Why do dogs roll on their backs and wiggle. Your dog’s back can be itching.

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Apr 3, 2023 · Your dog follows you everywhere. Lastly, dogs might roll on their backs simply because it feels good. Jan 25, 2023 · There are a few reasons why dogs roll on their backs and wiggle. And as avid dog owners, we must deliver. When you walk up to your dog and it drops to the floor and shows its belly to you, this can mean a few things. According to Dr. When it’s hot outside, your dog may roll around in the dirt or jump in a muddy pool in an attempt to cool off. The ground just underneath the dirt is often cooler than the top Feb 15, 2023 · Reason 1: Seeking Attention. But if your dog is rubbing frequently and unnecessarily on the carpet or on other soft surfaces, then you may suspect this behavior is a health emergency. Understanding these physical cues can help you discern exactly what your dog is trying to tell you. Rolling on their backs allows them to see the world from a different perspective, which can be exciting and interesting. Dogs roll on their back when they are happy because it feels nice, to get attention or belly rubs, to show respect and trust, as well as out of submissiveness or fear. When we visit one of our friend’s, my dog will find a spot in their backyard where she will toss herself on her back, then proceed to squirm and roll around. It might just be ordinary scratching. When they see you, they incline to show you that they welcome your presence and are no threat to you. Usually, this is accompanied by enthusiastic licking and light yelping. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the reasons behind why do dogs roll on their back and wiggle. Samantha Stanley, a veterinarian at GoodVets in Charlotte, North Carolina, says belly rubs can be one way to show your dog that you love them. Others may roll on their backs as a way to cool down on a hot day. Uncover the reasons behind why dogs lay on their back. Now let's explore the various reasons why dogs engage in rolling behavior: Displaying Submission. 1 The Pack Mentality; 2. Dogs also like mud due to how it has an ability to tune into their instincts. It’s a way for dogs to communicate with each other and also show that they’re not a threat. Another reason is that they are trying to get you If your dog rolls on his back when he’s having a play fight with other dogs, there are two main theories. Catnip could be one culprit, but there are also other reasons your kitty might do this shimmy. While your dog may not need to go hunting anymore, his instinct still tells him that mud equals masking his scent. The Dog is a (Stinky) Hunter. The behavior is prevalent in puppies, but adult dogs will enjoy a good belly rub just as much. Your Dog Is Itchy. Understanding the context can help address the behavior appropriately. Also, dogs use smell to communicate Feb 22, 2024 · 6. The reason behind this behavior varies depending on the context. Rolling in the grass can help them leave their scent behind There are a few possible reasons why a dog might roll on its back in front of you. Apr 15, 2023 · Make sure to check him after rolling and hope he avoided any stinky substances otherwise you’ll have a cleanup in your future. Some dogs may wiggle and roll on their back because their body is itchy. 3 Trust and Affection; 2. 5 Interactions Between Dogs; 2. Dogs may roll in the snow to re-establish their scent, as the cold temperatures affect their ability to track scents. Dec 8, 2023 · 1 Why Do Dogs Roll On Their Back And Wiggle? 1. A roll with a stiff body means: “No, thanks!”. The only time it isn’t fun is when play fighting escalates Aug 21, 2022 · Your dog is leaving their scent behind Your dog may be rolling onto his toys to leave his personal scent. “Dogs can feel overwhelmed to the point where they roll over as a way to ‘give up’ and let whatever is going to happen, happen,” Goodwin tells Parade. You’ll likely see it in combination with other endearing sleep behaviors like: Little muffled yips when your Boxer dreams of barking. Cavapoochon puppy getting belly rub by his Aug 16, 2022 · Where one dog leaves a mark, another may roll to pick up that scent or add their own to the mix. First, it could be instinct. This incredibly endearing trait is nearly universal across all Australian Shepherds, regardless of their tail type. 2 Puppy Love; 2. Jul 7, 2022 · There are many reasons why a dog may roll on their back in the grass. 2. 3. It can also be a way for dogs to show that they mean no harm or to alleviate itching caused by skin issues. This behavior is deeply rooted in their ancestry, as wild canines often use this posture to communicate their lack of aggression. Gross! Here are 7 reasons why dogs roll on their back. It is a complex link between their physiological and emotional needs, reflecting the relationship between humans and dogs. It’s often a sign of Sep 13, 2023 · So, when it gets an unfamiliar smell on the carpet, the dog tends to roll over it just to leave its scent on the carpet. This behavior helps them avoid detection by predators and prey. So, rolling on the ground is simply your dog’s way of alleviating the itch by scratching the perfect spot. 3 The Role of Socialization and Learning in the Behavior; 2 Common Reasons Why Dogs Roll On Their Back And Wiggle; 3 Breeds and Individual Differences in Rolling and Wiggling. A less gross, but much sweeter reason your dog might roll on objects is to show their appreciation. This behavior can indicate joy and relaxation. This action can help them scratch a hard-to-reach itch, warm up in Mar 4, 2024 · Another reason why dogs roll on their backs is to solicit a belly rub. Allergies: Allergic reactions to the dog’s skin can make them feel itchy. This is a sign of friendliness and is typically displayed by dogs when they are trying to entice you over to play with them. It helps them communicate their next moves to other dogs and to humans it communicates trust. While we can use our hands, fingers, and nails to help scratch that itch, our dogs only have their paws and teeth, both of which aren’t very good at scratching an itch! Sep 28, 2022 · Scent journaling: "Rolling in grass, particularly grass with animal fur, feathers, or poop, is a great way for dogs to let other dogs know where they have been and what they have found," Bensky says. It is completely normal and you don’t need to worry about it at all. When dogs roll on their back, they expose the less furry areas of their body, such as the belly and armpits, to the cool air. Dogs love the sensation of having their stomachs rubbed and scratched, so they’ll often roll onto their backs to get some attention. This is mostly not something very serious. Understanding Canine Behavior. Dogs roll on their backs for various reasons, including communication, playfulness, and temperature regulation. " A dog rolling on their back is often mistaken for an invitation for affection, such as a belly rub. Naturally occurring and perfectly typical in most situations. Rolling Jul 11, 2023 · Key Takeaways Individual dogs have different reasons for rolling on their backs. Find out more. There’s an itch they can’t scratch otherwise. Dogs also roll on their backs on cool surfaces, like grass or tile to regulate their body temperature particularly to cool off when they are feeling hot or uncomfortable. Why do dogs roll on their backs and wiggle? If you see a dog roll on their back and wiggle or kick their legs, and their overall body language looks loose and relaxed, this is a dog that is feeling happy and playful. They also wiggle or roll on their backs to communicate with other dogs in the area if they have discovered a new smell or scent, especially if they are rolling on dead worms, bugs, or poop. Snow can provide relief from itching and scratching. They roll on their back to get your attention. While playing with your corgi, it can roll on its back, and wait for you to cuddle with it. ”. However, some will do it because they Jun 8, 2022 · This means by lying on the back, the dog is managing to get air to the areas that are not as well insulated as others. Dogs also roll on their backs to pick up scents from their environment. From comfort and relaxation to trust Dec 22, 2023 · Rolling on their back is a form of body language that dogs use to communicate different messages. Rolling on the back is a natural way for dogs to play, both with each other and with humans. Some dogs might roll on their backs in an attempt to get Mar 16, 2023 · Sometimes, dogs roll on their toys just because it feels good. They are releasing their scent into the environment, which is part of Jan 16, 2023 · Picking up a scent. This behavior can also help to remove loose fur, dirt, or other debris from their coat. One primary reason why dogs roll on their backs is to display submission. 2 The evolutionary basis of rolling and wiggling; 1. Stanley Coren, the most likely reason dogs roll in the grass is an ancestral instinct to mask their scent. I’d love some belly rubs right now, pwease. This is a method that dogs use to regulate their body temperature. When a dog rolls over on his back, it often means he’s passive and trusts you completely. This is, by far, the most common reason. May 5, 2024 · Why Do Dogs Roll On Their Backs and Wiggle? 1. A dog may roll on its back to show the other dog that it is willing to play, to be friendly or playful. Jun 12, 2022 · In a dog’s world, being on your back is a sign of submission. Other times they just want to spread their own scent around or get the smell of dead animal carcasses of their fur. He’s Opening Up For Pets And Rubs. Jan 29, 2023 · 3. This may be because of a positive feeling, like excitement, or a negative one, such as fear. An anxious or scared dog may use this as a polite maneuver to convey that they are not interested in further engagement, especially from a stranger. This is the most likely reason that your dog is rubbing themselves on the carpet. Dogs can be very similar to human babies when it comes to the things they do. Nov 7, 2023 · They get loose and wiggly, roll around on their backs, and seem to sport giant smiles. Mar 25, 2024 · Reasons for this rolling behavior run the gamut. Scratching an Itch: Dogs, including Shih Tzus, may roll on Sep 27, 2020 · Dogs like to roll in the snow because it's fun and provides a novel experience. If it’s just an occasional itch, that’s okay, but if it’s frequent or your dog won’t stop scratching and Jun 30, 2023 · Why Do Dogs Roll On Their Back And Wiggle : Discover why dogs roll on their back and wiggle in joy or to show submission. It’s a clear signal that they acknowledge the other’s higher rank in the social hierarchy. Reasons Dogs Roll on Their Backs. Wolves have been known roll in mud to mask their natural scents during a hunt. Additionally, rolling on their back sends a message of trust and friendship to the other canine involved in play and offers protection for sensitive parts of their body such as the neck and Take the twisting gyrations some cats perform on their backs. If this seems to be the reason that your dog is doing it for this purpose, try to develop more areas that produce shade for your dog. When your dog throws herself on her back in front of you, she’s basically saying “I trust you. 4 A Calming Effect; 2. ” Besides trust, this is also one of the common reasons why your dog rolls on their back when they see you. In both of these situations, a sudden release of hormones can have a major impact on their body causing them to shake. Gland problems: This happens when your dog’s two little glands, situated on his rear end, do not Aug 29, 2023 · 1 Why do Dogs Roll on Their Back and Wiggle. Tummy rubs make dogs feel relaxed, happy, and loved. Your furry buddy craves your affection. It has happened a few times outside of their house, but it happens almost every time we visit them. Scent Marking: Dogs have a strong sense of smell and use it to communicate with other animals. This seemingly peculiar act can be attributed to several reasons, each revealing insight into a dog's mentality and social dynamics. 00:00 - Why do dogs roll on their back and wiggle?00:35 - How do you know if your dog loves you?01:01 - Do dogs like belly rubs?Laura S. Try giving them treats. Corgis are very sociable animals, and like to spend as Why Do Dogs Roll On Their Back And Wiggle?In this video, I have explained reasons why dog roll on their back and wiggle. As a responsible pet owner, understanding why your dog does this can help you better communicate with them. Rolling on the back can indicate a desire for belly rubs, an invitation to play, or a strategic maneuver during play. It’s also a way of marking their territory without lifting or squatting their legs. To disguise their own scent from potential predators, wolves would roll around in the grass to hide their “dog smell. This behavior often elicits positive responses, reinforcing their desire for more interaction and connection. However, because they can't reach their backs with their paws, German Shepherds will also roll over to scratch them. Let’s not forget that wolves are apex predators. Apr 12, 2018 · The universal sign of a happy dog is a happily wagging tail. 2 Inviting Playtime or Social Interaction; 1. Dogs will rub against any object as a way to let others know they’re around. Just like people, dogs get itchy too. That makes sense when you look at dogs’ wild cousin — the wolf. To Get Belly Rubs. The itchiness could be caused by various things including an allergic reaction and insect bites (from mosquitoes Feb 28, 2024 · The 8 Reasons Why Dogs Roll Around on Their Backs. 7 Reasons Why Do Dogs Roll On Their Backs and Wiggle Story - Thedogsnobs Of course, the first and most common reason why corgis roll on their backs is because they feel happy and relaxed. They Are Overwhelmed. Dogs roll on their backs for different reasons and examining the circumstances is the only way of getting closer to a potential reason for why they do it. Scratching an Itch. 1. The desire to roll around in the grass may stem from the dog’s ancestor, the wolf – a natural hunter. External parasites: Often caused by fleas, the allergic symptoms in dogs include itching and biting. A dog might roll on its back to submit to the other dog or to show submission to its owner. One of the most enjoyable reasons dogs spend so much time on their backs is to get plenty of belly rubs. Dog’s back is itchy. Their behavior is designed to confound us or at least make us laugh. A dog rolling on its back in front of you, is an extension of that energy. Snow changes the environment and scents, making it exciting for dogs to explore. Oct 30, 2023 · Another reason dogs roll on their backs is to display submission and trust. Q: Why do dogs roll on their backs when in trouble? A: Rolling on their backs when in trouble is a defensive position that dogs take to appear submissive and avoid being Jul 16, 2023 · Dogs don’t sweat like humans, and they rely on panting and other behaviors to cool down their body temperature. Cooling Off. Here are seven reasons why Feb 6, 2018 · Conclusion. If another dog or animal has urinated or defecated in an area, dogs will sometimes roll on their back in that area to pick up the scent. In dogs, it would be highly unusual for it to be a sign of stress. Nov 28, 2023 · 3. Back to a more obvious reason, dogs drop on their backs and roll slightly to expose their abdominal area, hoping for a belly rub. Remember, a dog’s sense of smell is significantly more developed than humans. Oct 31, 2023 · Another reason why dogs roll on their backs and wiggle is because they want attention. One reason is that they are trying to get you to play with them. Back rolling can also be a sign of See full list on doggysaurus. On the flip side, they could be, like their wolf ancestors, rolling to bring back information to their “pack. Some horses will roll just as a way to express their happiness. 4 Showing Fear or Anxiety; 2 The Instinctive Need for Submission in Dogs. When your furry friend rolls onto their back and wiggles, they’re often converting a sense of vulnerability, trust, or playfulness. A Sign of Affection. Jan 16, 2024 · Generally, there are two reasons associated with pet rubbing: one is to relieve the itching sensation, and another is to mark a place that scents comfortable. Understanding why dogs go on their backs can provide valuable insights into their thoughts and emotions, ultimately strengthening the bond between dog and owner. You may also see dogs do this when they are playing with each other. There are many times in which your dog suddenly has the urge to play even when you’re in the middle of relaxing. They may be trying to mask their scent from other animals. Rolling over and exposing their vulnerable belly is a clear signal that the dog acknowledges the dominant status of another dog or even a human. Scents already present in the grass, like rabbit urine, would then collect on the dog . They do this because they want to get their tummy Sep 29, 2023 · Why do dogs roll on their backs and wiggle? Dogs roll on their backs to wiggle because they enjoy it. When your Australian Shepherd is happy, he shakes his whole rear end side to side. “When this happens, it’s called ‘learned helplessness. Depending on the severity of the itch, different Nov 4, 2023 · Dogs rolling in the grass is a common behavior that can have several reasons behind it. " He adds that, again, what smells good to us and what smells good to a dog is Oct 14, 2023 · Why do dogs roll on their back and wiggle? Dogs rolling on their back and wiggling is another common behavior that might seem odd to us but is perfectly normal for them. It's saying, "Hey, human, look at me! Mar 9, 2018 · Encouraging the Behavior. Rolling and wiggling are actually part of an intricate communication system between dogs and their owners. When a cat rolls onto its back, it's actually a signal that it wants your attention. "It's a way of communicating to others about their environment. 3 Cooling Down; 1. If your dog starts wiggling around while on their back, it’s a clear sign that they’re ready for some belly rubs. Dogs roll on their back and wiggle to scratch their backs, display submission, or play. Your dog might lay on their back and wiggle as a sign to tell you that they want to play. By understanding these behaviors, you can better connect and communicate with our furry companions. Aug 9, 2023 · In the dog world, exposing the belly is a way of showing respect and submission to a more dominant dog or human. Dog translation: “Rub my belly, please!”. Just like humans, dogs also experience itchiness, especially in those hard-to-reach areas like their backs. In addition to cooling down on hot days, dogs lay on their backs to express that they feel safe and harmless in their surroundings. Similar to humans, dogs experience itches in those challenging-to-reach areas on their backs. Some do it because they enjoy the sensation of grass or carpet on their fur. 1 Breeds; 3. In most Apr 11, 2024 · This might be the answer to your query – why do dogs roll on their backs and wiggle? It could be because they are trying to reach an itchy spot. Most likely, you only notice teeth grinding rarely, when your Boxer is dreaming of crunching on a raw meaty bone. Throwing herself on her back can also be a sign of excitement or happiness. Your Dog Is Itchy and Scratchy. Why do dogs roll on their backs and wiggle? Playful Rolling With Wiggles If you see a dog roll on their back and wiggle or kick their legs, and their overall body language looks loose and relaxed, this is a dog that is feeling happy and playful. So pay close attention to your four-legged companion and try to put Jun 21, 2023 · Dogs roll on their backs to expose their stomachs to potential food sources or predators. One is that he is being submissive and effectively “waving the white flag. Do a careful examination of the dog’s back and make sure the wiggling behavior is not a result of an underlying medical condition. It’s not like she’s in pain or uncomfortable, it seems like she’s enjoying it. Dogs sometimes shake because they experience an extreme emotion. Your Dog Might Be Itchy. com Feb 6, 2022 · Why Do Dogs Roll on Their Back and Wiggle on Carpet? They roll on their back on surfaces like grass, floors, beds, and carpets when they are joyful because it feels good, to obtain attention or belly massages, to show respect and trust, in addition to showing submissiveness and fear. Dogs are fascinating creatures with a wide array of behaviors that can seem peculiar to us humans. Oh no, they have their unique way of expressing themselves. Differentiating these reasons is important if you want to understand what your canine companion is trying to communicate. Don’t forget to check out: 19 Reasons Why Your Dog Winks (Back) At You With One Eye #3: They like their belly rubbed “Excuse me, hooman. When a dog is lying down, the weight of its body compresses the chest cavity and cuts off the flow of air to the lungs. But why do dogs like belly rubs, and what does a belly rub feel like to a dog? When a dog rolls over on his back, it often means he’s passive and trusts you completely. If a dog is enjoying being petted or scratched on its belly, it may roll over and wiggle in response. These are fluffy and chubby animals, so this is a delight for both you and them. It’s essential to respond positively to your pet’s greeting behavior, as it reinforces their sense of security, strengthens the Dogs may roll on their backs and wiggle for a variety of reasons. Harris (2021, Februa Feb 6, 2024 · Other clues about tail-wagging’s origins could come from canine brains. This body language signifies an invitation for belly rubs and shows a strong bond between you both. Feb 12, 2018 · Internal parasites: Tapeworms can cause your dog to rub his backside on the ground because of the severe itching they generate on their hind end. Oct 22, 2022 · Any dog parent knows that a dog is a ball of energy. You shouldn’t assume that rolling is a positive reaction, as a dog’s behavior varies depending on the environment and situation. Sometimes they get hot and need to cool off. Dogs have an innate desire to be playful and explore, and rolling on their backs is one way that they can do this. Oct 27, 2022 · Covering Up A Scent. One of those behaviors is the seemingly random act of rolling over on its back and wiggling. Behavioural reasons why your dog shakes. Jul 1, 2024 · 1. Apr 5, 2024 · Reason #1 – They Are Itchy. Dogs are remarkably flexible sometimes, but they Playful Rolling With Wiggles If you see a dog roll on their back and wiggle or kick their legs, and their overall body language looks loose and relaxed, this is a dog that is feeling happy and playful. Here are some possible reasons why Shih Tzus roll on their backs: Attention Seeking: Rolling on their back can be a way for Shih Tzus to seek attention from their owners or other people. Your Dog Is Hot. Before delving into the reasons why dogs roll on their backs, it is crucial to have a fundamental grasp of canine behavior. They think of dirt, dead animals, fish and seaweed as pretty One of the most fascinating behaviors is when they roll on their backs and wiggle. Scent rubbing in wolves is quite normal. Dogs playing with each other and rolling on their backs is fun for them. When you’re away and your dog is out exploring there’s a chance that Sep 17, 2019 · Dogs lie on their backs for several reasons so it's important to pay close attention to a dog's body language and the context in which the behavior occurs. 2. Some dogs love their humans. The first possibility is that the dog is greeting you by stretching out its neck and wagging its tail. 1. Dec 22, 2023 · The most frequent causes are: to catch your eye, because they are happy and excited, to calm down, to project confidence, because they are itchy, and to shed loose. Your dog is masking his scents. Our pups love to be petted and cuddled, so rolling on their backs is the perfect way to ask politely for attention and affection. However, not all dogs show their bellies because they want affection. So they roll over onto their backs, wag their tails, and squirm and wiggle. Sometimes, dogs will roll over because, well, they don’t know what else to do. ’. It is a behavior that is often associated with pleasure, relaxation and trust. Sometimes, a dog is rolling on their back for the most obvious reason. Dogs may do this when they are feeling safe, secure and happy. May 29, 2023 · A dog who rolls on his back might be feeling happy or relaxed – but not always. To get oxygen into the bloodstream, dogs will often flick their tails or move their entire bodies. It is trying to show the other dog that it wants to rest. A dog might roll on its back when it is trying to go to sleep. Here are some possible explanations for why your Golden Retriever might be rolling in the grass: 1. From scratching a hard to read itch to indulging in their instinct, dogs roll in grass and other things as a natural expression of their feelings. One study found that dogs wag their tail with a “bias” to the left or right side, depending on whether they are Jul 10, 2023 · 3. Some other explanations include employing a little back-scratch fever for an out-of-the-way itch, and if the kitty in question is an unspayed female, this is common post-coital behavior May 12, 2023 · Reason #3: They're saying, "That's enough; please stop. Engaging in a good roll on the ground can provide satisfaction and assist them in reaching the elusive, perfect spot. Many of the reasons behind rolling are nothing to be concerned about. However, a 2015 study suggests that this type of behavior is actually tactical and that dogs adopt a supine position to avoid getting bitten. It is completely normal for a horse to roll on the ground. Jan 14, 2024 · Q: Why do dogs roll on their backs in the wild? A: In the wild, dogs roll on smelly things to mask their scents. Contrary to popular belief, cats don't roll onto their back as a way to submit to you like dogs do. "Dogs May 10, 2024 · Another reason dogs roll in the grass is to scratch an itch. Apr 3, 2023 · Dogs roll on their backs and wiggle to get air in their lungs. In some cases, the answer is simply that the dog wants to scratch his back or roll in a scent. Though we may not be fond of the odor our dogs give off after a good roll, dogs love it. Mar 7, 2023 · It’s believed that one of the main reasons why dogs do this is to actually demonstrate submission and show deference during play fighting or skirmishes. Jul 2, 2024 · 2. 4. 6 Tips for Jan 6, 2024 · According to Cosgrove, here are a few reasons why dogs roll on their backs: 1. Dogs love getting affection from their owners, and rolling over onto their back is a way for them to ask for some extra love and attention. These include relieving some stress, assessing dominance, communicating with other horses, or scratching an itch. Aug 30, 2023 · Ever wondered why do dogs roll on their back and wiggle with sheer joy? This endearing behavior, often dubbed as the “Doggy Dance”, is actually more common among dogs than you might think. Growls. Here are some important cues to watch for when you notice your pooch roll onto his back. They also wiggle to create a disturbance that will attract prey or ward off danger. Dr. If your dog rolls on its back around you, wagging its tail, waste no time! Jump straight into adoring it with massages and rubs. 1 The science behind Why dogs roll over on their back; 1. Dogs regulate their body temperature through various mechanisms, and one of them is rolling on their back. They know that if they roll around and wiggle, it's hard for you to resist playing with them. Dec 13, 2023 · Why do dogs roll on their backs? It may seem weird to humans, but dogs roll on their back for many reasons. Dogs can’t reach every part of their body to scratch, so sometimes they roll on their back to relieve an itch. Your Dog Is Greeting You (Or Others) Some dogs love their humans. The first possible reason mentioned above, and the seemingly most obvious, is that your dog has an itch to scratch. Have you ever wondered why your furry friend dogs roll on their back and wiggle around? This behavior is quite common among dogs, but it can be perplexing to pet owners. Dogs also use rolling in the grass as a way to communicate with other dogs. 1 Submission and Trust; 1. 3 Feb 21, 2024 · Reason 1: Your Dog Wants To Play. Communication Methods. Dogs may roll in the grass to scratch their backs, necks, or other areas that are difficult to reach. When a dog exposes its belly, it shows that it is not a threat and is willing to submit to a more dominant individual or situation. Your dog’s back can be itching. After all, humans do it when the itch is unreachable — we look for a sharp wall end or door frame to wiggle on. Mar 11, 2022 · Many dogs roll on the floor to camouflage and mask their scent to avoid potential danger, mimic catching prey or for hunting purposes. Furthermore, the happier your dog, the more he will wiggle his butt! Aug 21, 2023 · Aside from greeting, dogs might roll on the ground when asking for attention, affection, or belly rubs. mr ln pc ch wq qv vz pf wh ga