Injectable yk11 reddit. Injectable yk11 50mg ED for probably 3 months.

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Thanks! Archived post. Some people say it's true benefit comes when paired with another SARM/AAS, and others say that it can work wonders on it's own. I've tried YK11 in the past as an oral version with enclo test base dosed at 15mg, it was pretty great but definitely gave me some aggression. 25mgs of Clomid per day. Both LGD 4033, which is also known as Ligandrol, and LGD 3303 (not LGD 3033!) …. I have done 4 different cycles of sarms but I never did yk11. Interested to see everyone’s thoughts on s23. Sort by: Search Comments. But don’t listen to the guy who said yk11 is better for strength, not mass. You'll get better results with out the heart issues. I was thinking about this same cycle but use injectable yk11 due to myostatin inhibiting, but I haven’t heard of anyone else’s experience with it. But when I use it, it adds great vascularity and muscle density. Yk11 oral bioavailability is ridiculously stupid. But I took a shot yesterday and today cause I started to go to the gym again but I'm gonna run anavar and s-23 with test E starting june 10 and then replace the anavar for yk-11 at 6 weeks on. 8-10. I got muscle striations in my delts and chest on my last run of it. Never run oral steroids without a base, especially when they heavily suppress you quickly. 馃憤: 66K subscribers in the sarmssourcetalk community. I'd love to hear if any of you guys have any experiences with this stack, with or without a test base. Speaking of growth, my veins weren’t just vascular, but they were actually bulging through my skin, I felt like a fricking beast. 6. I ran this for a short term until Jul 10, 2014 路 Midwest. 0. 3. Best was an lgd/rad stack. Or check it out in the app stores Sep 10, 2022 路 Mac11wildcat said: 10mg is a substantial dose for injectable. The instructions are that it should be injected at micro doses of 500mcg split bilaterally into the muscle group that has just been worked out. We encourage our users to share their experiences and ask questions relating to sources and their products. 5mg, but I am not sure. Any personal experiences with injectable vs oral? Oct 17, 2022 路 Oct 29, 2022. Its a myostatin inhibitor. Good luck. (I tapered up on oral in order asses sides from each dosage) dosed down to 6mg to lessen sides. LGD 4033 is most people’s go-to SARM for bulking up and rivals the muscle-building ability …. Or check it out in the app stores   Injectable yk11 and oral rad140 60 day cycle? So that Anavar /yk11 stack will heavily suppress/shut down you. Hey so I’m 3 weeks in to my yk-11 cycle I’ve been doing 15mg yk-11 a day and I’ve been told it very suppressive i haven’t really had anything go wrong lately I’ve been keeping my diet pretty well balanced training hard asf I’m seeing small Gains i got this yk from swole af labs i ordered rad-140 and nolvadex from amino asylums can i YK11 upregulated osteoblastic proliferation in a cellular study . Starting to notice the ladies more and my energy is going up. Went up to 20mg of rad and 5mg of YK twice a day from week three to finish. 5 to 5 mg to start is a good range. You're gonna want a test base to reap the full benefits of this awesome stack. I did a second cycle of it at 15mg a day with injectable lgd3303 and it was great. If you’re looking for liquid YK11 we sell that as well. YK-11 dosage thoughts? Planning to implement during my cut and was thinking 5 mg total a day (3 mg upon waking and 2 mg before bed). tldr; YK11 is a 19-nor steroid, not a DHT derivative, with questionable oral bioavailability that is metabolized into a bunch of novel 19-nor progesterone derivatives of unknown activity. Injectable yk11 50mg ED for probably 3 months. Or. Injectable yk11 won't tax your liver I've done 3 yk 11 injectable cycles with either rad S23 or lgd-3303 even anadrol and my liver always came back great. Just as the title says, I hear mixed things about how to best use YK-11. Each time running yk11 ran it with 175mg of test e per week and 15mg of mk677 ED. Kickstarting with orals is retarded. But i probably wont do again unless i cater a routine for it. The first relates to structural similarity, and the second has to do with how it's synthesized / poor reading comprehension. YK-11 Injectable is offered at 64mg per ml for 10ml, totaling 640mg. Those are the two most suppressive sarms. ADMIN MOD. And crash your estrogen which is where to joint pain comes in. This is somewhat true - YK11 does have a steroidal Started my cut back in March I was on 2100 cals +30 min cardio 3x/week. Running LGD and RAD at the same time is setting yourself up for some major suppression. You should just do test cypionate or enathate at 350-400mg and add in yk11 at week 6-12. Blood pressure was way off, but felt awesome (both physically and mentally). You're better off just doing MK677+ either RAD or LGD. If you arent familiar with myostatin, its the chemical in your body A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. Ryan Russo did a video on it where he used injectable yk and a little bit of test with some HGH peptides and dude looked absolutely freaky and his genes are shit “according to him” for BB. I have seen countless bloodworks that showed less suppression than SARMs like ostarine and LGD4033. Ostarine seemed legit to me, was my first experience with Sarms and felt great on it. Take it twice a day. Is 6. Planning on buying some lgd4, yk11, mk677 and enclo and was wondering what dosages people think would be good for a stack. Ask me Anything. •. But enjoy whichever u go for bro! Adding injectable yk11 to the last 4 weeks of s23 at 25mg daily and 180mg test cyp. I find that sprinkling the anadrol on my lucky charms works best I split Jun 18, 2022 路 I just would like to help others and there isnt much information on YK11 stacked with varying compounds so this could be interesting and even helpful to people in the future for both good and bad not much info out there yet, so anyone with any "injectable or oral YK11 + steroids" experiences what so ever, then fire away. 5ml) enough for a 7. This is what will happen if you add yk11. 1. The most comprehensive clinical evidence-backed SARMs, peptides, and PED Ive done it all. An obvious reason for this is that the oral bioavailability is so piss poor you’re basically getting only 2% of it absorbed. Been taking LGD 5mg from Sarmcanada for 4 weeks and not completely convinced it's doing anything. Not a sarm. Been looking into yk11 for a long time and have used it my fair share of times. YK-11 Myostatin Structure. RAD-140 + YK-11 Stacked Experiences. Some online sources say 10 mg/day via split doses, but I'm thinking 10 mg on a cut may be overkill and lead to joint pain and/or tendon/ligament issues. I think I'm progressing faster on AAS than I did before with YK oral. 5mg ED). I'm running 3mg right now (24yo, 5'11", 180lbs) and am seeing decent results about 5 weeks in. Yk-11 is used as a myostatin inhibitor usually used in the injectable version cause it’s much more potent and effective that way so I’d say Rad-140 is the one that’s gonna be doing all the work that you’re looking for. ALso, YK-11 is probably the least suppressive SARM if used alone. This was by far the best, this felt like a full blown steroid stack. Dial in your TRT before you start fucking around with research Chems. that alone The main concern for most SARM users is the level of testosterone suppression they will …. It's my favorite compound to add to my main anabolic. With LGD you could just run a higher oral dose and likely get the same effects but, you know, suppression is gonna be a bitch without a test base. Cant compare it to the other ones like s23. So it stands to reason that if yk11 is placed locally within muscle cells, it would induce such effects. I have cycled injectable YK-11 prior and I will say that it's definitely a game changer. Looks great 1st/3rd party testing, wanted to try their transdermal of YK11/LGD to avoid liver stress and not add an injection to my test base already. Wont really build muscle. Aggression is real, I’d go as far as to say LGD-4033 is equal to or if not more suppressive, really just another steroidal form oral. Test deca primo for 20 weeks. Four weeks is a waste you will not get any benefit from this cycle. Used alone (with no testosterone) SARMS tanked my libido into almost nothing because they tanked my already kind of low natural test even lower (if you've lost your mojo you probably need TRT) I'm planning on getting back into the It doesn't interact with the Androgen receptor, it is almost like a dead ligand, or closer to an antagonist (in the tested muscle cells). /. In-fucking-sane gains. I used them both separately and stacked. I am feeling super good on a test cyp base of 250 mg /week and i can feel it kicking in. Didn't notice any sides throughout the cycle and starting bw was 208, ending bw was 225. 50mgs of Clomid per day. If I was gonna use it again ide do it as a preworkout on big lift days only. I am using anabolics for about 4 months, started with turinabol then test e, rad 140, superdrol, sustanon, ligandrol, pinned masteron once and had a severe cough and i let it be. otherwise it's a waste. 4 Share. With LGD4033 you should be runing an 8 to 12 week cycle. 2months in went from 240lb to 220lb (lowest weigh in). gonna stay on the sustanon for now untill the bp drops ADMIN MOD. Liver took serious damage, lipids as well. I know you're probably hoping for a recent review but I don't see anything here so just adding what I can. 馃拪 PEDs 馃拪. CAS Number is stated as 1370003-76-1; Molar Mass is 430,541 g/mol; It has a Chemical Formula of C25H34O6 I’m running NPP + YK-11 injectable and I think I’m noticing localised growth in quads where I am injecting YK-11. The injectable version is crazy anabolic however First serious cycles (rad,yk11,enclomiphene) and concerns about yk11. ”. 5 pounds, kept around 9-10. Injectable yk11? Currently on 525mg test and 450mg bold cyp about 10 out of 18 weeks in Was wanting to add in a preworkout something like yk11 to clean up help gain some more during the bulk and possibly harden up some and strength gains Mez has been running injectable YK11 and seems to have good results but the bioavailability of YK is unknown. I am thinking of switching it up to the injectable version of this sarm due to watching a couple diff Can't say whether they are legit or not, but I personally wouldn't trust the SARM matrix they advertise. "YK11 attaches to the androgen receptor to help inhibit the production of myostatin in the muscle, easing the muscle to create more FST, thus, increasing muscle growth [13]. I ran the oral yk11 maybe 3 years ago. Best hybrid cycle I ever ran was 10mg yk11 with 20mg lgd4033 and 250 test e. Injectable yk11? Currently on 525mg test and 450mg bold cyp about 10 out of 18 weeks in. You'll be way better off. The sarms i pinned an hour pre-workout. Then buy a different brand and get a fake, its superdrol etc etc. Ok so I’m 3 weeks into my SARM / ANABOLIC cycle I’m on a low dose of test and npp but have been running YK11 at 15mg titrated up to 25mg and I’m having extremely noticeable results and feel on top of the world. For 30mg/day of injectable yk11 I’d believe that but for oral yk11 not stacked with anything I’m calling bs. Add a Comment. Archived post. I use injectable yk11 from 10-15mg for 5-6 weeks. Anyone that tries to extrapolate its properties based solely on its structure is probably trying to sell you something. Will be supplementing with OTC joint support (glucosamine We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. As you can see, after a bulking cycle with YK11, PCT is absolutely necessary and for extra caution, we’re using Clomid for the extra punch it packs when it comes to alleviating Testosterone suppression. Lgd is amazing for strength endurance. ago. The other was 200mg test with injectable yk11 and injectable lgd. Apr 5, 2024 路 15mgs per day. Id run the anavar with yk with a test base and then you’d have to pct with Later turns out both substances have such low oral bioavailabilty, taking it by mouth is the same as a sugar pill, unless you're talking grams per day. I know a guy who pins his delts he will do half his dose in one delt and half in the other but I just use insulin syringe and go in the stomach. Was a bit tender the first few times but pretty used to it now. 15mg and 20mg if I remember right. I made solid gains, but I'm looking for a more dry cycle for my next Apr 3, 2024 路 I had changed my body composition in just six weeks with YK11. Mar 19, 2022. Also tried enclomiphene from Receptor Chem and Amino Asylum without the insomnia, but those were shorter term runs as well. . 5 hours at least every week. I'd do 20mg every 3 days because the half life I believe is I believe 72 hours and I don't want the water retention and it has subsided. Avoid yk11, trust me I can basically guarantee that is not yk11. Anybody with experience with them please answer. The Injectable is stronger and you use less mg and less side effects. Jayway9. Make sure to get bloodwork if you can btw. Cruising on 200mg of test e/wk. IronMag Labs Hardcore Bodybuilding Supplements. I would use it at a very high dose at the end of a bulking cycle. Worked well for me. Front squat 275 for 2 reps to 275 for 6 reps. rainbowroobear. The Injectable version is strong I didn't get to use it for a full cycle due to the gyms closing down and I caught covid19. In the study done on yk11, yk11 was specifically tested in cultured muscle cells. He said bioavailability and potency were better, with injectable Ostarine at 5 mg having the potency of 50 mg oral Ostarine, 5 mg LGD-4033 were like 20mg oral LGD Apr 5, 2024 路 Dosage and cycle length. Despite how amazing Stenabolic (SR-9009) sounds on paper it seems everyone says it’s not very practically effective. Mar 10, 2024 路 Before and After YK-11 Reddit Review. I take 3000mg milk thistle on cycle and tudca/NAC detox for 3 weeks at 750/750mg each after each cycle. Like how were the strength and size gains, side effects, how suppressed you got and if it's worth it. We recommend if you are inexperienced with SARMs to take a dosage of 5mg YK11 per day for a length of 6 to 8 weeks. Thanks for your input bro, as of right now am going to keep it at 10 since am not going to be taking it everyday only 2-3x a week. There is a great synergistic effect. Injectable mk677. Injectable yk11 so it doesn't strain your liver. It boosts the secretion of your growth hormone and can also significantly increase your appetite. I felt it gave me “show muscles”. Give it a few weeks to see how you respond and up it as needed. Not even orally because not enough research I see for me to do it. #9. Starting bench went from 225 for 8 reps to 275 for 7 reps. Hi ped comrades. I used 4mg-8mg I. I like the idea of a standard cycle with yk11 as a platue breaker. Will be using enclo so not worried about suppression. My cardio is 2. Also, what dosages worked best for you guys in terms of pinning YK? Planning a YK11 stack I’m gonna start with 4 weeks of dieting and heavy cardio with sr9009 and Cardarine, bc I have it on hand already. Injectable Stenabolic. Sort by: Best. Osteoblasts are cells that develop bone. All in all you’re gonna get stronger more than anything. I'm very tall and muscular. I'm completely aware that YK 11 is bordering on more of steroid. Have lost 20 pounds and kept my muscle, while adding definition and strength eating at maintenance. First, Derek says "YK11 clearly has the same chemical backbone as Testosterone and DHT ". You’re taking 3 different anabolics, two milder ones and then super potent never been studied in humans before YK11, I promise you if you just inject a moderate dose of testosterone enanthate every Monday and Thursday for 12 weeks with 1000 iu HCG/week and PCT properly you’ll see more gains, and you could chuck in a low dose low toxicity oral like anavar in there, you won’t need to worry Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 2 weeks ago I Started inj yk11 20mg/ ed to help w the cut hoping to recomp. I've never ran it solo. The test and primo I'm running make it so there's other possible factors, like water retention in muscle from the test combined with water expulsion from the yk 11. So far I’ve added on 11lbs, my strength has gone up pretty noticeably, my mass has gone up, and my body fat has decreased a little bit. I was going to run 10mgs daily last 4 weeks of cycle but after your comment I will do 5mg instead. Started my cut back in March I was on 2100 cals +30 min cardio 3x/week. Body weights up 15 pounds and major compound lifts up 65-80 pounds. Potential for localised growth and added anabolism. Ive never ran it 馃し馃徏‍鈾傦笍 i know experienced gear users that have loved the injectable version. Or check it out in the app stores   Injectable yk11 and oral rad140 60 day cycle? Welcome to Sarm Source Talk! This board serves as a place where users can discuss sarm, peptide, and research chemical sources. This function makes YK11 a promising SARM for osteoporosis and other androgen deficiency related diseases. the one in mice show it has shit oral bioavailability and the HED of an injectable YK-11 is guestimatable at about 60mg/day to be comparable to testosterone at a MUCH lower dose, sure it worked out at about 10mg/day testosterone in the equivalent sepsis wasting study. Due to the new studys findings of YK-11s poor oral bioavailability and extensive metabolism into novel progestogenic compounds I was thinking if the sublingual route would work, in theory like with many other substances that lack good oral absorption rates (bromantane e. I liked the look it gave me. Muscle Hardening Now, MPMD makes two primary arguments as to why YK11 is a DHT derivative. Some minor hair loss and bloated face. I've used it 4-5 times oral tablets once and injectable the other times. “I started my YK11 cycle six weeks ago, and the gains are crazy. Beginning HCG on week 4-8. I'm sure the yk plays a part. Cycle actually ends Saturday but ill be on Vacation so I figured id go ahead and post a final update before bloods and pct. (update) going into my third week on yk 11 10mg/ and rad 140 10mg/ (oral) and so far my strength is going up and my shoulders and arms are blowing up and my traps. I usually do gear and this cycle is good insane pump and lean mass. For the record, my last cycle was LGD-4033+YK-11+ENCLO (5mg/5mg/12. but i am far from an experiences user. Worked out for Lance Armstrong. Nice clean dry muscles but weak af for the size. Will definetly drop the yk11 and dbol. As far as enough goes, research has showed even 1 mg doing stuff so I think 2. 10-12. So for instance. As promised to keep y’all updated here’s right at 1 month difference on the injectable yk11. Gained 17. He researched with injectable Ostarine, LGD-4033, Cardarine and YK-11. Oct 8, 2023 路 YK-11 is a steroidal SARM so works a little differently than many other popular SARMs. " Myostatin inhibitor YK11 as a preventative health supplement for bacterial sepsis Su Jin Lee Amal Gharbi Joo Eun Shin In Duk Jung Yeong Min Park Lgd gives you water retention which puts to much pressure on your heart and give you high blood pressure aswell. Thats a starting oral dose. M Yk-11 and noticed increase in strength and size during a cruise (i YK11 is a steroid with zero human studies. That was literally the amount fed to mice that weighed ~25g in the only animal study on it. I have some injectable yk11 and lgd3 XR in the mail right now for my winter lean bulk cycle that I'll be starting soon. I've never used Sarms until recently so some of you guys may have more experienced than me. Haha I have never done injectable personally. Have a cut coming up and either trying s23 or repeating rad and yk. Dose is 14mg once a day. Unless your doctor is an idiot they might even pull you off completely if your blood work comes back bad enough. Gains average between 10lbs to 25lbs a cycle, depending on the user’s dose and experience level. In six weeks, I stacked on 20lbs, and the gains aren’t slowing down. Needs a test base also sounds rough on the liver. I took omega 3 and drank a ton of water, as well as coconut water for potassium. Its going to give you a LOT of strength, just like RAD, AND a lot of size just lik LGD. • 3 yr. Was wanting to add in a preworkout something like yk11 to clean up help gain some more during the bulk and possibly harden up some and strength gains. Injectable yk11 and oral rad140 60 day cycle? Thoughts on Rad 140/yk11 cycle Cycle: Injectable YK-11 30mg starting week 4-8 weeks Rad 140 20mg for entire 60 days of cycle Enclomophine during entire cycle for a “test base” taking 6. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Thanks for your help. Hey guys馃檪, this is just my experience with these two sarms. PCT 12. And just like tren, yk11 is a steroidal sarm. Haven't used them recently but when they first came out years ago they were gtg. Looking at YK11 injectable to see if it's actually better than oral. I fucking love sarms. I can let you know how it goes. Or check it out in the app stores Dude I was looking into purchasing injectable YK11 from pure rawz Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Injectable SARMs. brimright. It is a partial agonist of the androgen receptor and is often described as a hybrid between a steroid and a SARM. YK-11 is very much a research SARM and while some other compounds have moved towards human studies and trials Yk11 + Enclomiphene Citrate. Most bodybuilders say that they get great results by taking a dosage of 10 to 15mg per day and see very little side effects when taking a dosage like this for the length of 8 weeks. Since you’re already messing with hardcore sarms you should try lgd4033 for strength and s23 for some tren like aggression. Which it did help with joint pain, but after a few weeks the pain came back. Injectable at 10mg was about as strong as 20-22mg oral. I think 40lbs may be a little exaggerated but I guess it would depend on the amount cycled, length, and work ethic. Stick to lgd or rad140. YK-11 Injectable – Product Details. there are 2 studies on yk-11. TRT is for life, take the time and dial it in right before you go throwing in other variables. Diet is roughly 5,500 calories a day, 300g protein, 800g carbs, and 100g fats. Yk11 is anabolic asf. Ok_Dog_75. 5mg YK11 (3 x 2. I liked it but the injectable is def better and I'd run it again. Rad 140 VS YK 11. I am just looking for some advices/recommendations about my first serious cycle. Strength and pumps and overall felt amazing. For weeks 5, 6, 7 and I took tamxifene 20 20 10 10. MightyMoose67. A poster from /peds/ and /pedsr/ basically pioneered that stuff and even published guides how to homebrew them. I ran it with 50mg of T-bol and 300mg of test E. 25 liquid HCG 500 IU 3 times a week. I was losing 2lb/week great progress. After I’ve finished the 30 day supplies for both of those I plan on using 10mg of yk11 for weeks 1-4 moving up to 15 mg for weeks 5-8. But I'll be doing the lgd3 for the first 5 weeks with igf-1LR3 than switching to the yk11 with T-bol and Mk 677 for the last 5 weeks. . Start at 5mg LGD and work your way up from there. Yk11 source Is aminoasylum a legit place to get injectable yk-11? comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment It seemed to make me jittery and I had some insomnia on it, so I only used it for a week. Injectable Yk11 for the last 2 or 4 weeks. I've ordered twice from Androbolics, both times my order was shipped within 24 hours. Check out MK677. Does anyone have any experience with injecting YK-11? I am currently looking at the injectable YK-11 from PureRawz and wonder what injectable YK-11 is usually suspended in to determine the needle gauge. YK11 will do fuck all at 10 mg orally. I like 10-15 mg ED I just was on a yk11 T-bol test base cycle and I had to stop from gyms closing down and I experienced dehydration I had to get the IV drip for 3 days at the hospital. Do not run YK unless you have advanced AAS knowledge. clownfish1348. 25mg (0. Furthermore, the inhibition of myostatin by YK11 repressed the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and organ damage markers in the bloodstream and in the major organs of mice, which originally increased in sepsis; thus, myostatin inhibition by YK11 decreased the mortality rate due to sepsis. Yes, and by far injectable YK-11 has more noticeable effect vs Oral, and in my opinion it has a stronger and better side effect profile than other SARMs, but we have no human or animal studies on it, so god knows what it is doing to living organisms (humans). Jan 6, 2021 路 No sleep issues. 6 Week YK-11 Transformation. #4. 5 of enclomophiene for 2weeks then after yeah and we have utterly no data that YK-11 is able to offset that increase over time. It works oral or Injectable but inj is preffered. Its good for both, and honestly IMO its the strongest SARM in both those categories. • 2 yr. Symptoms went away after I discontinued use, and I have since started enclomiphene from TMC without those symptoms. This will be my 2nd experience with yk11 but 1st time with the injectable yk11. Consider backing down a bit. Usually YK-11 oral is less strong than injectable due to bioavailability but I’ve only used the oral so far, many people will say blood work are cleaner than other orals. Don’t want anything that’s gonna cause bad angry issue like tren did at 175mg a week. Pumps in the gym are skin splitting, fullness is insane. 5mg a day) for 60 days? I think it can be a waste 12. The only things I know about it is the oral bioavailability is pretty trash so smarter people opt for the injectable and it’s only a myostatin inhibitor so for the vast majority of people taking it they would’ve been much better off taking something else. OP • 1 yr. 1 month into injectable yk11. Hi! I am interested in buying multiple Black Mamba sarms, they have MK677 mix with LGD and Rad. 5mg in morning upon waking with/near breakfast, 5mg close to dinner time. Even on top of injectable aas. Discussion of SARM sourcing and general SARM discussion Oct 22, 2020 路 YK11 comes on strong, with most users feeling the effects of the drug within the first week. g which from my own research works Keep it simple and just pin test bro. During summer I did a small cycle - 4weeks of lg4 plus osta (10mg/d , 25 mg/d) followed by a month of climid (50mg/day) and ibatumoren ( I used ibatumoren for 1 extra month Scan this QR code to download the app now. Hello guys, I have some experience with SARM cycles before, but now I am playing more with Enclomiphene throughout cycle. Meaning I personally would use a test base; it is an accepted rule to not do oral only steroids cycles aka this. But I went from 20-20% bf at 183lbs down to 175lbs and 9-10% bf. I’ve ran lgd at 5mg and…. I’m about to run a S23 + injectable yk11 + test base cycle. I built another eight pounds of muscle, for a total of fifteen pounds. Reply. I suggest you run test base of 200mg minimum as the rad and yk-11 will suppress your test. Sure it puts on mass and muscle but so do other sarms and ik the side effects it can occur. Sublingual YK-11 application. I experienced my second minor side effect: Acne on my back. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You either get a fake and its actually just superdrol so you blow up again and pickle your liver, or you get yk11 and it seemingly does nothing so you assume its fake. The oral just seems to be pretty lackluster in my experience and don’t think much gets into the bloodstream. Took all oct there is. I am 1 month into injection yk11 at 14mg once a day. By rapidly increasing the number of osteoblasts, YK11 may be able to help prevent and reverse bone wasting diseases. Injectable Rad140 and yk-11 I’ve used injectable yk11 at about 30mg daily and that was the main side effect I noticdx Free Cycle Consultation Forever for Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. There are a few compounding pharmacies in Australia that sell Ostarine as 'S22 forte' dosed at 3000mcg/ml (google it). jl xg th ca qh xi oy jb ls pw