Chemistry laboratory equipment list pdf. 4 Handling reagent bottles 1.

Chemistry laboratory equipment list pdf : Name of Instruments 1 Analytical Balance 2 Bunsen Burner and Gas 3 Burette, Pipette and Glassware 4 Colorimeter 5 Conductivity Meter 6 Flame Photometer 7 Fume Hood 8 Hot Extraction Equipment 9 HPLC 10 Humidity Control Oven 11 IR Spectroscopy 12 Karl Fisher Apparatus 13 Melting Point Apparatus Pack your lab like a pro with this chemistry labware guide. Flasks: Various types, including Erlenmeyer flasks used for mixing and containing liquids. Students should familiarize themselves with the list of lab equipment below to reference during lab activities throughout the chemistry course. Teams not bringing these items will be at a disadvantage as Event Supervisors will not provide Recommended Lab Equipment. EXPERIMENTAL LABORATORY MANUAL on discipline ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS: TITRIMETRY and GRAVIMETRY (part 1), 2019. The document lists the medical equipment required to set up a diagnostic pathology lab, including analyzers for hematology, biochemistry, electrolytes, urine, and coagulation. Each is named, explained, and shown in a picture. No Name of the Component Qty. 3 Laboratory Design Checklist 11. Keep away from sources of ignition. V. sop for mantra image system. Freezing is the process in which a liquid changes to a solid. The prices range from a few Preview PDF Chemistry Lab Equipment Names and Pictures Chemistry Lab Equipment Names List. 7 Laboratory Required Signage Sample 11. Reply Delete. Laboratory Apparatus with answers cie igcse chemistry - Free download as Word Doc (. Complete with images, names, and types of common lab items and their uses, this picture glossary will help you select the right supplies. DISPERSIVE POWER OF PRISM Prisms for spectrometer Equalatral two faces Glass Size: 32x32mm Refractive Index: 1. they enable us to carry out experiments successfully and make accurate measurements or observations. Minimum requirement of equipment / items for a Biology laboratory a) List of Non-Consumable Items (for a batch of 40 students): Sl. It serves as a chemical inventory for the laboratory, Department of Education and Skills LAB Planning and Building Unit Tullamore, Co. Hands-on Apparatus list Lab equipment 100 cm3 beakers 100 cm3 conical flasks 100 cm3 measuring cylinders 10 cm3 measuring cylinders 250 cm3 beakers LAB EQUIPMENTS LIST - Free download as PDF File (. : Name of Instruments 1 Analytical Balance 2 Bunsen Burner and Gas 3 Burette, Pipette and Glassware 4 Colorimeter 5 Conductivity Meter 6 Flame Photometer 7 Fume Hood 8 Hot Extraction Equipment 9 HPLC 10 Humidity Control Oven 11 IR Spectroscopy 12 Karl Fisher Apparatus 13 Melting Point Apparatus College Chemistry Lab (CHEM 120L) List of Chemicals 1 Safety Data Sheets may be accessed by following hyperlink assigned to each chemical name. 00 Rs. Mastery of the techniques, concepts, and calculations covered in %PDF-1. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 267 0 R/ViewerPreferences 268 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI The equipment found in physics laboratories varies concerning the focus of the research. If you spill chemicals in your hands or body, immediately flush the affected area liberally A guide to using the NCERT school kit for upper primary students. Safety protocols should also be strictly followed while using these types of equipment as even a small LABORATORY EQUIPMENT . 10. Fume Hoods are used to ventilate noxious or harmful gases. COUPLED OSCILLATOR Coupled Oscillator wall Fixing type Cat. The following equipment can be common in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Microbiology laboratory glassware watch glass to hold solids while being weighed, or as a cover for a beaker. The Chemistry Laboratory Equipment List is essential for anyone interested in conducting experiments and learning about chemistry. doc / . Open flames: open flames of any kind are prohibited in the laboratory, unless specific permission is granted to use them during an experiment. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 Laboratory Chemical Inventory List (example) - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. pptx), PDF File (. More than 20 types of equipment are needed in every laboratory; we have covered the most popular equipment here. %PDF-1. LAB, RES, DAT, CHE, PHY and BIO. You will become familiar with some of the chemist's basic laboratory equipment and will learn why and when this equipment is used. A penalty of up to 10% may be given if a team brings prohibited lab equipment to the event. ie Room: Science Laboratory Basic Science – LAB Equipment List and Specification There are six lists for science equipment, i. Created 9/21/2015 Chemical Name1 GHS Pictograms2 Hazard Statements3 Signal Word NFPA Rating (H-F-I-SH) Carcinogen Reproductive Lab#0 Introduction to the Organic Laboratory The Organic Chemistry Laboratory is the most exciting part of the curriculum. Available All Type PDF In GivePDF Website. Reply Without a cleaning tool, our laboratory equipment list would be incomplete. Name of the Laboratory List of Major equipment 1 Biochemistry lab Autoclave, Calorimeters, Chemical storage refrigerators (220L), Distillation apparatus, Digital weighing Balances, Laminar Air flow (vertical), Science Lab Equipment Biology, Chemistry Supplies & Tools. Name of the Laboratory No. standard operating procedure for microwave oven 5. In the lab equipment section, we have a wide range of glassware, chemicals, equipment and other lab accessories. If the PDF does not display below, you may also download it here. sop for laminar airflow . Log In . Test tubes, flasks, and beakers are cleaned using cleaning brushes. 2Refer to Pictogram Key. New purchases also place the responsibility for maintenance and repairs on the convenient method to wash out lab glasswares. For students, discovering and exploring the school science laboratory is an exciting part of their academic journey, especially between standards 5 to 8. The equipment can be connected to a PC equipped with software for an accurate automatic system that meets all needs for moisture determination. Thus, it is PDF | On Mar 17, 2018, Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad published essential laboratory equipments | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate in common laboratory manipulations, laboratory safety, data collection and interpretation, record keeping, common chemical concepts, and calculations. Free Download Chemistry Laboratory Equipment List PDF. Offaly. 00 Gaur Scientific Works 11/4/2007 YES 4 Ostwald’s A List of Chemistry Laboratory Apparatus and Their Uses - Free download as Word Doc (. Why analytical balance is must in a chemical 1. Additionally, the functions associated with these various types of equipment are listed on the reverse side of this sheet. Chemistry relies heavily on laboratory work and experimentation, making it important to be familiar with common lab equipment. 5 Heating devices UNIT-2 :Basic Laboratory Techniques 2. This laboratory manual provides a one semester survey of basic analytical laboratory techniques, chemical methods of analysis and approaches to data analysis used in quantitative analytical chemistry. Knowledge of pH is useful or critical in many situations, including chemical laboratory analyses. Wear personal protective equipment. Emergency equipment: know the location and use of all safety equipment and exits. It describes various pieces of glassware like beakers, erlenmeyer flasks, test tubes, and funnels that are used to contain liquids and 20 School Science Laboratory Equipment List. This document provides a price list for chemistry lab equipment from Bharat Science Model Centre located in Gurgaon, India. Location of Safety Equipment Nearest to Your Laboratory Safety Shower Eye Wash Fountain Fire Extinguisher Fire Alarm Safety Chemicals . Laboratory equipment or lab equipment is an important part of chemistry and science in general. It lists over 100 items commonly used for chemistry experiments and their individual prices in Indian Rupees. Burette Practical General Chemistry For First grade Students Lab. Glass Condenser A condenser is an apparatus or item of equipment used to condense (change the physical state of a substance from its gaseous to its liquid state). It is very important for every student to know about Chemistry Lab Equipment Names List PDF and pictures. If you are a student of science, then it is very important for you to know the names of the equipment and how to use them. This document provides descriptions of common laboratory equipment and their appropriate uses to help ensure safe laboratory practices. About safety Lab Equipment Matching Match the lab equipment with its function. SP. 00 cm 3 is at lab equipment list - Free download as Excel Spreadsheet (. COMMON LABORATORY TECHNIQUES In all volumetric glassware (pipet, buret, volumetric flasks, graduated cylinder, Chemistry Laboratory Equipment List . In this blog post, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of lab equipment names and pictures to help you familiarize yourself with the essential tools of the trade. The document includes sample drawings and questions to test the LIST OF LABORATORY EQUIPMENT SSC LEVEL . We mostly use all of these in practical classes in school and college but sometimes it becomes Chemistry Lab Equipment There are many more lab equipment that are used in chemistry experiments. Products. 1 Do’s and don’ts in a chemistry laboratory 1. The items include reagents, stains, culture media, glassware, and other materials needed for biological research and testing. , Ranging Rods, Arrows, Cross Chemistry Lab 02 pH testing made easy with all the supplies you need for your biology and chemistry classrooms or laboratory practices. Type: PDF Date: November 2019 Size: 891. 8/9/2007 YES 3 Stalagmometer 15 Rs. No. Chemicals: a. They are available in different checklist types and formatting options, including: Master — contains ALL of the requirements and instructions available in PDF, Word/XML or Excel formats Custom — customized based on the laboratory's activity (test) menu; available in PDF, Word/XML or Excel formats chemistry lab equipment checklist (2020) - Free download as PDF File (. It is equipped with various equipment (or apparatus) and chemicals necessary for carrying out experiments safely and effectively. It is the place where all of the abstract chemical concepts come to life. 7. If you are a student of science, then it is very important for you to know the Price List - Chemistry Lab Equipment - Free download as PDF File (. The document provides a list of 45 numbered items of laboratory equipment. Item & Expected Use Likely to be used in: Chemistry Lab Forensics Environmental Chemistry Materials Science Glassware used in all chemistry courses: Glassware commonly used in organic chemistry for conducting reactions and purifications: Tools used in all chemistry courses: Various equipment in the organic chemistry lab: Clamps for securing apparatuses: Burners and tubing: Glassware used in microscale work: A laboratory is a building or special room specifically designed for conducting experiments, research, and practical demonstrations related to chemical principles and reactions. 7 %âãÏÓ 1861 0 obj > endobj 1878 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[5FADD8F1384E834A9E27F64E3C20B89C>]/Index[1861 43]/Info 1860 0 R/Length 92/Prev 801260/Root Chemistry 2A Lab Manual Standard Operating Procedures Fall 2020 Department of Chemistry University of California - Davis Davis, CA 95616. 5 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/XObject >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 COMMON LABORATORY APPARATUS Beakers are useful as a reaction container or to hold liquid or solid samples. 1. Appropriate exhaust 16 Citric Acid Eye and lungs irritant Skin contact can produce inflammation and blistering Keep away from heat. KNOW YOUR LAB EQUIPMENTS Test tube A test tube, also known as a sample tube, is a common piece of laboratory glassware consisting of a finger-like length of glass or clear plastic tubing, open at the top and closed However, new equipment comes with a high upfront cost, which can strain budgets, especially for startups or labs with limited funding. List of lab chemicals - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 3Refer to Hazard Statement Key. 9 Building Lab Infrastructure . xls / . 12,000. 4 ADA Sink and Eyewash Module 11. Replies. txt) or read online for free. 11. 5 Heating solution in a test tube List of all equipment and instruments used in pharmaceutical quality control, tablet manufacturing, liquid manufacturing, warehouse and engineering departments. ft. The document lists laboratory equipment organized into three parts: primary analytical equipment including laboratory equipment. Use this helpful guide to assure you outfit your lab with all the essential laboratory equipment and supplies. 2 Bending of a glass tube 2. They are also used to catch liquids from titrations and filtrates from List of Equipments in the Department (Chemical Engineering) Mechanical Operation lab Fluid Mechanics Lab Heat transfer Lab Mass Transfer lab • Cyclone Separator • Plate & Frame If you are a student of science, then it is very important for you to know the names of the equipment and how to use them. This document lists and describes common laboratory apparatus and their uses. 5 %âãÏÓ 3963 0 obj > endobj 3969 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[1D23FA1F3715F94CAEB8D69EF95C1F31>]/Index[3963 13]/Info 3962 0 R/Length 52/Prev 8806076/Root General Chemistry Labs Laboratory Equipment Photos Glossary of Terms (Spanish & English) How to Write a Lab Report. ASSIGNMENT #2: Complete the following worksheets to review your lab safety & equipment knowledge. Although it is an exciting place it can also be one of the Download A List Of Chemistry Laboratory Apparatus And Their Uses. xlsx), PDF File (. You may write your answers in the space provided. no Non-Consumable Requirement Sl. pH meters are used for soil measurements . Balances are used to determine the mass of a reagent or object. The document lists the equipment held at a site laboratory, including 1 concrete cube testing machine, various molds, a hot air oven, balances, cylinder measures, testing apparatuses for impact value, crushing value, and more. Test Tube EDTA Tube Gel Tube Test Tube Holder (Rack) Capillary Tube. Most of them are available for order online on our website but some of them can be procured on demand. Computational analysis, and therefore computation equipment, has also become essential to physics research. It occurs when a liquid cools to a point at which its Common Laboratory Apparatus - Free download as Word Doc (. docx), PDF File (. i Preface Chemistry is an experimental science. 00 Singla Scientific ind. Cheryl Bausman. 540. The new edition of the lab manual emphasises chemical principles as well as laboratory techniques. Chemistry Equipment & Materials - Best Sellers. Proper Suggested practical apparatus: Chemistry Through their study of the new GCSE Sciences students must be given the opportunity to experience a wide range of hands-on practical work. Files Is Printable, Online read and PDF Version Download Option. About; plant growth chamber is also a part laboratory which is widely used in the research of small plants. Room size 600 Sq. ENGINEERINGPHYSICSLAB EQUIPMENT LIST(2015-16) S. Learn the names and purposes of test tubes, pipettes, flasks, balances, and more. Check Your Progress – 1 1. 2019 9. by logging into e-LAB Solutions Suite. Ø Lab worker should be aware of the location and proper operation of laboratory safety equipment Ø Know the exits in the laboratory and in the building Ø Everyone while Chemistry Test Lab Equipment Identification - Free download as PDF File (. sop for cleaning, operation and calibration of weighing balance . The manual helps students understand the Becoming Familiar with Lab Equipment Directions: Below you will find the names of different kinds of lab equipment you may encounter this year. 51 Make: Prince Made: Borosilicate Crown 6 3. Any In this post, we’ll provide you with an extensive list of laboratory equipment commonly used in scientific experiments and research. It lists over 100 items including common lab equipment like ammeters, barometers, batteries, beakers, magnets, meters, microscopes, and more. 6 Laboratory Signage Checklist 11. 17 This document provides a procedure for students to identify and learn the names and functions of common laboratory equipment. 2 Analytical methods 1. Key tools covered include Bunsen burners, beakers, flasks, test tubes, pipettes, balances, clamps, and safety equipment like goggles and aprons. The document lists and describes common laboratory apparatus used in experiments including test tubes, beakers, graduated cylinders, evaporating dishes, pipettes, Bunsen burners, crucibles, and other equipment used for heating, measuring, and Whether you’re working in a chemistry lab, a biology lab, or any other scientific field, having the right tools and equipment is crucial for accurate and reliable results. • pH meter The rate and outcome of chemical reactions taking place in water often depends on the acidity of the water, and it is therefore useful to know the acidity of the water, typically measured by means of a pH meter. It is %PDF-1. ppt / . com Call us on for science projects:(+91)-8989568778! The idea of scripting this manual came after we realized that our laboratories don't have a properly structured book that guides them the way to prepare chemistry reagents with a special emphasis The equipment is available with a choice of titrators, coulmeters, stand and accessories as well as reagents for titration. Using the word bank below place the name of the lab equipment below its function. 2 Storage A separate room or cupboards within lab for consumables and non- consumables items in the lock and key mechanism, thus Chemistry Laboratory Equipment List . Featured Disciplines. It lists 24 pieces of equipment found in a chemistry lab and their uses, such as beakers for mixing chemicals, burets for precise liquid measurements, and burners for heating substances. 4 Handling reagent bottles 1. And we will try to know about the basic equipment used in a science laboratory. It includes 48 large cube molds, 9 smaller molds, and This document contains a list of 125 chemicals, laboratory equipment, and other lab supplies along with their required quantities and unit prices. Trackback: For Your Chemists: A Visual Guide To Chemistry Glassware Trackback: A visual guide to chemistry glassware by Compound Interest - Wilmes, LLC Trackback: Infographic: A Visual Guide To 4) Pharmaceutical Analysis Lab. Spectrophotometers are used to measure the absorbance or transmittance of a liquid sample. Telephone: 057 9324300 or 01 889 6400 Fax: 057 9324411 Web: www. 1KB Author: Stephen Henry This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. Chemistry Common Laboratory Apparatus and its Uses Many types of apparatus are used for scientific work in laboratories. however, we have compiled all possible common and comprehensive lists of 20 laboratory apparatus and their uses. This is a list of 27 basic pieces of laboratory equipment you would find in a general chemistry lab. It then provides a chemistry test with A List of Chemistry Laboratory Apparatus and Their. Subscribe. 4 Laboratory Equipment: Names & Uses - Download as a PDF or view online for free. In addition, they can be plugged with 5. 8/9/2007 YES 2 Hot air Oven 2 Rs. Equipment Name Qty. They are available in different checklist types and formatting options, including: Master — contains ALL of the requirements and instructions available in PDF, Word/XML or Excel formats Custom — customized based on the laboratory's activity (test) menu; available in PDF, Word/XML or Excel formats List of Major Equipment / Facilities in each Laboratory / Workshop Department of Biotechnology S. If you have need:-laboratory equipment or lab furniture requirements for school; composite lab equipment list for school laboratory glassware, mostly for chemical or biochemical work. Table of Contents: ERLENMEYER FLASK; BEAKER ; TEST TUBE; VIAL WITH CAP; Glassware- used for measurement. Graduated Pipette Disposable Pipette. 4 Boring a cork 2. of PCs Major Equipments 1 Surveying Practice Lab Chains 30m, 20m, Tapes 30, 15m. Price List - Physics Lab Equipment - Free download as PDF File (. It includes measuring cylinders to measure liquid volumes, conical flasks to hold liquids and often heat them, crucibles to heat substances like List of Major Equipment in labs/workshop Department of Civil Engineering Laboratory Sl. FUME HOODS (ÇEKER OCAK) The fume hoods protect laboratory workers from fumes and potentially dangerous chemicals reactions by continuously vacuuming air out of the lab and providing a glass shield. all common Lab Equipment & Supplies | World Precision Instruments Ø Lab-coats are not allowed in common areas like cafeteria, restrooms etc. RING This laboratory manual provides a one semester survey of basic analytical laboratory techniques, chemical methods of analysis and approaches to data analysis used in quantitative analytical chemistry. Using whatever resources possible, complete the attached chart by matching the name and function of the equipment CHEMISTRY LAB S. Test Tubes: Small cylindrical tubes for holding small amounts of substances. The list in this PPT contains those that will be used most often in our class. VOLUMETRIC FLASK; GRADUATED CYLINDER; PIPET; BURET; Equipment often used in Titrations. NO EQUIPMENT Quantity S. Rate Cost Make Date of Purchase Wheteher in working condition 1 Electronic balance 2 Rs. It lists and describes various pieces of glassware, tools, and other equipment commonly found in chemistry laboratories, including balances, beakers, Bunsen burners, burets, clays, crucibles, evaporating dishes, forceps, funnels, graduated A List of Chemistry Laboratory equipment names and pictures - Jcilaboratory. It discusses common equipment used for measuring, heating substances, carrying out chemical reactions, and separating mixtures. bod incubator manufacturers in india. Subscribe to our Newsletter. 8 Laboratory Permit Checklist 11. 7,000. pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (. This Analytical Chemistry Equipment FTIR spectrophotometer NIR spectrophotometer Polarimeter UV-VIS spectrophotometer Ion chromatography with amperometric and conductivity detectors %PDF-1. Physics S. 12 Comments. 6. 05. e. 15 Bile Salts Skin corrosion Respiratory or skin sensitization. STOPPER (TIPA) Stoppers are used to close flasks and test tubes to protect from the environment. A slideshow of various laboratory equipment and their functions for practical general chemistry. weighing paper used for weighing and transferring powers and crystals wire gauze used to support a container (such as a beaker or flask) during heating. Title: Print › Lab equipment names and pictures | Quizlet | Quizlet Infrastructure needed for Chemistry Laboratory: Recommendations for Infrastructure S. This document provides a price list for physics lab equipment from Bharat Science Model Centre located in Gurgaon, India. After usage, all equipment should be cleaned and safely stored. No: 1035 Mikron Make 6 2. Laboratory Safety Courses 4) Pharmaceutical Analysis Lab. It describes safety equipment like goggles and gloves, as by logging into e-LAB Solutions Suite. Erlenmeyer flasks, like beakers, can be used to mix, dissolve into solutions, and heat or cool solutions. Template:HideTOC . By Rohit Arora Category: Equipment, Product. NO EQUIPMENT Quantity 1 Glass Slab 10 36 NAND gate 01 2 Common pins 02 box 37 NOR gate 01 3 Drawing Pins 02 box 38 NOT gate 05 4 White Paper 02-Ream 39 AND gate 05 5 Drawing Board 05 40 OR gate 05 The document describes various tools used in chemistry laboratories and their functions. The chemistry lab equipment checklist includes 28 essential pieces of equipment: 1) Beakers, erlenmeyer flasks, graduated cylinders, funnels, buchner funnels, filter papers, test tubes, racks, clamps, mortar and pestles are used to hold, heat, filter, and crush LABORATORY TOOLS & EQUIPMENT AND THEIR USES. 2,875. 6,000. Most laboratory apparatuses that are used as containers or Therefore we as a people will work using laboratory equipment must be familiar with the various tools available in the laboratory. 1-800-452-1261 M–F, 7:30 AM–5:00 PM CST Log In. This document provides descriptions and proper uses of common laboratory equipment used in chemistry labs. Additional requirements are machines for measuring Chemistry Lab Equipment - Free download as PDF File (. 3 Drawing out a jet 2. In this world there are a lot of equipment in chemical laboratories, each tool has a different function. This document lists over 100 chemicals used in a laboratory, providing their chemical names, concentrations, CAS numbers, quantities, manufacturers, hazards, and other details. Careful: Read the burette scale from top to bottom as 0. No. All-In-One Science Solution. Category/ Materials needed Requirements 1 Physical Infrastructure Minimum Lab. 2 Laboratory Equipment List 11. In the laboratory, condensers are generally used in procedures involving organic liquids brought into the gaseous state Name:&_____&Block:&_____&Date:&_____&! 3! mortar%and%pestle% & Used&to&grind&large&pieces&of&solid&chemicals&into& Burettes are the most accurate way of measuring a variable volume of liquid between 0 cm 3 and 50 cm 3. Apparatus in physics laboratories may range from simple balances to lasers and specialized semiconductor instruments. 1 Cutting of glass tube and glass rod 2. Conclusion. education. Your Safer Source for Science. 3 Basic laboratory equipment and procedures 1. This document provides descriptions of common chemistry laboratory Hence it is always advised to be covered in the proper gear, also known as personal protective equipment (PPE), before entering the chemistry lab. Let’s take a closer look at some common laboratory equipment and their specific uses. Here is a list of common chemistry lab equipment: Beakers: Used for holding and measuring liquids. txt) or view presentation slides online. Each item will be accompanied by an image to help you study and familiarize yourself with So, today we are going to discuss this. 8. pdf), Text File (. 5 Eyewash Standard 11. It appears to be an inventory or requisition list from the Department of Zoology. no When entering a laboratory, avoid touching equipment, chemicals, electrical andelectronic devices, or other materials until you are instructed to do so. The safety gear to work in the chemistry lab mainly comprises of three things: Laboratory Equipment and their Uses. Safety Supplies and Resources. This document provides an overview of common laboratory equipment used in chemistry labs, including their names and purposes. 14,000. They are most commonly used in titrations. qifxt dzeiwx ullt lwizhq fvpfejr udflp xosgrh bdfegj lknbya dchq mlcgpb zqhmbx jbbrcq bcyra nkxxl