it. Johanna had mentioned that before in regards to Dawn's missing father in the past, and how she continued to stay strong even when alone. The drone announced, projecting an image of Ash from its eyes "Which means the victory goes to Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town!" The crowd cheered slightly louder. With the frequency of mind control so high, Lucario became more aggressive than before, and no longer heard Ash's voice, nor did he perceive his Aura. Hindered by denial, Ash must discover her power and her purpose, and more pressingly, why that Lucario won't STOP. " Honestly, Sir Aaron was thankful for the somewhat calm reaction Ash was having. Words. Alternate-version of the Also, I am struggling to decide who I want Ash's father to be for this one. Ash watched the Pokemon walk out of the room, not quite sure what to make of him. He got on the clothes Lucario picked for him. "Hey Ash are you okay?" I am your Father" The Ilama with Golden Wheel said, a hint of sigh in his out-worldly voice. Master. My name's Ash, and this is my buddy Pikachu," Ash said. " Ash looked to the floor, shutting up. They both had. Ash Ketchum displays a bad sense of direction as he had often got lost in the forest but managed to find his way around with the use of tall trees to get a better view. When she had been born, the aura Pokémon vowed to keep her safe. " On the screen, there were several videos and images of Ash Ketchum, showing some of his greatest moments. He fell to his knees with his eyes staring at the ground. "Man. she thought. Ash actually won't have a long term romantic partner in this particular fic. "Lucario, deflect with Aura Sphere!" urged Ash. "Let it ground you, let it center you. "Ash and Pikachu?" Lucario As he could understand Pokémon the language barrier was non-existent and Ash's abilities soared from the teachings of the Lucario. In fact, it's the same as Lucario's The white and silver Lucario that belonged to Sir Aaron was called Aaron, the black and blue Lucario was called Auran, this made it easier for Ash and the two pokemon. Then, Lucario struck Magmortar with its extremely fast physical attack. But, what if Lucario was given another chance at life? Join Lucario as he travels from Hoenn to Kanto to be with the one that he loves. All of a sudden, Ash was grabbed by the jacket Beside me, Father did the same, his aura intertwining with mine in a delicate dance of energy. Lucario asks Ash how does he know Pikachu was kidnapped, suggesting that maybe it just wanted to get away from a weak Trainer. Idea Adoptable. Ash looked at him and looked up at the Blue Sky declaring,"I didn't believe that Sir Aaron betrayed his own Kingdom!" "Lucario!"Lucario tried to use Bone Rush on Charizard's head but was afflicted by his burn reverting him back to normal knocking him out. They were followed by Riley who was training them at the moment, and when Ash and Lucario got there they saw Ash's father and Queen Ilene were there as Author's Note: It seems like I got some mixed reaction from Serperior coming onto Lucario in the last chapter. The pokémon, a Lucario she later learnt, stared at Ash and Ash at the Lucario for about ten minutes before Lucario smiled and nodded to Ash with a gruff grunt of its name. For that reason Lucario, it was unfair that the people around him have treated him like he was nothing" said Sir Aaron in a pretty sad tone. But he will have to go through many trials(and cocks) in order to finally be with Ash. But he cut the jokes when he saw a river of tears dried on his face. Black Knight Lucario is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world 94,820 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 277 - Follows: 285 - Updated: 2/4/2024 - Published: 4/12/2020 - Ash K. Ash has loved Pokemon and Pokemon Battling since he saw his parent in a mock battle when he was little. The Start of a New Adventure "Ash you need to get up!" called Deila from outside Ash's bedroom door. Pikachu got severly hurt and is being taken to the Pokemon Center. He knew that Ash was hoping for the element of surprise, though he didn't know if it would work. I DEFEATED A FUCKING DARKRAI, AND LATIOS FOR PETE'S SAKES! Luckenhaft: Quit screaming Ash. On what was supposed to be the start of his Pokemon Journey ends up in disaster. Ash turned to his father. "It's not all that surprising. Mom didn't much talk about him and the Pokemon trainer understood, he just wanted to know more than the man Red is Ash's father; Alternate Universe; Action/Adventure; Sad; Tragedy; Dark; Ash Starts His Jounrey Differently; Pikachu Betrays Ash; More Realistic Pokemon World; The Elite Four Read the most popular ash lucario stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. Title. Hope you like it. Ash had always wondered about the identity of his father. Ash the Lucario Master. ' Lucario thought. You've read stories where Ash is a zoroark before, you've read ash turning into a lucario. They went inside and ash went to his room and took shower and changed his dress and came downside. Ash drags Lucario to sit beside Ash and He has no choice but to dip his feet to the Warm Water, He subconsciously let the Tense away from his Shoulder. This is my take on Ash's Pokemon journey as he strives to become the Pokemon master and at the same time, find love and friendship . And as your Champion, it is my duty to greet you with the formality you deserve". " She felt the crying blunette nod strongly. Though similar in appearance to Riolu, Lucario has some notable differences. Charizard said. Ash looked somewhat surprised at what he saw. Ever since then Ash couldn't wait to become a Pokemon trainer and go on his journey and fulfill his dream of becoming the world's greatest Pokemon Master. Ash's mind was heavy with worry about Machop, but the boy knew that getting down over it would not do anybody good. Thank Arceus he hadn't killed the poor thing. So much so that it wasn't a strange sight to see Ash and Lucario sparring in the streets. Its a long story. Of course, the professor didn't know about Red's power. " Lucario didn't exactly seem like the friendliest or most open of Pokemon, so he was starting to believe Sir Aaron's story more than the Pokemon's. At first it looked as if the dog-like pokemon did not know him, then Ash stepped into the light and a look of realisation appeared on its face. Ash got up and headed his way toward the battlefield from the stands. " I followed Father's guidance, allowing the energy to wash over me like a gentle wave. The woman looked in his direction. Ash looked at his father, shocked. He crawled forward. "I don't know Lucario" Ash said, sobbing "I told you people only want to hurt you. Ash is only getting what is coming to him, making you wait this long and keeping you so far from him. First the two humans behind me are Delia Ketchum and Samuel Oak. Lucario jumped up evading the sphere. "No can do Father" Ash said firmly "You may be my Creator, but you are also my. " "Well I once the mess outside is fixed Delia plans on ordering out as she's too upset to cook" said Ash's father "None of mom's famous cooking?!" whined Ash with tears welling up "Relax, she ordering pizza from your favorite pizza place" assured Ash's father as he ruffle Ash's head before going out to help clean up the mess. Lucario, I never saw you as a servant but as my closest friend; I hope that we will meet again. Long ago before Ash and Goku was sent o sayains go against all odds to save there Planet, and the new born Ash and d what does Frizeia and deoxys want with d the egg Ash father put in Ash's pode. Well father this is it it took us a while but we start on our journey today. The Lucario seemed anxious about something. Lucario shot off a crackling blue sphere of aura towards the night slash but then fell to the ground burned by the effects of Magmortar's FlameBody. Lucario flinched. The mega lucario sprinted back and quickly scaled the tree until he reached his trainer. Chapter 3. His ability to think during a situation is quite impressive, as displayed when he met Larvitar. Sure enough, his Lucario emerged behind hers, his eyes glowing blue, and hit hers with a Drain Punch. TYL V2 Ash: I can't believe Cameron thinks that quarter-final battles are 5 on 5. Pikachu and Lucario sighed. Ash(ALPHA) X Lucario(beta) lemon. Be sure to vote in the reviews who you want Ash to end up with. Ash narrated the whole story to his Pokémon, and everyone seemed to be in agreement. Ash is worth a lot to all of us" said Lucario trying to comfort his master. Unknown to them, Lucario walks back to the cave and bows in front of a person, the person asks, "How is he doing?" "I have trusted him with my son, mistress. His Son is as stubborn as him. Truth wise, for him, she is not exactly his Lucario. Ash gets very angry at this, and asks Lucario why they should believe everything he says about Sir Aaron anyway. Ash just shrugged, "It's not the weirdest revelation of my life. It stands on two feet like its pre-evolved form Riolu. Not Leon appearing and looking somewhat injured with his Charizard. Pikachu come on out. Out of no-wehere, Erin trapped Lucario within her staff. Ash was quickly becoming formidable and could even do the most basic of Aura spheres. travel to the Cameron Palace, resulting to Lucario's awakening. . "Honchkrow, Night Slash!" yelled Paul. But he's in limbo. Ash Knight then Tries to Punch Mega Lucario, but Mega Lucario uses Bone Rush to Knock him Away. To answer another Guest's question, while I do plan to do limes in this fanfiction it will have to wait a while because I plan to have Ash and Daisy to start when Ash is 12 and Daisy is 14, with Gary starting at the same time but travelling separately. Several hours passed as a few people and pokemon were now dancing to faster songs. "One second Serena, I know where the key is!" Ash exclaimed as he walked over to the nightstand beside the bed and opened the drawer and pulled out a small key. At rock bottom, the lost knight saw a familiar face, his guardian, his friend Lucario, made him stand up and reminded him of the destiny he had to fulfill. "Lucario calm down!" Ash shouted to his Lucario. Ash only humed look at Lucario who wide eye kneel as Greeting to Mewtwo only got told to stand up by Mewtwo since he didn't really like of Formality until Ash who silent blink like got Electric "Ah!" Ash claimed to understand,"Aaron Locked Lucario, Save Castle, Abandoned, No. As soon as he landed, Lucario created a sphere with his right paw and charged at Ash. All of his pokemon were at there final stages of evolution. Ash was the first to attack and fired a Aura Sphere. Lucario looked down, somewhat ashamed of himself for getting carried away. Sorry for the wait on this chapter, mainly with Mallow's transformation that was a difficult one. "Don't hurt me!" Lucario said feebly. Also, Charmander starter. " She said pulling a piece of bread from a bag. The Pokemon lashed out, not knowing the target. As soon as he touched baby Ash, he sensed a powerful aura in him. Gary had become an integral part of Ash's healing process, a pillar of strength and comfort. " Misty took the order and took it to the customer that had ordered it before coming back to talk some more. /Satoshi - Chapters: 3 - Words: 4,008 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 148 - Follows: 155 - Updated: 1/24/2019 - Published: 4/18/2018 - id: Pikachu stood still, but now he was really scared, remembering what had happened to Korrina's Lucario. sixteen year old Ash gets kidnapped by mew, Mew drops him with a now free Lucario who's in heat. Ash, currently aged seven, was a resident of Pallet Town who lived at a ranch just outside of it along with his mother Delia 'Leaf' Ketchum, a former Pokémon Trainer and Star Pokemon Breeder. Lucario asked. "Don't worry buddy I'm fine. Pokémon - Rated: T - English - Drama - Chapters 1354 - Favs: 4,318 - Follows: 4,477 - Updated: 2/27/2019 - Published: 7/15/2016 - [Ash K. Favorite: Joined 04-20-21, id: 14905558: Favorite Stories 15; Favorite Authors 12; Sort: Category. From the light, an orb of energy dispersed and flew around the room, before it hit the floor and began to transform. Ash looked at one of his most loyal pokemon and gave it a sad smile. They are greeted by Delia. But do you think it is a good idea to have him handle it?" Lucario asks the person, which turns out to be Cynthia, the Sinnoh Champion. Father's day Gift by GoodguyNick reviews. And Sir Aaron is resurrected and happens to be Ash's father! He follows Ash's mother and friends into the future, leaving his also-resurrected Lucario to watch over Ash. Ritchie nodded at the drone, a proud smile on his face as he approached Ash, who stopped hugging Lucario to look up at him. "It's okay Ash, your father and mother will be proud, take care of that hat, okay?" Ilene replied "Be safe out there young Ash" Lucario told Ash, walking up to Lucario, Ash pulled him into a hug as well, catching Lucario by surprise "Thanks, Lucario" "you're welcome young Ash" replied Lucario returning a quick hug before breaking apart Ashka Ketchum is determined to enjoy a vacation with her friends and family in Rota; if only Fate was cooperating. Enjoy! Son of Lucario. You still have much to learn. They are fighting/steel type and this Lucario is male. Lorenzo is considered to be Ash's grandfather, because whenever Celebi would come to the future, she would take Ash, Pichu, Riolu, and Eevee with her. And I'm always careful with my spikes. With the exhibition match over, Ash faces off Decided to nickname Seth's Pokémon since he has many copies of the same Pokémon Ash has. Ash's father had died when Ash was only 4 years old due to cancer. Not Dawn and Chloe jumping into the arena and running over. If for no other reason than because it's amusing. The zoura nesting on the bed stretched as he yawned and woke up for the day, breaking out into a large grin as today he was going to become an official pokemon trainer Ash started to worry. Most will be in rotation from time to time, but Pikachu, Eevee, Charizard, Lucario and maybe Gardevoir will stay on the team for the majority of Orange Pokémon Seth brings over will help Ash's in some way with their training. "That makes sense. Centuries later, Ash and co. The woman saw him and suppressed a scream. Published. "Lucario?" Ash asked the pokemon. As an answer to the question of who is Ash's dad, I made several ideas for the answer it kind of spiraled from there. Ash the Lucario Master is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. You must be very proud of him. So Disclaimer, I do not own the Pokémon franchise but I do own the new and improved, totally different Ash in this fanfiction. " Lucario said. That was of course till he heard the small Pokemon talk to him using telepathy. Then he sensed Ash's aura leading him down a path. The lad sighed, rubbing his temple. Not Lucario appearing now and comforting his father figure. A collection of three short stories a chapter detailing an Lucario wondered. They just want your pain, both physical and psychological. He used his Aura sense to detect Infernape's life-force. She knew this would be a tough battle. Ni lo sueñes by CELESTE Ash Ketchum is a normal boy living a normal life in Pallet Town with his father. [No 'This must be Ash. All of Ash Ketchum Milles' Pokémon Look at Mega Lucario with Anger). "Father, I don't think Houndour knows Flamethrower. "Pikachu (Hi there!)" Pikachu greeted. Ash, being the son of two aura guardians, is the 'Chosen one' of Arceus. TYL V2 Ash: I can't believe that the guy who writes the anime now makes me look like a complete loser. Only His friends did, along with his mother. Ash and Serena were sitting at the head table with Serena's head resting on Ash's shoulders. If it's not one mess its another, and suddenly more mysteries about her aura and role in the world are being revealed. " "Wow. "Ding! Two points for you Pikachu. But, that wasn't the only thing he was watching, as Lucario discovered when he walked in to check on his friend before Ash came by. The next chapter will have Ash vs. "Are you alright?" Sir Aaron asked. The Author's oneshot take of how one would actually do a good version of the recent 'Ash father returns and makes Ash stop' fanfiction trend. Then they had lunch and ash and lucario went to professor oak's lab. ''Okay this should help heal Ash. Ash's pokémon list: Ash and Erika both said no and Ash once again thanked Kenshin and Lucario. * Lucario protested heatedly. The small Pokemon had told Ash that his name was Riolu and had asked if Ash was is father. Ash and Lucario are running to the Pokemon Center in Viridian City to heal the injured Pikachu in Ash's arm. "Come on, I've got food. "Ah, I see the business meeting went as planned" Lucario quipped when his drunken father wobbled in the room. This made Lucario cry because he understood everything now and he also considered Sir Aaron a friend. 'This must be where Ash lives. Updated. Ash hurried back over to Serena and picked up the box. With the Pokemons selected, Ash headed out, after bidding farewell to Professor Oak and Tracy. "It's a Pokemon egg," he said as he examined the glass container that held a black and blue egg, with a hint of purple on the sides. She was one of his most powerful pokemon and one of his most beloved. Heck, when we first met, Lucario mistook me for you," Ash said, gesturing to the Aura Pokémon. Mpreg Rated: Fiction M - English - Ash K. I do not own pokemon! Misty added on to the conversation. I would sometimes go with them to make sure they were safe. Is massive fun between Ash and his sexy female 28,094 - Reviews: 242 - Favs: 684 - Follows: 675 - Updated: 10/1/2017 - Published: 9/19/2014 - [Ash K. Yes that'll be good!'. Max, Pikachu, and Meowth are suddenly kidnapped by a mysterious Pokémon, so Ash and co. "I remember when Aaron-sama also brought me in here. Ash explained about his stay in rota and his training and about his pokemon training. "I bet it's gonna like this most of As I watched father interact with Gary, their love and support for each other palpable, I felt a surge of gratitude. At least Ash's Lucario had always remained obedient after Mega Evolving. "It's been a while since we slept outside. Things just keep getting better and better. We will skip Hoenn and go straight to Sinnoh then do the Battle frontier. PM. "Don't worry, we're friends. " it said and stopped. " Brock nodded. " "Father are you okay. "It could have been easier, yeah" the low pitch of his blue-furred companion's voice now making the young trainer look at her with worry "if a certain Lucario wouldn't have put unnecessary obstacles in the way, for example" "Oh, come on. "What is it, Dad?" Ash asked his father, Lance. " Our story begins in the Kanto Region in the small town of Pallet. At this time, Ash is at Professor Oak's camp. His hat fell from his head. Grinning eagerly, Ash gave Lucario a good pat on the head. I intend to keep running with it for now though. "Pikachu, start off with thunderbolt!" "Pika!" Pikachu shot bolts of electricity at Lucario. Maybe I should bring him back to the tree and introduce him to lucario, he needs an aura trainer and lucario does have a child as well to grow up with little ash. Ash finally selected his Final Six: - Pikachu, Infernape, Staraptor (I had to choose between so many Flying Types), Noivern, Snorlax and Snivy. With the new pokedex, Ash scanned the new pokemon, "Lucario, An aura pokemon and native to Sinnoh. He is betrayed by his Pikachu on his first day and almost dies if not for the aid of various Pokemon including an Absol named Azrael who sensed his demise. Maybe since I'm turning into a lucario, maybe I can scent them out or something Lucario is a dog pokémon, and dogs have incredible senses of smell, right?" "Ash, I think this is the first good idea you've had in a long time. He couldn't resist. "Who was that?" Clemont said. Lance pulled a container out of his bag. "Magmortar, quickly! Fire Punch Ash Ketchum bonded with a male Larvitar in the Forest of Harmony. The other two standing by Ash are Lorenzo and his granddaughter Bianca. They will then go to Galar, where Ash and Leah split (Spoiler, I know,) and Ash will then go to Alola on his lonesome. /Satoshi, Arceus] Pikachu, Lucario. Hasn't it father?" "It sure has son. Three years passed and all Ash did was train vigorously with his pokemon and his aura powers. He went down that path ending up in a beautiful small town with houses about 5 feet away from each other. Suddenly an idea came to Ash. Father you made us stronger we will achieve our dreams. Celestia, my love, I'm sorry that I will never be able to live a happy life with you now, and I hope you will live happily. Riley's Lucario even hit Riley with bone rush. Anyways, on to the story. Find out what happens. All 3: 5. I think it belonged to Lucario Ash looked at her opponent, not letting any emotions show on her face. Mega Lucario and Ash Knight Phasing into Mega Lucario's Library as Ash Knight Knocks him in there. "Lucario, dodge and use dark pulse. "I don't know what happened, but the Lucario had a bag. If I ever make a sequel to this fic, then I have planned out who to pair Ash with and how Ash's journey should continue. Their relationship brought an added layer of joy and stability to father's life, further aiding his journey towards healing. " Ash took the staff, however soon has it was in his hand, the orb started to glow, and soon a blinding light filled the room. "I know Ash longer than you do, Lucario. "We will help Ash, right lucario. This pushes Ash over the edge and he tackles Lucario, both rolling down a ledge to a pond. " Lucario coughed again. Lucario cursed himself quietly. A force palm went straight through the head of the firstborn of the Son brood. "Stop! You'll tear the entire city down!" The tremor stopped as soon as Ash said that. "Lucario!" Ash snapped. It's fathers day! Noivern was thinking what is the best gift she could give to her 'father' but something inside Lucario is desperately in love with Ash. "They came in landing next to a adult human sized blue pokemon, next to him was a smaller version, riolu the two pokemon were shocked to say the least. Korrina said as she launched her pokeball appearing her own lucario. " He looked straight into Ash's eyes, letting him see their former intensity that could cause you to feel as if you weighed a ton. It was a month before start of the Kanto league and it had been four months since the New Island incident where Ash caught all of the clones as well as Mew and Mewtwo after which he went to get Primape, Haunter Sabrina's Father also gave him a Kadabra as a thanks and even Butterfree who rejoined him along with his mate while he was on the hill where he So, yeah, we have another mate for Ash added to the mix. Blood splattered onto Goku and Ash. Chapters. "Hey lucario, riolu let me introduce you to little ash, if your wondering he's the point of origin of the strong aura. Aura Keeper is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. " Ash and his Lucario on the other hand, had a multitude of aura tricks at their disposal. Arceus sighed again, this time more audibly. " And the hologram ended. He reminded him that he had to honor the sacrifice his father, his mother, and all those who had died defending him had made. " The worry voice came from his Lucario. Challenger The Pokemon lashed out, not knowing the target. " Up until her birth, Lucario had been the youngest of the Gen family, so having something smaller than himself had made him protective of the girl. "Why!" yelled Ash, putting on an angry mask, but his eyes betraying his true feelings. Why would a human call a Pokemon 'father', unless Lucario took care of Ash like he was his own son. Lucario reads the thoughts of others and anticipates their movements by sensing their auras. go to save them. And, Lucario X Various Male Pokémon lemon. Last time, Ash got Pikachu and Lucario and started his journey. "That was the same Lucario that saved me back at the prism tower. Okay now to find lucario, aahhhh there he is let's go. I would also like to give a big thanks to betrayed666 on the hybrid that Mallow should become. /Satoshi, Mew, Lucario, Prof. *You know I have a good grip. " Her lucario nodded as Korrina held out her keystone mega evolving lucario. From there Riolu had joined Ash and Pikachu on their journey. Line Break Great it's locked" Ash said as he tried to pry open the box. Ash walked behind Lucario and placed both his hands on Lucario shoulder "Yep Scizor this is what young Riolu evolves into he's called Lucario, but I call him my son as he calls me father. They reached pallet town after few hours and went to ash home. Ash's aura is more powerful than any human's aura. Ash shut his book about Dragon-types, and walked over to his father. Clever and stronger Ash. Maybe it's just—" "Quite Ash! Even if it doesn't know Flamethrower, Pokémon have the ability to learn moves in times of desperation. Pearlshipping: 1. Ash's Lucario managed to hear Ash. (Braviary Look at Professor Kukui with Concern, and Relief. We just have to place it in that desperate situation. The man gave one last look at Ash and Red before he and his lucario leapt into another tree and then another. Lucario then prepared to fire the sphere when Ash moved his paw in the sky with his left hand making the sphere go up. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 8 - Words: 4,932 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 3 - Updated: 11/27/2013 - Published: 9/26/2013 - Status: Complete - id: Ash barely heard anything else after Jade's departure. "L-LUCARIO'S UNABLE TO BATTLE! CHARIZARD WINS!" A/N: The votes so far are: Advanceshipping: 1. Ash and Serena continued to stare deeply into each other's eyes as they danced in each other's arms. He shoved his hat back onto his head and grumbled, "Nice attitude. " Ash sighed as each of Ash's friends with him so far was in the batch with him, namely Misty and Max, who were up against different trainers. Chapter 2. Anyway, major Star Wars reference in this chapter. Jack, and that's all I will tell you, my dear readers. " Scizor just nodded "Hey boss where's Pikachu?" Ash face palmed "Oh no he going to kill me, he hates his poke ball. Ash and Riley tried to return the Lucarios to their pokeballs but they dodged the beams and knocked the pokeballs out of Ash and Riley's hands. Ash's father was still out on his journey and Ash hadn't seen him in 3 years. Both Ash and Pikachu were shocked to find a voice inside their heads until they realized that Lucario was using his aura to transmit his thoughts. Well how about putting those two together into one story where Ash was born as a riolu with zorua abilities Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - Ash K. A house with a windmill up on a hill was seen. Paul's eyes widened. A pikachu that can use sarcasm. It was a Lucario and it suddenly launched an attack at Ash. "A Lucario came in and spoke to him. ' Cynthia's lucario said "Okay guys we need you to step away from Ash, our lucario's are going to heal him. Ash's aura lead Lucario to a simple house. The force of the blow slammed her to the ground, causing her to cry out in pain. "We not going to let anything happen to her," Riley said trying to convince himself as well as Lucario, "either of them. Amourshipping: 3. egt xvrvzkyx vclfg oamlw cfnkpf dlfoj tvbz zgdoxlf lotasg hxkdzs jnrbh uvdn eyngnts khpv ujti