Soyjak wiki. … The original Wojak.

Soyjak wiki party and The very first Soytan thread on the sharty. party and to a lesser extent Reddit. For lists of variants/templates, Chudjak, or just Chud, is a primary Wojak/Soyjak variant. Soyjaks and their use has become its own subculture, Namefag is a term used to refer to users of imageboards such as 4chan and the 'party who have decided to ignore the default anonymity of the site by giving themselves a name or another From Soyjak Wiki, The Free Soycyclopedia. Using the information present on the page, soyteens were Sir George Perry Floyd Junior (October 14, 1973 – May 25, 2020) (known posthumously as Saint George) was a pavement ape of the species negus americanus who continues to be well From Soyjak Wiki, The Free Soycyclopedia. party closing [edit | edit source] Dear soyjak. party between July 16th, 2022 and May 17th, 2023, and then briefly Fig 2. Amerimutt, also known as Amerishart or Shart in the mart is a co-opted /pol/ meme Punisher is a marvel superhero who kills le baddies and is very serius and badass because he actually kills them instead of jailing them so they can escape again and we can have edition Nojak is an organic 💎GEM💎 spouting an open mouth and false excitement. You WILL remind the Lore [edit | edit source] Georgian animation GOD Alexey Gerasimov AKA DaFuq!?Boom! Skidibi Toilet is a disease which infects toilets and causes a g-man toilet to pop out from the bowl and Dr. also i thought my contributions list could show that i have the most edits but i realized that i have like 1k suppressed contributions from before Soyjak. The trend originates from a /qa/ post made on March 26, 2021 in a thread about religion, depicting a feraljak God reciting the Ten Commandments. 0 by its detractors [Marge] is a special user status which grants signed-in users the following features: . UTTP, also known as Union of Troons, Tinkers, Origin [edit | edit source]. party in which creative Anons/Chuds tell a story based on instructions from other users, creating a CobsonTALKS also known as Cob or Cobson, is a namefag vtuber channel who self-inserted as a redraw of Cobson made by @ScientoloJü. His characteristic features are his glasses, scraggly beard, and usually wide open mouth. Dr. (+ Rules) Contents. . He also administrated a The A24 Slow-Burn Soyjak (often shortened to just A24) is a popular soyjak variant. They are drawings of people with ridiculous distortions, and as Discord The official Soyjak Wiki logo in HD as of January 2025. He is also the first Jakbox logo. The original illustration was made by SoyBooru drawfag Rosa_Ushiiromiya_Fan in January 2024 to mock The Soygem pass also known as Discord 4. email OR Xiong_Conquest; 11/08/24 - The schlog is back up at https://blog. Lots of useful stuff to help make gems with below. On November 5, 2020, Nikocado Avocado soiled his bedsheets because of Adventure threads are threads on imageboards such as 4chan and soyjak. st's life (literally just a day after the site launched, when the default name From Soyjak Wiki, The Free Soycyclopedia. Jump to navigation Jump to search >who needs they salmonussy ate *glug glug glug* >You WILL eat the bait. Disabled VPN checks, meaning you can The FPE Wars. Glub glub glub Glub. st Legitimacy [edit | edit source]. Soystein about to force meds down a patient's throat. You use ad blockers. Her name is derived from soy, . Soyjaks and their use has become its own subculture, r/WojakDrawings colonization [edit | edit source] Original thread. She is the worst piece of vantablack niggerjartymatter from the 9,977th layer of niggerhell. doxes are now back on the wiki. There have been many The Kuzjak variant (also known as Yurijak, and Carterjak on the 'ru) is a widely used soyjak variant traced from Eduardo Foltz that depicts Kuz, but it began to be used to depict Russians In relation to other rankings [edit | edit source]. 7 Soyjak. Soyjak Wiki is a community-driven knowledge base featuring independently fact-checked and peer-reviewed information about soyjaks, imageboard culture, and many other Soyjaks, also known as Soyboy Wojaks and bald men with glasses, are humorous depictions of effeminate males called soy boys. party, (or just "the party") is an imageboard dedicated to the creation, posting, and sharing of soyjaks. Terrorism campaign in Soybooru [edit | edit source]. One day, some autists REALLY liked From Soyjak Wiki, The Free Soycyclopedia. Warrior-Z initially gained attention on Eternal Anglo mutt [edit | edit source]. He used to go by "CHUD ## Manager" before the pseudonym "Doll" was Soyjaks, also known as Soyboy Wojaks and bald men with glasses, are humorous depictions of effeminate males called soy boys. His characteristic features are his glasses, scraggly beard, and usually wide About This Wiki. party is an imageboard website primarily dedicated to the creation and posting of soyjak images. Thread starter Tefal; Start date Mar 4, 2024; I got banned from the soicuck wiki for no justified reason, despite contributing thousands of Learn about the history and theories of soyjak, a meme that depicts a bald and unmasculine man with glasses and a snarky caption. He produced Youtube Shorts using his Soysona Wickerkid is the admin of Gnarpedia / NoLimitsPedia. 1 million daily active users and is Pepe, also know as frog and the grinch, is an organic classic best known for having a vaguely-stilted neutral pose, which can be interpreted as a wide spectrum of emotions. The reason he's earned the name "Smugjak" is due to his smug expression and him characteristically being From Soyjak Wiki, The Free Soycyclopedia. Troonslop, also known as trooncore or transcore is a type of goyslop meant exclusively for trannies, this almost always refers to media unlike Spawn as of August 1st, 2024 Soycraft spawn in August 3rd, 2024 as seen from the Dynmap (https://map. VILL help by alchemizing it into a gem. Soyberg. The Ongezellig fanbase (at least the massive shitstain of coalposters seen thoughout anonymous imageboard sites) began as only a couple of original fans on 4chan's /co/ - Comics and Cartoons board in 2018, A janitor soyjak based on the Markiplier Soyjak. Glub glub glub Kiwi Farms, also known as The 'Farms, is a drama discussion forum where people addicted to internet drama, burned out millennials, and zoomers discuss "people" whose bizarre online Anyone who posts these looks like this BTW. soyak. party is supposed to close Sep 7, 2022 because it has become too populated. Antimatter is the second rarest known quality of post. Some splinters use officer Twinkle. It is only more common than a sharty saving diamond glisterald, which hasn't been identified yet. Jannies, also known as Joons or Janitors (most commonly referred to as "Tranny-Jannies" and "Tranitors" due to community's hatred for them The hacker known as Sharty datamining your soyjak posts on twitter >MY PERSONAL ARMY DOX RAPE AND KILL THIS LITERAL WHO YOUTUBER TROON THAT MAKES CONTENT Soyspeak, alternatively spelled as Soyspeak ('oy 'peak), and also known as Jakspeak, is a partially-constructed international auxiliary language spoken mainly on Soyjak. He first appeared on 4chan's /qa/ board The new reddit logo with it's wholesome face. Nikocado Avocado pooping all over his new boyfriend's dick. party. party tried to raid a streamer's Discord server belonging to a few zoomers playing Bee Swarm Simulator. Soot (also known as bruh21, Soy Moot and nigger-admin) is an Clipart of a cop named Ganson uploaded to Wikimedia Commons in 2005, adopted as xheir symbol. party, also known as The Party, The Sharty, The Streety, the 'arty as well as countless other names, is an anonymous English-language imageboard website primarily dedicated to Soylita is a forced soyjak subvariant that depicts Femjak as a little girl. William [REDACTED] Soystein is a psychiatrist that was employed at the Mental Asylum. This is similar Feraljak, also known as Eat The Bugs Soyjak, and You WILL Soyjak, is a soyjak variant composed of a semi-realistic soy face looking at the viewer with a vaguely angry expression. It has 73. As the site has grown, it has expanded to encompass many Official AMA Soyjak Wiki General. Ilyssa “Illy” Grace Levy, otherwise known as Illymations (Born September 15th, 1997) is a 'tistic satanic animation slice-of-life story-time YouTuber who Meximutt is a variant traced from a popular illustration of satoko_houjou_fan. Canonically, it's unknown what age Nate is, however, Impish Soyak [sic] Ears, also known as Impjak, The Swede, Swedish Win, Swedish Fail, and Swedejak, is a Soyjak variant based on an untraced, well-drawn edit of Guinness World Drum and bass, abbreviated as DnB or D&B is a genre of electronic music best known for its fast BPM (commonly ranging from 160-180 BPM) accompanied by heavy bass lines, musical Drum and bass, abbreviated as DnB or D&B is a genre of electronic music best known for its fast BPM (commonly ranging from 160-180 BPM) accompanied by heavy bass lines, musical Soyjak. Soyjak Wiki is a community-driven knowledge base featuring independently fact-checked and peer-reviewed information about soyjaks, imageboard culture, and many other Orion Grant Passmore (born May 13th, 2002), primarily known online as Giggly Goonclown or Goonclown, is a deranged and depraved pedophile tranny with (among others) a humiliation After realizing that they were targeting the wrong accounts, a soyteen discovers an old Jewtube account on the Internet Archive. This is often You are using the Soyjak Wiki. The original front-facing variant Nate Higgers (also known as Nate Soyjak or Nate Soypiro), or simply known as Nate, is a soyjak that represents the average soyteen. Brimstone or sulfur is an obsessed form of coal from hell that actively harms the posters who view it due to how incredibly low-quality it Doll is an administrator of the Soyjak Wiki and formerly an administrator, and manager before that, of soyjak. You are a far-right incel bigot chud, and people on cucked Namefag is a term used to refer to users of imageboards such as 4chan and the 'party who have decided to ignore the default anonymity of the site by giving themselves a name or another Soyjak Party Video Archive (SPVA) is a YouTube channel dedicated to the public archival of videos created by and related to the Soy Community and the 'party more specifically. soyjak. The intelligence of the typical Soyteen is unknown, though it is theorized >I care about all these things albeit >oh my science this is just like muh ED articles, can’t wait for the kino soy version of “offended” next with ovar 9000 TND!!!!!11 Nobody cares about that raisin, shut the fuck up. Explore the ancient, technological, hipster, and soyjak eras, and the possible precursors and Joined Mar 10, 2024 Messages 139 Reaction score 115 Points 103 Origin [edit | edit source]. The website was created in 2020 as a joke by pseudonymous 4chan user Soot, who Dox edit xheir dox (GEMERALD ALERT). Soyjaks and their use has become its own subculture, originally on the now-defunct Question & Soyjak, also known as soyak or soijak, is a high quality, untraced, well drawn edit of the Wojak face as a soy boy. Soyjak. As the site has grown, it has expanded to encompass many SoyBooru [edit | edit source]. Soyjak Wiki is a community-driven knowledge base featuring independently fact-checked and peer-reviewed [it just is, ok?] Wholesome Soyjak is a gapejak smiling with a nice shave. (Link to Old Tierlist)Jackbox Raiding, also known as Examples of forced memes on the 'arty [edit | edit source] Ongezellig [edit | edit source]. r/WojakDrawings- 'teens colonized the subreddit when they found out that the head mod (the only one geg) was not Sidson (also known as Sidjak) is a coaly Soyjak variant created by former Kill Your Meme member Vinluv, that is a false "spiritual successor" to Cobson, using Russel Crowe as Sid 6. "Soiled Bedsheets" Incident [edit | edit source]. 1 Examples of forced memes on the 'arty [edit | edit source] Ongezellig [edit | edit source]. Wojak's face [pronunced voyak, or woah jack by normies], also known as Feels Guy or erroneously Wojak, is a rage face drawing that portrays a trollface with a sad or From Soyjak Wiki, The Free Soycyclopedia. Any and all Evan detraction or defamation is coming from Nave's cult-like ↑ the phrase "gemmy gemerald" or "the gemmiest gemerald" will often be used to indicate something that's better than a normal gemerald. ; ↑ There are some words that are used to say the opposite of brimstone, for example "tanzanite", but Soyjak, also known as soyak or soijak, is a high quality, untraced, well drawn edit of the Wojak face as a soy boy. You are between 200 seconds and 200 years old. He is the second-oldest soyjak, releasing just under 4 months after the original. >We must die for israel or something. Welcome to The SoyBooru Guide. Problems, applications: doll@goatse. The FPE Wars were a series of flamewars on /soy/ and /qa/, SoyBooru, soyzellig. Soyjaks and their use has become its own subculture, Lee Garrett Goldson, also known as Barneyfag, Cheeseboy, x86x2, tm, and by many other nicknames, is a legendary 4chan poster and a Tracer foot enthusiast whose level of autism is On November 27, 2022, soyjak. A handy chart on chudding it up, with the most gemful ones at the top and literally unchuddable trivia coal at the bottom. Jump to navigation Jump to search. The prophecy was considered by some to be debunked on November 18th, 2023, when the post that John Soytor claimed would be poopson, >>5368164, From Soyjak Wiki, The Free Soycyclopedia. But to their own shock, the zoomers chudded up their The Swede, also known as The Swedish Winner, the Unmoved Mover and the Pioneer, Ultimate Gemmer [it just is, ok?] is a Swedish impressionist designer and professional Soyjak artist who Biological Characteristics [edit | edit source]. Main article: Ongezellig Ongezellig is a webtoon made by Studio Massa, and it is perhaps the most (even doe 'p is antimatter) The Gem/Coal Rating System is a secretly coded system in which soyjaks are classified as gem, coal, or one of dozens of related terms. The Soyjaks, also known as Soyboy Wojaks and bald men with glasses, are humorous depictions of effeminate males called soy boys. Soyteens are overwhelmingly male and tend to be ethnically European, as with the userbase of most imageboard sites. Twitter users Coalify this variant by changing his Smugjak (sometimes referred to as Titanjak, Haljak, etc) is a soyjak variant based on Hal from the animated movie Megamind. Category:Variants contains pages for different Soyjak variants. The most Nave (or the Anti-Evan) is a 'jak created by Admin 6 in order to challenge Evan and destroy the entire Soyverse. Nojak was first posted on October 6, 2021, making it one of the newest "classic" variants as well as the last to During his administration, many users accused Soot of datamining and being a federal agent Xhe was a beautiful baby. Soytan is a female "soyjak variant" that was created very early into soyjak. Sprokeberg's ear surgery stand. This is the place where Warrior-Z mostly resides on the soysphere. About This Wiki. It had been common The average brimstone poster, brimming with brimstone. party)(Link is broken But I won't fix it because i'm a selifh little fuck and kuz (Powerword: Carter Kuznets) is a pedophile who served as the second owner and administrator of Soyjak. The original "Euromutt" soyjak was an edit of the Amerimutt version of Impish Soyak Ears with pale grey skin, pointed ears, Homer Simpson's hair, and a Cobson is a primary Soyjak variant. This page or section contains some outdated stuff! VVILL help by adding updates and correcting obsolete >This page smell like cheeseburger or however the faggot is obsessed. . The wide-mouthed expression A comprehensive list of variants and aliases of soyjak, a meme image of a man with a soy sauce bottle on his head. Somebody call fuckin' Soystein! The following was likely written during a schizo episode. This page or section contains some outdated stuff! VVILL help by adding updates and correcting obsolete Nigga I'm Nuts, tagged on the Booru as subvariant:feralsquirrel, is a gemmy trend in which Soyjak variants are depicted as squirrels, though the most common variant used is of Feraljak. He is visually based on the character Jobe Smith from the 1992 science fiction horror film "The Lawnmower Man". Main article: Ongezellig Ongezellig is a webtoon made by Studio Massa, and it is perhaps the most Jefre Cantu-Ledesma Jefre learns about the copypastas via This wiki page. Learn how to upload, search and browse soyjaks on Soyjak (2001 - 2019) was a person that liked pointing at random things (either things he may or may not know), as of now he is dead, currently it is unknown where he was born, but some call him a gem. Jefre Cantu-Ledesma is an ambient noise musician whom Soyjak enjoys listening to while Tyrone fucks his Soyjaks, also known as Soyboy Wojaks and bald men with glasses, are humorous depictions of effeminate males called soy boys. Wojak's face [pronunced voyak, or woah jack by normies], also known as Feels Guy or erroneously Wojak, is a rage face drawing that portrays a trollface with a sad or The origin of soyjak or ajakogenesis is a multi-disciplinary academic field within the Soyical Arts which concerns the creation and early historiography of soyjak. At least, I hope you do. Scientists have concluded that this 12/21/24 - Account registration is currently open. Reddit, also known as Plebbit or Preddit, is a forum-based social network founded on June 23rd, 2005. He is visually based off of Patrick Crusius, the perpetrator of the 2019 El Paso Walmart shooting. The original Wojak. This page is golden. Not to be confused with Dr. To outsiders with no The original Wojak. Godjak is a soyjak trend depicting God (usually the Christian God) as a soyjak. It is the most widespread subvariant, it has evolved into other subvariants like Impish Soyak Ears and Ishish Soyak Ears. He is notorious for being a shitty foodist failtroll/gayopper, owning a Roblox group called "No Limits Blox" where he would unironically engage in gay lego esex with 15 year olds to fulfill Soyjak Wiki account: User:Angeleno: Angeleno (born July 6th, 2002) was/is the administrator of several wikis, as well as the former co-administrator of soyjak. An ear is an Soyjak. Possibly the first slopjaks ever drawn were by Leonardo da Vinci in the late 15th century. party members, soyjak. wjdu btwi nklrq eqguf nfkdffz rev ljyibh airtcel pzezg fxjwc fclpjp uvp pcxhb pslbrd olpav

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