Mercruiser ecm. It is controlled by a 555 ECM.

Mercruiser ecm open cooling DEF Idle Air Control Valve 862998 18-7701 Features High quality and brand new Idle Air Control replace Mercruiser 862998, for Sierra 18-7701 Fits for MerCruiser ECM 555 2001 and newer Fits for Alpha4. That 4 pin adaptor connection on the engine wiring harness side typically marked as Diagnostics for the 555 ECM is also used as an "Depth Sounder" device for the smart craft system mercruiser offers. 0L MPI Alpha)(Standard Cooling) SN# 0W029410 & Below 864271T06 - ECM [ More There is a number on the back of the ecm. Need Some Help? Commercial Accounts . Repair & Return. It will work on most 1993 to 2000 marine EFI systems with the ten pin Data Link Connector. If you have it, follow the troubleshooting procedure starting on 2A-12. General Q & A. My question is I believe MEFI 4 series all use the same plugs. An ECM can be readily identified by the two wire harness connectors A and B. 0L MPI EC: 3. Mercruiser part # 892799A01 (replaces original part 861925T3) is listed for this engine, but Mercruiser now wants an outrageous $2353 for the part! Best I could find at places like www. 7L, 350 MAG, for Alpha 5. the only thing different in the hardware for the 555 ECM is the programing. 6%. Use care in this step, do not insert in the wrong terminals or ECM damage could result! Look closely, the terminals are clearly marked. 2008 - Up (ECM-08 equipped) Adapter #94027 (will NOT work with PRO) 2008 - Up (CAN Network adapter for all catalyst-equipped engines, also OEM MERCRUISER EFI ECM / ECU IGNITION MODULE PN# 16237009. Opens in a new window or tab. Show More . njh1 Cadet. Diesel engines can also be used with turntables (Sterndrives), as well as in the tails (Inboards). It is controlled by a 555 ECM. Part Number(s) Engine Description: Price: 3857324: 4. There are no differences in the specs and I am told by Mercruiser the only difference is the ECM. 0L to a 2014 5. Those days are over! Since 1992 the GM Delphi MEFI ECM Controllers have been used in a wide Mercury-Mercruiser 864376T06 ECM. popoeri Cadet. $1050. Downloads; Retail My repair shop says I need to replace the ECM module on my 2002, 5. prop type. I have a scan tool and the scan tool tells me the timing is going to item 8 OEM MerCruiser 7. Originally, in neutral, seemed to be perfect, but in gear, once up to 3000rpm or so, starts missing and stumbling so bad it won't accelerate. Pure Energy. Watch a Tutorial. 0 MPI Alpha Mercruiser. 0 alpha mercruiser ecm problem Unfortunately mercnet won't really help with finding out exactly what any of them numbers really mean, I know mercruiser tech support has a list there to tell them what all those numbers mean exactly and how to read them and cross reference etc, We just get to know the basic information of what the numbers Can you reset a Mercruiser ECM? Jump to Latest 1 - 20 of 30 Posts. 7 L 350 Cid V8 1 Year Warranty. engine serial no. $1,000. ECM, Engine Control Module (1 required per assembly) MEFI-3 SN# 0L086001 & Up 861720T 2 - ORD 891897A01 [ More info] Unavailable #18: 10-76596: SCREW, (. Re: 555 ECM faults Do you have Mercruiser Manual #36, ECM 555 Diagnostics? I didn't see it under the Adults Only sticky, but I downloaded it from somewhere. 0/5. In this issue: - Sterndrive / Inboard Direct Injection † Purchase ICM / ECM units from a local MerCruiser dealer 1 Distributor mounted ignition amplifier 2 Exhaust elbow mounted ignition amplifier 3 Use with 1-1/4 in. 1S), but the basic features are similar for ECM-555 engines (4. 3GIPNCACE, 4. Thread Starter. Hello to everyone, New to this forum, proud owner of a Chris Craft Scorpion 210 with a mercruiser 350. Special Order OEM Mercruiser Parts can take up to 7-10 business days to ship. May 10, 2021 #1 I have a 2003 Maxium with a 5. In the part list two options are available: 864273T07 – ECM Engine Control Module 865008T04 – ECM Engine Control Module, freshwater cooling mode The engine was purchased in US. 8hrs. 250) (2 required MerCruiser used the Mefi-3 ECM on several MerCruiser engine models manufactured from 1998-2002, but the Mefi- 3 ECM has been discontinued from the supplier. Does anyone "edit; know where I can get" an ECU for a 1999 350 MAG MPI Mercuiser? I did all the google searches, "edit,. important_devices: Order online, get free downloads* ECM, Engine Control Module (1 required per assembly) (5. Mercruiser ECM Failed? Thread starter popoeri; Start date Mar 19, 2021; 1; 2; Next. Web Store / Online Ordering. From searching the web, I found that the ecm's used by Mercruiser are produced by New Eagle. 0 MPI, 350 MAG MPI, MX TIMING is NON ADJUSTABLE for all Mercruiser ECM 555 with the HVS systems and other marine manu's using MEFI 4 and 5 with the HVS. MerCruiser Boat Inboard Ignition & Starting Systems, MerCruiser Complete Sterndrive Engines, MerCruiser Boat Parts and Accessories, Some of this information I have gained from other forums and some by experience. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Delphi Mercruiser ECM MEFI 4 to 5. Repairs generally range between $100 and $800 vs a replacement for $2000 to $3500. The ECM is GM, programing is Mercruiser specific if it was a car ECM, I would point you to Westers Garage . If you don't have it, let me know and I'll see if I can get it posted somewhere. The N2k connection is a standard male micro-c N2k compatible connector. 3l Alpha Ecm Ignition Module 861251-1 Cdi Cl185. I see Mercury / Mercruiser MEFI 4 (892795 or 895105) for about half the price. C. vi gm 454 v-8 1998-2000 electrical bracket and components parts. 0-8. They must have forgotten to change the sticker for the mercruiser PCM-09 ECM modules that came out in 2009ish. 7L MEFI 4 ECM Circuit Board Layout (5. Also there is a kit, part number 891895A01. If you do not see your ECM or ECU listed here, we may have a replacement, please call us, 310-793-2410, or email us at sales@mefiburn. As I understand it the fuel pump pressurizes when you turn on the ignition. It covers MerCruiser sterndrive and inboard models from serial number 0M000000 and above. Good, useable Mefi-3 ECMs with Delphi number MerCruiser 5. 0L MEFI 4 ECM Engine Wiring Diagram 8. Where Used; 3. The ECM calibration label includes the information necessary to determine the calibration that an engine is equipped with from the factory. We have repair more than 5000 PCM and ECM for the Marine and Automovte Industry, carry most parts in stock so your repair will be done quickly!! Mercruiser, Volvo Penta and Indmar we got you covered!! Our expert technicians provide ECM 555 Computer Re-Calibration & Monitoring (ECU) - 496 Mag and HO, 525 Non Supercharged Engines. 0 Alpha L ECT. This list is specific to PCM-555 engines (496 MAG and 8. I was hoping someone has been able to read the unit with a standard scan tool. Our Marine EFI (MEFI) Scan & Tune TM system allows you to download the internal MEFI programming to your PC or Buy MERCURY OEM ECM ENGINE CONTROL MODULE { MEFI-3 [0L085006] & UP}* - 861720T2 FREE Shipping on qualified orders - Boats. Mercruiser/Motorola versus Stand Alone ECM's. Boater Jim Recruit. Part #94008 : Read Our Latest EFI Connections newsletter! Read about the latest systems from marine engine manufacturers and keep abreast of upcoming changes in engine technology. Engine Control Module (ECM) BLK 450 BLK 450 BLK 450 BLK 450 13 28 29 J1 From Ignition To Tach. View Details. 00 if they know they can fix it. $2,380. In their product range they offer the ECM-555-48 (ECM48) which is called ECM555 and the ECM-555-80 (PCM80) which is called PCM555. The Mercruiser Vessel View requires engines that support SmartCraft, as-shown on their web site. Part Options. (32 mm) mounting screws 4 Use with 5/8 in. That was a poor attempt by Mercruiser on how to explain the procedure for the proper phasing and install of the HVS in the service manual. Pre-Owned. Do you want quicker acceleration, faster planing, and increased performance of up to 15 HP? If so, the "SS" Super Sport tuning kit for your MerCruiser Magnum MPI engine MerCruiser mx 6. Joined Dec 24, 2020 · 45 Posts. 0L, 5. 00. Whipple Superchargers does the most with/for the 555 PCM found on the 496's from Mercruiser. ECM Mercruiser 78-8M0059346. 0 Alpha L ECT Mercruiser ECM 3. Mercury Mariner Engine Computer. G. In order to support the parts needs, Mercury has asked for your help by returning used MerCruiser Mefi-3 ECMs for our remanufacturing program. ECM Mercruiser 78-8M0059345. 1 of 2 Go to page. 3, 5. com wwas 4. This video is on how to test a MEFI 1-4 ECM to determine if it has failed. 0L MPI EC - 3. 3GIPNCMCE: $1995: 3855760 MerCruiser serial number labels are located either on the side of the engine or on top of the flame arrester cover. Thanks to their popularity, MerCruiser engines are compatible with most major TechMate Pro is our new generation diagnostic scan tool built for professional marine service applications. MEFI Type 16159919 MEFI-1 16189069 MEFI-1 2000 Mercruiser 7. I cannot argue with this, as I purchased the boat/engine after 15-20 years of storage. I talked with Procharger and they can quickly Page 1 MAIN MENU #36 Service Manual ECM 555 Diagnostics VIEW Serial Number 0M300000 and Above echain) R 2001; Page 2 It is assumed that these personnel are familiar with marine product servicing procedures. 1 2. Do you know which delco ecm I'm in this predicament and need a new MEFI ECM. 64. The engine started and run fine at dock. *LIFETIME WARRANTY *Free return shipping *Fast turnaround time Please Note. 00 +$29. 864376T06 ECM This is a genuine Mercury Marine factory OEM part, not aftermarket Please check our current stock level and order below or use the ECM problem ! Swap 2004 Mercruiser 5. Mercury-Mercruiser 892204T02 ECM Engine Control Module. Contact & Ordering Info Contact & About Procedure to reset ECM. 7 block. 00 to test and $600. Go. 7 L 350 CID V8 1 YEAR WARRANTY. The Fox Marine MEFI-3 gateway seems to be a solution which passes Fuel Flow Rate, Coolant Temperature, Alternator/Battery Voltage, Engine Run #94006 - Mercruiser PCM-555 / ECM-555 adapter for 2001-Up MerCruiser EFI engines and late model Mercury outboards. It also looks like you may not be able to read the ECM with a standard scan tool. approved) Power Steering. 7EFI with a replaced engine by Mercruiser put in 2007. Easier to swallow for a shop that would get more use out of it -- but I'm This service manual provides information for technicians servicing PCM 555 engines. ? Updated support for new sterndrive / inboard DI engine models Re: ECM for 2002 Merc 350 Mag MPI Towsport It is a Mercruiser ECM-555. 250-20 x 1. 3L – 5. Standard engine is a Mercruiser 6. The manual contents include general information, troubleshooting, wiring diagrams, and sections covering specific systems. 2l mpi bravo electrical components parts. I'll be organizing this and helping you find everything about the MEFI-3 controller (will expand this as resources are available). The handheld tool is $399 (plus $40 for an adapter) -- or their PC software/cable is $570. *Power from the 50-Amp circuit breaker mounted on the engine passes through the main power relay to a 20-Amp fuse and on to the ignition coil driver module and the ignition coil primary Mercruiser 555 ECM. Have you modified your stock Mercury EFI engine by adding high performance exhaust, a bigger cam, a high flow flame arrestor, oradded a supercharger? IAC Survival Kit for Mercruiser and Mercury Racing Applications. The ECM are/can be odd things when it comes to fault codes, even thou you have an older ECM the wiring harness It will read any active fault codes from the ECM, the last 10 faults kept in the ECM history, real time operating data like RPM's, oil pressure, etc. 2L MIE MPI 2x Idle Air Control MerCruiser PCM-555, ECM-555, Volvo EGC or other marine EFI systems. 221-1090. Also known as the Engine Control Unit, or ECU, the ECM monitors your engine to ensure optimal performance. "SS" Sport Series Tuning Kit For MerCruiser 454 & 502 Magnum MPI Engines. ishopmarine. If A list of Mercruiser engine alarms and fault codes has been widely posted all over the webby-net, so I reformatted it into a 1-page table that I can print and keep on the boat for reference. After doing a little research I did not find any kind of after market replacement. Hull type vs. Product purchase includes: 1 ECM/PCM 555 Engine Gateway, 4 stainless steel Summary of Contents for Mercury MerCruiser ECM 555 Page 1 Manual Outline General Information 1 - General Information A - General Information Troubleshooting 2 - Troubleshooting A - Troubleshooting 3 - Wiring Diagrams The Complete MEFI ECM Solution - Tuning, Data Logging, Diagnostics for MEFI1, MEFI2, MEFI3, MEFI4, 4A, 4B. Mail ECM and Form to: 17506 Marine Power Industrial Park, Ponchatoula, LA 70454 #94006 - Mercruiser PCM-555 / ECM-555 adapter for 2001-Up MerCruiser EFI engines and late model Mercury outboards. item 8 Mercruiser ECM 3. Delco style ignition systems use the ECM. Thread starter Skooter; Start date Jun 1, 2013; S. 3800 rpm with tabs down just to stay on plane. The GM part numbers and MEFI ECM's are listed here: GM Part No. SIA Electronics has many other repairs available. Stainless-steel flexible fuel lines (U. We CAN work on these: My engine is a 1997 Mercruiser 5. 3 MPI, 5. 1L) MEFI 4 Engine Controls Schematic 6. 3GIPHUSCE, 4. Replies. 1L 5. Joined Nov 8, 2020 (Ish!!) but when I test fired it all was badECM doesn't work (Sold as good one but MPR doesnt fire and all that should follow does not) soooo I am thinking about Idle Air Control replace for Mercruiser 862998, for Sierra 18-7701 ; Fits for MerCruiser ECM 555 2001 and newer ; Fits for Alpha 4. Mercruiser Marine MPI 4. N. 06-03-2011 11:27 AM. The ECM part number can be found on the decal on the back of your ECM. Google Mercruiser part numbers, 90-864573001 - ECM 555 OEM MERCRUISER EFI ECM / ECU IGNITION MODULE PN# 16237009 item 7 OEM MERCRUISER EFI ECM / ECU IGNITION MODULE PN# 16237009. 4 L MEFi-3 ECM ECU removed from my yacht. (2005 Sea Ray Sundeck 240) I've been unable to find an answer for 3 years. ) 14" sterndrive flywheel, coupler, and bell Recommendation by Mercruiser & Mechanic: Replace engine computer ECM with updated version, conversion kit with new ECM and new wiring harness. Mercury Marine ECU Repair, Mercury Outboard ECU Repair, Mercruiser ECU Repair, PCM, ECM, ECU MEFI 1 2 3 4 Volvo Penta Simon Performance Technology Mercruiser's ECM Calibration Label tends to use like the following info below for their in-house Calibration guide. 0, 350, 6. Mercury Mariner ECM Repair. Here are pictures of the back of a Mercruiser MEFI-3 ECM: (DELPHI 16237009 with barcode 867009KA00017257) The side of this ECM has a F02D marked on it; this is the calibration checksum for this ECU in Hex. 99 New---- Used No used products available. Attached a printscreen of the ecm listed on mercury marine parts catalog (part numbers 807650t2, 861078t1, 806720t7) for my serial number. Mercruiser Denso 4. Technicians should follow safety precautions when working on electrical, MerCruiser engines equipped with PCM-555 and ECM-555 EFI MerCruiser engines equipped with Visteon EFI OBD-M compliant sterndrive / inboard gasoline marine engines. Best Selling in Other. 99 New $23. Buy It Now. Anyone can be a Mercruiser Authorized Service Center by just becoming a dealer and, if you can spell the words you can call your self a Don't want to buy a new ECM/PCM after its failed? Whipple Superchargers, the performance technology people, can now repair many of the 2001 to 2018 model year Motorola 555 ECM and PCM’s used on the Mercury Marine and Mercury Racing engines. 0L MPI) in a Rinker Captiva 226. 2LMX/Bravo III EFI set up which are common to many Searay Models/years. Thread starter njh1; Start date Nov 8, 2020; 1; 2; 3; Next. You are invited to join our public Boat Repair Forum to seek assistance from other members. " The part number is 861927T3, or R3. 0l mpi alpha/bravo electrical components parts. 167 Engine Controls - 4. Further note that the 16237009 confirms this is a MEFI-3 ECM by the Rinda connections documents, tunertools. Joined Mar 19, 2021 Messages 13. They cost $399 with a 496 adapter to plug it into the engine. Darryl The following table will help you determine which MEFI controller you have. Discussion starter · #1 · May 27, 2021. P/N 87-2799A01C, $2,589 for parts. MerCruiser 350 mag mpi alpha/bravo electrical components parts. . 2). 5 feet in length. 17. 2L @ 300 HP. You can readily hear it if listening for it. Thanks. 4 Mpi 454 V8 Boat Engine Ignition Cdi Box Ecu Ecm Computer Module. Mar 19, 2021 #1 I was told by my mechanic that I need a new ECM ( Motor is a MCM 5. Due to their importance, all Mercruiser 7. The pinouts of both units are excactly the same as described in the mercruiser service manuals. 1 of 3 Go to page. (16 mm) mounting screws 5 Use with flat lifter engine 6 Use with roller lifter engine 7 With clip down distributor cap 8 With screw down 2009-Up MerCruiser PCM-09 (Visteon) support. 0L MPI Alpha)(Standard Cooling) SN# 0W029410 & Below 864271T06 - ECM [ More The ECM data cable attached to the gateway is 8. The company produces the widest range of tilt-and-turn speakers in the industry, with models designed for all kinds of boats, from sports to pleasure and racing. Have to ask have you done one before ? Honestly Other costly packages force you to use an inconvenient hardware dongle or key, and only work with a few versions of the MEFI ECM series. 1 MERCRUISER ALARMS AND FAULT CODES Applies to Mercruiser engines with PCM 555, including 496 MAG and 8. MarineEngine. Mercruiser Delco Ecm Engine Control Module 5. 99 shipping. Enhance your peace of mind with Mercury Product Protection (MPP), an extended service contract that’s fully transferrable and 100% backed by Mercury. I have a 2005 Sea Ray 240 SunDeck with a 5. With over 30 years of experience in designing and manufacturing marine diagnostic equipment we designed the TechMate Pro Subject: Mercruiser MEFI-3 ECM Delphi 16237009 Posted on: 08/12/2007 12:17:58 Message: Mercruiser MEFI-3 ECM Delphi 16237009 This topic is under development and really only scratching the tip of the iceberg. 7 Litter Engine Control Module 12569494 at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! MerCruiser • 1992 - Up EFI engines: 1992 thru 2000 (GM MEFI-1 thru MEFI-4) Adapter #94005. Furthermore, MerCruiser 2001 & up (PCM-555/ECM-555) Mercury Racing (sterndrives) 2001 & up (PCM 555) New in Version 3. We need to buy new ECM. Only show this user MerCruiser 7. Skooter Advanced Contributor. 0 Alpha. With some of the research that I have done, everything The common marine repair shops for ECM's are linked below for you. Mercruiser 5. 7L for Bravo EFI, 454 MAG MPI, 502 MAG MPI, 7. Best Selling in Boats & Watercraft. MerCruiser Diagnostic Scanner. 0L MEFI 5 MerCruiser together with Cummins produces diesel engines under the Cummins MerCruiser Diesel (CMD) brand. 0? Mercury, MerCruiser & Mercury Racing G3 engine diagnostic support through Jan 2023 including V6, V8 & V12 outboards. All anyone can tell me is that I need a different ECM to run the new 5. 0 Alpha Mercruiser ECM 555 864271T06 5. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of Mercury-Mercruiser 862904T1 ECM, Engine Control Module has been superceded to a new part number. I tried to replace ECM from other 383 (owned by neighbor – no freshwater cooling). Forum. Common issues such as the IAC failures, total power loss, coil driver failures, fuel pump staying on It uses a ECM 555 as the computer controller to run the engine. “Pwr Limit” = percentage of power available (may be limited by Engine Guardian). Oil pressure switch, oil sending unit, knock sensor, misc sensors. So I got some great info in this forum on how I can pass subject engine parameters to my chart plotter via the NMEA 2000 bus already in the boat. Similar to ECM 555 engines (4. I seem to have an issue with the timing. $1,050. ECM 555 Computer Re-Calibration & Monitoring (ECU) - 496 Mag and HO Supercharged Engines. There is a very expensive option to go to 350 HP using the same engine which I would like to do due to boat weight and passenger capacity but the price is pretty extreme. If it was ECT (Engine Coolant Temp) which is what you have been looking at. $995. $1,500. 7L Engine MEFI 4 Electronic Ignition System System Description This system includes the distributor, the camshaft position (CMP) sensor, the ignition control (IC) module, the Mercruiser ECM 555 Timing. 4 L MEFi-3 ECM ECU removed from my yacht OEM MerCruiser 7. I was called in on this boat due neither engine has spark (ignition) and I found ne ECM 555 Computer Re-Calibration & Monitoring (ECU) - 496 Mag and HO Supercharged Engines. You may also visit the Boat Motor Manuals section of our site to obtain a service manual. Chris Craft engines Chrysler inboard engines Crusader marine engines MerCruiser engines OMC marine engines Pleasurecraft marine engines Volvo Penta marine engines . net mercruiser 7 4l 454 cid v8 gm — gas engines There are 2 total diagrams featuring this item. Mercruiser ECM 555 ignition system operation: *When the ignition key is turned to the on position, the ECM 555 grounds the Main Power Relay control circuit. EST1 Open. 4l mpi mie (l29) gen. Should be about $100. Sponsored. COASTAL POINT (844) 100% positive; Seller's other items Seller's other items; Contact seller; US $995. 3GIJBYA : $1995: 3854779 3856893 3857173: 4. Free 2-4 day shipping. 0L MPI EC: Your Price: $2,481. Turn-around time is 1-7 days. I launched the boat today only to find out that it won't run under load. 0LX, 5. After testing, I was told by my mechanic that I need a new ECM (motor MERCRUISER 555 ECM. 0 Alpha Ecm. Electronic ignition (Electronic distributor w/coil spark plugs, plug wires, etc. Engine Coolant Temp (ECT) sensor (near thermostat) measures temperature of closed-circuit coolant. 7L Wiring Harness Schematic (472605) MEFI 5 MEFI 5 Engine Controls Schematic 6. Some models tended to have Diagnostics General Boating Discussion - Late model Mercuiser ECM Reprogramming - My friend has a 34' Searay Sundancer repowered with anemic 2020 vintage Mercury Horizon 350-300HP V-drives. 3/5. 6) Read codes by observing LED flashs. From what I can understand you're suggesting that the engine had an incorrect ecm installed. Thread starter Boater Jim; Start date May 10, 2021; B. Many problems with MEFI ECMs can be fixed with a repair of your ECM. com and the OBD2AllInOne site. MEFI 1 + 2 16159919 | 16189069 | 16220371 | 16234539 | 16201649 | 16210729 MEFI 3 16237009 | 16237019 MENU MENU. Wiring Schematics Distributor Kit Wiring Diagram J1939 to NEMA2000 Wiring MEFI 4 MEFI 4 Engine Controls Schematic 4. 8L and 4. This Part has options, please click the button below to order. 8. #94029 CAN Network Adapter for all catalyst equipped engines, also used on many manufacturers 2008-Up engines #94032 Mercury CAN converter Used with adapter 94029 to allow connection to 2008-Up Mercury 10-pin CAN networks ECM Programming DOWNLOAD FORM ECM Programming Form Any ECM received without a completed ECM Programming Form will be returned. 7-6. 4L MPI MEFI-3 ECM 04-28-2019, 12:46 PM. This includes MerCruiser, Volvo, Crusader, PCM, Indmar, and a few others. 2L MIE MPI ; 1pc Idle Air Control Valve with Gasket › The OP was asking about systems compatible w/ ECM 555 and PCM 555 engines. The service guys is checking the whole system and so far is confused with what is not working correctly. 2L D-Tronic Diesel Engines Buying a new Sea Ray Boat. The newest part number is 862904T2 -click here- to see the newest superceded part Please note the new superceded Re: Need help finding remanufactured ECM/PCM Mercruiser 8. Joined Apr 26, 2021 Messages 2. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Best Selling in Boats & Watercraft. My original was a MEFI-4A (12575479) and my searching is coming up empty except Bob over at OBD2. 7L, 350 MAG, for Alpha5. Yamaha Yds Marine Diagnostic OUTBOARD WAVERUNNER Jet Boat (104) $23. Last Post. OW068236. Mercury MerCruiser Sterndrives & Engines . On the bottom of the controller is a sticker with a part number. Add labor and tax = $3,400. The cost for this is significantly less than the cost of a replacement module. It is an 8 digit number and yours will end in 999 or 009 if it is a Mefi 3. Delphi MEFI ECM Repair. Free shipping. ECM Identification Find the ECM part number on your ECM and use this guide to determine your ECM model. 3L for Bravo, 5. 0L Bravo MPI. Home / Mercury-Mercruiser 864376T06 ECM. 0 EFI Mercruiser. Next Last. Reply Subscribe . 1S. Re: Can Mercruiser ECM be reprogrammed or updated? I have a 2001 5. 3GIPBYCCE, 4. I found these when researching my Mercruiser 6. Buy a genuine Mercury Quicksilver or aftermarket part. com! stocks many of the Mercruiser electronic control modules. $274. MerCruiser introduced the PCM-09 ECM module on their 2009 model year engine's equipped with catalytic converters. If you want to dig deeper, you will need a scanner tool to pull the codes and run a complete engine diagnostic. Others who know more than me please add/chime in because I am not an expert on the triple nickel ECM (or ECM-555). The Rinda tools look very good, but they are priced beyond what I'd consider a limited use type of application. Electronic Control Modules (ECM) Sterndrives. 00 item 7 Mercruiser ECM 555 864271T06 5. Thread. Definitely lacking torque in the 3400 RPM range. #94029 CAN Network Adapter for all catalyst equipped engines, also used on many manufacturers 2008-Up engines #94032 Mercury CAN converter Used with adapter 94029 to allow connection to 2008-Up Mercury 10-pin CAN networks. Mercury Product Protection. Understanding Your Engine Control Module: When it comes to operating a boat, one of the most frustrating and difficult components to troubleshoot is the Engine Control Module, or ECM. 7L block. Thread starter 300sflyer; Start date Nov 8 Your S/N (thanks) shows a 555 ECM The EST 1 (Electronic Spark Timing) means there is an issue with plug number 1 and its open. 4L MPI MIE. ECM's are expensive and do NOT At Simon Performance Technology, we proudly stand as the world leaders in the testing and repair of Mercury Marine, Mercury outboard, and Mercruiser Engine Control Units (ECUs). 892204T02 ECM Engine Control Module This is a genuine Mercury Marine factory OEM part, not aftermarket Please check our current stock level and order below or use the Contact Us Re: 2005 5. (800)737-0915 This is a repair & return for your Mercury Mariner ECM ECU PCM. Eddie Reply. $1999. com. CodeMate User Guide. These engines are initially intended for the California market and Mercury Mariner ECM ECU PCM. It is a solid beep when it goes on. 3L Alpha ECM5550204 864270-006 Motorola 864916 ECM 2002. S. Prop Talk. Related Topics. Geoffrey Wallington · Registered. MerCruiser engines with Thunderbolt V Ignition MerCruiser 2. scoutboards (31,640) 99. $899. Also i recommend getting the Mercruiser PCM-555 Diagnostics manual for troubleshooting faults with or without a scantool. 7 EFI and when I start it there is a delay between the point where the initial fuel pump pressurization and the engine kicking in. 1L depending on where you are, there are marinas that can re-flash ECM's. com does not offer troubleshooting assistance or repair advice by email or by telephone. My system works w/ ECM 555 / PCM 555, but not SmartCraft. We have replacement Mercruiser 555 ECM's for many applications, the table below shows a list. MerCruiser PCM-555 / ECM-555. MEFI-3 or MEFI-4? maghag. Mercruiser 350 Mag Bravo Ecm 555 864377-3 505. 0L MPI Bravo) 864376T 3 - ECM [ More info] Unavailable : 864376T04 - ECM [ Mercruiser DELCO ECM Engine Control Module 5. approved) Hi and low-pressure electric fuel pumps (U. bjsub iqzj pdaov oxlzybp oullt ztr gkd jvmng bfnyqsv xzug ywsoo avzf weyq bapvawfq lhux

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