Yk11 fat loss reddit. html>ql

I was getting anxiety sometimes even while eating because I felt so ravenous. I took a couple days off from lifting heavy so I can’t tell if I was overtraining and rest helped, or if it’s the support, or both. You seem extremely knowledgeable mate. You have to take YK11 twice a day to feel its full effects, as it has a half-life of only twelve hours. Dec 2, 2023 路 Females can expect similar results to men who use YK-11: increased strength and muscle gains, faster recovery, and some fat loss. I went from 148 to 159. Such dosage will ensure that you get the adequate boost necessary to build a lot of muscle mass! If you keep your diet and exercise routines in check, you can also expect to lose quite a bit of fat. Yk11 is a steroid and has all the side effects associated with steroids. Just as the title says, I hear mixed things about how to best use YK-11. Weighed in at 62. Any experiences or thoughts? A stronger anabolic effect than classic steroids such as DHT. Nov 24, 2023 路 Cardarine’s low-dose intake can rapidly stimulate endurance, accelerating your fat-burning workouts. They are both SARMs, but they are also steroids too. Best hybrid cycle I ever ran was 10mg yk11 with 20mg lgd4033 and 250 test e. This is somewhat true - YK11 does have a steroidal See full list on muscleandbrawn. I like it. Because of my sport the 20lb fat loss would be beneficial and the way I’m built, it wouldn’t hinder my muscle gain. Took a few days to kick in, the only side effect really was acne on my shoulders and rear delts. Now, MPMD makes two primary arguments as to why YK11 is a DHT derivative. that' the logic, but yk is so unknown. I felt it gave me “show muscles”. Individual battle - Rad 140 20mg vs YK11 10mg - Both with test base. S4 is very little suppressive like Ostarine, when S23 has literally been created as a contraceptive, and will almost 100% shut you down. Currently using it for a bulk with test and can say it's working great. Both for 8 weeks. Sleep is good. However, the ratio of fats (as percentage of total body weight) tended to decrease in the YK11 treatment group. These correspond to approximately 2g and 4g/day for a 70kg male We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Cruising on 200mg of test e/wk. Check out the article I’m referring to just go to r/pedsr and it will be right there. Here are the initial stats: Height: 5'11" Weight: 187lbs BF: 15% Bench: 1RM: 250lbs (I do my 1RM at the end of a four-set, 6-8-rep bench session) Squat: 245lbs, 5 reps (last of 5 sets) Arm Size: 16" circumference. The first relates to structural similarity, and the second has to do with how it's synthesized / poor reading comprehension. If you worry about stacking YK11, likely SARMs shouldn't even be in your wheelhouse. And secondly, as Sarm + serm becomes more common what’s the RAD. AAS serve a great function in a cut, but it’s drugs like Cardarine, Stenabolic, T3, clen, dnp, ect. Some was fat and thats now gone so im stuck at just over 60kg (im short and small and started working out at 57kg leave me alone). You can expect your dick to not work and your hair will start to fall out. Testolone Rad 140 is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that was created for the purpose of treating breast cancer and muscle wasting in postmenopausal women. So it’s a little hard to compare Im taking lgd4033-20mg rad140-40mg yk11-20mg. Nov 12, 2021 路 Dosage. It's also expensive as shit. It goes away after the cycle ends i hope 馃槅 The general wisdom is that stacking SARMs is a waste, and for good reason, it’s the same reason you wouldent take multiple orals on an AAS cycle, however , since YK-11 more closely mirrors an oral steroid (or is one depending on who you ask) would it provide synergy with LGD. Bodybuilders commonly use doses of 5-30 mg on 4-8 week cycles. So for bulking definitely LGD, at a high dose. My current cycle I started at 350mg and moved to 525mg after 2 weeks with 700mg test base. Beginners typically start with a dosage range of 5–10 mg daily, while advanced users may increase the dosage to 10–15 mg daily. at a certain dosage the Don’t neglect liver support when using YK. If you're working out for performance, don't worry about 20 lb of fat. Hi, Alex Rogers here, supplement manufacturing expert. Myostatin is a protein that prevents muscle growth. Ahh I understand now. 5mg seems like the average dose for YK. I ran this for a short term until yk-11 take 5mg one or twice a day works great i add over a inch to my arms during cycle no side and no surpression so far and this is my 2nd cycle!! so take a low dose 5 mg once or twice a day!1 you will even feel it working at 2. I’ve taken both before. I seems to look bigger, and would like to suggest that the 11 pound gain is most likely a mix of water weight, fat, and probably 3-4 pounds of lean tissue. Better than normal. It's a myostatin inhibitor. Stacking with rad140 is a retarded idea, your test/est are going to be so crushed you will feel like shit. My first 2 cycles I did 350mg with 500mg test. However when I played around with some injectable YK11 even at a low dose it absolut YK-11 VS Rad 140. It is as selective as Anavar or winny basically. Started my cut back in March I was on 2100 cals +30 min cardio 3x/week. There is another article as well that shows the first animals trials with yk11 (not sure how that came about as it’s been abandoned) but it showed little muscle gain at an insanely high dose. This includes stanozolol (winstrol), drostanolone (masteron), oxymetholone (anadrol), oxandrolone (anavar), DHB/1 Testosterone, etc. According to Reddit user reviews, it’s possible to pack on up to 25lbs of muscle in a single Mar 5, 2021 路 YK11 was found to decrease weight loss in the mice in a concentration-dependent manner, i. Kreos2688 • 1 yr. I was losing 2lb/week great progress. Tunnel vision somewhat. You need a caloric deficit to lose fat and you need a caloric surplus to Sleep like a baby 7-8 hours straight, wake up feeling more rested then I have in years. Your body naturally inhibits myostatin for a short duration every time you lift heavy compound lifts. Lgd4033 tiny bit of muscle gain Rad140 muscle gain and fat loss Thats my personal experience. Obviously the test is playing a large part but I have run test alone before it results are quite different Feb 20, 2023 路 Fat Loss. Idk if that counts for anything. YK11 does exhibit some fat loss characteristics during a cycle. I wouldn't run it with a wet base like 4 andro. Hey everyone. and any others you can come up with. Mg Per Mg YK11 is dryer than LGD, it added weight on the scale. Due to covid, closed gym and work from home i dramatically got fat. Archived post. Worked well for me. I am concerned about potential long term side effects from the drug. its a little more aggressive than your usual sarm. Apr 6, 2024 路 This is one of the best SARMs for fat loss. The guys saying "oh best sarm hell yeah" are commenting on a steroid not a SARM. A relatively safe one at that. Essentially trying to follow a recomp style regime. Weight isn't really a concern for me, rather I like to focus on my composition. I experienced my second minor side effect: Acne on my back. People say to not even bother with yk unless you’re injecting. After 6-weeks on the drug, muscles feel full and round, but lack definition and hardness. around 2months ago reentered fitness. weight loss, added to ampk stack it seemed to be the missing link for weight loss and thermogenesis. Ostarine was great on first cycles to loose fat on caloric deficit. Gyno Problems and SARM (YK11) questions!!! So I know I keep posting about Gyno, but I kinda was hoping to get clear answers from experienced users. Badjxjx. Or. As well as keeping estrogen high and potentially adding finasteride at the start of the cycle to deal with the spike in DHT due to SHBG being lowered. Yk11 can be taken orally or injected. Compare that to Turinabol which was developed in a state sponsored program in the 60's, that lasted about 20 years. After a week, you’ll notice a difference in size, and the gains keep coming for the duration of your cycle. So last year I ran a month cycle of LGD and picked up about 8kg. Apr 9, 2024 路 1. Taken orally there’s a theory that it’s actually not bioavaible at all. But yk11 has been shown to be minimally suppressive compared to other steroids. First, Derek says "YK11 clearly has the same chemical backbone as Testosterone and DHT ". RAD-140 + YK-11 Stacked Experiences. Noticed nothing from yk11 S4 hardening and fat loss with yellow vision. It’s more like a steroid than a SARM and thus also requires a test base. 5 pounds, kept around 9-10. Side effects: Agression is one of the most common side effects for this compound but I The study focused primarily on the potential protective effects of myostatin inhibitition on sepsis / sepsis induced atrophy, but for our purposes the control group is much more interesting. YK11 attaches itself to the androgen receptor, causes few androgen effects and inhibits – the researchers haven't quite worked out how – the effect of myostatin. However, in practice, Ostarine and RAD 140 will burn a similar amount of fat. If you look closer at YK, you'll also Oct 22, 2020 路 YK11 is a potent myostatin inhibitor. /r/PEDs is dedicated to information about enhancing performance. If we call yk11 a SARM, we might as well call trenbolone a SARM. If I had to give YK11 a nickname, I would go for ‘RAD 140 on steroids’. Yk-11 and lgd are to bulk go with cardarine and rad or ostarine be in a calorie deficit ofc and use amino asylums there good as hell man use code gl20 to save and make sure to pct if your using a sarm pct with Clomid or nolvadex. i started my cycle with yk11 at 15 years old and i will regret it for the rest of my life. Love it. Some people say it's true benefit comes when paired with another SARM/AAS, and others say that it can work wonders on it's own. May 8, 2018 路 Cardarine and sr9009 are two of the most effective sarms ive run without issues, tremendous fat loss on cardarine. As a supplement manufacturing expert, I know about Ketoconazole and RU58841 are the only ways to reduce hairloss from RAD 140 I believe. Some minor hair loss and bloated face. I made solid gains, but I'm looking for a more dry cycle for my next S4 is an old sarms, like a very weak version of S23, which itself is like a weak winstrol. Dosing. , total body weight of the mice increased or recovered better with increasing concentration of YK11 (Fig. Conversely, RAD 140 boasts a 60-hour half-life, which means that even if you miss your daily dosage, your blood concentration Trenbolone is also a steroid with SARM like qualities, just like yk11. 3. If I was gonna use it again ide do it as a preworkout on big lift days only. 5mg ED). 1. Typing stoned from my bed here during quarantine. Has anyone taken legit YK11 and been ok afterwards (Like, months to years after Enhanced Strength: In addition to muscle hypertrophy, YK11 may also contribute to improvements in strength and power. The study gave the mice 350 mg/kg/day and 700 mg/kg/day doses orally for 10 days. 8kg this morning. Going to run YK-11 from weeks 3-8 with RAD with enclo. Enhanced Strength and Endurance: Users report improvements in strength and endurance, leading to enhanced physical performance during workouts and activities. And I have gone up to 30mg as well. Only that the mild compounds that people use to get lean are still 5x stronger than any sarm. Jan 11, 2024 路 YK11 is an incredibly powerful SARM that can help you shred fat, increase strength, and build lean muscle, but more research is needed to confirm or deny the potential long term health side effects. . • 3 yr. Diet was on point, workouts per usual. There is a general consensus that Ostarine is a more suitable SARM when cutting due to its lipolytic (fat-burning) properties. Reply. clownfish1348. My first goal is to drop straight to 20% body fat whilst doing cardio and calories deficit. I’ll know in a few days. Doing 5mg twice a day. RAD wasn't that bad for me. Liver took serious damage, lipids as well. Iv tried cycle ostarine (2 cycles of 6 weeks), rad and yk-11, with intermittent weekend off. When it comes to the half-life of these two SARMs, RAD 140 vastly outperforms YK11. Like how were the strength and size gains, side effects, how suppressed you got and if it's worth it. At 10mg I had some annoying loss of libido but it came back at 5. ” Fat Loss Reviews. In fact, you need to increase your caloric intake 1. Eating is nice. Yk11 should be cycled for 8-12 weeks. But i probably wont do again unless i cater a routine for it. 6'4 250lbs, currently running 200mcg t3 (research chem so prob under dosed) with 15mcg albuteral and 500mg Tren E e3d been on for 4 weeks. Take it twice a day. When on yk-11 my diet/training were much more on point and I saw stupid good size gains while shedding some fat at around maintenance cals maybe a bit of a deficit. Now I've heard of YK being stacked with rad 140 and producing some insane gains. true. ADMIN MOD. Apr 5, 2024 路 I recommend taking 15mgs of YK11 a day if you’re going for a bulk. Yes Start off low dosage and move up in a couple weeks. by aesthet. 5mg daily may help avoid the worst of side effects, but with so few anecdotal experiences being shared, women may suffer with side However if your goal isn’t to pump out numbers on lifts I don’t think yk is the best option for you. Strength is ridiculous my lifts have gone up! I'm also about 203-205 now, but not by fat. YK11 is fine. Oct 16, 2023 路 The dosage requirements for YK11 can vary based on individual goals and tolerance levels. The reason why Ostarine users will appear leaner after a cycle is because RAD 140 users often adopt a high-calorie diet. MembersOnline. YK11. Yk11 is basically a dht derivative so have fun with that. Took all oct there is. Second was 12 weeks at 10mgs a day with 4 week clomid pct. Apr 2, 2024 路 Perform a hepatic panel before and after your cycle. YK11 and sarms in general are very new and haven't had much study on them so if anyone is concerned on YK's safety stick with a real sarm. It effectively enhances the body’s natural production of testosterone and also increases lean body mass. 8 percent body fat according to the same method. that are turned to for more direct fat loss. I have at home many SARMs and other non-Sarm: Ostarine Ligandrol RAD-140 Ibutamoren Stenabolic GW-501516 GW-0742 S4 S23 YK11 Yk11 with a test base. I have ran a cycle of rad and had some shedding toward the end, and I am debating yk11 but I am afraid that the hairloss will be more severe due to DHT properties. For the record, my last cycle was LGD-4033+YK-11+ENCLO (5mg/5mg/12. There is no known safe or effective dose of YK11, as no high-quality clinical trials has established one. i had a skinnyfat build but i did have strenght and my arms were ok sized when i flexed but i still had gyno and love handles. My plan is to take YK for 12 weeks and rad for 8 starting after I want to increase my strength and gain alittle in size but mostly looking for weight loss and strength. Experience: Fat loss, no muscle loss, major strength decrease, flat look, appetite especially in first hour of taking the t3, muscles have that achy feeling if I don't get enough protein. DOMS completely eliminated after workouts caused slight achilles tendonitis (which is why I stopped using it) I've done a few rounds of bpc157 since then and all my tendon issues went away so I might try it again soon. 5 by when I started) Ending Stats: 6foot2 and 201lbs, around 9. When on Rad 140 I was going threw some shit so my diet/training were meh but still saw decent results. Fucked lipids, raised liver enzymes, raised blood pressure, potential acne, hair loss, testosterone/estrogen suppression etc. i gained some I see a dramatic loss of fat procentage and increased muscle mass, looking lean. Jan 6, 2021 路 Started with 20mg for the first 2 weeks of yk11 and then just 20mg on workout days which varies from 4 - 6 days a week depending on my work schedule. Solid gym week. Was all lean mass added from the way I look. Jan 13, 2024 路 What is YK11? Benefits Myostatin Inhibition [1] [A] Muscle Growth [2] [A] Strength & Performance [A] Fat Loss [A] Bones and Joints [3] [A] Recovery [A] Aesthetics [A] Side Effects Testosterone Suppression [A] Cholesterol [A] Liver Toxicity [A] Androgenic Side Effects [4] [A] Other Side Effects [A] How to Take YK11 Dosage Half Life Stacking To be clear, I am looking for people that have tried them solo on separate cycles and did not stack them with anything else. Go to PEDs. bigbaba0. 2k is not enough. Mk677 I run all year round. It works oral or Injectable but inj is preffered. com Everybody is different. Though my night vision is getting bad, can't see the broad situation awareness. i always found it a nice addition to spice up a sarm cycle. As usual in short that I need to boost up natural T. 5mg in morning upon waking with/near breakfast, 5mg close to dinner time. The experience I’ve personally had with rad140 was at a high dose eArlier this year, I ordered from provenpeptides. Listen to your body. 1 B). yk has awful bioavailability. I asked them if i needed test since three compounds at high does would surely suppress my natural t possibly causing low t symptoms. Rad or yk11 solo will fuck your estrogen, combined your test/est will be nonexistent. i started working out at 9th grade but i stopped 6 months in. Disclaimer First time posting on Reddit. Our objective is to create an in-depth background of performance enhancing drugs from every background while building a community around discussion of these substances. Since you’re bulking, it is recommended that you eat 300 to 500 calories Feb 1, 2023 路 In conclusion, YK11 has the potential to boost muscle mass and strength, promote fat loss, and improve bone density. Use liver support to offset the liver toxicity of YK11. So far ive went from 157lbs to now this morning at 172lbs. Since Sarms are mild anabolics they are better for getting lean then for bulking like all mild compounds. com. All DHT derivatives lack that double bond - all of them. I liked the look it gave me. Be ready with the test base. New comments cannot be posted and votes Business, Economics, and Finance. Started YK11 yesterday. Nice clean dry muscles but weak af for the size. If you want a DHT derivative Anavar or Winny are good. I got off of it about 1 month ago, I am feeling fatigued and I am experiencing excessive yawning. For women, the dose is 0. Or try something new is all up to you. Apr 3, 2024 路 I had changed my body composition in just six weeks with YK11. Have seen 2. I was hoping to get some tips or any type of advice for how I can maximize my cycle on YK-11. I always use AAS to begin with, Stenabolic isn’t androgenic. I would use it at a very high dose at the end of a bulking cycle. Stacking RAD140 and YK11 is definitely going to suppress you, it might not be a bad idea to start the enclo 2-4 weeks before the end of your cycle and continue for PCT. In animal studies, YK-11 has also been shown to increase bone density and all-round bone health, as well as increase muscle mass and muscle strength while reducing fat mass. 5 – 2 mg daily. Give yourself a chance to recover more and start placing a priority on technique and mobility, lift the same weight you are used to but for more reps so you dont destroy your joints. Weight fluctuated, most likely due to the holiday eating but personal records seem to be broken once to twice a week so strength gains are there. You can expect it to take around three to four days to build to sufficient levels in your bloodstream. Just use Lgd or rad with a test base, like 4-andro. I already have Gyno on my left chest. Not very lean atm because of a bulk. This compound suits a bulking stack for sure. Blood pressure was way off, but felt awesome (both physically and mentally). All muscle almost. Females will require a very low dose of YK-11 to experience its effects: as low as 0. e. That my stress might be something that is doing me harm ( prescribed something for anxiety) that my super bad habit of sleeping only 4-5 hours might be also bad. If you don't have Yk11 in your stack, you are missing out. Just a quick lesson in the terminology for you. Can’t find much concrete info on doses. The name does have a ring of truth to it, as YK11 is both a SARM and a steroid, containing a steroidal structure but still acting like a SARM in the body. Speaking of growth, my veins weren’t just vascular, but they were actually bulging through my skin, I felt like a fricking beast. If one looks at YK-11, you'll see a double bond between the 4 and 5 positions. Despite eating like an animal I have if anything lost some fat and water retention but have gone up 4 pounds. If you’re interested in bodybuilding, and just wanted the most pure, highest quality YK11 on the market, then we suggest you go with Pure Rawz . Worked out for Lance Armstrong. Starting to feel better. Tbh Safe urself the dissapointment of using gear After just, and i mean just one year. ago. Oct 22, 2020 路 “YK11 was a great experience, but it didn’t suit my cutting stack. You seem to want to recomp so I’d suggest either a osta cardarine stack or just rad while eating at maintainence and adding cardio. The hunger is fucking insane for me, and I have a hard time working up an appetite. Apr 12, 2024 路 YK11 VS RAD 140 – Half-Life. Testolone RAD 140. Day 43 update- yk11 / rad140 / mk677 stack. YK11 is methylated, 5A reduced and a 19-nor derivative that hasn't been studied much at all. Maybe you're hearing bad stuff because from what I've seen here in the past, guys hop on a first cycle of yk, rad, lgd, and card and get shut down hard. Fat Loss: While primarily recognized for its muscle-building properties, YK11 may also facilitate fat loss. You’ll see much better results injecting rather than taking it orally. Bodybuilding or Fitness is an Marathon not an sprint. He told I should diet better, lose more weight because I don't look obese but 197 for my age and height (31-5'6) is to much. Only on start of third week. I'm doing enclo for my second PCT since it seems to have the best rep going right now, pending further information. Rad is great for strength, but headache and insomnia are unbearable (stopped after 2 weeks). Plus skin and hair look great, fat seems to melt off and doesn't come back when I let my diet slip. Honestly how yk works I believe injecting would make more sense, and would give you more benefits. Havent gained much body fat. Essentially, it’s not as usable as injectable yk. the limiting factor is its drying effect. YK11 is a new synthetic steroid based on 5-α-dihydrotestosterone. They share the increasing vascularity benefits, strength and lean mass gains, all proportions kept of course. r/PEDs. In-fucking-sane gains. Crypto Quick fat loss and body fat reduction. It's a DHT derivative and was classified as a "SARM" because the researchers wanted more studies funded. I think I got it from a Prohormone disguised as a sarm (it was supposedly YK-11, EA is the distributor. Yk11 caused aggressive estrogen supression and joint problems for me, even with a serm. YK11 will turn your fat into muscle and it will do so without mercy! People who have used yk11 say its not good for mass, it's good for strength. Injectable yk11 50mg ED for probably 3 months. You get maybe 7/8 pounds if you are lucky, which some of them may be water and fat and you lose them if you don’t keep on pushing your body which I guess you won’t since you can’t wait any longer than 1 year to use gear. 5mg twice a day!! this stufff is super strong!! run yk-11 with pro hormone 3ad and some epi andro it makes it stronger. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Yk-11 is the king. Nov 7, 2022 路 The recommended dose of Yk11 is 10-30 mg per day. You put on muscle quicker than your joints, tendons, and ligaments could possibly adapt to. u would still lose fat on rad or yk alone , mk will make u eat more + weight water so no , try rad + cardarine or ostarine instead. They all assured me nothing would happen. I'll post a much better log tomorrow, and every Monday after. Im currently running this. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Keep up the quality macros though, it's excellent for recovery. Gained 17. I built another eight pounds of muscle, for a total of fifteen pounds. I'd love to hear if any of you guys have any experiences with this stack, with or without a test base. Japanese research has proven that this SARM can lower myostatin levels in the body. Cycling will help minimize the risk of side effects and allow your body to adjust to the supplement. LGD. I have an amazing diet, feel great, bench went up from 210 to 320. . YK11 + Rad 140 stack? I've posted recently I had taken yk11 twice before with amazing results! First cycle was 8 weeks at 5mgs a day no pct. yk11 isn’t very orally bioavailable. Stick to your diet and exercise routines. With the possible exception of anavar or tren most AAS just preserve muscle and speed up your metabolism very slightly. And the strength gains were more explosive than the RAD to a point where I was at risk of injury. •. If you're on a strict diet you'll be ok but mk677 hunger is unreal. YK11- a SARM and myostatin inhibitor. Strength is insane. I look lean but no visible abs yet. Product: Chem-Tek-Labs Ligandrol and Chem-Tek-Labs YK-11 Week 1 Log No real effects felt. How much hairloss you’ll get depends on the person. 2. r/steroids • 9 yr. A daily 10mg Cardarine dose coupled with a 5mg daily YK-11 dose can promote muscle retention, spur muscle gains, potentially invigorate fat loss, and harden your physique without water retention or gyno effects. YK11 Worth it? : r/PEDs. Male, 30yo, 85kg, 25% body fat, 176cm tall. you Both have the ability to be harsh on hairloss and it will be user specific as to how you respond. Pumps in the gym are skin splitting, fullness is insane. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Fat Loss Promotion: YK11 may aid in fat loss, assisting individuals in achieving a leaner and more defined physique. yupused it with different compounds at different dosages in different cycles. Don’t cycle YK11 for more than eight weeks. According to anecdotal evidence, the most commonly used dosage is 10-15mg split into two daily doses. It is generally recommended to begin with a lower dose of YK11 and gradually increase it to assess tolerance and minimise Just use test if you're comfortable with it. With Enclo at 10mg 1xdaily. Lol sort of but not really. I don’t work out but I do work 10 hours a day doing scaffold. Anyone ever cycled ostarine and YK-11 together on a cut in order to lose fat and gain more lean mass I am 44 y old. Hence why your body produces myostatin in the first place. 2months in went from 240lb to 220lb (lowest weigh in). No hair loss Day 27, almost a full month. I’m 19 at 6’3” & 170lbs. I think the yk11 shines more in a bulk like a bigger bulk where you are making gains and then myostatin would increase. If you want to be really safe, don’t consume more than 10mgs per day. 2 weeks ago I Started inj yk11 20mg/ ed to help w the cut hoping to recomp. With proper dosing and a balanced diet and training regimen, users of YK11 can Strength is welcome. Everything good, had low libido so I started on 25mg clomid and low dose DHEA about a week ago. 5mg twice daily a few times. I’ve done test enanthate 500mg a week for 12 weeks 2 years before this rad experience, and I kickstarted this test cycle with 2-5 weeks of high dose dianabol (75mg Starting Stats: 6foot2 and 215lbs, 15 percent body fat according to Omiron Bio electrical impedance (back in July, probably closer to 16 to 16. Went to local nutrition store they had sarms called the titan stack by matrix labs. Perform a blood test before and after your cycle. YK11 is both a myostatin inhibitor and a SARM making it one of the most potent SARMS you can use. Muscle gain and fat loss at the same time is a pipe dream unless you’re severely obese and/or very new to working out. If you take Yk11 orally, it is best to take it with food. ” “YK11 is not for your pre-contest stack. So I took YK11 at about 10mg per day for a about 1 month from a supplement store here in town. The cycle will be paired with GW for 8 weeks, running both at 10mg per day but starting off with 5mg for YK. Users often report greater lifting capacity and overall physical performance when incorporating YK11 into their regimen. Probably low blood sugar imo. Be smart about it. vm up lp oz kc de ql rv dd ai