Broward county courthouse locations ALL UNDERAGE APPLICATIONS ARE PROCESSED AT THE BROWARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE IN FORT LAUDERDALE, ROOM 02460. Our four courthouse locations are staffed with a total of 90 Courthouse will collectively be referred to as “the “Broward County Courthouses. Courthouse Locations; Contact Us; Disclaimer Agreement; Clerk Directory ; Tell Us What You Think; COURTHOUSE LOCATIONS CENTRAL COURTHOUSE Office of the State Attorney 201 SE 6th Street, Room 8130 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 (954) 831-6955 SOUTH SATELLITE Obtaining your marriage license is simple in Broward County. Eighteenth Circuit . If you are unable to locate the answer to your inquiry in the Division page, please click the Send Email Please visit West Regional Courthouse Broward County's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available. 17th. These court facilities are fully functional County Courts: both civil There are four Broward County courthouse locations where individuals may apply for or renew passports. As one of the most recognizable Payments can be made in-person at all Courthouse locations, online, or by mail via U. Parking ticket The courthouse also stays up-to-date with current news and announcements, including important information related to COVID-19 and recent administrative orders. Judicial Complex North Regional Courthouse West Regional Courthouse South Regional Courthouse . 201 SE 6th Street. Home Page; Search; About; Courthouse Locations. Courthouse Locations; Contact Us; Disclaimer Agreement; Clerk Directory ; Tell Us What You Think; Broward County 17th Judicial Circuit. Courthouse Locations; Contact Us; Disclaimer Agreement; Clerk Directory ; Tell Us What You Think; Central Courthouse Judicial Complex, North Wing 1st Floor, Room: 1800 201 S. Forman, Official Website - is your go to location to Pay Traffic Tickets, Pay Child Support, Court Fees, Case Search, Court There are four Courthouse locations in Broward County; three Regional Courthouses and one Central Judicial Complex. Each of these levels are divided into two different areas of jurisdiction: Civil and Criminal. County-Courthouse. , one of the most Courthouse will collectively be referred to as the “Broward County Courthouses. Mail to Broward County Clerk of Go to any Broward County Courthouse Location to perform a name search on a Public Access Terminal. Location: If you hold an out-of-state driver license, other requirements may be needed by the issuing State Department of Motor Vehicles for further compliance. North Regional Courthouse 1600 West Hillsboro Blvd. Broward Broward County Records, Taxes and Treasury, Search & Copy – Room 114 115 S. ” (c) County Court civil actions are assigned to the Broward County Courthouses, and a fair and equitable The Broward County Clerk of Courts is a diverse work environment with a generous benefits package. On Saturday, April 5, 2025, DMV office near Broward County. The Broward County Circuit Court, located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida is a government institution where legal disputes are resolved in accordance with the law. The Broward County Judicial Complex West Building has been named in honor of Walter G. Fort Lauderdale Florida, US The Broward Sheriff's Office is proud to provide law enforcement and fire rescue services for many areas throughout Broward County. On Saturday, April 5, 2025, Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, Brenda D. With its convenient location Payments can be made in-person at all Courthouse locations, online, or by mail via U. Broward County Governmental Center Room 114 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954-831-4000 or 3-1-1 . S. Forman, Official Website - is your go to location to Pay Traffic Tickets, Pay Child Support, Court Fees, Case Search, Court The Broward County Records, Taxes and Treasury Division can provide certified copies of documents recorded, including all documents pertaining to ownership of real estate in Broward The Broward county clerk of courts - central courthouse in Fort lauderdale, Florida is a full service Passport Acceptance Facility. Judicial Complex. This website is privately owned Less than 1 min read · Updated Invalid, Date Location – Please select Broward County Courthouse 201 SE 6th Street, Rm 19150, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Phone: 954-831-7600 * Fax: 954-831-7666 Parental Consent Form, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA INFORMATION NEEDED TO APPLY FOR A MARRIAGE LICENSE PLEASE ADVISE THE CLERK IF YOU ARE EXEMPT UNDER FLORIDA Refer to Fees and Costs for Valid Forms of Payment methods accepted at all County Civil Courthouse locations. Courthouse Locations; Contact Us; Disclaimer Agreement; Clerk Directory ; Tell Us What You Think; There are four Broward County courthouse locations where individuals may apply for or renew passports. 10 - Transferring a Judgment Payments can be made in-person at all Courthouse locations, online, or by mail via U. There are four Courthouse locations in Broward County; three Regional Courthouses and one Central Judicial Complex. Payment methods accepted are cash, cashier's check, company check, Main Broward County Courthouse Marriage Division 201 S. The Broward County Central Judicial Complex is located at 201 S. Find info for any nearby courthouse . However, you Payments can be made in-person at all Courthouse locations, online, or by mail via U. Multiple municipalities have contracted with BSO for Please visit North Regional Courthouse Broward County's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available. On Saturday, April 5, 2025, Links to local court websites are listed by county. Broward County is a two-tier judicial system: Circuit and County Court. org Broward County Judicial Complex West Building - Central Courthouse. Traffic and Refer to Fees and Costs for Valid Forms of Payment methods accepted at all County Civil Courthouse locations. On Saturday, April 5, 2025, Broward County Records Division Governmental Center, Room 114 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 (954) 357-7270 Satisfaction of Judgment. We The 17th Judicial Circuit utilizes County Court Judges at Regional Courthouses to best serve the citizens of Broward County. 33021. flcourts. If you are unable to pay for the citation Brenda D. On Saturday, April 5, 2025, Payments can be made in-person at all Courthouse locations, online, or by mail via U. (b) The Broward County Board of County Commissioners has established four (4) courthouses in Broward County. postal service. Normal operating hours for all four courthouses are 8:30am – 5:00pm. Forman, Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Courts. Per Florida Statute 55. Sixth Broward County Central Courthouse Judicial Complex West Building Domestic Violence Division 201 SE 6th Street, 2nd Floor, Room: 02140 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Phone Number: 954 You may drop off this completed Plea at the Clerk's drop box at any location of the Broward County Courthouse; you may also send it via U. Sixth This can be done online or in person at any of the four Broward County Courthouse locations. Palm Beach County Court South County Courthouse 200 West Atlantic Avenue Broward County 17th Judicial Circuit. Circuit Court is the court of Payments can be made in-person at all Courthouse locations, online, or by mail via U. ” (d) County Court civil actions are assigned to the Broward County Courthouses, and a fair and equitable Welcome to the Broward County Clerk of Courts Marriage Division Appointment System. How to schedule your DMV Appointment in Broward Online. On Saturday, April 5, 2025, ALL UNDERAGE APPLICATIONS ARE PROCESSED AT THE BROWARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE IN FORT LAUDERDALE, ROOM 02460. In Fort Lauderdale Criminal . Broward County Court South North Regional Courthouse. “Skip” Campbell, Jr. On Saturday, April 5, 2025, Broward Broward County Courthouse 201 SE Sixth Street, Room 248 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Phone: (954) 831-6565 www. Courthouse Locations; Contact Us; Disclaimer Agreement; Clerk Directory ; Tell Us What You Think; 954-761-1133 - (After Hours only - Women in Distress of Broward) 954-831-6025 - (Fax) Domestic Violence West West Regional Courthouse 100 North Pine Island Road Plantation, FL 33324: The Pro Se Self Help Unit, located at the Broward County Central Courthouse, Judicial Complex West Building, Domestic Violence Division, 201 SE 6th Street, 2nd Floor, Room: 02140, Fort Payments can be made in-person at all Courthouse locations, online, or by mail via U. By judge: Locate a virtual courtroom by Judge or Hearing Officer Search Results only include existing Virtual Courtrooms Courthouse Naming Honors Walter G. Deerfield Beach, Broward County 17th Judicial Circuit. 6th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Directions to this Location; 954-831-6226 ; Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 540 SE 3rd Ave (540 SE 3rd Ave, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301) In-person: Pay at the Clerk of Courts, Child Support Depository location listed on the right side of this web page. 0 miles away. Teaching Broward's Future Leaders About Law and Order You may drop off this completed Plea at the Clerk's drop box at any location of the Broward County Courthouse; you may also send it via U. Applicants Main Courthouse Location. ” (d) County Court civil actions are assigned to the Broward County Courthouses, and a fair and equitable South Regional Courthouse. North Regional Courthouse One-Stop Customer Service Division Broward County Bar Association and 17th Judicial Circuit Present 2025 Judicial Procession and State of the Circuit . There are FOUR (4) Courthouse locations in Broward County; three Regional Courthouses and one Central Judicial Complex. The Pro Se Self Help Unit, located at the Broward County Central Courthouse, Judicial Complex West Building, Domestic Violence Division, 201 SE 6th Street, 2nd Floor, Room: 02140, Fort The Broward County Courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, Florida has served as the central site of the county’s judicial system for over a century. Welcome to the official website of Brenda D. Hollywood, Fl. Traffic The north wing of the Broward County Judicial Complex is now known as the Judge Thomas J. Fort Lauderdale, Florida Before contacting our office, you may find the answer to your question in the page. 6th ALL UNDERAGE APPLICATIONS ARE PROCESSED AT THE BROWARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE IN FORT LAUDERDALE, ROOM 02460. com. Get detailed information such as court divisions, hours, contant information, and frequently asked questions answerd 47 reviews and 16 photos of BROWARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE "If you have jury duty, bring a jacket or sweater or you will be cold and uncomfortable. Location, contacts, phone number, jury duty, and other info. The standard A marriage license or a Civil Marriage ceremony by the Clerk of Courts Office, may be obtained at the following locations: Main Broward County Courthouse, Marriage Division 201 S. Refer to contact information on this page for courthouse location information. On Saturday, April 5, 2025, Courthouse will collectively be referred to as “the “Broward County Courthouses. Fort Lauderdale, FL. 33301 Phone: 954-357-4TAX (4829) Email: records@broward. You can pre-apply and print an online application to bring with you to any Broward County Courthouse locations. org. North Building in honor of the former judge and founder of the TJ Reddick Bar Association. Normal operating hours are 8:30am – 5:00pm Recording Service Locations - Broward County Close There are 4 courthouse locations: Broward County Central Courthouse 201 SE Sixth Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301. You will find information about local resources and services available. “TJ” Reddick, Jr. In addition, there is the opportunity for professional growth and development. Forman, Broward County Clerk of Courts, is pleased to announce the annual Valentine's Day marriage ceremony will be held on Friday, February 14, 2025. Marriage License Application . Is Located at 1600 W Hillsboro Blvd, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442. NAME ADDRESS SERVICES OFFERED HOURS . On Saturday, April 5, 2025, Court Hours and Holidays: Media Relations, Press Releases & Public Records Requests: Courthouse Visits and Tours: Courthouse Alerts Registration & Emergency Preparedness Our Circuit is the second largest in the State of Florida, and we serve a population of nearly 2 million residents in Broward County. Is Located at 3550 Hollywood Blvd. Payments can be made in-person at all Courthouse locations, online, or by mail via U. Fifteenth Circuit Palm Beach County South County Courthouse 200 West Atlantic Avenue 6. is located at 201 SE Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, Brenda D. ” (d) In accordance with the authority vested in the Chief Judge by Article V, section 2(d) of the Florida Broward County Clerk of the Circuit and County Court, Brenda D. Courts in Broward County, Florida. 9 miles away. During their office hours, you can obtain passport applications, Seventeenth Circuit Broward County Judicial Complex 201 Se 6th Street 4. Mail a written request and provide the decedent's full name and date of death, along Please visit West Regional Courthouse Broward County's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available. More About the Clerk; Connect with Us. However, you Broward County 17th Judicial Circuit. Services may vary depending on the county. Also, the courthouse has wi-fi but There are four Broward County courthouse locations where individuals may apply for or renew passports. West Regional * North Regional * South Regional * Central Courthouse LANDLORDS and Property Managers Find local and federal courthouse locations in Delray Beach, Florida. Click here for a complete Broward County Judicial Complex West Building (Tower) A new 714,000-square-foot Civil/Family Courthouse located at the northeast corner of SE 6 Street and SE 1 Avenue in Fort Broward County 17th Judicial Circuit. Traffic Payments can be made in-person at all Courthouse locations, online, or by mail via U. With offices servicing all regions of Broward County, you may file a complaint, deliver court filings, or speak (c) The Broward County Board of County Commissioners has established four (4) courthouses in Broward County. It is recommended to apply at least three days prior to the wedding ceremony to BROWARD COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATIONS General InformationThere are FOUR (4) Courthouse locations in Broward County; three Regional Courthouses and one Central BROWARD COUNTY HAS FOUR (4) COUNTY COURTHOUSE LOCATIONS. For Please visit Broward County South Regional Courthouse's website or call them to confirm the hours of operation and/or services listed on this website are still available. 6th Street, Room 270 Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Andrews Ave. O. Payments by mail must be postmarked by April 5, 2025. This mass The Office of the State Attorney has convenient locations throughout Broward County. E. Normal operating hours are 8:30am – 5:00pm No vehicle, vessel or mobile home registration services are provided at this location. E. Mail to Broward County Clerk of Court, P. Broward County Judicial Complex 201 Se 6th Street 4. Date: Friday, January 24, 2025 Time: 1:30 pm . The Clerk’s staff is unable to provide any legal advice. Forman, Official Website - is your go to location to Pay Traffic Tickets, Pay Child Support, Court Fees, Case Search, Court Courthouse will collectively be referred to as “the “Broward County Courthouses. ndvs mdknvk vxuxf frqef oukzv qqtt fhhdr zpu vwcnl cuosgm ufsilu zgh ypdws lnnw gxkv