Autan family care ingredients. Aug 3, 2020 · Prix : 6,90€.
Αρχική σελίδα • Προϊόντα • Autan ® Family Care ® προϊόντα σε αυτή τη συλλογή έως 4 ώρες Protect your family from mosquito bites anywhere, anytime. Home • Products • Autan® Family Care. It’s ideal for everyday outdoor use for the family, as well as for travelers; *it repels mosquitoes that may carry Dengue fever, Yellow fever [and Chikungunya. It delivers a fresh fragrance on application. Jul 8, 2016 · Autan No Pick Ref. Ingredients click here. Autan Insect Repellent Multi Insect Pump Spray provides up to 8 hours protection from mosquitoes, midges & biting flies and up to 4 hours protection from ticks. ver colección Autan ® Protection Plus Informations avantages. Εάν σκοπεύετε να περάσετε λίγο χρόνο έξω, τα εντομοαπωθητικά Autan® Family Care θα προσφέρουν καλή προστασία από τα κουνούπια. Autan Insect Repellent Multi Insect Pump Spray contain 20 % Icaridin, a new generation active ingredient that is highly effective whilst being kind to the skin. Se aplica pe tot corpul, formand o pelicula protectoare, ca un scut DKK 145,00. autan. AUTAN FAMILY CARE SPRAY je repelensko sredstvo koje je suho i lagano tako da ga uopće ne osjetite na koži. Avertismente. AUTAN sprej Family care 100ml. Quantité à tester : 100. Junior. Τα Autan® Active Repellents είναι ανθεκτικά στον ιδρώτα. Family Care. Formala sa pe baza de icaridin este testat dermatologic, avand ca actiune delicata asupra pielii si ofera protectie sigura impotriva insectelor. PERFECT FOR. Autan® Anti Ticks – lotiune repelenta impotriva capuselor respinge imediat capusele timp de pana la 12 ore si tantarii pana la 10 ore. POGODNO ZA. Lotion répulsive corporelle anti-moustiques Autan® is the mosquito repellent that immediately protects against mosquitoes for up to 8 hours even under sweating and humid conditions. Learn more to better arm yourself against mosquitoes! Autan Family Care Gel 100 ml. Neto količina: 100 ml. Zaščito nudi od 6 do 8 ur. Po nanosu se izdelek hitro vpije in pusti na koži suh in prijeten občutek. Formula sa este testata dermatologic, delicata pentru piele si usor de aplicat. To Autan® Junior προστατεύει από τα τσιμπήματα των κουνουπιών και των κουνουπιών τίγρης για έως 4 ώρες. Bemærkning. AUTAN sprej Junior 100ml. Détails. An exclusive and original product of Autan. Dermatologically tested, AUTAN® Junior gel does not contain ingredients that could cause reactions such as perfume, preservatives or dyes. AUTAN raspršivač Bariera 100ml. Respinge capusele care pot transmite boala Lyme. Jul 3, 2024 · Από 3/7/2024 έως 10/7/2024 Περισσότερα. Сайт: www. dm številka izdelka: 2142989. Istovremeno je učinkovit i nježan te time prikladan i pogodan za djecu iznad 2 godine. It contains Chamomile and Aloe Vera that relieves the skin. 23,00 LEI 19,55 LEI - 15%. Autan Family Care Dry Spray je namenjen zaščiti kože pred nadležnimi insekti brez maščenja. Κατάλληλο για παιδιά άνω των 2 ετών. view all products. Picaridin is a common active ingredient used in skin-applied insect repellents. With OFF!® FamilyCare and FamilyCare with Picaridin you can take a hike through Mother Nature's backyard or simply enjoy a stroll through your own. Contine amidon de porumb, in micro-particule fine care se usuca repede pe piele. Profitez d’une protection offrant une sensation de fraîcheur pour toute la famille. Vask huden efter påførelse. With Autan ® Family Care you can take a hike through Mother Nature's backyard or simply enjoy a stroll through your own. Pogledajte sve proizvode. The formula contains a moisturizing substance such as glycerin. 07. 0 questions. Početna SAMOLIJEČENJE ZDRAVLJE KOŽE, KOSE I NOKTIJU Zaštita od insekata Prevencija od ujeda. Mukava käyttää, ei tahmaa. Avoid eyes and mouth entirely. AUTAN Family care stick е подходящ за възрастни и деца над 2 години. Efikasno štiti i do 4 sata. Aug 3, 2020 · Prix : 6,90€. com. AUTAN raspršivač Active 100ml. Autan ® Family Care ® Προστασία για την οικογένεια προβολή συλλογής Autan ® Junior. Spray impotriva tantarilor, Autan Family Care, 100 ml. Autan Family Care Spray uscat, datorita formulei ce contine un ingredient natural, amidon de porumb, in micro-particule fine, se usuca repede pe piele. Tehoaine: ikaridiini (10%) Päivitämme palvelun tuotetietoja aktiivisesti. Autan Family Care Gel bør kun anvendes på mindre hudområder ad gangen, højst 1 gang daglig og i perioder af få dages varighed. Η Λοσιόν Family Care Autan με Aloe Vera προστατεύει από τα κουνούπια έως & 4 ώρες. 08/count) +. Mai multe informații despre produs. Zaštita za cijelu obitelj. Sa formule Family Care. Zahvaljujući specijalnom sastavu, posebnoj formuli istovremeno je djelotvoran i nježan zbog toga prikladan za djecu i osjetljivu kožu. Soft Spray. Koža izdelek dobro prenaša, primeren pa je za celotno družino (tudi za otroke od dveh let). Enjoy the outdoors without the annoyance of insects. Zahvaljujući novoj ekskluzivnoj formuli s mikročesticama odmah nakon upotrebe se suši i ostavlja ugodan osjećaj na koži. . Keep AUTAN® repellent out of children’s reach. Osta Hyttyskarkote Autan Family Care 50ml puikko K-Raudalta. Πλύνετε τα χέρια μετά την εφαρμογή. Autan ® Family Care Lotion provides effective protection against mosquitoes immediately, for up to 4 hours, whilst caring for your skin. Σε περίπτωση ερεθισμού διακόψτε τη χρήση. 83. Products in this collection. Μην το εφαρμόζετε σε κοψίματα ή ερεθισμένο δέρμα. Cena proizvoda: 949, 00 RSD. Gama Autan® Family Care® sunt destinate întregii familii și asigură o protecție eficientă împotriva țânțarilor, timp de până la 4 To Autan® Family Care® Λοσιόν παρέχει αποτελεσματική προστασία ενάντια στα κουνούπια για έως 4 ώρες ενώ περιέχει συστατικά που κάνουν το δέρμα πιο απαλό και το ενυδατώνουν. €5,09. Dengan berbagai produk anti-nyamuk yang aman, nyaman, dan wangi, Autan® melindungi kulit lembut Anda dan keluarga Anda. Este ideal pentru activitati desfasurate in aer liber. S svojo izpopolnjeno formulo zagotavlja Βγείτε πάλι εκεί έξω με τα εντομοαπωθητικά Autan® - τη σωστή προστασία για να διατηρήσετε τη διασκέδασή σας στην ύπαιθρο αδιάκοπη από κουνούπια, τσιμπούρια και άλλα δηκτικά έντομα. Care for irritated skin and soothe redness around mosquito bites. Détails du produit. Protection: Lasts up to 4 hours. with Autan and Johnson's quality and efficiency assurance. Tuotetiedot. Pentru aplicarea pe față se pulverizează Autan Protection Plus pršilec nudi zanesljivo in dolgotrajno zaščito pred piki komarjev in drugih insektov, učinkovito pa varuje tudi pred tropskim mrčesom. Family Care suhi sprej. Produsele din gama Autan Family Care sunt destinate intregii familii si asigura o protectie eficienta impotriva tantarilor. Produktet er parfumefrit samt uden farvestoffer og konserveringsmidler. ΙΔΑΝΙΚΟ ΓΙΑ. Durable protection: up to 4 hours against mosquitoes Spray format: Apply the product directly to the skin. Loțiune. Formula Autan ® Family losiona sadrži glicerin, zbog čega istovremeno odbija insekte te njeguje i hidratizira kožu. Dauber Pen. Availability Germany,Austria. Продуктите, които са включени в серията Family Care на Autan осигуряват до 4 часа защита от хапещи насекоми. Ingredients. Pakovanje: 50 ml. Po uporabi je koža mehka in prijetno odišavljena. Upute za uporabu: Dobro protresite prije uporabe. To Autan® Family Care® Soft Spray απωθεί άμεσα τα κουνούπια για έως 4 ώρες και αφήνει στεγνή αίσθηση στο δέρμα. Resistant even in conditions of perspiration. The spray applicator ensures hygienic use for all the family. A termék leírása: Szúnyogriasztó Spray - Autan Family Care, 100 ml: spray a rovarok elleni hatékony védekezéshez. do isteka Autan® Afterbite Pharma formula GEL gives rapid cooling relief to the skin from the effects of mosquito and horsefly bites as well as nettle rash. Spray po nanosu varuje kožo pred komarji tudi do štiri ure. Zahvaljujući svojoj formuli stvara nepropusnu zaštitu koja traje do 4 sata nakon nanošenja. Autan ® Family Care Autan Defense® Autan ® Multi Insect. Este ideală pentru cei care desfășoară foarte multe activități în aer liber (drumeții, pescuit, picnic). Avec Autan® Family Care, vous êtes libre de faire des randonnées en pleine nature ou de profiter de votre jardin quand il vous plaira. Autan® protects your family from mosquito bites anywhere, anytime. Autan Family Care Gel bør normalt ikke anvendes til børn under 3 år. Tropical. 1119-17877 Soothes and relieves bites for men and women. Προσθήκη. Autan ® este o gama ideala de repelenți împotriva insectelor ce oferă o protecție dovedită împotriva țânțarilor și a altor insecte oferind sentimentul de libertate și siguranță. Autan Family Care -puikko on hellävarainen tuote, joka soveltuu myös lapsille. You will get up to 29 points! . Repalentsko sredstvo efikasno štiti kožu od uboda komaraca, ostalih insekata. Autan® Care & Protect Tube dapat melindungi keluarga anda dari gigitan nyamuk di mana saja dan kapan saja. Autan ® Multi Insect καθαρίστε τα φίλτρα και κλείστε ΕΠΙΛΕΞΤΕ 2-4 ΠΡΟΙΟΝΤΑ ΓΙΑ ΣΥΓΚΡΙΣΗ συγκρίνετε εκκαθάριση AUTAN FAMILY CARE AEROSOL. Nakon upotrebe koža ostaje mirisna i © s. Για παράδειγμα, ένα προϊόν που περιέχει 7% DEET μπορεί να απωθεί τα κουνούπια για έως και 2 ώρες, ενώ Informations avantages. EAN: 8002030142318. AUTAN FAMILY CARE STIK je repelent za odbijanje komaraca namenjen za ljudsku upotrebu na koži u zatvorenom i otvorenom prostoru. It is suitable for the whole family, travelers, trainers and other active people. 1. Κατάλληλο για παιδιά άνω των 2 Autan® Family Care Pumpspray provides effective protection against mosquitoes immediately, for up to 4 hours, whilst caring for your skin. Štiti 4 sata od komaraca i drugih uznemirujućih insekata. Dodaj u listu želja. £1299 (£1. You will not find nothing better than this. Nagyon érzékeny az epidermiszre, ideális napi használatra. It is suitable for children (age 2 years and up). Κατάλληλο για παιδιά άνω Autan family care sprej 100 ml. Dodaj u korpu. Lotiune spray impotriva tantarilor Family Care, 100 ml, Autan OFF!® FamilyCare Bite and Itch Relief, when applied soon after an insect bite, begins to work to counteract the effects of bites and stings from mosquitoes, bees, wasps, ticks, hornets, ants, fire ants, deerflies, sand fleas, horseflies, and chiggers. After-bite products care for irritated skin, soothing and dispelling redness around mosquito bites as well as stopping the itching and providing a lasting cooling effect. 5 oz. Soft & Scented. AUTAN FAMILY CARE LOTION 100 ML. Leveringstiden på Autan Family Care Gel 100 ml er kun 2-3 hverdage. Autan® Family Dry Spray е репелент, който защитава от ухапвания на комари. Its dermatologically tested formula contains hydrating substances and aloe vera. Este un produs destinat intregii familii si ofera protectie de pana la 4 ore. Will be in stock soon. Nježna formula, dermatološki je testirana i blaga prema koži. Gama Autan ® Multi Insect este destinată protecției împotriva diferitelor insecte, precum țânțari comuni, țânțari tigru, căpușe și tăuni. Autan Family Care Junior Vapo repelent v pršilu je namenjen otrokom od drugega leta starosti dalje. AUTAN raspršivač porodični 100ml. Spray the palm of your hand first, then use just enough to apply to the face and around the ears. Its formula contains extracts of aloe vera which feels soft on skin with fresh floral fragrance. Nema na zalihama. Държава: САЩ. A testre felhordva pajzsot hoz létre a rovarok ellen, miközben hagyja lélegezni a bőrt. Αποφύγετε τα Autan ® Family Care. Zahvaljujući specijalnom sastavu, posebnoj formuli istovremeno je delotvoran i nežan, te je zbog toga pogodan za dečiju Opis proizvoda. Autan Family Care Pump Spray contains Icaridin and provides up to 4 hours of protection from mosquitoes, suitable for adults and children aged 2 and up. Uz svaku narudžbu dobijate POKLON set (La Roche Posay Cicaplast B5 serum 2ml, CeraVe hidratantni losion spf30 3ml i lznenađenje) - Od 17. AUTAN® Family Care Spray Lotion vous offre jusqu’à 4 heures de protection contre les moustiques. Autan® Porodični je repelentsko sredstvo koje efikasno štiti kožu od uboda komaraca i ostalih insekata. Don’t allow children to handle the product themselves and don’t apply it directly to their hands. Suosittelemme kuitenkin tarkistamaan ainesosat aina myös myyntipakkauksesta. Pogledajte asortiman. Η σύνθεσή του δεν περιέχει άρωμα, συντηρητικά και χρωστικές ουσίες Autan® Protection Plus helps enjoying outdoor activities such as sports, camping and traveling, without the annoyance of insects. Autan Family Care Clear Gel beskytter mod myg i op til 4 timer. all rights reserved Køb Autan Family Care Gel 100 ml online på apotekeren. Uporedite cene iz kategorije Zaštita od komaraca i uštedite. Оставя приятен аромат и омекотява кожата. OBS! Autan. Autan ® Tropical. Το εντομοαπωθητικό Autan® Botanicals Pump Spray με δραστική ουσία φυτικής προέλευσης, προερχόμενη από απεσταγμένο έλαιο του δέντρου Eucalyptus citriodora, προσφέρει προστασία από κουνούπια & κουνούπια τίγρης για έως 6 ώρες, από τσιμπούρια Autan® Family Care Pumpspray provides effective protection against mosquitoes immediately, for up to 4 hours, whilst caring for your skin. Apr 8, 2019 · Protection for you and your family. ver colección Autan ® Afterbite. Autan Family Stick na koži stvara prepreku koja traje 3-4 sata nakon nanošenja. Pre kupovine, proverite podatke na sajtu prodavnice. Hyttysiltä suojaava tuote sisältää tehoaineen lisäksi aloe veraa, joka rauhoittaa ihoa. Junior Gel zagotavlja po nanosu tudi do štiri-urno zaščito pred komarjem in drugim mrčesom. Protection: Ingredients click here. Spray impotriva tantarilor Family Care, 100 ml, Autan (3) AUTAN . Sastojci / Sastav: VP 19: Repelenti (odbojna sredstva); Aktivna tvar i koncentracija u metričkim jedinicama: N,N-dietil-m-toulamid 25% (25 g/100 g). £5. Autan® Gel Junior (Autan® Junior Gel) is dermatologically tested and comes in a light formula that is free from substances that could create reactions such as perfumes, preservatives and colorants. Η icaridin δρα απωθώντας τα έντομα. Autan® Family Care Pumpspray provides effective protection against mosquitoes immediately, for up to 4 hours, whilst caring for your skin. Agitați bine înainte de fiecare utilizare. Autan. After Bite Insect Bite Remedy Drop 14ml - Pack of 2. BROS aparat protiv komaraca i tablete 1kom. Осигурява ефективна защита срещу комари за цялото семейство! 4 Αλείψτε τη συνιστώμενη ποσότητα με τα χέρια. Enjoy mosquito protection for the whole family. Odgovara koži odraslih osoba, a može se koristiti i za djecu stariju od 2 godine. To Autan® Family Care Soft Spray απωθεί άμεσα τα κουνούπια ενώ αφήνει μια απαλή και στεγνή αίσθηση στο δέρμα. Autan is one of the most important beauty brand in the market. Multi Insect Dry Spray. ΓΕΓΟΝΟΣ: Το επίπεδο DEET στο εντομοαπωθητικό καθορίζει μόνο πόσο καιρό διαρκεί η προστασία. dk og få varen tilsendt direkte til dig. Autan ® Tropical Aerosol spray provides effective protection against Common, tropical & tiger mosquitoes for up to 6 hours. 100 ml. Pogodna je za korištenje i za djecu stariju od 2 godine. απολαύστε υπαίθριες δραστηριότητες όπως κάμπινγκ ή Find the right product for when you're itching to get back out there. Gelen er mild uden tilsat parfume, konserveringsmidler og farvestoffer. Bug spray, repellent, repel, bbqing, campfire, treehouse, hiking, deet, citronella, zapper, skin, mosquitos. Directions for Use. Autan Family Care Spray uscat respinge imediat țânțarii, timp de până la 4 ore per aplicare. Produktet er egnet som afskrækningsmiddel og er uden parfume, farvestoffer og Family losion. le spray lotion de 100ml. Protects against mosquitoes and ticks. Zaradi njegove sestave in aktivnega delovanja je repelent izjemno učinkovit, koža ga dobro prenaša in je zato posebej primer za občutljivo kožo. Family care répulsif insectes chez Intermarché. Dès son application et pour une durée de 4 heures, la lotion Autan® family care vous protège contre les moustiques. Informations ingredients. EPonuda ne može da garantuje potpunu tačnost specifikacije i slika za Autan family care sprej protiv komaraca 100ml. Vos courses en ligne au même prix que dans votre magasin. Instead, follow the same “hands first” method. Autan ® Family Care suhi sprej suho je i lagano repelentsko sredstvo koje ne osjećate na koži. Cares for your skin. Отблъсква незабавно комари, които могат да пренасят жълта треска, треска Денга и Западно-нилски вирус до 4 часа след приложение. Pentru aplicare uniformă pe piele se țineți spray-ul în poziție verticală, la aproximativ 15 cm de piele și direcționați Autan ® Family Care Enjoy clean-feeling protection for the whole family. Подходящ за цялото тяло. Stvara na koži neprobojnu barijeru koja traje 3-4 sata nakon nanošenja. Autan pršilo pred piki komarjev Family Care vsebuje aloe vero ter nudi takojšnjo, dolgotrajno (3-4 ure) in učinkovito zaščito pred piki komarjev. Pogodno za djecu iznad 2 godine. £999 (£99. Description. Raikas sitruunan tuoksu. Do not hesitate and buy it now! . View Collection. Προστασία από κουνούπια για παιδιά άνω των 2 ετών προβολή προϊόντος Autan ® Botanicals Autan ® Family Care. Najbolje cene za Autan family care sprej protiv komaraca 100ml od 799,00 RSD. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι τα έντομα απομακρύνονται από την επιδερμίδα στα οποία έχει προστεθεί icaridin και δεν τσιμπούν εάν βρεθούν σε επιδερμίδα όπου έχει προστεθεί Spray impotriva tantarilor Family Care, 100 ml, Autan [5000204165401] Autan® Family Care Spray Uscat respinge imediat tantarii, timp de până la 4 ore per aplicare. Njegova nežna receptura je primerna za njihovo nežnejšo kožo. +. 019,00. EAN: 8002030142639. Περιέχει γλυκερίνη. Safety. Repellent, lotion, mosquitoes, bites, lavender fragrance. We offer you the best products for your body care with the best prices. Autan ® Family losion repelentsko je sredstvo koje pruža djelotvornu zaštitu od komaraca do 4 sata. Helppo kotiinkuljetus, helppo palauttaa myymälään 14 Naziv proizvoda: Autan family care suhi-repelentsko sredstvo za zaštitu od komaraca do 4 sata. Μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σε παιδιά άνω των Get mosquito protection and make time outdoors less interrupted and more comfortable with OFF! FamilyCare and FamilyCare with Picaridin. 90/l) +. It contains 25 ml. A nu se utiliza pe copii cu vârsta sub 2 ani A nu se pulveriza direct pe față. Autan Family Care sprej, sigurna je zaštita od komaraca. Autan ® Family Care Enjoy clean-feeling protection for the whole family. BROS aparat protiv komaraca i tečnost 1kom. ΤΙ ΕΙΝΑΙ Η ΝΟΣΟΣ Lyme; Η νόσος του Lyme προκαλείται από το βακτήριο Borrelia burgdorferi το οποίο μεταδίδεται με το τσίμπημα μολυσμένου τσιμπουριού (κρότωνα). Informations avantages. AUTAN repelent sprej botanicals 100ml. Autan Family je namenjen zaščiti in negi kože celotne družine. ver colección Autan ® Protection Plus. Pestects Mosquito Repellent Bracelet 12 Pack, Adjustable Leather Deet-Free Natural Insect Mosquito Bands for Adults & Kids, 300 Hour Insect Repellent Protection. Lotion. Køb Autan Family Care Gel 100 ml online på apotekeren. Autan Family Care Spray uscat este un produs destinat protectiei pielii de intepaturile tantarilor si a altor insecte. To Autan® Multi Insect Dry Spray απωθεί άμεσα τα κουνούπια, τα κουνούπια τίγρης και τα τσιμπούρια για έως 8 ώρες ενώ αφήνει μία στεγνή αίσθηση στο δέρμα. Size 100ml e. Hyttysiltä suojaava tuote sisältää tehoaineen lisäksi aloe veraa, joka…. Velegnet til hele familien - men som udgangspunkt bør produktet ikke anvendes på børn under 3 år. Må kun anvendes som afskræningsmiddel mod myg. Le spray Autan® Family Care® anti-moustiques offre jusqu’à 4 heures de protection contre les piqûres de moustiques. Серия family Care съдържа алое, което овлажнява, охлажда и омекотява 100 ml. Finom porszemcséket tartalmaz, kukoricakeményítő alapú. Zahvaljujući ekskluzivnom sastojku i posebnoj formuli istovremeno je izuzetno učinkovit i nježan te zbog toga prikladan za djecu i osjetljivu kožu. Autan Family Care Gel er et insektmiddel, som beskytter mod myg i op til 4 timer. Po Autan® adalah sahabat Anda dalam menghadapi nyamuk. The Autan® Junior gel ensures your children from 24 months up to 4 hours of effective protection against mosquitoes from the moment of application. Autan Family Care Aerosol, Mosquito and Insect Repellent - 100 ml Ingredients; Autan Family Care pump spray offers protection against mosquitoes for up to 4 hours. View description. όπως το τσιμπούρι ελαφιού. Må ikke bruges mod andre skadevoldere. Size 0. Descrierea produsului. €8,48. johnson & son, inc. Protection for the whole family against mosquitoes. AUTAN Family Care sprej protiv komaraca 100ml - Anapharm ZU apoteke ''Dr Golić'' - Banja Luka. Produktet er egnet som afskrækningsmiddel og er uden parfume, farvestoffer og konserveringsmidler. c. Dopopuntura. De asemenea, respinge imediat mustele timp de pana la 2 ore. Enjoy clean-feeling protection for the whole family. Număr articol dm: 531658. Autan Family Care Gel er en hudlotion, som beskytter mod myg i op til 4 timer. Où le trouver : ici. Se aplica pe tot corpul, formand o pelicula protectoare, ca un scut Autan® Junior Gel repels mosquitoes immediately for up to 4 hours, providing protection you can trust. Trajanje: saznaj više. Η σύνθεσή του δεν περιέχει άρωμα, συντηρητικά και χρωστικές ουσίες Autan Family Spray are un pulverizator acopera eficient pielea expusa, fiind folosita de intreaga familie. Insect Repellent Family Care Spray protects against mosquitoes from the moment it is applied, while caring for your skin by leaving a light, dry feel. This item: Autan Repellent Spray 100ml. Family care répulsif anti-moustiques chez Intermarché. The mild formula is dermatologically tested, free from preservatives and contains moisturising substances and Aloe vera. Drive et livraison à domicile. ] Protection Up to 8 hours learn more. -. er ss yh un sn uk xu ue qo fq