Generate pdf python. ( − x 2 / 2) 2 π. get_payload() The get_payload() function returns a Python dictionary, which we can see in its empty Jan 18, 2021 · Put simply, it’s used to create PDFs, and you’ll work with it a bit later. Open the index. pdf import anvil. Setting a PageLayout on the Page. Jun 20, 2022 · Python is a great tool for automation, almost magical. html', user=user)) pdf_out = pdf. This is part 1 of a 4 part series where we go over how to create a pdf with Python and eventu Jan 20, 2021 · Jinja2 is a modern and designer-friendly templating language for Python, modelled after Django’s templates. It is completely written in pure Python, so it is platform independent. Example: In this example, we define an HTML string html_str that contains a heading and a May 12, 2023 · pdf. pagesizes import letter. Once you’re set up, you can start using pdfkit. f = open( 'file. And that’s how you create data-visualization-powered PDF reports with Python. if __name__ == '__main__': generatePDF() Jul 30, 2012 · Oh my bad I misunderstood the question. pdf But instead I get: optparse. Mar 2, 2023 · Let's create a Document () and Page () as a blank canvas that we can add the invoice to: from borb. Here you grab page zero, which is the first page. Aug 21, 2021 · The pdf. Pisa can convert html/css to a pdf so it makes it quite easy to stylize your pdf. append_page(page) # Create PageLayout. 0 YAML/JSON definition. py and add the following code: from reportlab. To edit existing PDF files, you can use PyPDF2 library Mar 25, 2021 · 1. Python3. This elements can act as placeholders, so the program can change the default text "filling" the document. The main benefit of this tool is that a user with web skills like HTML and CSS is able to generate PDF templates very quickly Apr 24, 2021 · To use Gilfoyle, we first instantiate the Report class and tell it the name of our output file, which I’ve called example. It uses generate_pdf_file to create a PDF Dec 6, 2014 · from fpdf import FPDF pdf = FPDF() # imagelist is the list with all image filenames you can create using os module by iterating all the files in a folder or by specifying their name for image in imagelist: pdf. import datetime import matplotlib Apr 21, 2022 · Presentation. pdfgen import canvas # Create a new PDF file pdf_file = canvas. Lambda functions take two arguments by default: Event and Context. Mar 6, 2023 · PDFQuery is a Python library that provides an easy way to extract data from PDF files by using CSS-like selectors to locate elements in the document. py is the only Python file we need. Fortunately, there are libraries that can help. html". 1') or string tax='1. @gsamaras and @rasmus-lyngdal-christensen gave some good suggestions (Reportlab, PyPDF2 and fpdf). Jun 5, 2018 · Creating PDFs with fpdf2 and Python. Jan 15, 2023 · Step 1: Installing and Importing the InvoiceGenerator Library. You can also use Document as a context manager. I need to generate PDF from html tables, and was looking for a library that allows to take html tables with full CSS and make pdf. ReportLab is the primary toolkit that I use for generating PDFs from scratch. We need to do some imports and pass a string to the PDF generator. Jun 5, 2020 · Step 2: Plot the estimated histogram. Primeros pasos. pdf") This command creates a PDF report that looks something like this: Ugh. Creating an empty Page and appending it to the Document. pdf = FPDF () 2 days ago · from reportlab. Recently, I received a request to cover how to do tables in Reportlab. You might see some warning messages asking if you trust yourself. Yep, this snippet quite essentially replicates the entire “use QT web engine view” to create a PDF file – But it’s a lot more updated. pdf') payload = pdf. Python for PDF Generation The Portable Document Format (PDF) lets you create documents that look exactly the same on every platform. import pandas as pd. Conclusion. Finally, you can also convert HTML content from a Python string to a PDF document: # from HTML content. Anvil will produce a PDF, containing Notes. Jan 18, 2021 · Put simply, it’s used to create PDFs, and you’ll work with it a bit later. drawString(100, 750, "Hello World") # Save and close the PDF file pdf_file. media. Refer to the following snippet for the imports: import os. lib. ) and a default text. generate_pdf function: This view function is called when a user requests a PDF. Example: Let’s suppose the text file looks like this –. Let’s wrap things up next. In the example below, we download Wikipedia’s main page as a PDF file. Here is the code explanation of the views: Import necessary modules. Try pod (python open document) is a library that allows to easily generate documents whose content is dynamic. In this instance, it'll be a fillable form. http import FileResponse from reportlab. This module gives you access to jpeg, pdf, text, html and json preview of virtually any kind of file. In this step, we will create a simple PDF document with a single line of text. preview-generator is a library for generating preview - thumbnails, pdf, text and json overview for all your file-based content. add_page() pdf. Let’s now build a UI so that users can generate and download the ticket as a PDF. output Nov 10, 2021 · pydf is available as a docker image with a very simple http API for generating pdfs. It could have been specified explicitly with: pdf = FPDF( 'P', 'mm', 'A4' ) It is possible to use landscape ( L ), other page formats (such as Letter and Legal) and Jan 18, 2017 · So I have been tasked with creating a pdf that allows the end user to enter information into the pdf and print it or save it, either or. Adding content to the PageLayout. This will overlay the watermark over the passed page object. Under "More", select "Google Apps Script" if it is available or "Connect more apps" if you don't see it. Use markdown filename. The PDF file will have a title and have a heading (h1) style on the title. It also creates charts and data graphics in various bitmap and vector formats as well as PDF. layout: PageLayout = SingleColumnLayout(page) With the initial steps out of the way - we can add the content in. After that, it should compile the . rotateClockwise() method and pass in 90 degrees. Also, the elements can be defined in a Sep 25, 2023 · Step 4: Create views. In this article I will show you how to build automated reporting system with Python. If you ran the above code, no PDF file would be generated. It supports HTML5 and CSS 2. API2PDF is a REST API that supports PDF generation at Feb 19, 2024 · Getting Started with the PyPDF2 Library. PyPDF2 is a comprehensive Python library designed for the manipulation of PDF files. Follow along, and transform your data into stunning reports that will impress your audience! May 12, 2023 · Creating a PDF Document with borb. # load your json file to a pandas dataframe. sleep(2) to 1 second, to allow JavaScript to render the page. Generate PDF invoice file: from InvoiceGenerator. PDFs can be easily published online or send in the email. InvoiceGenerator is a Python library that is specifically designed to generate simple invoices. Arguments can be passed using http headers; any header starting pdf- or pdf_ will have that prefix removed, be converted to lower case and passed to wkhtmltopdf. I want to generate pdf file from html using Python + Flask. The pdf I am trying to create is being rendered from a pdf template that has fillable fields. filename must be a Python string (or a pathlib. from a html file and 3. pdf') # Add text to the PDF pdf_file. This article examines one of those for Python. html to get the html into an html file "outfile. Before we use the pdfkit library, we need to install wkhtmltopdf. py file. It enables users to create, modify, and extract content from PDF documents. write_pdf("report. from reportlab. Now that you have installed ReportLab, you can start creating PDF files using Python. Colors can be specified as hex codes or using HTML color names. It supports high-quality printing yet is totally Apr 20, 2022 · Once the installation is complete, go to the ‘ wkhtmltopdf ’ folder location, then go to ‘bin’ and copy the file path of ‘wkhtmltopdf. Feb 26, 2022 · Set this PDF generation script on a timer and automatic listserv, and voila! Quick PDFs & quick distribution. Sep 22, 2020 · Heroku itself does not prevent you from creating docx files using python-docx, the only issue is storing the output files to external storage (python-docx does not work with remote locations for neither upload nor saving). It's just a guide that I made for myself, but I want to share it with you. Example #56. The PDF files can be served in a client app or via email. If you poke around “Webkit HTML to PDF”, they did mention that it is based on QT Webkit. close() By the way, if you are looking for some online tools, check the Base64 to PDF and PDF to Base64 converters. Next, you can use . pdfgen import canvas. Mar 31, 2023 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. pdf", generate_qr_code=True) Pohoda XML Jul 19, 2022 · We can create a PDF document with pdfkit in 3 ways. cell() are acting like a cursor which it start from where it is pointing to and move to next with specified height and width by pdf. – Dec 9, 2018 · Setting up a custom Google Script. from_string("<p>Python is a great programming language. Documentation link: PDFKit. It contains one function to generate the PDF and save it to Lambda. The name Jinja was chosen because it’s the name of a Japanese temple and temple and template share a similar pronunciation. Jul 31, 2020 · pdf. Any opinions, advice, snippet, library, is accepted. from fpdf import FPDF. Matplotlib’s hist function can be used to compute and plot histograms. Aug 6, 2022 · The uuid module provides immutable UUID objects (the UUID class) and the functions uuid1(), uuid3(), uuid4(), uuid5() for generating version 1, 3, 4, and 5 UUIDs as specified in RFC 4122. import calendar. Mar 8, 2024 · Foremost, we create a PDF reader object of watermark. The end-user just need to clik the Download button. Templates are predefined documents (like invoices, tax forms, etc. ⁡. gen("invoice. def generate_docs (config): """ Function used to generate two pdf: -results. server anvil. Download & unzip the file. Built entirely in Python, PyPDF2 does not rely on any external modules, making it an accessible tool for Python developers. A module is the smallest element of a barcode, analogous to a pixel. BytesIO() # Create the PDF object, using the buffer as its "file. The first line is mainly used to declare the top-level starting point of a program. They can be useful while testing the above example or developing related things. pip install xhtml2pdf. 4 days ago · This will deploy your function to the cloud using an existing function app with Python runtime. Document クラスを使用して新しい PDF ドキュメントを作成します。. pypdf can retrieve text and metadata from PDFs as well. Yeah then I would suggest using "pisa" for generating PDF's from scratch. Jul 7, 2015 · PDFKit generate pdf in python. raise ValueError( 'Missing the PDF file signature' ) # Write the PDF contents to a local file. Here is my code: import matplotlib. 7 to 3. It’s cool that it’s a PDF but it is ugly. pod generates another ODF text document (ODT) that contains the desired result. Apr 2, 2023 · It provides a simple way to create PDF documents with a single frame, and without the need for defining headers and footers. Sep 28, 2021 · Python has multiple libraries that you can use to create new PDFs or export portions of pre-existing PDFs. Oct 25, 2022 · To create a PDF file, we need to install the following libraries: pip install pdfkit. c = canvas. It is also possible to open a document from memory data, or to create a new, empty PDF. -summary. Select Generate Client > html. Go to Google Drive, press "New" in the top left corner. Saving notebooks to PDF is a great way to persist results in a shareble format. Here are a few of the packages you can use: ReportLab – used for creating PDFs. pdf: which shows all statistics about each formula with each benchmarked method. render_form("ReportForm") anvil. You can create more functions in this file to split the code into reusable parts, but for this example, one function was enough. Feb 8, 2024 · xhtml2pdf is a HTML to PDF converter using Python, the ReportLab Toolkit, html5lib and pypdf. backend_pgf import PdfPages . home function: It is a simple input form which take Title, Author and, Publish Year as an Input, that is saved in the database. GetPage() to get the desired page. This version however does not support attach_note. Persisting the Document. Aug 30, 2012 · python -m wkhtmltopdf. PDF is the global standard for electronic documents. pdf') from its documentation: on macOS, you’ll have to install cairo and libffi (with Homebrew for example) Jan 27, 2015 · Convert html to pdf using Python/Flask. save() Similarly, you can use fpdf library to create PDF. com ~/google. And here we reach the end of this long tutorial on working with PDF files in python. pdf, and then use get_payload() to obtain the initial payload. They are 1. Create a new Python file called create_pdf. 3) CHROME HEADLESS MODE Feb 8, 2022 · My answer may help someone on macOS: I user CairoSVG. There are several ways to convert Jupyter Notebook as PDF. If you want to provide others with a static HTML or PDF view of your notebook, use the Print button. In this video we go over 4 methods of creating tables. To the passed page object, we use merge_page() function and pass the page object of the first page of the watermark PDF reader object. server. svg', write_to='image. PDF generation is a common requirement in various web applications, and with tools like pdfkit and Flask, it becomes easier to achieve this functionality. html = df. This opens a static view of the document, which you can print to PDF using your operating system’s facilities, or save to a file with your web browser’s ‘Save’ option (note that typically, this will create both an html file and a directory called notebook_name_files next Apr 17, 2023 · To generate PDF file of the document, call the generate_pdf method of the Document class using the object of Document class and make sure to pass the name of the pdf document in its argument in this way; doc. To do this, I use xhtml2pdf. The PDF creation portion is relatively simple as well. Feb 22, 2019 · Print to PDF in the browser. pypdf is a free and open source pure-python PDF library capable of splitting, merging, cropping, and transforming the pages of PDF files. </p>", "string. Editing PDF with Python. . To get pdfkit working, you’ll need to either add wkhtmltopdf to your PATH, or configure pdfkit to point to where the executable is stored (the latter option is used below). See Document for details. pdf = report. build() method expects at least one flowable as a parameter. write_to_file(pdf, "report. I needed to write custom processors to make it work with AWS S3. This is a software library that lets you directly create documents in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF) using the Python programming language. Dec 27, 2023 · In this article, we will explore how to generate a PDF in Python using the pdfkit library and make it available via a Flask API endpoint. Generate PDF from file: The following script gives us the pdf file from a HTML file. It is fast, widely used and secure with the optional sandboxed template execution environment. I've tested it on FireFox and expect similar result on Chrome or Edge. cell(). Aug 5, 2012 · 1. I will use Python notebook (with Jupyter Notebook) and Mercury framework for PDF generation, scheduling and email sending. Paragraph, Spacer, Table, and Image are examples of flowable. The first two options are built in, but are either unprofessional looking or using HTML which can be c Jan 18, 2019 · Follow these steps: Go to https://editor. It can also add custom data, viewing options, and passwords to PDF files. Handler. df = pd. from weasyprint import HTML HTML(string=html_out). io. ln() and pdf. exe’. tocgen is written in Python 3. backend_pdf import PdfPages import matplotlib. pdf (y Jan 26, 2014 · I want to save more than 1 plot to a pdf file. Surname. import xhtml2pdf. Aug 30, 2017 · If you want to create a true PDF file (something with the correct internal format for a PDF), you would need to use a specialized package that can write that type of file. " p = canvas. Apr 23, 2020 · Note: Due to Python’s representational error, write numbers as integer tax=10, Decimal tax=Decimal('10. to_html() # write the html to a file to be open in a browser (and there you can print it as a pdf, for example) Mar 27, 2012 · So, I was wondering if there's a way to make a Python script that asks me for the title of my homework, the course name and the rest of the strings and use them to generate the coverpage. Sometimes a PDF document needs to be generated dynamically, however, and that can be quite a challenge. Sep 27, 2020 · Hi Everyone!. The steps to install it is up to your operating system: # macOS (you need to install brew first) brew install homebrew/cask/wkhtmltopdf # Ubuntu. pdf', 'wb' ) f. Building a PDF document in borb typically follows the same couple of steps: Creating an empty Document. report. 11 on Linux, Windows, and macOS (On BSDs, you probably need to build PyMuPDF yourself). html page in a browser, e. Flowables are sort of like chunks of a document that reportlab can arrange to make a complete report. pyPdf is great if you need to append Pdf's or extract data from them. Example of pdf generation report from HTML: import plotly. Export to PDF with nbconvert raise ValueError( 'Missing the PDF file signature' ) # Write the PDF contents to a local file. To shift and/or scale the distribution use the loc and scale parameters. As we know Python supports many libraries that can be used to handle the PDF files, But to make PDFs such as Invoice, Official Documents or Reports one library that is highly recommended is the ReportLab Library. It is known to work with Python 3. In short, it lets you automatically generate text documents by programmatically filling in placeholder values that you assign to text file templates. Using Azure functions, Python, and the xhtml2pdf package, we have successfully created a cloud-based PDF-generating API. buffer = io. To go the Markdown -> HTML -> PDF path, you can use the discount package directly (Okular uses it) Say your file is named "filename. Alternatively, use pipx or $ pip install-U--user pdf. backends. If you are building a web application in Python with either of the two most popular frameworks – Flask or Django, there’s a good chance you will need to support functionality for PDF generation. Improve this answer. py. write(bytes) f. If you want to use a multipage pdf file using LaTeX, you need to use from matplotlib. Specifically, norm. pyplot as plt # Create the PdfPages object to which we will save the pages: # The with statement makes sure that the PdfPages object is closed properly at # the end of the block, even if an Exception occurs. And then we paste that connection code into our script, and add code to create a PDF file: import anvil. Aug 1, 2023 · Step 2: Creating a Simple PDF. Nov 28, 2022 · Step 9: Generate a PDF. pdf", pagesize=letter) And to use the dimensions of standard A4: from reportlab. One of the simplest PDF generation tools lies within the matplotlib package itself! You can generate any matplotlib figure and export it as a PDF! Jul 21, 2021 · Before we proceed any further, fire up Anaconda prompt or any other Python IDE of your choice and install FPDF: pip install FPDF. Chrome. Switch to Form1 in the App Browser. Paste your OpenAPI 3. Feb 7, 2023 · ドキュメントを作成したら、Python PDF ライブラリを使用して PDF にテキストの書式を適用する方法を学びましょう。. pdf import SimpleInvoice pdf = SimpleInvoice(invoice) pdf. pdfkit is one of the better approaches as, it renders HTML into PDF with various image formats, HTML forms, and other complex printable documents. Note: Refer this article to know more about file handling in Python. Within that function, you will need to create a writer object that you can name pdf_writer and a reader object called pdf_reader. ) has a fixed position (x1, y1, x2, y2), style (font, size, etc. Here is my code: pdf = StringIO() pdf = create_pdf(render_template('cvTemplate. pdf. Additional documentation related to deployment is available. pyplot as plt from matplotlib. However, I have found that there is another one called fpdf2. It also includes a cache mechanism so you do not have to care about preview storage. In JupyterLab, you can hide the cell's input and output by clicking the side bar as demonstrated in the doc. $ sphinx-quickstart # create a new project (answer the questions) $ make latexpdf # compile and generate pdf file. page. Generate PDF files from HTML in Python. getvalue() response = make_response(pdf_out) return response. Sep 16, 2016 · So, the complete process from scratch would be as follows: $ pip install -U sphinx # install the package. from datetime import datetime. Using discount. Select File > Print, change the Destination to Save as PDF, and save the page. append_page (page) Since we don't want to deal with calculating coordinates - we can delegate this to a PageLayout Jan 25, 2021 · How to create a pdf with python using the simple library FPDF2. Canvas(buffer) # Draw things on the PDF. pdf", verbose=True) print("="*50) Here's the content of string. ) To install it: pip install plotly. Search for "apps script" and choose to connect it. import shutil. Convert HTML to PDF with Flask or Django . Typically, if we have a vector of random numbers that is drawn from a distribution, we can estimate the PDF using the histogram tool. This is a demo of creating a pdf file with several pages, as well as adding metadata and annotations to pdf files. ), where each element (text, lines, barcodes, etc. Summary. Sep 21, 2010 · Reportlab Tables – Creating Tables in PDFs with Python. OptionConflictError: option -h/--header-html: conflicting option string(s): -h. pagesizes import A4. Generalmente la segunda opción suele ser más conveniente para aquellos que deban hacer Once we have our data prepped and ready, I’ll use the FPDF library to generate a beautiful PDF report. generate_pdf("Demo_article") Pylatex Example : Code 1: Multipage PDF. The probability density function for norm is: f ( x) = exp. pip install pdfkit. md > outfile. tex and generate the pdf with the information given. Back in March of this year, I wrote a simple tutorial on Reportlab, a handy 3rd party Python package that allows the developer to create PDFs programmatically. for a real number x. Firstly, install it with: pip install cairosvg. ReportLab incluye una API de bajo nivel para generar documentos PDF directamente desde Python, y un lenguaje de plantillas de más alto nivel ─similar a HTML y a los sistemas de plantilla que se emplean en el desarrollo web─ llamado RML. Note that you may also "optionally" install whatever extensions needed by editing the file config. pdf (x, loc, scale) is identically equivalent to norm. pip install jinja2. Adding a table to PDF: Aug 8, 2022 · In addition to that, it is a python library, so you can collect data from anywhere (database, excel file, etc. with After including the library file, we create an FPDF object. 以下の手順に従ってください。. It reads a PDF file as an object, converts the PDF object to an XML file, and accesses the desired information by its specific location inside of the PDF document. 2' to avoid getting results with lot of decimal places. Jan 18, 2021 · Image 5 — First page of the PDF report (image by author) Of course, yours will look different due to the different logo and due to sales data being completely random. Share. tocgen to install it for the current user. Apr 14, 2013 · From the docs:. Canvas('example. from xhtml2pdf import pisa # import python module. So, In this tutorial, we will learn how to generate simple PDF Invoice using Python. g. image(image,x=0,y=0,w=210,h=297) # for A4 size because some people said that every other page is blank pdf. It’s a very flexible tool, used widely in Python web applications to generate HTML for users. #. document import Document from borb. Explore Teams Create a free Team Here’s a “Hello World” example: import io from django. Mar 5, 2021 · Jinja2 is a great tool to become familiar with, especially if you do web development in Python. Use $ pip install-U pdf. I installed and I tested some simple examples that are explained in its documentation,it works. Generate PDF from URL: The following script gives us the pdf file from a website URL. figure() p Here is the canonical example provided by the matplotlib documentation site:. md". 1 (and some of CSS 3). pdfgen import canvas def some_view(request): # Create a file-like buffer to receive PDF data. connect("[YOUR APP'S UPLINK KEY HERE]") import anvil. tocgen to install the latest version systemwide. We’ll design a simple registration page for users to put in their name and email address and choose the date of the event they will attend. If the density argument is set to ‘True’, the hist function computes the normalized histogram Jun 18, 2023 · Running this code will initiate the conversion process and generate the PDF file from the HTML content. Read more at May 25, 2022 · The approach is all same as above, one thing you have to do is extract the data from a text file using file handling. In this post, I want to share with you a little guide that will show you how to create pdf files using Python and xhtml2pdf. swagger. Nov 7, 2023 · TLDR – Create a Python app that loads a webpage, print it to a PDF file, the end. Then you can use it in Python: >>> import cairosvg. svg2pdf(url='image. import numpy as np. import datetime import numpy as np from matplotlib. page import Page # Create document pdf = Document () # Add page page = Page () pdf. Report(output='example. テキストを配置するページを選択します Aug 4, 2021 · For example, to create a PDF of medium. The probability density above is defined in the “standardized” form. com, I had to set time. 2. We're going to create a form with some basic user-information questions, such as a name, surname, etc: Name. The PDF invoice generation is based on ReportLab. I'm trying to do this with PDFKit. Modules in a PDF417 bar code are tall and narrow. Path) specifying the name of an existing file. pdf: Apr 4, 2017 · Generating PDF files using pdfkit: There are many approaches for generating PDF in python. To generate PDFs, we are going to use API2PDF. Note: PyFPDF is now dead. pdf: which count the number of times that each method is better than another. >>> cairosvg. Jun 23, 2022 · import pandas as pd. main google. The function returns a Pillow Image object containing the barcode. backend_pdf import PdfPages def function_plot(X,Y): plt. Since it's a wrapper, I'm guessing the underlying application was updated, but the wrapper has not been. Canvas("hello-world. Feb 12, 2022 · Thus, to create a document with the dimensions used in the United States, we would do the following. The FPDF constructor is used here with the default values: pages are in A4 portrait and the measure unit is millimeter. PDF. The fpdf2 package is actually a port of the “Free”-PDF package that was written in PHP. There are currently no Python libraries available for editing a PDF in-place. ReportLab is a powerful Python library for generating PDF documents Step 2 - Create the user interface. json', lines=True) # generate an html table from the records. pdfrw – used for splitting, merging, watermarking and rotating a PDF. from URL, 2. graph_block = (''. This code snippet generates the PDF built earlier. pdf") Now we run this code. Since my Reportlab article is so popular, I figured it Oct 3, 2020 · bg_color - background color (default: #FFFFFF) Note. Converting HTML String to PDF. After hiding, you can use the browser's printing menu to generate a PDF. from the string. pdfkit. pod can call OpenOffice in server mode to generate the result in PDF, DOC, RTF or TXT format. The system will create a daily PDF report and send it via email. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Python user, this tutorial will give you the skills you need to create stunning PDF reports with ease. Then import the stack of libraries that we’ll be using to render our document: import numpy as np. Here’s how my file path looks like ‘ C May 28, 2022 · The Mercury allows to export the executed notebook into standalone HTML or PDF file. This creates the Document object doc. Then you call the page object’s . Simple POST (or GET with data if possible) you HTML data to /generate. See pdfly for a CLI application that uses pypdf to interact with PDFs. Presently, it supports invoice generation in PDF and XML formats. media pdf = anvil. Multiple python packages interface with PDFs, but most focus on parsing/reading applications. This is because the following code needs to be appended to the end of the pdf. Use your preferred method of converting HTML to PDF. The xhtml2pdf lib is used to create pdf files from HTML files. read_json('file_name. bw zg tf nx tg jf fw qk yx gx